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09-02 投稿



dachshund 发音

英:[?dɑ?ksh?nd]  美:[?d?ksnd]

英:  美:

dachshund 中文意思翻译



dachshund 网络释义

n. 达克斯猎狗(一种短腿长身的德国种猎犬)

dachshund 短语词组

1、dachshund gifts ─── 腊肠礼物

2、dachshund puppies for sale ─── 腊肠小狗出售

3、brindle dachshund ─── 斑纹腊肠

4、dachshund rescue ─── 腊肠拯救

5、dapple dachshund ─── 斑纹屋顶狗

6、miniature dachshund ─── 小型腊肠

7、dachshund christmas ─── 腊肠圣诞节

8、dachshund puppies ─── 腊肠小狗

9、dachshund chihuahua mix ─── 腊肠吉娃娃

dachshund 词性/词形变化,dachshund变形


dachshund 相似词语短语

1、Mahound ─── n.穆罕默德

2、dachshunds ─── n.腊肠犬(dachshund的复数)

3、vallhund ─── 瓦尔亨德

4、Sachsen ─── n.萨克森(德国东部的一个州,等于Saxony)

dachshund 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Good experiences with people at an early age will make your dachshund a very good canine citizen, who gets along with almost everybody. ─── 在幼年阶段和人相处的好的经验会是腊肠成为一个和人相处非常好的犬公民。

2、During winter, the entire family, including the miniature dachshund, gathers here, which is often the only room heated. ─── 寒冷的冬天,一家人通常一起呆在唯一一个有供暖设施的房间里,包括他们家的迷你腊肠犬。

3、Breeds that may be more commonly affected include the English Cocker Spaniel, German Shepherd Dog, Alaskan Malamute, Dachshund, and Springer Spaniel. ─── 常见的患肛门囊腺癌的犬种有英国可卡犬,德国牧羊犬,阿拉斯加雪橇犬,腊肠犬和英国激飞猎犬.

4、The poodle edged out the Labrador retriever and dachshund, the American Kennel Club said. ─── 美国爱犬俱乐部表示,贵宾狗挤掉了拉布拉多和腊肠狗。

5、Dachshund's master is never alone - they have a long, low shadow following them everywhere around the house. ─── 一个腊肠的主人是永远不会孤单的,他们会在家里和主人长时间的形影相随。

6、They've produced more than 100 of them actually, as well as a mouse with short limbs and one with a tail like a dachshund. ─── 事实上他们已经造出100多只了,另外还有两只,一只有很短的四肢,一只长着腊肠犬一样的尾巴。

7、The only reason not to spay or neuter your dachshund is if you are going to show her in conformation, and intend to breed her if she does well in the show ring. ─── 唯一的原因,你不给你的腊肠做节育,如果你为了展示它的形态,想要繁殖如果他在犬展上表现得不错。

8、One anxious-looking resident clutched a long-haired dachshund to her chest and paced up and down the hallway. ─── 一位看上去很焦虑的妇女抱着一只长毛狗,在过道走来走去。

9、In fact, they were sometimes the victims of stonings, and dachshund owners were often called traitors. ─── 事实上,他们有时会成为被石头砸死的牺牲品,他们的主人会被称作卖国贼。

10、Accidentally, my Dachshund and Basset Hound gave birth to a mongrel. ─── 一不留神, 我家的腊肠和巴吉度生出了一个混血种。

11、Appearing neither crippled, awkward, nor cramped in his capacity for movement, the Dachshund is well-balanced with bold and confident head carriage and intelligent, alert facial expression. ─── 他的行动能力看起来既不显得瘸、笨拙,也不显得艰难。头部自信地昂起,非常和谐、清晰,而且面部表情聪明、警惕。

12、A red dachshund with a liver color noise and nails -- all of which is just red .... www.chinapet.net/bbs/viewtopic... ─── 香港 澳门 爱好者讨论区 狗话连篇 猫猫细语 新新宠物 冷血家族 兔兔跳跳 绿植世界 杂拌公社...

13、Dachshund" is a German small long thin dog. ─── 腊肠犬是德国的一种又小又瘦的狗。

14、MTV: No, and I have a Dachshund, so the ending was tough to watch since I wasn't ready for it. ─── 我没有.我养了一只腊肠狗,所以这个结局对于我来说难以接受,因为我还没有准备好.

