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09-02 投稿


dobbin 发音

英:[?dɑ?b?n]  美:[?d?b?n]

英:  美:

dobbin 中文意思翻译




dobbin 网络释义

n. 驽马;挽马;带磨干燥器;大酒杯n. (Dobbin)人名;(英、俄)多宾

dobbin 词性/词形变化,dobbin变形

名词复数: dobbies |

dobbin 短语词组

1、dobbin house menu dobbin house ─── 菜单

2、dobbin auto repair ─── 多宾汽车修理

3、Dobbin's reagent ─── [机] 多宾试剂

4、dobbin house thanksgiving ─── 多宾之家感恩节

5、dobbin auto center ─── 多臂自动中心

6、dobbin texas ─── 双轴

7、dobbin station wedding venue ─── 多宾站婚礼场地

dobbin 相似词语短语

1、dubbin ─── n.防水油;皮革保护油

2、dob in ─── v.报告;检举;(为共同事业)捐款;强迫……做事

3、bobbin ─── n.线筒;缠线管,缠线板;卷线轴

4、bobbing ─── v.(使在水中)上下快速移动;颠簸;突然出现(或消失);微微鞠躬(或屈膝)行礼;把(头发)剪成齐短发;乘大雪橇;轻敲(bob的现在分词)

5、dobbins ─── n.(Dobbins)人名;(英)多宾斯

6、bobbins ─── n.线轴,缠线管;门闩抬手(bobbin的复数)

7、Robbins ─── n.罗宾斯(姓氏)

8、dobbing ─── vt.向…捐钱;将责任强加给(dob的变形)

9、robbin ─── n.梭心(等于roband)

dobbin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dobbin, who was thus vigorously besieged, was in the meanwhile in a state of the most odious tranquillity ─── 都宾虽然被包围得这么紧,却冷淡得可恶。

2、Without knowing how, Captain Dobbin found himself the great promoter, arranger, and manager of the match between George Osborne and Amelia?保?W??M??Thackeray, Vanity Fair) ─── 译文:都宾上尉糊里糊涂地就开始拉拢说合,安排调摆,一手操办起乔治和爱米丽娅的这桩婚事。[2

3、Dobbin owned in his heart was very welcome. ─── 都宾心底里也觉得高兴。

4、the Dobbin Figure, though apparently clumsy, yet dances in a very amusing and natural manner; ─── 还有一个叫都宾的傀儡,看着笨手笨脚的,跳起舞来却很有趣,很自然。

5、"As you please, " Dobbin said. "You must be my bottleholder, Osborne. " ─── 都宾答道:“随你的便。奥斯本,做做我的助威人吧。”

6、Someone finally explained to me that it is the province's unofficial flag, flown since the early 1800s and still dear to many Newfoundlanders, including Mr Dobbin. ─── 有人最后给我解释说这是该省的非官方旗帜,自19世纪早期就飘扬在这里,至今很多纽芬兰人对其仍然充满感情,包括Bobbin先生。

7、Cuff's fight with Dobbin, and the unexpected issue of that contest, will long be remembered by every man who was educated at Dr. Swishtail's famous school. ─── 凡是在斯威希泰尔博士那所有名的学校念过书的学生,都不会忘记克甫和都宾两人打架以及后来意想不到的结局.

8、On more than one occasion, when Captain Dobbin called at Mr. ─── 看见她们那种千本正经的样子,这可怜的姑娘就紧张得说不出话来。

9、” asks Mark Dobbin, a venture capitalist, pointing out his office window at a rocky hilltop at least a kilometre away across St John's harbour. ─── MarkDobbin这位风险投资家指着窗外多石的山顶问我,那儿离圣约翰港口至少有一公里距离。

10、He was disturbed in spirit, and his rest destroyed by dobbin's interruption and the occurrences of the morning ─── 他心神不宁,早上出了这些事情,再加上都宾又来罗唣了半日,带累他没有好好地睡觉。

11、This praise and confidence smote Dobbin's heart very keenly. ─── 这样的夸奖和信赖弄得都宾十分不好意思。

12、Dobbin was too young to keep house , and had written home to ask leave of his mamma . ─── 都宾年纪太轻,还不能成家,所以写信回家请示他妈妈去了。

13、4 ) Dobbin looked as pale and grave as his comrade was flushed and jovial. ─── 达宾的伙伴面色红润,心情愉快,而他自己却是脸色苍白,神态忧郁。

14、Perhaps dobbin's foolish soul revolted against that exercise of tyranny ─── 也许都宾是傻好人,看了暴虐的行为忍不住要打抱不平。

15、He was disturbed in spirit, and his rest destroyed by Dobbin's interruption and the occurrences of the morning. ─── 他心神不宁,早上出了这些事情,再加上都宾又来罗唣了半日,带累他没有好好地睡觉。

