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09-02 投稿


coppers 发音

英:[?k?p?z]  美:[?kɑp?rz]

英:  美:

coppers 中文意思翻译




coppers 常用词组

copper mine ─── 铜矿

copper alloy ─── 铜合金

copper wire ─── 铜线

coppers 短语词组

1、coppers canine assistant crossword clue ─── 警犬助理纵横字谜线索

2、coppers uses ─── 铜的用途

3、cool one's coppers ─── 酒醉后喝水止渴

4、have hot coppers ─── 喝酒后喉咙干燥

5、coppers crossword ─── 铜牌纵横填字游戏

6、coppers conway sc ─── 铜币康威sc

7、coppers cat commune ─── 铜猫公社

8、mini coppers ─── 迷你铜币

9、coppers weakness ─── 铜的弱点

coppers 词性/词形变化,coppers变形

动词第三人称单数: coppers |动词过去分词: coppered |动词过去式: coppered |形容词: coppery |动词现在分词: coppering |

coppers 相似词语短语

1、copperas ─── n.[无化][中医]绿矾

2、compers ─── n.(Comper)人名;(英)康珀

3、choppers ─── n.直升机(chopper的复数);砍者;砍刀;v.乘直升机飞行;用直升机运送(chopper的第三人称单数)

4、croppers ─── n.种植者;农作物;收割机;修剪机;n.(Cropper)人名;(意)克罗珀尔;(英)克罗珀

5、copers ─── n.马贩子

6、Doppers ─── 兴奋剂。

7、boppers ─── n.时髦少女;少女流行音乐迷

8、coopers ─── n.制桶工人,修桶匠;v.箍桶,制桶;n.(Cooper)(英、美、加、澳)库珀(人名)

9、cappers ─── n.封口机;帽商;制造器具的盖子的人;诱饵;装盖的人;托儿;n.(Capper)人名;(英)卡珀

coppers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They will mine copper there in the valley. ─── 他们将在那边的山谷开采铜矿。

2、I saw one with copper hoop here.I didn't buy it. ─── 我这里看到把没有铜箍的,没要。

3、Race the Coppers around London. ─── 和警察比赛跑两圈。

4、Pure Copper Seven Twisted Insulated Conductors. ─── 七支无氧铜卷绕绝缘电感。

5、In ancient times the rulers ran copper or silver into coins. ─── 古时候统治者把铜或银铸成钱币。

6、It was cast completely in pure copper. ─── 全部是用纯铜铸造的。

7、And all can run on copper or fiber-optic cable. ─── 所有这些均可在铜线或光缆上运行。

8、Buying Copper Cathode FOB Or CIF. ─── 信息主题:美国求购铜。

9、Fragrant and fragile twisted dough-strips, two coppers money buys a root. ─── 又香又脆的油条,两个铜钱买一根。"

10、He found in it a copper jar with a lid. ─── 他发现里面有一只有盖的铜坛子。

11、Of, relating to, or containing univalent copper. ─── 一价铜的属于、关于或包含一价铜的

12、Oxidize copper to copper oxide . ─── 使铜氧化变成氧化铜。

13、A copper colossus of their leader stood in the middle of the square. ─── 他们领袖的铜巨像耸立在广场中央。

14、He wore a copper bracelet on his wrist. ─── 他腕上戴着只铜手镯。

15、When he was a child he used to knock around the market, trying to find a little work to earn a few coppers. ─── 他小时候常去市场上瞎转,企图找点小活干,挣几个铜板。

16、I only paid a few coppers for it. ─── 我只花了几个铜板买下这东西。

17、Would you mind giving me the six pence in coppers? ─── 劳驾给我6便士的铜币。

18、Her lovely copper hair shone bright. ─── 她秀美的、红棕色头发闪闪。

19、He polished up an old copper coin. ─── 他擦亮了一枚古铜币。

20、SMOBC: Solder mask over bare copper. ─── 一种阻焊层覆盖裸铜的工艺。

21、Do you know what this copper wand is used for? ─── 你知道这根铜棍是用来做什么的吗?

