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09-02 投稿



outdo 发音

英:[a?t'du?]  美:[,a?t'du]

英:  美:

outdo 中文意思翻译



outdo 词性/词形变化,outdo变形

动词第三人称单数: outdoes |动词过去式: outdid |动词过去分词: outdone |动词现在分词: outdoing |

outdo 短语词组

1、outdo oneself ─── 超过自己原来水平, 尽自己最大努力

2、outdo sb in kindness ─── 比某人更仁慈, ─── 比某人更客气

outdo 习惯用语

1、outdo oneself ─── 超过自己原有水平; 尽自己最大的努力

outdo 相似词语短语

1、outdone ─── v.胜过;优于(outdo的过去分词)

2、outro ─── n.结尾部分

3、outdoer ─── 外行

4、outgo ─── n.支出;外出;出口;vt.支出;超过

5、out of ─── 由于;缺乏;自……离开;用……(材料)

6、out to ─── 试图

7、outdoor ─── adj.户外的;露天的;野外的(等于out-of-door)

8、outdoes ─── vt.超过;胜过

9、outadd ─── 超出

outdo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sometimes we will be demoralized, sometimes we will be full of energy, sometimes we willVies for supremacy tries to outdo others seemed to be a combination of contradictions are true appear in the us. ─── 有时候我们会意志消沉,有时候我们会精神抖擞,有时候我们会争强好胜,看似很矛盾的组合却真实地出现在了我们身上。

2、Not only do we have to top what we do year after year, but we're also expected to outdo all the boyfriends and husbands around. ─── 不仅每年要超越前一年,并且还要超过女朋友的好朋友的丈夫和男朋友。

3、The difficulty to accomplish and outdo the tax plan in 2000 is very large. ─── 完成和超额完成2000年税收收入计划难度是很大的。

4、Man's inner world has greatly strengthened tries to outdo others wants with the acquisitive instinct, man's thought to enrich extremely with in advance, this woman might not underestimate the man. ─── 男人的内心世界有着极强的好胜欲与占有欲,男人的思想极其丰富与超前,这个女人千万不可低估了男人。

5、A heavy person can outdo a lighter one in such jobs ─── 干这些活儿,粗壮的人胜过瘦弱的人。

6、Next, the candidates in the Democratic primary tried to outdo each other in their hostility to NAFTA. ─── 接下来,民主党的初选候选人们试图超越他们彼此对北美自由贸易协定的敌意。

7、Wheeljack and Hot Shot had a deep bond and friendly rivalry, each trying to outdo the other's brash antics. ─── 千斤顶和激射有着很深的联系和友好的竞争,他们都想赢对方。

8、In August 2004, Outdo fulfilled a new height, accompanying many mountaineering teams to conquer the 8200-meter Mt.Oyu. ─── 2004年8月,高特攀登新高度,伴随多支登山队经历了最高海拔达8200米的奥友峰等山峰的种种严寒考验。

9、determined to outdo her brother at work and games ─── 决心在工作和体育活动中胜过她的哥哥

10、That LeBron attempted to outdo him later in the week was nothing more than meaningless bravado, which the media ate up hook line and sinker. ─── 詹姆斯试图去战胜他,那只是毫无意义的逞能罢了,而媒体们却完整地大事吹捧。

11、ace someone out)(N. Amer.)outdo someone in a competitive situation. ─── 北美)(在竞争场合)胜过(某人)

12、You are about to outdo yourself, dear Libra, so if you are working on a project, allow yourself free rein. ─── 你正打算要超越你自己,亲爱的天秤,如果你在进行一个项目的话,让自己自由发挥吧。

13、If I keep on practicing, I believe I can outdo my father someday. ─── 我想如果我继续锻炼,总有一天会超过爸爸的。

14、For surpassing the rivals, should firstly outdo itself to perfect all details through the spotting, studying and resolving problems.The market will never be tired, but only the human thoughts will. ─── 亚比高如要超过竞争对手首先要不断超越自己,通过不断地发现问题、思考问题、解决问题,使每个环节、每个细节尽可能完美!