16、Dobbin still kept up his character of rattle. ─── 都宾仍旧像话匣子一样说笑个不停。

17、A more detailed view of the leading edge of the Eugenie Glacier's "floating tongue" reveals surface cracks and extensive calving of icebergs in Dobbin bay. ─── 多宾湾内,近景观察吉尼冰川(Eugenie Glacier)那条“漂动舌头”的最前端,你会发现冰山表面的裂纹和大面积崩解的迹象。

18、I can assure you that the health and safety of our employees and customers is the number-one most important thing to this corporation, "says President David Dobbin." ─── 我可以向你保证,健康和安全,我们的员工和客户的数量是一个最重要的事情,以这家公司说,”总裁杜宾。

19、"Good God, you don't mean to say you want to break off? " asked Dobbin, starting up. ─── 都宾霍的站起来问道:“老天爷!难道你想解约吗?”

20、Dobbin's reagent ─── [机] 多宾试剂

21、There was everyday life before honest Dobbin. ─── 老实的都宾眼前仍旧是现实生活。

22、Baum J. and Dobbin F (2000), Advances in Strategic Management: Economics Meets Sociology in Strategy, Vol 17, JAI Press (chapters to be specified ─── 这是我最喜欢的题目.讨论了战略管理,经济学,社会学的区别和联系.讨论那些问题运用了很多学科的知识和逻辑.一些大概的介绍材料:

23、mine a yellow face ? stop till you see dobbin . why , he had the yellow fever three times ; twice at nassau , and once at st . kitts. ─── 我是黄脸孔吗?你看到多宾时再开口说吧。嗯,他患了三次的黄热病;二次在纳索,一次在圣基?。

24、64. This woman had a way of tyrannizing over Major Dobbin...and made him fetch and carry just as if he was a great Newfoundland dog. ─── 这个女人有本事把多宾少校捏在手里任意使唤,叫他拿这样做那样的,简直把他当做一条纽芬兰大狗。

25、Dobbin never idling for the widely universe, children bending over for the immensity world ─── 驽马不停蹄,心连广宇;孺子甘俯身,乐在天涯

26、Dobbin rs reagent ─── 多宾试剂

27、This praise and confidence smote dobbin's heart very keenly ─── 这样的夸奖和信赖弄得都宾十分不好意思。

28、"Good God, you don't mean to say you want to break off?" asked Dobbin, starting up. ─── 都宾霍的站起来问道:“老天爷!难道你想解约吗?”

29、6. Dobbin looked as pale and grave as his comrade was flushed and jovial. ─── 达宾的伙伴面色红润,心情愉快,而他自己却是脸色苍白,神态忧郁。收藏指正

30、She trusted to Major Dobbin as an accountant, took his somewhat confused calculations for granted: and never once suspected how much she was in his debt. ─── 她依赖都宾少校,当他是个会计,他的一笔帐虽然十分混乱,她却不予重视,从来都不知道自己欠了他多少钱。

31、dobbin was too young to keep house, and had written home to ask leave of his mamma ─── 都宾年纪太轻,还不能成家,所以写信回家请示他妈妈去了。

32、Bob Dobbin, Chief technology officer for DaTARIUS, expla ins. ─── DaTARIUS公司的技术总监鲍勃·多宾(BobDobbin)对此进行了解释。

33、"As you please," Dobbin said. "You must be my bottleholder, Osborne." ─── 都宾答道:“随你的便。奥斯本,做做我的助威人吧。”

34、In consequence of dobbin's victory, his character rose prodigiously in the estimation of all his school fellows ─── 自从都宾打了胜仗以后,同学们异乎寻常地尊敬他的人格。

35、The little boy was frightened by Dobbin's whicker. ─── 那小男孩被dobbin的嘶呜声吓住了。

36、(4)Cuff's fight with Dobbin, and the unexpected issue of that contest, will long be remembered by every man who was educated at Dr. Swishtail's famous school. ─── 凡是在斯威希泰尔博士那有名的学校里念过书的学生,决不能忘记克普和都宾两人打架的经过和后来意想不到的结局。

37、was everyday life before honest Dobbin. ─── 老实的都宾眼前仍旧是现实生活。

38、“We're not that long in Canada,” Mr Dobbin tells me.“And we haven't been treated very well. ─── Dobbin先生告诉我:“我们在加拿大的历史并不长,我们受到的待遇并不好。”

39、"Good God, you don't mean to say you want to break off?" asked dobbin, starting up ─── 都宾霍的站起来问道:“老天爷!难道你想解约吗?”

40、Dobbin had been in the coffee-room for an hour or more. He had tried all the papers, but could not read them. ─── Dobbin在咖啡厅里坐了一个多小时。他翻看了所有的报纸,却没有读。

41、Several glaciers are seen above Dobbin Bay in the Canadian Arctic on Ellesmere Island. . . ─── 加拿大北极地区,埃尔斯米尔岛的多宾湾被数个冰川所覆盖……

42、Lady Jane and Mrs. Dobbin became great friends. ─── 简夫人和多宾太太成了极好的朋友。

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