15、These patterns are dapple, double dapple, brindle, sable, and piebald.Please read "What Color or Pattern is that Dachshund???" for more information on colors and patterns. ─── 除了这些颜色,腊肠也有许多的图案:花斑、双色花斑,斑纹,貂色、杂色。

16、For example, if you allow your dachshund access to the sofa or bed, it would be a good idea to get a ramp and teach him to use it when he is young; ─── 例如,如果你要你的腊肠够到沙发或者床下,这是个很好的主义让他们用后脚直立,并教他们去使用这个动作。

17、A typical example of a long haired dachshund. ─── 长有毛发的达克斯猎狗图片 Long haired dachshund.

18、The Yorkshire Terrier came in second place with nearly 42,000 registrations, followed by the German Shepherd, the Golden Retriever, the Beagle, the Boxer and the Dachshund. ─── 约克郡犬以近4.2万只名列第二,其次是德国牧羊犬、金毛猎犬、小猎犬、拳师犬和达克斯猎犬.

19、Another week passes and still I do not gaze Into the sweet brown eyes of my little dachshund Otto... ─── 一个星期过去了,我还是没有办法跟我的爱犬奥图会面...

20、He wanted to draw a picture of it, but he wasn't sure how to spell "dachshund", so he simply wrote "Hot Dog". ─── 他想给它画一张图,但是他不知道如何拼写 “dachshund”,所以他就简单地写了 “Hot Dog”。

21、0075 - Nintendogs - Miniature Dachshund and Friends.J.TRM. ─── 256(美版都不行,我用的是5。

22、This is an example of a Dachshund rule of play, and is probably related to their curious, but independent nature. ─── 这是腊肠玩耍规则的一个例子,这可能和他们的好奇有关,但也可能使他们独立的本性。

23、Hi, I am Bobo the Dachshund, do you know me? ─── 你好,我你腊肠狗仔波波呀。

24、Many people say it looks like a Dachshund dog. ─── 很多人都说它像一个达克斯猎狗。

25、saw the red hot dachshund sausages sold on streets. ─── 看到了大街上卖的滚烫发红的“腊肠狗”香肠。

26、Patience goes a long way with housebreaking a dachshund. ─── 耐心会解决腊肠的破坏性。

27、The Dachshund Club of America is opposed to wiener-dog racing on the ground that it is hard on the dogs. ─── 美国达克斯狗俱乐部反对腊肠狗比赛,理由是那对狗不公平。

28、The general arrangement of the hair is such that the wirehaired Dachshund, when viewed from a distance, resembles the smooth. ─── 刚毛腊肠犬毛发的一般排列,从远处观察,与短毛腊肠犬大体一样。

29、By selectively breeding these animals, breeders eventually produced a dog which consistently produced longhair offspring, and the longhair dachshund was born. ─── 通过选择,繁殖者最终保留那些能一直生出长毛的后代,长毛腊肠就是这样诞生了。

30、Clever, lively and courageous, the Dachshund is persistent, outgoing and doesn't know the meaning of 'shy.' ─── 聪明,活泼勇猛,腊肠犬耐力强,对人友好而且不知道什么是"害臊".

31、Keep up with the latest Dachshund news from around the world. ─── 跟上最新消息世界各地。

32、4 . It was dark and it would have been difficult to recognize anyone , but because one of them, walking toward the corner, had a dachshund on a leash, it could have been Trencher. ─── 天很黑,本来很难认出人来,但因为走向街角的那个人手中牵着一只猎獾狗,所以那可能就是特连卓尔。

33、The dachshund, a rescue dog from Port Jefferson in New York, wore an orange sweater and red goggles as her owner, Denice Shaughnessy, accepted the award marking her longevity. ─── 这只腊肠犬曾是纽约杰弗逊堡的一只救援犬。她身穿橙色外套,戴着红边护目镜,她的主人蒂尼斯?肖尼西替她领了长寿奖。

34、Rolling on earthworms or dead bugs, for example, is a popular dachshund pastime. ─── 在蚯蚓或者死的臭虫打滚是腊肠很喜欢的消遣方式。

35、Another theory is that the standard longhair dachshund was developed by breeding smooth dachshunds with various land and water spaniels. ─── 另一个说法是,标准的长毛腊肠是短毛腊肠和不同的陆地和水猎犬(长毛垂耳狗)杂交而成。

36、The general arrangement of the hair is such that the wirehaired Dachshund , when viewed from a distance, resembles the smooth. ─── 刚毛腊肠犬毛发的一般排列,从远处观察,与短毛腊肠犬大体一样。

37、During World War I, there was much disdain over anything considered German and unfortunately the dachshund was a victim of much hostility. ─── 在第一次世界大战期间,德国的很多事物被鄙视,不幸的是腊肠也成了被敌对的受害者。

