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09-02 投稿



exterminated 发音

英:[?k?st??m?ne?t?d]  美:[?k?st??rm?ne?t?d]

英:  美:

exterminated 中文意思翻译



exterminated 词性/词形变化,exterminated变形

动词第三人称单数: exterminates |动词过去分词: exterminated |形容词: exterminative |动词现在分词: exterminating |动词过去式: exterminated |名词: extermination |

exterminated 相似词语短语

1、extermined ─── vt.消灭(等于exterminate)

2、exterminative ─── adj.灭绝的;根除的

3、exterminate ─── vt.消灭;根除

4、exterminates ─── vt.消灭;根除

5、exterminating ─── v.灭绝,根除;消灭(害虫),杀(虫)(exterminate的现在分词)

6、exterminator ─── n.根除者;(美)灭鼠药;(美)职业的消灭害虫者

7、terminated ─── v.终止;结束;终结(terminate的过去分词);adj.终止的;有限的

8、unterminated ─── adj.[电]无端接的

9、extermination ─── n.消灭;根绝

exterminated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That's because any bacteria that may once have lived on the surface have long since been exterminated by cosmic radiation sleeting through the thin Martian atmosphere. ─── 这是因为早期存在火星表面的细菌可能早就被轻易穿越稀薄的火星大气层的宇宙射线杀死了.

2、The governor of Missouri, Lilburn Boggs, called for them to be “exterminated or driven from the state”. ─── 密苏里州州长LilburnBoggs要求他们自动离开密苏里,否则就驱逐他们出境。

3、Exterminated the trace and shadow in a wink. ─── 在转瞬间消灭了踪影。

4、Boundary was crossed;limit was exterminated in the resounding music. ─── 于是弈棋之手依旧,而以恢弘的废墟之地为大棋盘。

5、If we don't strike soon, there may be not much of an America left to defend. -We're being exterminated. ─── 如果我们不迅速主动出击的话,那么最终的结果将会是能进行防御的美国人将所剩无几。-我们将会被彻底的消灭。

6、“Crystal exterminated the Gautama clan and Good Stars lied and said that all dharmas are empty. ─── 琉璃为诛瞿昙族姓。善星妄说一切法空。

7、This report dwells on hov some species were exterminated because of the polluted environment. ─── 这份报告详述了部分物种如何因为环境污染而灭绝的经过。

8、At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated ─── 与此同时,几种类人猿,象夏弗哈乌森教授所说的那样,也无疑会被弄得精光。

9、The first human inhabitants of North America may not have exterminated the mammoths. The culprit might have been a comet. ─── 北美洲最早的人类可能不是灭绝猛犸象的凶手。真正的罪犯有可能是一颗彗星。

10、he exterminated those redneck hooligans who ran their operation with such a complete lack of imagination. ─── 他再把那些经营业务而毫无创造性的土包子流氓一个一个地消灭了。

11、Rats should be exterminated where found. ─── 老鼠一经发现,应就地消灭。

12、If everybody in London, New York, and Moscow were exterminated, the world might, in the course of a few centuries, recover from the blow. ─── 假如化敦人、纽约人和莫斯科人都灭绝了,世界可能要经过几个世纪才能从这场灾难中恢复过来。

13、However, if the right of mortgage or leasehold is exterminated pursuant to a court decision, only the obligor of the mortgage or leasehold may apply for such deletion of registration. ─── 但抵押权或租赁权依法院裁判消灭者,得仅由抵押权或租赁义务人申请注销之。

14、While Most people regarded locusts was the visitation of Providence which only by moral buildings can it be driven out in Tang dynasty,Yao Chong successsively exterminated locusts. ─── 姚崇灭蝗是唐代一次成功的灭蝗运动,但却是一个个案。大部分唐人认为蝗是天灾,应修德以禳灾。

15、Entire peoples were exterminated in the concentration camps. ─── 在集中营整个民族被迫害而灭亡。

16、Experts still determined the bacterial death rate on cupreous handle had a test, the bacterium on result brass is in 7 hours or be exterminated entirely inside shorter time; ─── 专家们还测定了铜把手上的细菌死亡速度进行了测试,结果黄铜上的细菌在7小时或更短的时间内全部被杀灭;

17、Some people have heard rumours that every dog taller than 35 centimetres will be exterminated before the Beijing Olympics in 2008. ─── 某些人听说谣言每条狗更高比35厘米在北京奥林匹克之前在2008年内将被灭绝。

18、I most recent several days from the newspaper saw to the report said had very many biology already to exterminate, moreover exterminated the speed also to speed up! ─── 我前几天从报纸上看到报道说有很多种生物已经灭绝了,而且灭绝速度还在加快!

