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09-02 投稿



disguising 发音

英:[d?s?ɡa?z??]  美:[d?s?ɡa?z??]

英:  美:

disguising 中文意思翻译




disguising 词性/词形变化,disguising变形

动词第三人称单数: disguises |动词过去式: disguised |副词: disguisedly |动词过去分词: disguised |动词现在分词: disguising |名词: disguisement |

disguising 常用词组

in disguise ─── 伪装;乔装

a blessing in disguise ─── 塞翁失马

in the disguise of ─── 伪装,假扮成;托辞;以……为借口

disguising 短语词组

1、disguising scum ─── 伪装浮渣

disguising 相似词语短语

1、misguessing ─── 猜错了

2、disseising ─── 强夺;侵占

3、disbursing ─── vt.支付;支出

4、misguiding ─── v.错误引导,使误入歧途(misguide的现在分词)

5、disguisings ─── vt.掩饰;假装;隐瞒;n.伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西

6、disgusting ─── adj.令人厌恶的;令人极不能接受的

7、discussing ─── 论述

8、dispraising ─── v.贬损,责难,批评;n.责难,批评,不赞成

9、discoursing ─── n.论述;谈话;演讲;vi.演说;谈论;讲述;vt.说出;演奏出

disguising 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We deceived the enemy by disguising the destroyer as a freighter. ─── 我们把驱逐舰伪装成运输船蒙蔽敌人。

2、packet disguising ─── 报文伪装

3、Stories of A Woman Disguising Herself as a Man in Tanci and the Audience's Anticipation in Appreciation ─── 弹词中的女扮男装故事与受众欣赏期待

4、"Data encryption: Process of disguising information as " ciphertext ,"or data that will be unintelligible to an unauthorized person." ─── 资料加密:将信息伪装成密码文件或使未经许可的人无法识别的资料的方法。

5、Kate Blewett, producer of the program, and others visited the Huangshi welfare home, disguising themselves as staff members of the American Children's Fund. ─── 该片的炮制者凯特-布莱维特等人是假冒“美国儿童基金会”工作人员来到湖北黄石市社会福利院的。

6、Are you disguising a trait, or have you buried an event from your past? ─── 你正在掩饰某个特征,还是试图埋葬过去?你为何保留这个秘密?

7、The stick insect is an insect primarily found in tropical and subtropical areas.It is good at disguising itself as a withered branch or bamboo shoot. ─── 竹节虫是一种主要分布在热带和亚热带地区的害虫,身体修长,善于伪装成枯枝或竹子。

8、Can I act like an angel if I live like a jerk Can I keep on disguising Can I make believe that I don't deceive No. No. No ─── 我能否扮得好像天使,假如我愚笨的生活我能否继续伪装让人相信我没有欺骗

9、I just bought wigs, multifunction: used as hat in winter time, disguising image at a party, and save money for hair dyer, super cool. ─── 少白头,不是真的白了,很多人二十几岁,就能在发间找到白发.比方我而真正的白,要需过很长时间呢!

10、The basic idea of cryptography is to change the protected info into the disguising one, only the legal recipient can get the true message. ─── 计算机密码体制的基本思想就是将要保护的信息变成伪装信息,只有合法的接收者才能从中得到真实的信息。

11、Worse I'm afraid, sir. There's a couple of Lieutenants patrolling In that area. Those guys are trouble. No use disguising yourself as a guard - they'll rumble you In an Instant. ─── 更糟糕,有两个少尉在那个区域巡逻。那些家伙很麻烦。把自己伪装成警卫也没用,他们一下子就可以认出你是伪装的。

12、FDA has traditionally viewed blending of out-of-spec batches with material that is in specification as an act of adulteration, disguising a defect in a batch by blending it with another batch. ─── 答:FDA传统的观点是认为这样做是搀假行为,是用其他批次的物料和它混粉来掩盖批次中的缺陷。


14、For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. ─── 那等人是假使徒,行事诡诈,装作基督使徒的模样。

15、Surrounded by the shrieking children, the mummers hid their faces, and disguising their voices, bowed to their hostess and dispersed about the room. ─── 那些被乱喊乱叫的儿童围住的化装的人,蒙着脸,改变了嗓子,在女主人面前鞠躬行礼,然后在房里叉开腿站着。

16、Zoidberg Additional Powers: Not that they need any, but researchers now believe that some octopi are capable of walking on land on two legs, while disguising themselves as a coconut. ─── (今夕注6) 额外能力: 事实上它们不太需要额外的能力了,但研究者相信某些章鱼可以用两条腿在陆地上行走,就是看上去好像一只椰子。

17、The criminals' disguising ─── 犯罪伪装

18、UBS said he'd concealed the extent of the risks he was taking by disguising his trading positions. ─── UBS表示,此人通过伪装交易位置来隐藏自己造成的风险程度。

19、8.She smiled at him and sashayed out of his office, disguising her irritation under a calm demeanor. ─── 她对他一笑,大摇大摆地走出他的办公室,外表平静,肚子里愤愤不平。

20、Disguising and pretending to conclude a contract, and negotiating in bad faith; ─── 假借订立合同,恶意进行磋商;

