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09-02 投稿


restraint 发音

英:[r??stre?nt]  美:[r??stre?nt]

英:  美:

restraint 中文意思翻译



restraint 常用词组

without restraint ─── 无拘无束地;自由自在地

restraint of trade ─── n. 贸易管制

lateral restraint ─── 侧向约束

restraint 反义词

unrestraint | incitement

restraint 短语词组

without restraint

1. 无拘无束地

She told me without restraint all about her married life.


1、child restraint ( ─── 汽车的)儿童安全带, 儿童安全座椅

2、be held in restraint ─── [法] 受监禁

3、judicial restraint ( ─── 美国)司法节制(最高法院或其他法院不应试图更改符合宪法的法律)

4、be laid under restraint ─── 被监禁, ─── 被送入精神病院

5、passive restraint ─── 被动约束

6、contract in restraint of trade ─── [法] 限制营业契约

7、in restraint of ─── 限制,抑制,拘禁…

8、keep sb under restraint ─── 把某人关入疯人院,拘留某人

9、mechanical restraint ─── [医] 机械约束

10、legal restraint ─── [法] 法律约束, 法律限制

11、mutual restraint ─── [法] 互相牵制

12、prior restraint ─── 事前限制

13、illegal restraint ─── [法] 非法限制

14、head restraint ( ─── 汽车乘员)头部保护装置; 头靠

15、chemical restraint ─── [医] 化学约束

16、restraint of illness and poverty ─── 贫病交加

17、close restraint ─── [经] 严格限制(采油)

18、medicinal restraint ─── [医] 药物约束

19、combination in restraint of trade ─── [经] 限制贸易的联合

restraint 同义词

government | bondage | limitation | continence | abstinence |bond | simpleness | chain | ceiling | self-control | control | check | command | arrest | shackle | bit | captivity | limit | imprisonment | self-possession | prevention | belt | constraint | curb | chasteness | fetter | prohibition | confinement | simplicity

restraint 词性/词形变化,restraint变形


restraint 习惯用语

1、be held in restraint ─── 受监禁

2、place under restraint ─── 关入疯人院; 监禁

3、free from restraint ─── 自由的, 无束缚的

4、be beyond restraint ─── 不能抑制

5、with restraint ─── 以克制态度

6、without restraint ─── 自由地, 无拘束地, 无节制地

7、be under restraint ─── [婉]在精神病院; 在看管下; 被拘禁中

8、in restraint of ─── 限制, 约束

9、keep [put] under restraint ─── 束缚, 抑制

restraint 特殊用法

1、restraint of crystallization ─── 结晶的抑制

2、elastic restraint ─── 弹性约束

3、restraint of loads ─── 负载的约束

4、voltage restraint ─── 电压限制器[阻尼器]

5、wage restraint ─── 制止工资增长

6、sidewise restraint ─── 侧向约束

7、budget restraint ─── 预算限制

8、restraint of princes ─── 政府的扣押

9、credit restraint ─── 信贷节制

10、restraint of trade ─── 贸易限制

11、active restraint ─── 积极限制

12、budgetary restraint ─── 预算费用限制

13、restraint on export and import ─── 限制进出口

14、stock price restraint ─── 股票价格限制

15、voluntary restraint ─── 自愿限制, 自动限制

16、fiscal restraint ─── 财政紧缩

17、relative restraint ─── 相对约束

restraint 相似词语短语

1、distraint ─── n.扣押;扣押财产

2、restring ─── v.给(乐器或球拍)重新装弦;用新线串(珠子等)

3、restrict ─── vt.限制;约束;限定

4、restrain ─── vt.抑制,控制;约束;制止

5、restrains ─── vt.抑制,控制;约束;制止

6、restrainer ─── n.[摄]抑制剂(尤指摄影中用的溴化钾等);限制器;控制者

7、restraints ─── n.限制,禁止(restraint的复数)

8、restrained ─── adj.克制的,受限制的;拘谨的;v.抑制;约束(restrain的过去分词)