15、to surpass or outdo(another),as in speed,growth,or performance ─── 胜过(另一个)或比(另一个)做得好,如在速度、生长或表现上

16、In July 2004, Outdo officially became the exclusive sports glasses of China Orienteering Team and were used in International Orienteering Contest Sweden 2004. ─── 2004年7月,高特正式成为中国国家定向队唯一专用运动眼镜,出征2004瑞典国际定向越野赛。

17、The effects of psychological balance outdo all health measures. ─── 心理平衡的作用超过所有的“保健“措施。

18、A very open and bright sunlight boy, because tries to outdo others heart, will therefore neglect the friend or family member's feeling frequently. ─── 一个非常开朗的阳光男孩,由于好胜心强,所以常常会忽略身边朋友或亲人的感受。

19、We just generally try to outdo ourselves each time out, and that naturally drives us to improve on all fronts. ─── 我们通常只是试图每次都超越我们自己,而这很自然的使我们在各个方面得到改进。

20、“Rather than extend the existing campaign and try and give it legs, even as we launch a campaign, we've got teams upstairs trying to outdo it and replace it. ─── “并非在现有广告基础上扩展不断尝试为其添枝加叶,即便发布新的广告,我们也组织团队试图作出更优秀的作品替代它。”

21、He was born with that the person he tries to outdo most of the time is himself. ─── 我不喜欢在名人堂里,因为那时候,我的职业生涯早已完全结束了。”

22、People in the same occupation try to outdo each other. ─── 同行们互相排轧。

23、I thought I could outdo everybody in the world in wealth and power, and I amassed in my own treasure-house the money due to my king. ─── 我以为我的财富与权力胜过世界上一切的人,我把我的国王的钱财聚敛在自己的宝库里。

24、We Should Have Determination and Confidence to Outdo the Foreigners in Independent Innovation ─── 自主创新要有超过外国人的决心和信心

25、Or, to be precise, the debate about whether the American model will continue to outdo all comers, or instead be replaced at the top of the economic heap by a rival. ─── 或者说得更确切一些,是否美国实行的资本主义模式是否会技压群雄,或是否在其经济到达繁荣的顶峰之时被其它模式所替代。

26、outdo sb in kindness ─── 比某人更仁慈, 比某人更客气

27、I tried to figure out how I can outdo Mr Blair, but really I cannot - on almost every front. ─── 我曾经尝试去思量如何能超越贝理雅先生,但实在我在差不多每一方面均无法超越他。

28、Here's a secret: Life isn't a competition. It's a journey. If you spend that journey always trying to impress others, to outdo. ─── 这里有一个秘密:生活不是一场竞赛。它是一个旅程。如果你在旅程中只是花时间让别人佩服你和超过。

29、to outdo one's opnent ─── 战胜对手

30、He tries to outdo others, similarly also combative. ─── 他好胜,同样也好斗。

31、It has been their experience that the combined forces of nature and unpredictability of mankind outdo even the most far fetched science fiction many times each year. ─── 每年许多次它是自然界和人的不可预见能力的联合力量经验甚至远超最吸引人的科幻小说。

32、If you spend that journey als trying to impress others, to outdo others, you're wasting your journey. ─── 如果你在途中一直都试图给他人留下深刻印象,超过别人,那你就浪费了这段旅程。

33、It was important for me to outdo them, to feel better than they were. ─── 对我来说重要的是超过他们,感觉比他们更好。

34、During the hot summer, its colorful feathers, gorgeous texture, so his call and said: "Phoenix than I (Phoenix could not outdo me). " ─── 在炎热的夏天时,它的羽毛纹理多彩绚烂,于是自己鸣叫道:“凤凰不如我(凤凰也比不上我)。”

35、My admiration for them at the same time aroused the fight within me, which is ,a person always eager to outdo others. ─── 在对他们羡慕的同时我心中那股好强的斗志被猛烈的激起。

36、Its natural beauty has the potential to outdo Hawaii. ─── 台湾大自然的美貌所具有的潜力胜过夏威夷。

37、It also shows the hypocrisy of the women whose real purpose behind these religious gatherings is to gossip, compare and outdo each other. ─── 它在这些宗教性的集会后面也显示女人的伪善真正的目的,就是说閒话,是互相比较而且超越彼此。

38、she emulously tried to outdo her older sister. ─── 她试图通过竞赛来超过姐姐。

39、outdo one's rival ─── 胜过对手

40、A worry is that politicians' zeal to outdo each other's punitive line on bankers will go too far. ─── 有一种担忧认为,政客们热衷于在施加对银行家的惩罚上胜过彼此的举动可能会过头。

41、Since Mongolians worship their dead and the location of Genghis Khan's grave remains unknown, both Beijing and Tokyo are trying to outdo each another in sanctifying his memory. ─── 因为蒙古人崇拜死者,而成吉思汗的坟冢位置仍然成谜,北京方面和日本都竞相对成吉思汗表示敬意。

42、Or do intelligent women need to understand that there is a limit to how far they can outdo and outshine their husbands? ─── 聪明的女性是否应该懂得在丈夫面前收敛、适可而止?