19、Once regarded as big money spinners to resurrect the television industry, a multitude of pay TV companies have been exterminated by the fierce competition. ─── 付费电视公司曾经一度被誉为能使电视业恢复青春的印钞机,但无数这样的公司已被激烈的竞争消灭。

20、Gray wolves were exterminated in New England by the 1840s. By the 1930s, they had been eliminated throughout the United States. ─── 早在1840年,灰狼在新英格兰就灭绝掉了,到1930年,它们就已经从整个北美消失掉了,

21、But as the big woods of the Mississippi Delta were chopped down, the woodpecker-with its distinctive tooting call and double knock-was slowly exterminated. ─── 但随着密西西比三角洲的森林被砍伐殆尽,这种能制造出独特的“嘟嘟,嘟嘟”啄木声的啄木鸟已经渐渐灭绝了。

22、tear the weed out by the roots, so that it can never grow again; A weed must be exterminated by the roots, or it grows again in spring.; If the roots are removed, the grass will not come up again. ─── 斩草除根, 逢春不发

23、3 lt later became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease, so that the rabbit population was unlikely to be completely exterminated. ─── 后来,明显看出,兔子对这种疾病已产生了一定程度的免疫力,所以兔子不可能被完全消灭。

24、12.No marriage of theater and cinematography without both being exterminated. ─── 舞台与电影结合只会把两者都毁灭。

25、If it could have been exterminated, it would have perished from off the earth long ago. ─── 若这真理禁不住时间的考验,福音早在几世纪前就从地球上消失了。

26、If everybody in London, New York, and Moscow were exterminated, the world might, in the course of a few centuries, recover from the blow. ─── 如果仅仅是伦敦、纽约和莫斯科的人被杀害,这个世界在几个世纪之后,会慢慢从此种打击中恢复。

27、"ierced, sabred, exterminated, slashed, hacked in pieces! ─── “被子弹打穿,被刀刺,割断喉头,毁灭,被撕碎,切成碎块!

28、Yangzi 荣问: The bandits have all exterminated? ─── 扬子荣问:土匪都剿灭了吗?

29、Several wallaby species have been exterminated, and several others are endangered. ─── 有些种已灭绝或濒于灭绝。

30、By 1941 the files in Eichmann's headquarters contained the order for the “Final Solution”: the Jewish population was to be physically exterminated. ─── 1941年,艾希曼指挥部里的文件已经收到“最后方案”:彻底从肉体上消灭犹太人。

31、Think of it. And there was grave concern that religion would be exterminated by Freudian Psychoanalysis. ─── 想一想,佛洛依德的心理分析学会灭绝宗教,这引起了极大关注。

32、This golden age ended too soon, however, as the Old Ones were exterminated or driven away by things from the Aethyr: the daemons warhammer online gold of Chaos and Ruinous Powers native to that Realm. ─── 不信你问问你自己一个月花多少钱在打电话上面,里面有多少是打给家里的。都是给同学,男友,女友打的多,相比之下,亲情是唯一可能付出大于产出的。

33、so that if all here below were exterminated by cats,, she could easily restore our extinguished race by means of bats. ─── 老鼠说:“她给我们这个种族中一半的成员安上了翅膀。

34、If treasures other birds to elect for the national bird, if which day exterminated how has managed? ─── 要是把其他珍惜鸟类选为国鸟,万一哪天灭绝了怎么办?