21、In the mass market, there is less disguising the modifications made for ageing consumers. ─── 在大众市场上,为上了年纪的消费者所作的改动就没那么遮遮掩掩了。

22、Disguising or concealing the origin or nature of any crime-related income or the proceeds generated therefrom by any other means. ─── 以其他方法掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得及其收益的来源和性质的。

23、* By disguising himself as an old woman, Holmes was able to outwit his pursuers and escape capture. ─── *以掩饰自己作为一个老妪,霍姆斯能够骗过他的追求和逃避被捕。

24、Leila reached the island disguising a nun.Zurga demanded her vowing that she could be given a pearl if she keeped holy and pure.or she would be sentence to death. ─── 莱拉乔装打扮成尼姑来到岛上,祖尔加要她立誓,只要保持圣洁,就可赠予的珍珠;反之则要被处以死刑。

25、The French philosopher Voltaire wrote, "There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts." ─── 伏尔泰:有些人只会用文字来掩饰他们的思想。

26、I'm not a diplomatist, or a government clerk.I'm not clever at disguising my feelings,” he said, glancing repeatedly with the coquetry of handsome youth at Sonya and the young lady. ─── 我不是外交家,不是官员,不善于掩饰自己的感情,”他说道,露出风华正茂之时的轻薄的样子,不时地端详索尼娅和做客的小姐。

27、They are not expected to change reality , but merely to find it if they can and suggest ingenious机灵 ways of disguising掩 it . ─── 他们不能改变现实,而如果他们能的话,也只能发现它并提供巧妙的方法来掩盖它。

28、After they won th ewar, she told the truth frankly to him, and Li Shang asked the king to spare her life for disguising herself as a soldier. ─── 众人早已等候多时,听到“咕”的一声,大将许褚是个急性子,连忙抢先喊道:“屁是褚(猪)放的!”

29、university's head of entomology Marcel Dicke knows that changing westerners' mindset will take more than disguising a worm in chocolate. ─── 大学昆虫学的领军人物马塞尔·迪克明白,要改变西方人的观念,比掩盖巧克力中的蠕虫难得多。

30、But we affirm that they are merely disguising their anguish or are in flight from it. ─── 但是我们可以断言他们仅仅是在掩饰他们的苦闷或由其中逃避开来。

31、About Shi Xiangyuan's Disguising Herself as a Man ─── 湘云易装卮言

32、He hurried me into disguising as an old man. ─── 他催促我赶快装扮成一个老人。

33、There was no disguising Blackburn manager Mark Hughes' delight at the achievement of his side, in particular coming so soon after their battle to beat the drop last season. ─── 布莱克本主帅休斯没有掩饰队伍胜利的喜悦,特别是相比上赛季的低迷。

34、Now shall my friend Petruchio do me grace, And offer me disguis'd in sober robes To old Baptista as a schoolmaster Well seen in music, to instruct Bianca; ─── 我想换上一身朴素的服装,扮成一个教书先生的样子,请你把我举荐给巴普提斯塔,就说我精通音律,可以做比恩卡的教师。

35、The spy tried to escape detection by disguising himself. ─── 这个间谍试图通过伪装来避免被认出。

36、We must get aware of the all the details of the matter without disguising any facts. ─── 我们必须了解事情的全部经过,不要隐瞒任何事实。

37、He escaped by disguising himself as a security guard. ─── 他乔装成一个保安逃跑了。

38、You should do your competing clandestinely, by disguising your export volumes and prices somehow ─── 你应该设法隐瞒出口数量和价格,暗中进行竞争。

39、Make him drunk to watch his attitude, since a man can tell the truth without disguising when being drunk. ─── 利用机会将他灌醉,以观察他醉后的态度。酒后吐真言,在不设防的情况下,你能看出此人的真象。

40、The countess looked at her guest, smiling affably, but still not disguising the fact that she would not take it at all amiss now if the guest were to get up and go. ─── 伯爵夫人望着女客人,脸上露出愉快的微笑,但她并不掩饰那种心情:如果那个女客人站立起来,退席离开,她丝毫也不会感到怏怏不乐。

41、Most of the clandestine activities of the wizarding world were to conceal their powers from the muggles for their own protection, rather than for the disguising any improper purposes. ─── 绝大部份魔法世界对麻瓜所做的偷鸡摸狗事情,是将魔法隐藏,好保护麻瓜他们。

42、He tried to escape detection by disguising himself as an old man. ─── 他企图乔装一老人逃过侦察者的耳目。

43、Study on Decision -Making Analysis Model of Satisfactory Solution of Important Traffic Establishment Disguising and Defending ─── 重要交通设施综合伪装防护方案满意解决策分析模型研究

44、Can I keep on disguising Can I make believe that I don't deceive No..no..no ─── 我能否扮得好像天使,假如我愚笨的生活我能否保持隐瞒我能否让人相信我没有欺骗不...不...不

45、 tells me, tells me you disguising. ─── 告诉我,告诉我你的假装。

46、Some analysts reckon that he will this time get at least 18% in the first round because some of his supporters, for reasons of stigma, are disguising themselves in opinion polls as Sarkozy voters. ─── 一些分析人士认为这次在第一轮投票中他至少能够获得18%的选票。因为他的一些支持者们,因为污名的缘故,非常讨厌萨尔科奇的选民支持者们。

