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09-02 投稿



clerkship 发音

英:[?kl??rk??p]  美:[?klɑ?k??p]

英:  美:

clerkship 中文意思翻译



clerkship 词性/词形变化,clerkship变形

动词现在分词: clerking |动词过去式: clerked |动词第三人称单数: clerks |动词过去分词: clerked |名词: clerkdom |

clerkship 短语词组

1、clerkship job ─── 文书工作

2、clerkship def ─── 职员 ─── 职位定义

3、clerkship gpa ─── 职员平均绩点

4、clerkship law ─── 职员法

5、clerkship em ─── 职员 ─── 职位

6、clerkship pay ─── 职员工资

7、clerkship dpm ─── 办事员

8、senior clerkship ─── 高级办事员

clerkship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He works hardest of all those clerk. ─── 在所有那些职员当中他工作最努力。

2、You have to tell your SAOr, go to tell dest clerk. ─── 另外我想问是要把整个单元的课预习完再找SA签字吗?

3、He joined the firm as a junior clerk, and finished up a director. ─── 他从初级职员做起,最终成了这家公司的董事。

4、Shall you need an experienced desk clerk for your hotel next summer? customers alike. ─── 不知贵旅馆明年夏天是否需要一名有经验的前台服务员?

5、He took a dislike to Philip because he was a clerk. ─── 他不喜欢菲利普,因为他是一个小职员。

6、He was promoted from a clerk to a manager. ─── 他由职员晋升为经理。

7、He was a fellow clerk of mine, and a hard case. ─── 他是我的同事,一个不可救药的人。

8、"Signora," greeted the shop clerk, "can I help you? ─── "夫人,"商店职员招呼道,"您需要帮忙吗?

9、I'm a clerk at a mutinational shipping company. ─── 工作:在一家跨国船公司。

10、You're a clerk here, aren't you? ─── 你是这里的店员吧?

11、Clerk :Certainly, madam, please come this way. ─── 店员:当然可以,小姐。请走这边。

12、Mr. Clerk lost his job through neglect of duty. ─── 克拉克先生因玩忽职守而失去了职业。

13、Desk clerk: Yes, Miss Walker. There you are. ─── 总台职员:可以,渥尔克小姐,这是你的帐单。

14、A clerk booked down details of every article handed in. ─── 一个职员把交进来的每一件东西详细登记下来。

15、Scarlett: I only finished my clerkship with Justice Breyer in July 2008, so I think it is too soon to say. ─── 斯卡利特:我在2008年7月才停止给布雷耶大法官做助理,因此我想现在进行评论还为时太早。

16、Sales clerk: Is a sprig of holly? ─── 售货员:是不是一条冬青树小枝?

17、He was educated, so he could at least be a clerk. ─── 他受过教育,至少可以当个职员。

18、The clerk at the front desk speaks fluent English. ─── 前台的职员可以讲流利的英语。

19、As a shop clerk, she would shuttlecock behind the counter all day. ─── 作为一个商店职员,她整天在柜台后面走来走去。

20、Clerk: Air mail or ordinary mail? ─── 办事员:航空邮寄还是平邮?

21、The clerk requests that she is on time. ─── 办事员要求她工作要准时

22、They filed clams against the bank clerk. ─── 他们对那个银行职员提起控诉。

23、The clerk put the check on a spindle. ─── 店员将支票放到扦子上。

24、Clerk:No. They can be any drink on our menu. ─── 店员:不,任何一种在我们点单上的饮料都可以。

25、clinical practice training is a bridge curriculum between classroom teaching and clinical clerkship, which emphasizes basic clinical technique skills for medical students. ─── 临床实训”是介于医学理论授课与临床实习之间的桥梁课程,重点加强医学生基本技能训练。

26、She is a bank clerk and she counts money every day. ─── 她是个银行职员,每天都数钱。

27、Contributions to a pension scheme are taken out of a clerk's monthly salary. ─── 养老金计划的款项是从每位职员月工资中直接扣除的。

28、Clerk: Oh, it's next to the lettuce. ─── 噢,在生菜旁边。

29、The sales clerk parceled his purchase. ─── 售货员把他买的东西打成包裹。

30、She was a bank clerk until the war, when she trained as a nurse. ─── 她战前是个银行职员,战时受训当了护士。

31、The clerk was gabbling over the indictment. ─── 书记官在喃喃诵读起诉状。

32、Desk Clerk: I hope you enjoyed your stay. ─── 您住的还好吧?

33、Hotel Clerk: Hello, Handan Hotel. Can I help you? ─── 您好,这里是邯郸宾馆,乐意为您服务。

34、A clerk should be pleasant to customers. ─── 店员应使顾客愉快。

35、He was promoted from(a) clerk to assistant manager. ─── 他由办事员被提升为副经理。

36、But her husband has a clerkship; perhaps he can find me cleaning work there. ─── 但她丈夫却在政府办公,也许他能帮我找到一份清洁工的活儿。

37、He is either a clerk or a worker. I am not sure. ─── 他不是职员便是工人。我不大清楚。

38、The clerk helped me find what I wanted. ─── 店员帮我找到了我所要买的东西。

39、Her job title is chief reservation clerk. ─── 她的工作职务是“预订部主任科员”。

40、Clerk of Keelung Land Office, Keelung City. ─── 基隆市基隆地政事务所业务员。

41、Major problems of pediatric clerkship and an attempt to the reform of teaching ─── 儿科学见习中的主要问题及教改措施初探

42、Clerk: You bet. Go down this aisle and turn left. ─── 店员:当然可以。沿著这走道走到底,然后左转。

43、A Hindu clerk who is literate in English. ─── 懂英语的印度职员

44、He rates himself above an ordinary clerk. ─── 他总认为自己的级别高于一般职员。

45、Clerk: Would you like fries with that? ─── 店员:需要搭配薯条吗?