9、unrestraint ─── n.放纵;无拘束;无限制

restraint 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The ease of his manner freed me from painful restraint. ─── 他态度随便,我也就不再痛苦地觉着拘束。

2、Still, this form of indirect communication and tacit restraint was slow and chancy. ─── 不过,这种间接信息和暗自抑制的方式,毕竟还是太慢,而且也不太确实。

3、You wouldn't show restraint, when you exercising your great power. ─── 在使用你那强大力量的时候,你不会克制自己。

4、He exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the insults. ─── 他克制住了自己,没去理会种种侮辱。

5、Tolerance and restraint in the face of provocation; patience. ─── 克制面对挑衅时的忍耐和克制;耐心

6、He reminded himself to show restraint. ─── 他提醒自己要有耐心。

7、They behaved with more restraint than I'd expected. ─── 他们表现了比我预想还多的克制。

8、Her anger was beyond restraint. ─── 她怒不可遏。

9、He gave himself up to evil without restraint. ─── 他胡作非为,肆无忌惮。

10、As soon as the restraint put on him by his father is released, he goes wrong. ─── 他父亲对他的管束一放松,他就走邪路。

11、Dr. Kissinger can bear witness that we have exerted extreme restraint since July of last year. ─── 基辛格博士可以作证,去年七月以来我们尽了最大的努力克制自己。

12、What would have happened if we had continued to allow such posters to be put up without restraint? ─── 如果让它漫无限制地搞下去,会出现什么事情?

13、The local authorities are urging residents to show restraint. ─── 地方当局敦促居民表现出克制。

14、People deforest constantly and without restraint. ─── "人们不断地乱砍伐树木"用英语怎么说?

15、He has been free from restraint. ─── 他已脱离约束。

16、Caution: Use restraint when asking this question. No boss wants to repeat himself or herself ad nauseam. ─── 小心一点:问这个问题要克制。任何老板都不愿意总重复自己说过的话。

17、Trusting in the sanity and restraint of Saddam Hussein is not a strategy, and it is not an option. ─── 寄希望于萨达姆 - 侯赛因的理智和节制绝不是办法,绝不可加以考虑。

18、An obvious restraint in the use of isotope ratios results from the need to employ mass spectrometers. ─── 使用同位素比值法有着一个明显的局限因素,就是要用质谱仪进行分析。

19、He showed / exercised considerable restraint in not suing for a divorce. ─── 他极力克制自己, 不提出离婚诉讼.

20、So far as it is reasonably practical he should practice restraint. ─── 如果可能,他应当学习自我约束自己。

21、Historians used zen with a primary sense of "in total defiance of any legal restraint" or "with outrageous disregard of one's proper duty" . ─── 历史学家使用“贼”的最初意义——“挑战任何法律约束”或“蛮横第默示其特有的义务”。

22、Passengers under age 16 regardless of location in the vehicle must be protected by a safety belt or restraint system. ─── 16岁以下必须系安全带,不分座位。

23、Children who had no restraint upon their love, and freely showed it. ─── 孩子们不会克制自己的爱,他们的爱自然地流露出来。

24、Manchester City seems to have unlimited spending restraint and are attempting to have all-star quality at each position - two deep. ─── 曼城看上去没有花费限制并且他们打算在每个位置上都堆积全明星球员。

25、To what ages does the Child Restraint Law apply? ─── 孩童限制法适应几岁以下儿童?

26、Jacket restraint is used if skeletal pin or wire is used. ─── 如果骨胳穿上针或钢丝就要用背心约束。

27、Ask her to lengthen the leash, lest you start seeing her as a restraint to happiness rather than the source of it. ─── 建议他把链条放长一点,免得你把它看做是幸福的一种约束力而非源泉。

28、Its mechanism can be the restraint in PDGF and bFGF expressions. ─── 其机制可能是抑制PDGF、bFGF表达。

29、She threw off all senses of restraint and aired her views with clarity. ─── 他摆脱了拘束的感觉,清楚地陈述了她的意见。

