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09-02 投稿


exorcism 发音

英:[?eks??rs?z?m]  美:[?eks??s?z?m]

英:  美:

exorcism 中文意思翻译



exorcism 网络释义

n. 驱魔;驱邪;用魔法召鬼魂

exorcism 词性/词形变化,exorcism变形


exorcism 短语词组

1、exorcism in canada ─── 加拿大的驱魔

2、exorcism of god ─── 上帝的驱魔

3、exorcism chant ─── 驱魔圣歌

4、exorcism transport ─── 驱魔运输

5、exorcism movies list ─── 驱魔电影列表

6、exorcism prayer ─── 驱魔祈祷

7、exorcism of emily rose ─── [电影]驱魔

8、exorcism spell ─── 驱魔咒语

9、exorcism movie ─── 驱魔电影

10、exorcism movies 2018 2018 ─── 驱魔电影

11、exorcism division ─── 驱魔师

12、exorcism cyberdiva ─── 驱魔网络天后

13、exorcism of evil ─── 驱邪

14、exorcism courses china ─── 中国驱魔课程

exorcism 相似词语短语

1、exorcists ─── n.驱魔的人;召魂者

2、exorcised ─── (用祈祷等)驱除(恶魔)(exorcize的过去式和过去分词)

3、exorcize ─── vt.除怪,驱邪

4、exorcises ─── vt.驱邪;除怪

5、exorciser ─── 驱魔者

6、exorcist ─── n.驱魔的人;召魂者

7、exoticism ─── n.异国情调;异国风味;洋派

8、exorcise ─── vt.驱邪;除怪

9、exorcisms ─── n.驱魔;驱邪;用魔法召鬼魂

exorcism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Are "very willing to exorcism to the other side", the happiness index of 55 per cent: this is very simple types of people are very good, as long as he likes on the other side will feel super-happy. ─── 属于“煞到对方很甘愿型”,目前的幸福指数55%:这类型的人很单纯也很善良,他只要喜欢上对方就会觉得自己超幸福。

2、Master Bao places the exorcism cloth onto the infected area. ─── 包师父用工具抹着撒死尸水的地方。

3、for who should and should not be trained on conducting exorcism, ─── 谁该接受驱魔训练,谁不该接受驱魔训练。

4、Zhang Daoling, the founder of the religious Daoism, is also named as the Heavenly Master of Exorcism and Apologetics. ─── 张天师即道教的创始人张道陵,又称降魔护道天师。

5、Now only applies to melee critical hits, but will make your next Flash of Light or Exorcism instant. ─── 现在只适用于混战关键安打,但会使您下次闪光或跳大神即时。

6、"The effect of Exorcism stops if you die in combat: Invest in items that improve your survivability, such as a Bloodstone or a Heart of Tarrasque." ─── "当你阵亡时,驱使恶灵的效果也停止了。购买那些提升你生存能力的装备,例如血精石和魔龙之心。"

7、Worse yet, though rare, other families drive out the creature through 37)exorcism , banishment, abandonment, murder. ─── 更惨的是,尽管很少见,但确实有一些人家通过驱魔、驱赶、抛弃等方式把换生灵赶出去,或者杀害他们。

8、While the practice is rare, the Vatican is now sponsoring an exorcism class for priests. ─── 虽然驱鬼术很少见,但梵蒂冈正在给神父们上驱鬼术课程。

9、The description of Jesus' authoritative teaching is linked with an exorcism (1.21-28). Why? ─── 描述耶稣带有权柄的教导时与赶鬼连接一起(1.21-28).为什麽?