38、So the breeder gave him to Jeremy Dingle, who soon realised that he had a special pup, now a top dog in the dachshund-racing[1] world. ─── JeremyDingle很快就发现,他得到了一只特别的小狗,现在是达克斯狗赛[1]界的佼佼者。

39、long hair dachshund [Germany] ─── 长毛腊肠狗[德]

40、The person who can perfectly manage a stubborn Dachshund or a saphead Chow-Chow is as admirable as the person who can perfectly manage a Central Asian or a Caucasian. ─── 承认自己的不足并不可耻,相反,这是相当的明智,勇敢和值得赞扬的,因为水落石处终有日,现实会告诉你,你的放弃是对的。

41、The 1972 Games were also the first to have a named mascot: Waldi the dachshund. ─── 在奥运会上第一次有了命名的吉祥物:小猎犬瓦尔第。

42、A male dachshund ─── 达克斯公猎狗

43、As the men walked up and down the rows of people, they yelled, "Get your dachshund sausages! Get your dachshund sausages! ─── 这些卖香肠的在人们的座位间走上走下,边走边喊:“卖德克顺德香肠了!卖德克顺德香肠了!

44、All proceeds benefit the Dachshund Rescue of North America. ─── 所有收入归北美达克斯狗救助会所有。

45、This picture provided by owners Karl and Denise Shaughnessy shows their wire-haired dachshund Chanel in Port Jefferson Station, N. ─── 世界最长寿狗纪录保持者于近日去世,享年21岁,按照狗龄计算是147岁。

46、At No. 3 in the AKC's top 10 was the German Shepherd, followed by the Golden Retriever, Beagle, Dachshund, Boxer, Poodle, Shih Tzu and Miniature Schnauzer. ─── AKC十大热门犬种排行第3为德国牧羊犬,其后依序为黄金猎犬、米格鲁、腊肠犬、拳师狗、贵宾狗、西施及迷你雪纳瑞。

47、Miniature Dachshund ─── 迷你腊肠狗

48、a male dachshund. ─── 达克斯公猎狗。

49、Dachshund [Germany] ─── 腊肠狗[德] [Latin]

50、Longhair Dachshund: There are two theories regarding how the standard longhair dachshund came about. ─── 长毛腊肠:有两个说法,关于标准的长毛腊肠是如何产生的。

51、Waldi - Munich 1972"Waldi", the first official mascot to appear for the 1972 Munich Games, was a Dachshund. ─── 奥运会的吉祥物并不是一开始就有的,第一个吉祥物诞生于1972年的慕尼黑奥运会。让我们回顾一下可爱的历届吉祥物吧。

52、The Dachshund is clever, lively and courageous to the point of rashness, persevering in above and below ground work, with all the senses well-developed. ─── 腊肠犬是机灵、活泼、勇敢、有点轻率,在地面或地下工作时不屈不挠,所有的感官都非常发达。

53、long-hair dachshund ─── 粗放肥育牛

54、In fact, the name Dachshund is German for "badger dog," indicating why these dogs were originally bred - to hunt badgers. ─── 事实上,腊肠犬在德语中是‘猎獾犬’的意思,表明饲养这种犬是捕猎獾用的。

55、It is a good idea to let your dachshund meet as many people as possible at an early age, including adults, teenagers, and children. ─── 让你的腊肠在幼年就尽可能的接触很多人,包括成年人,青少年和儿童。

56、Also, you should be careful, when holding a dachshund, to keep his back horizontal. ─── 当你抱腊肠的时候也要很小心,去保持它的背部水平。

57、Whitewater (or slalom) canoeing was included for the first time.The 1972 Games were also the first to have a named mascot: Waldi the dachshund. ─── 独木舟也首次成为奥运会项目,1972年还首次有了有名字的吉祥物:一个叫瓦尔迪的德国猎犬。

58、"Waldi", the first official mascot to appear for the 1972 Munich Games, was a Dachshund. ─── 1972年慕尼黑奥运会的吉祥物沃尔蒂是只惹人喜爱的腊肠狗,它是奥运会历史上第一个官方吉祥物。

59、Certain breeds, notably the Dachshund, Poodle, Pekinese, Lhaso Apso, and Cocker Spaniel have a high incidence of disk disease. ─── 某些品种的犬发病率比较高,如腊肠,贵妇,北京,拉萨,可卡。

60、Anyone who meets a Dachshund has no doubt about who's dog it is. ─── 任何人看见一只腊肠毫无疑问都会知道它是谁的狗。



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