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09-02 投稿



vives 发音

英:[va?vz]  美:[va?vz]

英:  美:

vives 中文意思翻译




vives 短语词组

1、vives a ─── 你住在

2、vives 2 ─── 你住2

3、vives cerca de un parque ─── 你住在公园附近

4、vives meis praesidiis oppressus ─── 你是我的生命,被压迫的,被压迫的。

5、vives cerca ─── 你住在附近

6、act inter vives ─── [法] 生前行为

7、vives in english ─── 英语生活

vives 词性/词形变化,vives变形


vives 相似词语短语

1、jives ─── n.摇摆舞;隐语;vi.跳摇摆舞;哄骗;vt.取笑;演奏;欺骗;adj.假的

2、vivers ─── n.食品,食物(viver的复数)

3、vivres ─── 食物

4、hives ─── n.蜂巢,蜂房(hive的复数);[皮肤]荨麻疹;假膜性喉头炎;v.使(蜜蜂)入蜂箱(hive的第三人称单数);n.(Hives)人名;(匈)希韦什;(英)海夫斯

5、lives ─── 生活,[生物]生命(life的复数);生活;居住(live的三单形式)

6、rives ─── 猛地劈开;劈开石头(rive的第三人称单数);n.(Rives)人名;(英)里夫斯;(法)里夫;(西、俄、瑞典)里韦斯

7、fives ─── n.墙手球(一种类似手球的球戏)

8、gives ─── n.付出;弯曲;内幕消息(give的复数);v.给;产生;规定;面向(give的三单形式);有弹性

9、Dives ─── n.富豪,富翁;n.(英、美、法、加)迪夫(人名)

vives 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、act inter vives ─── [法] 生前行为

2、Vive la rose et le lilas. ─── 万岁玫瑰丁香花。

3、Vive la Difference in the Hotel Rooms ─── 宾馆房间里的差别万岁

4、Vives con tus padres? ─── 你和父母住在一起吗?

5、e non avendo trovato il corpo di lui, son venute dicendo d’aver avuto anche una visione d’angeli, i quali dicono ch’egli vive. ─── 却找不到他的身体。她们回来说看见天使显现,天使说他活了。

6、And, as the French like to say, "Vive la difference!" ─── 正如法国人喜欢说的那样,“差异万岁!”

7、Caption :Vive la France! ─── 描述:法国万岁!

8、le roi est mort, vive la roi ─── 先王驾崩,新王万岁!

9、VIVE LA FRANCE GOGO 40 MEDAILLES VIVE LA CHINE . ─── 法国万岁。40面奖牌加油!中国万岁!

10、Description: Let's sing !!Vive la chine! ─── 在巴黎的中国同胞齐唱国歌迎奥运火炬!

11、IN THIS ARTICLE: Vive la difference, say the French--long live the difference between men and women. ─── 本文简介:差别万岁,法国人说--男女之间的差别万岁。

12、Vives a gusto? ─── 你生活得愉快吗?

13、La mia no a(paterna,materna) vive ancora,ha 90 a i. ─── 我的奶奶(姥姥)还活着,今年九十岁了。

14、Vive or morte volez reveni al homo! ─── 以--ez结尾的祈使式不必出现主语。

15、Hollis G E , Finlayson C M. Ecological change in Mediterranean wetlandA. In : Tomas Vives P , ed. Monitoring Mediterranean Wetlands : ─── 佟凤勤,刘兴土.我国湿地生态系统研究的若干建议.中国湿地研究[M].吉林科学技术出版社,1995:10-14

16、integral of force vive ─── 活力积分

17、18Chi di speranza vive disperato muore. ─── 靠希望活着的人必死于希望。

18、qui vive ─── n. (口令)谁, 哪个

19、My master returned to the blackboard and wrote in large letters "VIVE LA FRANCA" Then he stood against the door. ─── 校长回身在黑板上用大写字母写了“法兰西万岁”,然后他靠在了门上。

20、for they appear to be the same men,till the last instant Augustus Caesar died in a compliment; Livia,coniugii nostri memor,vive et vale. ─── 奥古斯塔斯大帝死时还在赞颂他的皇后: “永别了,里维亚,请你终身不要忘记我们婚后生活底时光”。

21、Donde vives? ─── 你住在哪里?

22、Se dunque un uomo vive molti anni, si rallegri tutti questi anni, e pensi ai giorni delle tenebre, che saran molti; ─── 人无论多长寿,都当乐在其中,不过他要想到黑暗的日子,因为这些日子将会很多;

23、A great progress of Chinese space technology. Vive China!! ─── 中国,出舱,太空,太空行走,神七,神州,神舟

24、En invierno mi abuela viene a vivir unos meses con nosotros.Ella vive en el campo. ─── Somos cuatro en familia(冒号还是不会打)mi padre,mi madre,mi hermana y yo.


26、Donde vive usted? ─── 您住哪里?

27、Non sono l'atto dell'abbigliamento con il vincolo. voi non posso gradirlo con uno la persona che vive insieme dentro? ─── 我不是装矜持.你能够和一个不爱你的人生活在一起吗?

28、ENIGMA 3 joined the ranks of its distinguished predecessors,spurred by the debut single Beyond The Invisible,LE ROI EST MORT,VIVE LE ROI!had already been preordered to the tune of four million units before its release. ─── 《谜3》加入了其杰出先驱的行列。受其首次发行的单曲《冥界之外》的刺激,《国王死了,国王万岁!》尚未发行便已有400万的预订额。

29、chanx vive ─── 氧化钙

30、I think there are (Vive L'Amour) fruit of "children" Gambari outcome Kavalan. ─── 我想有(爱情万岁)果个"小朋友"甘噶结局.