30、He is a man always speaking with restraint. ─── 他是个说话拘谨的人。

31、He was a model of polite restraint. ─── 他是礼貌和自制的表率。

32、Steven Spielberg films are often heavy-handed,but he displays great restraint here. ─── 史提芬·斯皮尔伯格的电影经常是大手笔,但他在这部影片中表现了很大的自我限制。

33、She practiced restraint in her friendships. ─── 她交友十分谨慎

34、The restraint that she imposed upon herself was often intolerable. ─── 她强加于自身的桎梏常常不可忍受。

35、Mrs. Smith cried without restraint. ─── 史密斯夫人无拘无束地大喊。

36、You would show restraint, when you exercising your littleness power. ─── 你会在谨慎地使用自己渺小的力量。

37、If you don't use restraint, you'll be sorry. ─── 今天学的一词组是

38、Given work which demands emotional restraint and control, the family provides a haven for the "release" of feelings. ─── 如果说工作要求约束和控制感情的话,家庭则提供了一个“释放”感情的避风港。

39、She tell me without restraint all about her marry life. ─── 她毫不拘束地向我详述她婚后的生活。

40、Do not take our restraint for a sign of weakness. ─── 不要把我方的克制看做是软弱可欺。

41、The police had to use forcible restraint in order to arrest the suspect. ─── 为了逮捕嫌疑犯警察不得不使用强制手段。

42、Even if it is for their own small point restraint, people will become strong. ─── 哪怕是对自己的一点小的克制,也会使人变得强而有力。

43、You would show restraint, when you exercising your great power. ─── 在使用强大力量的同时,你会表现出克制。

44、Children must use an approved child restraint or adult seat belt. ─── 儿童必须使用经过认可的儿童安全带或成人座椅安全带。

45、Unfortunately, there seems to be little restraint on accompanying guidance as we go about this. ─── 不幸的是,当这样的事情发生时,都没有人跟我们说应当有所克制。

46、His affections were kept under continual restraint. ─── 他的感情一直受到压抑。

47、Back Restraint To Originality From Viewer Value. ─── 受众价值观对创意的反向制约。

48、You boasted against me and spoke against me without restraint, and I heard it. ─── 你们也用口向我夸大,增添与我反对的话,我都听见了。

49、In Eq. (53)it is assumed that there is no restraint to the free warping of the cross sections. ─── 在式(53)中,可假定对截面的自由翘曲没有阻碍。

50、No good would come from a woman with such lack of restraint, let alone tying to win other people's pct. ─── 一个女人这样放肆,是不会得好结果的。 何况还要别人能尊敬我呢。

51、They have been widely commended for their policy of restraint. ─── 他们因他们的限制政策而广受赞赏。

52、Tighten the restraint on and supervision over the use of power. ─── 加强对权力的制约和监督。

53、A little restraint and Kwame Brown. ─── 一些小添头和夸梅布朗。

54、In some structures the cracks arrested in low stress areas served to relieve the restraint condition. ─── 在有些结构中停滞在低应力区的裂纹起着降低约束的作用。

55、She shouted abuse without any restraint. ─── 她破口大骂,毫无忌惮。

56、It senses its power is growing and this leads to a posture of great self- restraint, even passivity and reluctance to rock the boat. ─── 它感觉自己实力在日渐增长,这促使其摆出极大的自我克制、甚至是被动的姿态,不愿改变现状。

57、He spent without restraint and was soon reduced to poverty. ─── 他挥霍无度,家境很快就破落了。

58、Loud, noisy, and lacking in restraint or discipline. ─── 吵闹的,喧闹的喧吵的,喧闹的,缺乏约束和纪律的

59、Single Phase) Time Overcurrent Relay with Voltage Restraint (51/27R) . ─── 单相)低电压闭锁时限过流继电器.