43、"I'm interested in designing machines that can perform or even outdo human tasks," he said. ─── 他说:"我希望能设计出帮助人类工作,甚至可以超越人类的机器。"

44、If you spend that journey always trying to impress others, to outdo others, you're wasting your journey. ─── 如果你在途中一直都试图给他人留下深刻印象,超过别人,那你就浪费了这段旅程。

45、Still, pick up some newspapers and read their reports on China and many will, as I do, wonder if it is really true that Chinese leaders in Beijing are always trying to undermine or outdo one another. ─── 但是,翻开某些报纸,看看那些关于中国的文章,我相信很多人都会禁不住疑惑起来:北京的那些领导人为什么整天都在勾心斗角和尔虞我诈?

46、Extroversive Character and humour,attach importance to cooperation. Hard work and pay attention to actual effect, outdo oneself. ─── 性格外向开朗,注重协作。塌实肯干注重实效,努力实现自我超越。

47、* USABILITY FANATIC - Your designs both look great and work flawlessly -- but you keep thinking about how to outdo you latest masterpiece: making it simpler, better, have more impact. ─── * 基本的英语使用能力 - 具有英语学习能力,并且期望能够通过在双语环境中工作来提高自己的英语能力。

48、There was growing competition between the President and First Lady, and each would try to outdo the other in little ways ─── 总统和第一夫人之间在小事情上还比来比去,而且越来越厉害,谁都想超过对方。

49、No one, however, could outdo the sparrow tsar, or so you might think. ─── 然而,或许你可能想到了,没有任何人可以胜过“麻雀沙皇”。

50、It is regrettable that the end can no longer outdo Dannila God and destiny early end to their original bright life. ─── 但遗憾的是丹尼拉最终还是敌不过上天和命运早早地结束了自己原本璀璨的人生。

51、Ok, maybe once we are done with the panel we can go outdo something fun. ─── 好主意,小组讨论会结束后我们可以出去玩。

52、Whatever your talent happens to be - to speak, write, persuade, lecture, act, edit, teach, do research, or even tell jokes - on this day you can outdo yourself. ─── 无论你的才华正好是-说话,写字,说服,讲座中,法,编辑,教书,做研究,甚至说笑-这一天,你能战胜自己。

53、“I thought I could outdo everybody in the world in wealth and power, and I amassed in my own treasure-house the money due to my king. ─── 囚徒说,“我以为我拥有财富与权力胜过世界上所有的人,我把属于我国王的钱财聚敛在自己的宝库里。

54、outdo oneself ─── v. 超过自己原来的水平, 尽自己的最大努力

55、Gathered in a scenic spot in the mountains, the participants sing antiphonally, trying to outdo each other.There is a joyous, carefree and lively atmosphere on these occasions. ─── 人们在 风景优美的山野,朝山浪会,对歌酬答,充满了欢悦悠闲的生活情趣。

56、The conferees seemed to be trying to outdo one another in their professions of love for their nation's leader. ─── 参加会议的人似乎都在争先恐后地表达着对自己国家领导人的热爱。

57、"You girls just try to outdo each other," he said. ─── “你们这些女人们只是一个想压倒另一个,”他说。

58、It's a journey. If you spend that journey always trying to impress others, to outdo others, you're wasting your journey. ─── 如果你在旅行中总是试图去影响别人,超越别人,那么你是在浪费你的时间。

59、You always love to be productive, but this month, you will find ways to outdo yourself. ─── 你总是喜欢有收获,但这个月,你会发现如何超越自己。

60、Instead of embracing such positive changes, though, Western nations have tried to outdo each other in criticizing China. ─── 而西方国家却没有利用这一积极机会,而是越位去指责中国。

61、There were messages left on websites from people saying what time they were going to be going down and I think everyone has tried to outdo each other. ─── 有人在网上放出了自己要去排队的时间,我想每个人都不会示弱的。”

62、To outdo or outwit; defeat. ─── 胜过或赢过;击败。

63、On virtually every metric, these countries outspend and outdo all others in supporting the involuntarily unemployed. ─── 不管从哪个标准来看,这几个国家在扶助非自愿离职者上的花费与作为都是胜过其他国家的。

64、Do intelligent women need to understand that there is a limit to how far they can outdo and outshine their husbands? ─── 聪明的女性是否应该懂得收敛、适可而止?

65、Thus, no amount of exertions, hard work, human strength or power could outshine or outdo the will of God for us and we just have to trust in Him and follow His commandments.He is enough. ─── 一个人的思维方式或思想模式必须通过不断评价这些思想,并依照获取具体目标或愿望所需进行相应改变。

66、It seems as if the papers are trying to outdo each other in their ridiculously slanted coverage of all things Chelsea. ─── 看起来报纸之间似乎在竞赛,看谁能更荒唐更偏激的嘲笑讽刺地报道有关切尔西的事情。

67、It is our assumption that, even though our Chinese language is far from perfect, we can outdo Westerners in business with China. ─── 我们的假设是,即使华语讲的结结巴巴,我们在中国市场上总比洋人强。