10、Functions and Cultural Meanings of Chicken in Chinese Exorcism ─── 鸡在行傩活动中的作用与文化意义

11、The Exorcism of Emily Rose。 ─── 艾米丽 罗斯驱魔案。

12、for conducting the exorcism of a demon from a child. ─── 把魔鬼从孩子身上驱除出去。

13、This is why , yak bone accessories will also be considered as the role of Exorcism and of seeking happiness. ─── 正因如此,所以牦牛骨制作的饰品,也会被他们认为有辟邪求福的作用。

14、Spirit: The Arcanum that governs exorcism, the Gauntlet, the Shadow Realm, soul retrieval and spirits. ─── 空间:主宰召唤、探知、交感、传送和结界的奥秘。

15、It is generally assumed that this phrase refers to a species of exorcism on Jesus' part, implying the Magdalene was possessed. ─── 一般地是假定这个短语是引用于耶稣的一个驱魔情节,暗示了抹大拉是着魔的。

16、Match the performance of the content of the play based on the history of multi-story and the story of Shinto.si shen performing exorcism as "God-hi" and "off the drought with great courage. ─── 赛戏表现的内容多取材于历史故事和神道故事。祀神驱鬼的表演为“喜神”和“斩旱魃”。

17、A puppet performed exorcism is a complicated affair. Of charms alone, more than ten kinds are needed. ─── 傀儡出煞仪式繁琐,单是各式符箓就要十几种。

18、Reduces the mana cost of Consecration and Cleanse by 5(10?)%, and increases the critical strike chance of Holy Wrath and Exorcism by 10(20? ─── 净化之力(1/2),第六层:减少清洁和奉献的5(10%)耗魔,增加圣怒和避邪的致命率10(20%)

19、Birch often think of the introduction of exorcism, but in practical application, its leaf juice is an excellent oral wounds of the mouthwash. ─── 桦木常引入联想到驱魔,但在实际的应用上,其叶汁乃是口腔伤口绝佳的漱口液。

20、If it's for exorcism,call it talisman. ─── 如用于呼风唤雨,驱鬼捉妖,就叫法器好了。

21、Glyph of Exorcism - Your Exorcism also interrupts spellcasting for 0 sec. ─── 驱邪术雕文-你的驱邪术同时可以打断目标施法。

22、Salt is used in the third item (which includes an Exorcism) of the Celtic Consecration (cf.Gallican rite) that is employed in the consecration of a church. ─── 也是凯尔特人祭祀时的第三物品(包括驱魔--{哈哈终于出现了})和教堂祭祀时的物品。

23、There's no need: Cover versions of Dylan songs occupy the movie like angels and demons doing battle at an exorcism. ─── 完全没有必要:各种各样的迪伦式歌曲填满电影就像是驱除邪魔的时候天使和魔鬼的斗争。

24、Yet both tales involve both failed and successful quests for substitutes, and both encounters are resolved by avoidance rather than exorcism, suggesting that dark historical memories still linger. ─── 然而两个故事涉及到失败与成功的寻找替身,双方的遭遇者通过避离而不是驱除的方式进行解决,这表明黑暗的历史记忆仍在闲荡。

25、Nanfeng exorcism dance has no any song lyrics.The entire performance process depends on completely the bodylanguage to express implication. ─── 南丰傩舞没有任何唱词,整个表演过程完全靠肢体语言表达寓意。

26、CASEY : Without your little exorcism book? Hey, go ahead. ─── 不用你的小趋魔书?呵,你尽管试试看。

27、A Ritual Winter Exorcism in Niandouhu Village, Qinghai ─── 青海年都乎村的冬季驱邪仪式

28、Later, it has also been found in Buddhist or Taoist chiao rituals and exorcism. ─── 三是从人类学观点研究目连戏做为一种仪式的意义和功能。

29、Sanctified Seals: Renamed Sanctity of Battle. Now also increases damage done by Exorcism and Crusader Strike by 5/10/15%. ─── 圣洁惩戒:现在在你打开任何光环时都可以享受到这个天赋的效果.