46、Desk clerk: Good morning, Miss Walker. ─── 总台职员:早上好,渥尔克小姐。

47、When he saw it was the clerk, he collapsed. ─── 他看见原来是办事员,人就瘫了。

48、The clerk requests that she be on time. ─── 办事员要求她工作要准时。

49、The convenience store clerk was very helpful. ─── 便利商店的职员非常乐于助人。

50、Clerk: Good afternoon, Miss. What can I do for you? ─── 下午好,小姐。我能为您效劳吗?

51、He is a clerk of that department store. ─── 他是那家百货商店的店员。

52、He told the clerk he had come to Elmore to start a business. ─── 他向旅店职员声称自己是到艾尔摩来经营生意的。

53、He let off steam by yelling at a clerk. ─── 他对一个职员大喊大叫, 借以发泄怒气。

54、The traditional pedagogy of clinical clerkship has a few incorrect practices. ─── 传统的见习教学模式存在诸多弊端,影响了教学质量。

55、Essential algorithms and case presentations meet with clerkship learning objectives as outlined by the Association of Surgical Education in their ASE Manual. ─── 必要的算法和情况赠送象在他们的ASE 手册里由外科的教育的协会略述的那样遇到职员的身分学习目标。

56、The committee clerk flag all the reference to building repair. ─── 委员会的办事员将所有关于建筑物维修资料的出处标上重点符号。

57、Two sections include Introduction to Clinical Surgery in the Surgical Clerkship Setting and Management of Surgical Diseases During the Clerkship. ─── 二处在凝固的外科的职员的身分和在职员的身分期间的外科的疾病的管理内包括临床的手术的介绍。

58、The clerk marked up his daybook before going home. ─── 办事员在回家前记好当天的日记帐。

59、Clerk: ... make an exception for you. ─── 对你例外,我就不得不对所有人例外。

60、Their attempt to bribe the clerk had failed. ─── 他们贿赂那位办事员的企图没有成功。

61、He was demoted to clerk due to negligence. ─── 他由于粗心大意而被降为职员。

62、"Your story may be true, or it may not," said the clerk, whose manner indicated incredulity. ─── "你说的话可真可假,"售货员说道,态度里带著怀疑。

63、He dictated letters to his clerk. ─── 他向办事员口授信稿。

64、Dick, the junior clerk, was soon shouldered out of the shop. ─── 小职员迪克很快就被排挤出了这家店铺。

65、The clerk stepped in and asked for Mr. Black. ─── 办事员走进来要找布兰克先生。

66、They started him as a clerk in the bank. ─── 他们先让他在银行里干职员。

67、The desk clerk at the Watemill suggested your inn. ─── Watemill Inn柜台职员推荐你们旅馆。

68、A clerk laid a ship of paper on the desk. ─── 一位办事员把一张纸条放在桌子上。

69、Clerk: Do you have your receipt? ─── 店员:请问有带收据吗?

70、The clerk stepped in and asked for Mr.Blank. ─── 办事员走进来,要找布兰克先生。

71、The clerk wrote up his daybook before going home . ─── 办事员在回家前记好当天的流水账。

72、The clerk held out a dress for Martha to try on. ─── 店员拿出一件衣服给玛莎试穿。

73、The clerk tied the package up for me. ─── 店员把包裹包起来给我。

74、He has a temporary job as a filing clerk. ─── 他临时做文件归档工作。

75、At last the mail clerk noticed the letters. ─── 后来收发员的眼光终于落到了这一堆信上。

76、Please give it to the clerk when you pass the desk. ─── 填完后过台子的时候请交给工作人员。

77、Mr. Lewis was appointed chief clerk in 1968. ─── 刘易斯先生于1968年被指定为总管。

78、Then Ah Kin became a young clerk in the shop. ─── 于是,阿金成了店里的一个伙计。

79、If you'd like early morning tea, just tell the room clerk. ─── 如果您想喝早茶,就告诉登记房间的旅馆职员。

80、Off toddled the clerk to check the price herself. ─── 店员不紧不慢地亲自回去查价钱。

81、The clerk inspected me in the compassionate way. ─── 帐房以同情的态度把我打量了一番。

82、The clerk attached a price tag to each article. ─── 店员给每一件商品系上标价签。

83、Have you checked your camera with the clerk? ─── 你把照相机寄放在办事员处了吗?

84、The only error you shall receive back is from the dts clerk on the digital machine. ─── 应该接收回来的唯一错误来自于Digital机上的DTS职员机。

85、Your official title is Accounting Clerk. ─── 你正式的职称是会计事务员。

86、Q: Compared to your previous clerkship, how was working at the Supreme Court different? ─── 问:与你此前做法律助理的经验相比,在最高法院工作有什么不同?

87、The aim of clerkship is to enhance students' perceptions of clinical work, and strengthen the theoretical knowledges. ─── 见习的目的是增强学生对临床工作的感性认识,强化学生的理论知识;

88、She is the filing clerk of our company. ─── 她是我们公司的档案员。

89、Jeff urged me to do it, saying it would assure me a good clerkship with a federal judge or a job with one of the blue-chip law firms. ─── 杰夫力劝我加入,说是加入以后保证可以使我有机会在某个联邦法官手下找个书记员的工作,或是在一个业绩不错的律师事务所里谋得一份差使。

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