22、Ornamental copper pans hung on the wall. ─── 墙上挂着装饰性的铜盘。

23、He wanted to plate copper with silver . ─── 他想给铜容器镀银。

24、Nothing like that beer, when the coppers are hot. ─── 喉咙干燥的时候,喝啤酒是最好的。

25、Thin wires easily melt if they are made of copper. ─── 如果用铜制细导线极易熔化。

26、Of or containing divalent copper. ─── 二价铜的,含二价铜的

27、Ning Bo Jin Tian Copper (Group) Co., Ltd. ─── 宁波金田铜业(集团)股份有限公司。

28、Other pure coppers do not have the mechanical strength to be used in plugs. ─── 其它纯铜被使用于插头上,则无此项作用过程强化。

29、Do you know which is heavier copper or silver? ─── 你知道铜和银哪个重?


31、He would “cosmeticize”the opencast copper mine. ─── 他要把这个露天铜矿表面装饰一番。

32、A cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup. ─── 一杯特制的咖啡放在一个铜制的咖啡杯中。

33、When he was a child he used to knock around the market, trying to find a little work to earn a few coppers. ─── 他小时候常去市场上瞎转,企图找点小活干,挣几个铜板。

34、Dodecahedron head with copper solid,so large. ─── 十二面体刀首是实心配重铜件,比较硕大。

35、The boy was so pleased that he leapt away homeward . He told his mother all about this luck. "Where are the coppers? " asked the mother. ─── 阿金快活极了,一路上蹦蹦跳跳地朝家里跑去。他告诉了母亲他的好运气。“铜板呢?”母亲问道。

36、Bring me some water to clear my coppers. ─── 拿点水来让我把食物咽下去。

37、He knew brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. ─── 史蒂夫在课上学会了很多。

38、Pale colours are much more in vogue than autumnal bronzes and coppers. ─── 浅色比秋季的古铜色和紫铜色更为流行。

39、Any of various Asian coins of small denomination, especially a copper and lead coin with a square hole in its center. ─── 亚洲小额货币一种小额的亚洲钱币,尤指中间有一个方孔的铜币和铅币

40、Her hair shone copper in the sunlight. ─── 她的头发在阳光下闪着紫铜色。

41、A human hair is stronger than copper wire of the same thickness. ─── 一根头发比同等粗细的铜丝还要结实。

42、He had only a few coppers in his pocket when he came to Detroit. ─── 他来到底特律时,口袋里只有几枚铜币。

43、He had few coppers in his pocket. ─── 他兜里几乎没有铜板。

44、In the old days, mirror was made of copper. ─── 在过去镜子是由铜做的。

45、He was hammering the sheet of copper flat. ─── 他正把铜片锤平。

46、The copper bus must be used in MCC cabinet. ─── MCC柜内母排应采用铜母排.

47、A cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup . ─── 在一个铜制咖啡杯子中有适量的咖啡。

48、He took on the job of watchman for a little store, and was paid two coppers a night for sleeping on the premises. ─── 他作了小店的照顾主儿。 夜间,有两个铜板,便可以在店中躺下。

49、The copper oxide is reduced in this process. ─── 在此过程中,氧化铜被还原。

50、He took on the job of watchman for a little store, and was paid two coppers a night for sleeping on the premises. ─── 他作了小店的照顾主儿。夜间,有两个铜板,便可以在店中躺下。

51、I'll give you ten coppers for your labor. ─── 我会付给你十个铜板的。”

52、Aluminum, brass, and copper should be avoided. ─── 应该避免使用铝、黄铜和铜。

53、It costs only a few coppers. ─── 它仅仅只价值几个铜币而已。

54、Nanmei Copper Clad Laminate Factory Ltd. ─── 南美覆铜板厂有限公司。

55、All transmission cables shall be copper core. ─── 所有的传输电缆采用铜芯电缆。

56、She gave the beggar a few coppers. ─── 她给了那乞丐几个铜币。

57、He had only a few coppers with him. ─── 他身边只有几枚铜币。

58、We fuse copper and tin to make bronze. ─── 我们把铜和锡熔制成青铜。

59、Exports: diamonds, copper, nickel, soda ash, meat. ─── 出口:钻石,铜,镍,苏打,肉.