30、Their motive, according to the author of Luke was that of gratitude for deliverances he had wrought for them: Luke tells that out of Mary were cast seven demons, in an exorcism. ─── 她们的动机,依照路加福音的作者所说,是以感谢的心情来释放他对她们所做的工作:路加在一次驱魔中提及到,外面的玛丽亚被掷入七个魔鬼中。

31、The gleesome noise died before this rough exorcism. ─── 在这种粗暴的驱魔仪式之前,欢乐的声音消失了。

32、As important Chinese ancient culture relics, Exorcism Numismatics has abundant culture connotations that involve politics, economy, religions and folk customs of Chinese ancient society. ─── 厌胜钱是我国汉唐以来一类重要的古代文化遗物,文化内涵十分丰富,涉及到我国古代社会的政治、经济、宗教、民俗等诸多方面。

33、Like the snappy little exorcism spell. And they show me where the demons are going to be before it happens. ─── 像是那个好用的小小驱魔咒语。它们还会在恶魔出现之前,告诉我恶魔所在的位置。

34、Exorcism this spell now causes damage to all types of enemy targets.However, it always critical strikes undead or demon targets. ─── 驱邪术可以施放给任何种类的目标,但是,只有亡灵和恶魔的爆击几率会更大。

35、Symbolic Control and Exorcism in Folk Narrative ─── 民间叙事中的符号控制与驱病避邪

36、Without your little exorcism book? Hey, go ahead. ─── 不用你的小趋魔书?呵,你儘管试试看。

37、Similarly, a cowboy hat that sunscreen can also cool is Yingzi exorcism. ─── 同样,一顶牛仔帽即可以防晒,又显得英姿煞爽。

38、The Exorcism Culture is the senior stage of the developing Wizard Culture; ─── 巫文化是人们在万物有灵观念、鬼神观念、图腾观念支配下的活动方式及其成果。

39、Exorcism: Can no longer be used on player-controlled creatures. ─── 驱邪不对宠物造成伤害了我们在大陆= =!

40、Analysis of Exorcism in Chinese Marriage Customs ─── 民间婚嫁习俗中的辟邪现象分析

41、Bishop's diary said that after those words were spoken, the most violent contortions of the exorcism began. ─── 当小男孩说出些话以后,他的身体开始扭动,当扭动停止的时候,小男孩坐起来说:“他(恶魔)走了。”

42、We don't think this is a gigantic problem given that we've already said we plan to redesign how Exorcism works. ─── 我不认为这是个很大的问题,反正我们早就想修改驱邪的机制。

43、We are considering making Exorcism not work against players or pets for 3.1.2. ─── 翻译:我们决定在3.1.2中驱邪术不再作用在玩家或宠物上。

44、Both Exorcism and Holy Wrath will be usable on Demon targets in addition to Undead targets. ─── 驱邪术和神圣愤怒将增加对恶魔有效。

45、Exorcism can now be cast on any target. ─── 驱邪可以作用在任何目标上。

46、Thank God, otherwise this exorcism ritual between a child and a canine would have been really weird. ─── 谢天谢地,否则这场小孩和狗之间的驱魔仪式真是不可思议。

47、Specific incantations had to be uttered in exorcism. '1. ─── 驱邪中必须念诵特别的咒语。

48、A Romanian priest has been jailed for 14 years for conducting an exorcism that led to the death of a nun who he believed was possessed by devils. ─── 罗马尼亚一名神父因为主持驱魔仪式时,导致一名他认为被妖魔附身的修女丧命,而被判刑14年。

49、SUI-TANG:Master of exorcism ─── 咒禁师

50、There is a custom in India is incredible, this custom is the "buried alive" for children to exorcism. ─── 印度当地有一个习俗非常不可思议,这个习俗就是用“活埋”儿童来驱魔。

51、German woman lost more than 5,000 euros ($6,000) after a would-be soothsayer convinced her she was possessed by evil spirits and prescribed an expensive exorcism as a remedy, authorities said. ─── 一名德国妇女在一名冒牌预言家说服她已被妖魔鬼怪附身、并且为她进行昂贵的驱魔仪式以便避邪后,损失超过五千欧元(六千美元),当局表示。

52、Purifying Power: Now reduces the cooldowns of Exorcism and Holy Wrath by 17/33% instead of increasing critical strike chance. ─── 净化之力:现在降低驱邪和神圣愤怒的冷却时间17/33%而不再增加其爆击率.