60、Even though the mother was very angry, she acted with restraint and didn't yell at her child. ─── 即使母亲很生气,她仍克制自己没有向孩子大吼。

61、No other major insurer acts with equal restraint. ─── 在同业中再没有其它任何一家保险公司有我们如此高的自制力。

62、China has persistently exercised great restraint in the development of nuclear weapons. ─── 中国在发展核武器问题上一贯持十分克制的态度。

63、They were not ungenerous or mean: they were simply not bred to any restraint. ─── 他们待人心肠好,毫无恶意,但从小就没有养成自制力。

64、However, the wastes can restraint fluidization of the bed materials. ─── 垃圾对床料的流化有抑制作用。

65、You showed great restraint in not crying. ─── 你没有哭表示出你有很强的自制力。

66、I also teaches us restraint and tolerance, two effective means of preventing wayward killing and destruction. ─── 亦教导吾人自制与容忍自制与容忍乃防止任意杀戮和破坏的两条有效途径。

67、As he has not been able to have his way, he has shown some restraint. ─── 他由于没有得手, 有些收敛。

68、Remove head restraint from the bucket seat . ─── 从斗式座椅拆下头部保护装置。

69、The Clayton Antitrust Act tried to define more clearly what was meant by restraint of trade. ─── 克雷顿反托拉斯法对“限制贸易”的含义作出更明确的规定。

70、At this all his self restraint went to the winds. ─── 听到这之后,他完全失去了自制。

71、Pull the adjuster bar from the head restraint. ─── 从头部保护装置拔除调节器条。

72、He exercised uncharacteristic restraint on these topics. ─── 他在这些问题上采取了异常的克制态度。

73、She talked to me without restraint. ─── 她毫无拘束地跟我交谈。

74、Then the feature and restraint of the harmonic waves of HVDC is also studied. ─── 同时也对HVDC系统交直流侧谐波特征及抑制问题进行了研究。

75、His rage was beyond restraint. ─── 他怒不可遏。

76、The significance of the topic had gradually been bound into a singular form of ethics, under restraint of the feudal traditions. ─── 在封建文化的箝制与规约下,其意义日渐框定于伦理一元的单极状态。

77、He showed/exercised considerable restraint in not suing for a divorce. ─── 他极力克制自己,不提出离婚诉讼。

78、They are a people who exercise restraint, they think things through. ─── 他们是一个能克制自己的民族,什么他们都要仔细考虑清楚。

79、They were no longer kept under any restraint and gave vent to their feelings of vexation. ─── 他们已无所顾忌,在发泄牢骚。

80、Therefore then can any restraint, not shackle, but comfortable, trapes. ─── 于是便能不受任何约束,缠缚而自在、消遥。

81、The clove hitch is an extremity restraint. ─── 丁香结是一种四肢约束法。

82、Considerable restraint has been exercised in the compilation of this chapter to keep it from becoming too voluminous. ─── 在这一章的编写中受到了很大的限制,要求篇幅不要太大。

83、She has been saintly in her self-restraint. ─── 她一直似圣徒般能自我克制。

84、They are useful only as a means of restraint. ─── 它们仅在作为控制对手的方法时才是有效的。

85、All front seat occupants are required to be protected by a safety belt or safety restraint system, regardless of age. ─── 前排乘客必须系安全带,不分年龄。

86、If one uses the method with great care and restraint, one will always be able to prove the results obtained. ─── 如果十分谨慎地有约束地使用这个方法,那末所有得到的结果总是可以证明的。

87、Don't mistake our restraint for weakness or something you can take advantage of. ─── 不要把我们的克制当作软弱可欺。

88、She had to bury the tumult of her feeling under the restraint of society. ─── 她得在社交礼貌的约束下,抑制住自己翻腾着的心潮。

89、He exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the insults. ─── 他表现出极大的克制,没去理会种种侮辱。


汽车安全气囊的SRS是“Supplemental Restraint System”的缩写,翻译成中文是“辅助约束系统”。它是一种被广泛使用的被动安全装置,它可以在汽车发生意外撞击时,快速自动充气,形成一个充气袋,将车内乘客增加的前后向撞击力量吸收掉,并在短时间内缓解车辆交通事故对人员造成的损伤。


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