31、Eau Vive (France);and Simavi (Netherlands). ─── EauVive(法国)和Simavi(荷兰)。

32、Some of the men have never done this kind of work before, so you've got to be on the qui vive for any mistakes. ─── 这批人中有几个以前没有做过这类工作,所以你要留神看着,以免出错。


34、Vive la difference. ─── 变化"万岁!

35、The Wenzgasse Vikings from Vienna emerged as the champion of the European Schools Final by beating Spain's Pere Vives Viches 34-25 and will represent Austria in New Orleans. ─── 来自维也纳的温斯加西维京人队以34-25战胜了来自西班牙的佩雷里弗斯维奇队,赢得了欧洲学校决赛的冠军,并且将代表奥地利前往新奥良参赛。

36、Thereupon he turned to the blackboard, took a piece of chalk, and, bearing on with all his might, he wrote in the largest letters he could: “VIVE LA FRANCE!” ─── 这时,他转过身子,拿起一截粉笔,使尽了全身力气,在黑板上尽可能大地写下几个字:“法兰西万岁!”

37、Vive sin fronteras,Viva sans frontiers,live without frontiers, ─── 只有无国界,世界才可能和平吧!

38、The Frenchman asks for a sword and runs himself through muttering his last words, "Vive la France!" ─── 法国人要了一把剑,刺向自己,口中还嘀咕着“法国万岁!”

39、The young girl was never still for a second. She would always be on the qui vive waiting for something new or exciting. ─── 这个小女孩老是不安分。她总是渴望出现一些新鲜事或令人兴奋的玩意。

40、But something chocked him ;he could not finish the sentence .He returned to the blackboard ,took a piece of chalk ,and wrote in the letter ,”VIVE LA FRANCE ” ─── 他的声音哽住了,说不出话来。他回到黑板前,用粉笔写下几个字:“法兰西万岁!”

41、Vives, which claimed women have the right to an education, was dedicated to and commissioned by her. ─── 那几年妇女有权利受教育,致力于和委托她。

42、" The Frenchman says, "I take ze poison." The chief gives him some poison, the Frenchman says, "Vive la France!" ─── 法国人说:“给我毒药,”首领给了他一些毒药,法国人说:“法国万岁”然后喝下毒药。

43、She would always be on the qui vive waiting for something new or exciting. ─── 她总是渴望出现一些新鲜事或令人兴奋的玩意。

44、Vive usted en la ciudad? ─── 您住在这个城市吗?

45、Rally for Gaza in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to protest against Israeli attacks on Gaza and against Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine.'Vive, vive intifada''From... ─── 在加拿大卑诗省温哥华的加萨集会, 抗议以色列袭击加萨, 反对以色列非法佔领巴勒斯坦.

46、A Primary Study in Juan Lvis Vives's Pedagogical Thought ─── 维夫斯教育思想初探

47、for they appear to be the same men, till the last instant Augustus Caesar died in a compliment; Livia, coniugii nostri memor, vive et vale. ─── 奥古斯塔斯大帝死时还在赞颂他的皇后:“永别了,里维亚,请你终身不要忘记我们婚后生活底时光”。

48、The wider the slab, the severer the unevenness of solidification is and vive versa. ─── 铸坯越宽凝固的不均匀性越强,铸坯越窄均匀性越好但角部温度越低;

49、Jean-Pierre Danthine , Francesco Giavazzi , Xavier Vives , Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden. The Future of EuropeanBanking[J]. Center for Economic Research. 1999. ─── 经验曲线在此处指随着银行经验的增加,银行将变得更有效率进而导致成本的降低.

50、She was on the qui vive. ─── 她在戒备着。

51、They heard a manly voice shout:-- "Vive la France! ─── 他们听到一个男子的声音喊道:“法兰西万岁!

52、-?Vives en Madrid? ─── 你住在马德里吗?

53、vive voce vote ─── [法] 口头表决

54、vive Donkey Konga!!!! ─── 我也要打鼓玩儿!!

55、on the qui vive ─── 警戒着时时提防着

56、Thus, without waiting to be marshaled, the soldiers will be constantly on the qui vive; without waiting to be asked, they will do your will; without restrictions, they will be faithful; without giving orders, they can be trusted. ─── 是故其兵不修而戒,不求而得,不约而亲,不令而信。

57、"He returned to the bla.kboard, took a piece of chalk, and wrote in la.ge letters, ""VIVE la.FRANCE.""" ─── 他回到黑板前,拿起一根粉笔,写下几个大字:“法兰西万岁!”

58、Get rid of impurity of water and microorganism vive in the sea, all plastic corrode system. ─── 去除水中杂质和海洋微生物活体。全塑系统耐腐蚀。

59、Now we are asking you to vive us the chance to personally experience a great Olympic. ─── 现在,我们请您给我们一个亲身经历一届伟大的奥运会的机会。

60、"He returned to the blackboard, took a piece of chalk, and wrote in large letters, ""VIVE LA FRANCE.""" ─── 他回到黑板前,拿起一根粉笔,写下几个大字:“法兰西万岁!”

61、Just to make sure that the people were kept on the qui vive, the gendarmes every once in a while held a public execution. ─── 为了镇慑人民,宪兵定期公开处决犯人。

62、Vive le roi ─── 国王万岁!

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