53、The exorcism was broadcast on television. ─── 电视上播出了驱魔。

54、Exorcism among in Chinese Folk Culture ─── 中国民间辟邪文化探幽

55、Gay rights advocates are outraged by an apparent exorcism of a teen boy.- ABC News ... ─── 影片来源: ABC News. 请告诉我们你为什麽不喜欢这个影片: ...

56、That's when I do exorcism. ─── 那时候我才驱魔。

57、For Mendoza, whom I met in a bar in La Candelaria, the novel was an exorcism. ─── 我在烛台区的一家酒吧遇见门多萨,对他而言,这部小说是一个驱魔。

58、exorcism dance ─── 傩舞

59、the ceremony of exorcism ─── 巫医仪式

60、Their older brother Kai, a priest who studied exorcism abroad, becomes their guardian, and Setsu and Souwa are forced to take over the family business of dealing with spirits. ─── 由于家长突然出走,导致他们愉快的高中生活发生转变,不得不继承家业!

61、Leigh Scott Exorcism: The Possession of Gail Bowers, movie Exorcism: The Possession of Gail Bowers, Rick Walker Exorcism: The Possession of Gail Bowers. ─── 云魔洞坐落在海拔800米的山腰处坐北朝南,背风向阳,因在夏季常有云雾升起并有白云摩崖相过而得其名。

62、exorcism of a vampire," Borrini told Reuters by telephone. "This helps ... ─── 罗马(路透社)---意大利研究人员称他们在威尼斯找到了“女吸血鬼”的残骸,

63、Although the Bun Festival is like carnival blended with exorcism, triad links maybe continued. ─── 虽然打醮成为了嘉年华会结合普渡的 活动,但黑社会仍然持续参与。

64、The nineteen years old Catholic college girl Emily Rose (Jennifer Carpenter) dies a couple of days after being submitted to an exorcism carried out by her parish priest, Father Moore (Tom Wilkinson). ─── 神父(汤韦坚逊饰演)为受尽邪魔愚弄的大学生艾美莉(珍妮花加芬达饰演)进行驱魔仪式后,艾美莉的生命竟然结束。

65、Positive Influence of Nanfeng Exorcism Dance on Traveling Populace ─── 南丰傩舞对旅游民众的积极影响

66、Reduces the mana cost of Consecration and Cleanse by 5(10?), and increases the critical strike chance of Holy Wrath and Exorcism by 10(20? ─── 净化之力(1/2),第六层:减少清洁和奉献的5(10)耗魔,增加圣怒和避邪的致命率10(20)

67、McKinney denied the ritual was an exorcism, describing it instead as a casting out of spirits. ─── McKinney否认该仪式是驱邪,而把它描述为驱逐幽灵。

68、For Mendoza, whom I met in a bar in La Candelaria, the novel was an exorcism. ─── 我在烛台区的一家酒吧遇见门多萨,对他而言,这部小说是一个驱魔。

69、What an excellent day for an exorcism. ─── 真是做法驱魔的好日子。

70、The author thinks god face desin appeared in Liangzhu culture should be Jade exorcism mask which is the earliest Qi Tou picture,not the real wizard's face. ─── 良渚文化“神微”图案中的“神面纹”经考应为“傩面” ,即最古的?头画 ,并非巫?之真面目。

71、She was tied up for several days without food or water and chained to a cross during an exorcism ritual led by Daniel Petru Corogeanu, 31, the priest at the convent, and four other nuns. ─── 她在一场由该修女团31岁神父科诺基奴及另外4名修女主持的驱魔仪式中,被困绑数天,期间没进食,也没水喝,还被拴在十字架上。

72、SUI-TANG:Erudite for exorcism ─── 咒禁博士

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