68、Each new opening ceremony is watched by millions of viewers and seems to outdo the one before it for spectacular entertainment and effect. ─── 每一届奥运会的开幕式都拥有几百万名观众,而且在盛大的娱乐场面及效果方面看上去也都是一届更比一届强。

69、Foreigners have risen to the occasion, engaging in a furious competition to outdo one another in praise of the Middle Kingdom. ─── 外国人踊跃参加这项活动,纷纷希望在这场颂扬中国的激烈角逐中压倒竞争对手。

70、Sometimes small firms can outdo big business when it comes to customer care. ─── 在顾客服务方面,有时小企业可能优于大企业。

71、One day I will outdo myself and make all the others acknowledge me! ─── 总有一天我会有所超越,让大家都认同我!

72、one should not strive to)outdo one's model,leader,mentor in enthusiasm,loyalty,strictness,in adhering to dying customs,etc. ─── 指在维护即将过时的风俗习惯等的热忱、忠心和严格态度方面)(不应力求)超越自己的样板、领导者、良师益友,(不应该想要)比极端分子还极端,比国王还保皇。

73、Too much gimmick has been disguised as art ,just to be novel or to outdo each other in the name of creativity or innovation. ─── 最后,太多的花巧被伪装成艺术,很多人假借创意和革新的名义,希望能够标新立异,出奇制胜。

74、'It was my master,' said the prisoner.'I thought I could outdo everybody in the world in wealth and power, and I amassed in my own treasure-hose the money due to my king. ─── “是我的主人,”囚犯说,“我以为我能拥有盖世的财富与权力,而把国王的钱财聚敛在我的宝库里。

75、He tried to outdo his opponents. ─── 他试图胜其对手。

76、With marriage preparations being hurriedly organized, Tom finds himself ordained the maid of honor, and in a struggle on all levels to outdo the wonderful groom Colin. ─── 在匆忙的婚礼准备过程中,汤姆发现自己被汉娜指定为伴娘,并陷入了一场在所有方面与完美新郎科林的比试当中。

77、Competitive spirit is the desire to outdo running mates. ─── 竞技精神是指渴望胜过对手。

78、Ever tends to outdo itself progressively. ─── 夸张总是容易越夸越大。

79、Now this only Liverpool is his best team - has in each position tries to outdo others, the high quality player, such players only then have finally the counter-ultra score ability and the wish. ─── 现在这只利物浦是他的最佳球队-在每个位置上都有好胜、高品质的球员,这样的球员们才有最后反超比分的能力和意愿。”

80、"Too much gimmick has been disguised as art, just to be novel or to outdo each other in the name of creativity or innovation." ─── 最后,太多的花巧被伪装成艺术,很多人假借创意和革新的名义,希望能够标新立异,出奇制胜。

81、But he needed to outdo himself. ─── 但他需要超越自我。

82、I can no longer outdo the time palmprint, Fanshou for clouds, rain hand to review. ─── 我敌不过时间的掌纹,翻手为云,覆手为雨。

83、(one should not strive to) outdo one's model, leader, mentor in enthusiasm, loyalty, strictness, in adhering to dying customs, etc. ─── (指在维护即将过时的风俗习惯等的热忱、忠心和严格态度方面)(不应力求)超越自己的样板、领导者、良师益友,(不应该想要)比极端分子还极端,比国王还保皇。

84、Children try to outdo each other in rolling colored eggs down grassy slopes, for instance, or they knock the eggs' pointed ends together and the child whose eggs does not shatter gets the broken one, too. ─── 比如,孩子们在长满青草的坡地上滚动彩蛋,比赛看谁的跑的快;或者,他们拿鸡蛋的尖头相互碰撞,谁的鸡蛋不破,便可得到对方破了的鸡蛋。

85、Sometimes small firms can outdo big business when it comes to customer care. ─── 在顾客服务方面,有时小企业可能优于大企业。

86、Is it too much to ask Bynum to outdo Chris Kaman before Bynum starts to get paid like Yao Ming and Pao Gasol? ─── 所以在得到姚明或者加索尔一样待遇之前拜纳姆是不是先要通过卡曼的例子反省总结一下?

87、As the festival draws near,1 shops try to outdo each other in hopes of producing the fanciest2 decorations. ─── 七夕节临近的时候,商家争奇斗胜,希望能生产出最缤纷的装饰。

88、You will meet many people who will try to outdo you, in school, in college, at work. ─── 你会碰到一些人他们老是试图超过你,在中学,大学,在工作中。

89、5. Too much gimmick has been disguised as art, just to be novel or to outdo each other in the name of creativity or innovation. ─── 五、最后,太多的花巧被伪装成艺术,很多人假借创意和革新的名义,希望能够标新立异,出奇制胜。

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