35、Since they are not natural creatures they should be exterminated forthwith as the tools of evil they are. ─── 它们不是自然物种,所以应该当作罪恶的工具给消灭掉。

36、The members of a Catharist religious sect of southern France in the12th and13th centuries, exterminated for heresy during the Inquisition. ─── 清洁教教徒,阿尔比派12世纪和13世纪法国南部的清教徒教派成员,在中世纪宗教法庭活动期间作为异教派而遭到根除

37、I would rather become a tyrant or an enlightened king so that I could kill off all my subjects, among them my respected elders, teachers and friends, and have the flunkey species exterminated once for all. ─── 我将变成一个暴君,或者反而是明君:我将把我的臣民一齐杀死,连同尊长和师友,不准一个奴种留在人间。

38、Of course, that might just mean that the Clovis people had not quite exterminated bison before they, themselves, disappeared. ─── 当然,这可能仅仅意味着克洛维斯人在他们自己灭绝之前并没有完全猎杀完美洲野牛。

39、Of course, that might just mean that the Clovis people had not quite exterminated bison before they, themselves, disappeared. ─── 当然,这可能仅仅意味着克洛维斯人在他们自己灭绝之前并没有完全猎杀完美洲野牛。

40、Even so, opponents of the change contend that the wolf is unique among recovered species: it is the only one that was deliberately exterminated. ─── 即便如此,反对者仍旧争辩:灰狼与其他数量已回复的动物不同,牠们是唯一被蓄意消灭的物种。

41、It later became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease, so that the rabbit population was unlikely to be completely exterminated. ─── 后来,明显看出,兔子对这种疾病已产生了一定程度的免疫力,所以兔子不可能被完全消灭。

42、3 It Incarnated In Simple Mortals, That Humanity Might Be Benefitted And Evil Thoughts Exterminated Thereby. ─── 它化身成普通的凡人,使得人类会得益,邪恶的思想因此而被消除。

43、Without struggle, these progressive forces would be exterminated by the die-hard forces, the united front would cease to exist, there would be nothing to hinder the die-hards from capitulating to the enemy, and civil war would break out. ─── 如果没有斗争,进步势力就会被顽固势力消灭,统一战线就不能存在,顽固派对敌投降就会没有阻力,内战也就会发生了。

44、It should not be exterminated with forces which will shortly be available. ─── 如果不久即能调来军队,它则不会被消灭。

45、The humans have ignored our warnings, and for that they must be exterminated. ─── 人类毫不理会我们的警告,因而唯有消灭他们。

46、The sword of the warriors, the most terrible among the nations will destroy your numerous people. They will shatter the pride of Egypt and your multitudes will be exterminated. ─── 他们必要破坏埃及的光华,消灭她的民众。

47、No medical sewage or industrial waste water carrying infectious pathogens may be discharged into the sea before it has been properly treated and strictly sterilized, with the pathogens therein exterminated. ─── 含传染病原体的医疗污水和工业废水,必须经过处理和严格消毒,消灭病原体后,方能排入海域。

48、1.However, his opponent, out of a sensitive alert of the conflict between the way of "public sphere" and ideology, exterminated this heretic bloc by a charge of "sectarianism". ─── 出于对“公共领域”与意识形态方式冲突的警惕,批判者以“宗派主义”的罪名将“胡风集团”这一“异端”剿灭。

49、The early Indiana person deer foot pointed cone's discovery had proven here once had the rich life, some exterminated, but is left over evolved present. ─── 早期印第安纳人鹿脚尖锥的发现证明了这里曾经有丰富的生命,其中一些灭绝了,但剩下的演化到了现在。

50、The insects can be exterminated by spraying DDT. ─── 兔群不可能彻底消灭。

51、A nomadic group in the plain has been exterminated by a band of foreigners. ─── 草原上的一支游牧民族被一帮外族人夷灭了。

52、Eugenics is a new term for an old phenomena which asserts that Indian people should be exterminated because they are an inferior race of people. ─── 优生论是一个对古老现象的新术语,它断言印第安人应该被灭绝因为他们是次等民族。

53、Past, at the time that alarm clock ring, I usually have the trouble which clapped to continue again to sleep it, but after I at alarm clock flank put three rat to clip, my trouble exterminated. ─── 过去,闹钟响的时候,我常常有把它拍了再继续睡的毛病,但是自从我在闹钟旁边放了三个老鼠夹之后,我的毛病就根除了。

54、Fur seals were nearly exterminated a few years ago. ─── 海狗几年前已几乎灭绝。

55、At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. ─── 与此同时,几种类人猿,象夏弗哈乌森教授所说的那样,也无疑会被弄得精光。

56、I understand your needs and I know the posts must be exterminated and the bridge covered while you do your work. ─── 我懂得你的需要,我知道在你执行任务的时候必须拔掉哨所,掩护桥头。

57、he was radiant, he exterminated, he smiled, and there was an incontestable grandeur in this monstrous Saint Michael. ─── 过后她就要去领第一次圣礼。呀!真的!她应当几时去领她的第一次圣礼呢?”