60、Shanghai Kangyu Copper Gate Engineering Co., Ltd. ─── 上海康宇铜门设计工程有限公司上海麒硕自动化科技有限公司。

61、The craftsman plated copper with silver. ─── 工匠给铜镀银。

62、Chinese coppers are apparently examining CCTV footage of the death of Danyong which should give them a few clues. ─── 中国警方显然在查看孙丹永死亡时的监控录像,希望能找到一些线索。

63、Have you any coppers in your change? ─── 你的零钱里有铜币吗?

64、The Yida Copper Foils Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ─── 亿达铜箔制造有限公司。

65、We refer to copper and silver as good conductors. ─── 我们认为铜和银是良导体。

66、A copper coin formerly used in India and Pakistan. ─── 安那旧时在印度和巴基斯坦使用的铜币

67、The new boy took two broad coppers out of his pocket and held them out with derision. ─── 新来的男孩从口袋里掏出两个铜板,嘲弄地伸出手来。

68、For whether we are white or copper skinned. ─── 不管我们是白,或是红铜色的肤色,

69、They proved up the copper deposit. ─── 他们探明了铜矿的矿床。

70、We detected minute quantities of copper in the pantry. ─── 我们在岩石标本中发现了微量的铜。

71、He gave the beggar a few coppers. ─── 他给乞丐了几个铜币。

72、The cloud-mussed sky turned a vague copper color. ─── 堆满乌云的天空现出一种混沌的紫铜色。

73、We use aluminum in place of copper. ─── 我们以铝代铜。

74、Any alloy whose principal component is copper. ─── 主要成分是铜的合金。

75、Heating a copper bar will cause it to expand . ─── 加热一根铜棒会使它膨胀。

76、He had only a few coppers in his pocket. ─── 他口袋里只有几枚铜币。

77、Before liberation, he used to knock about the docks, trying to find a little work to earn a few coppers. ─── 解放前,他常常到码头上去设法找点工作,挣几个子儿过活。

78、Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Inc. ─── 世界最大铜管生产商金龙精密铜管公司。

79、"Now take your smoking, for in stance. If you cut that you'd be able to save a few coppers. ─── “就以你吸的烟而论,每天若戒绝了不吸,岂不可省几个铜子。

80、I have had hot coppers this morning. ─── 今天早上我因饮酒过多而口干舌燥。

81、The new boy took two broad coppers out of his pocket and held them out with derision. ─── 新来的男孩果真从衣服口袋里掏出两个分币,嘲弄地摊开手掌。

82、A vein of copper was seen criopping out. ─── 可以看见一条铜矿矿脉露出地面。

83、The coppers came through the door with truncheons swinging, one of them reciting the terms of the warrant through a bullhorn. ─── 警察们从房门口冲进来,挥舞着警棍,其中一人手持扩音器,口述逮捕令的内容。

84、His smoking tea went hissing over the "hot coppers" of that respectable veteran. ─── 他那杯热腾腾的茶,倒进这位可敬的老兵的干燥喉咙里,嘶嘶地作响。

85、The new boy took two broad coppers out of his pocket and held them out with derision. ─── 新来的孩子从口袋里掏出两个大铜板,显出讥讽的神气伸出手来。

86、I only paid a few coppers for it. ─── 我只花了几个铜板买下这东西。

87、When he was a child,he used to knock about the market,trying to find a little work to earn a few coppers. ─── 他小时候常常在市场上荡来荡去,想找点工作,赚几个钢板。

88、Place copper wire at back of radio. ─── 将铜线插在收音机后。

89、They worked a piece of copper into a tray. ─── 他们把一块铜铸成一个盘子。

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