58、"The common emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae, family Dromaiidae), the only survivor of several forms exterminated by settlers, has a stout Body and long legs." ─── 鸸(Dromaius novaehollandiae或Dromiceius novaehollandiae)是由殖民者所造成的几个绝灭类型中唯一的幸存者,体健壮,腿长。

59、would be exterminated by the die-hard forces, the united front would cease to exist, there would be nothing to hinder the die-hards from capitulating to the enemy, and civil war would break out. ─── 如不同顽固派作坚决的斗争,并收到确实的成效,就不能抵抗顽固派的压迫,也不能消释中间派的怀疑,进步势力就无从发展。

60、Andalso they exterminated, they literally shot several hundred nuns, whose only crime was that they were catholic nuns. ─── 同时,他们还枪毙了几百名修女,罪名则是信仰天主教。

61、It was exterminated root and branch. ─── 它被彻底剪除了。

62、totally exterminated ─── 灭绝净尽

63、They deposed, exterminated and deprived him of communion. ─── 他们罢免、消除和褫夺他的教派。

64、In the story of Beowulf, the Danes are being exterminated by a terrible monster called Grendel. ─── 在贝奥武夫的故事里,丹麦正在被一个可怕的怪兽控制着,他叫做格兰戴尔。

65、The humans have ignored our warnings, and for that they must be exterminated. ─── 人类毫不理会我们的警告,因而唯有消灭他们。

66、Even Egypt, whose help is vain and empty Therefore, I have called her "Rahab who has been exterminated." ─── 埃及的帮助是徒然无益的.所以我称他为坐而不动的拉哈伯。

67、And gentile Poles are typically imagined to have rejoiced, collaborated or simply stood by as their Jewish compatriots were exterminated. ─── 非犹太人波兰人通常被人们认为喜欢幸灾乐祸,同纳粹沆瀣一气,或在他们的犹太同胞被大规模消灭时袖手旁观。

68、There are so many players waiting, Zhen-Gang exterminated in one fell swoop can be successful? ─── 有这么多玩家的等待,剿灭罡震是否能一举成功呢?

69、17-10. It later became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease, so that the rabbit population was unlikely to be completely exterminated. ─── 后来人们明显看出兔子对这种疾病已产生了一定程度的免疫力,所以兔子不可能彻底灭绝。

70、It later became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease, so that the rabbit population was unlikely to be completely exterminated. ─── 后来,明显看出,兔子对这种疾病已产生了一定程度的免疫力,所以兔子不可能被完全消灭。

71、Trees that were wind-pollinated also seem to have survived better, because they could prosper even if pollinating insects and other animals were exterminated. ─── 风媒树种似乎也存活得较好,因为即使授粉昆虫与其他动物消失了,它们还是可以成功授粉。

72、In 1898, after 400 years of colonial rule that saw the indigenous population nearly exterminated and African slave labor introduced, ─── 1898年,经过400余年的殖民统治之后,岛上原住居民几乎被消灭殆尽,殖民主义者开始从非洲引入黑奴。

73、The first human inhabitants of North America may not have exterminated the mammoths. The culprit might have been a comet. ─── 北美洲最早的人类可能不是灭绝猛犸象的凶手。真正的罪犯有可能是一颗彗星。

74、Khan, Tamerlans in the fury of conquest exterminated all who resisted them. ─── 成吉思汗,塔马兰在狂热的开疆拓土中消灭了所有反抗他们的人。

75、7. However, his opponent, out of a sensitive alert of the conflict between the way of "public sphere" and ideology, exterminated this heretic bloc by a charge of "sectarianism". ─── 出于对“公共领域”与意识形态方式冲突的警惕,批判者以“宗派主义”的罪名将“胡风集团”这一“异端”剿灭。收藏指正

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