47、By disguising himself as an old woman, Holmes was able to outwit his pursuers and escape capture. ─── 以掩饰自己作为一个老妪,霍姆斯能够骗过他的追求和逃避被捕。

48、The prisoners made their escape by disguising themselves in guards'clothing. ─── 逃犯身着士兵服逃走了。

49、235 2 Cor 11:13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. ─── 耶稣是道路真理生命,是福音。到耶稣里面,可以免痛苦,得欢乐,获永生。有何疑问,可到这里详细讨论:基督家园

50、Storage virtualization helps the storage administrator perform the tasks of backup, archiving, and recovery more easily, and in less time, by disguising the actual complexity of the SAN. ─── 通过把SAN的实际复杂性隐蔽起来,存储虚拟化有助于存储管理员更容易和更快地执行备份、归档和恢复的任务。

51、6. There's no disguising the fact (ie It is clear) that he's a liar. ─── 他爱撒谎,这可是掩盖不了的.

52、Error hiding - Disguising error messages sent by the server. ─── 错误隐藏——伪装成服务器发出的错误消息。

53、Palestinian militants, disguising as Israeli soldiers, ambushed a bus near a West Bank settlement the day before yesterday, killing eight Israelis, including a 9-month-old baby. ─── 巴基斯坦武装分子前天乔装成以色列士兵,伏击约旦河西岸犹太屯垦区附近的一辆巴士,造成包括一名九个月大婴儿在内的八名以色列人丧生。

54、However, due to its stealthiness and the Japanese government's policy of disguising its crime, Germ Factory 1644 has not been well known by scholars home and broad. ─── 但是,由于南京荣字1644细菌部队活动的隐蔽性,加之战后日本政府对侵华日军细菌战罪行的隐瞒,长期以来中外学者对南京荣字1644细菌部队的真实面目仍不甚了解。

55、Some suggest that supporters for the far-right former paratrooper are disguising themselves as Sarkozy voters in the polls. ─── 一些顾问建议以前对于极右派的支持者现在在民意测验中将他们自己视为萨科齐的选民。

56、Disguising one's methodological or ideological views, such as by omitting revealing activities or publications from one's vitae. ─── 删去个人简历上启发性的学术活动或著述等,借此掩盖研究方法和学术理论上的观点。

57、There are some that only employ words for the purports of disguising their thoughts. ─── 有些人利用辞令来掩盖内心的真实想法。

58、Yet there is no disguising the strong regional bias to the employment picture. ─── 在就业地图上强烈的地区偏见已经无法掩饰。

59、I don't really care if they label me a Jesus freak. There ain't no disguising the truth (oh, oh, oh). ─── 我不介意他们是否把我当成是神奇的耶稣。那儿没有任何掩饰的真相。(哦,哦,哦)。

60、Information Disguising and Hiding Technique to Protect Digital Elevation Model Data ─── 数字高程模型数据的信息伪装和信息隐藏技术

61、Disguising some men as enemy emissaries is the means by which to sever supply lines. ─── 所以将帅是军队的主宰,将帅精明军队就严整,将帅无能军队就混乱。

62、information disguising ─── 信息伪装

63、Reluctant to be too specific, Will agrees to tell all but insists on disguising names and identities, leaving it to Maya to guess who her mom turned out to be. ─── 很多细节难以处理,威尔同意告诉她全部事情,但是坚持隐藏对方的名字和身份,把它留给玛雅去猜测她的妈妈到底是什么样子。

64、An information disguising and hiding technique is used to protect DEM (digital elevation model) data for store and transformation in this paper. ─── 提出了一种结合信息伪装和隐藏技术来保护数字高程模型(digital elevation model,简称DEM)数据的方法,保证了DEM数据的安全传输和存储.

65、Firewalking is a method of disguising port scans. ─── 趟火墙是一种伪装端口扫描的方法。

66、Still, there was no disguising the emotional resilience and intense mutual support in that village. ─── 但是,村里情绪上的达观和强烈的互相扶持并非伪装。

67、He hurried me into disguising as an old man. ─── 他催促我赶快装扮成一个老人。

68、Or perhaps this was just a facade, disguising his true nature which was all the more gruesome. ─── 或者也许这只是个假象,他以此来掩盖他更加可怕的真面目。

69、He tried to escape detection by disguising himself as an old man. ─── 他企图乔装一老人逃过侦察者的耳目。

70、Contempt to happiness is always to others' happiness. Under the deliberate disguis is the hatred to human beings. ─── 1对幸福的轻蔑通常是对其他人幸福的轻蔑,在精巧的伪装之下是对人类的仇恨。

71、HIs face was so implacable that it was popularly rumored to be a mask, disguising something utterly inhuman beneath. ─── 他的脸部表情永远一成不变,大众相传那只是一副面具,只为了掩盖底下的某张非人景观。

72、His purpose of disguising himself as a wizard is to defraud people of their money. ─── 他扮成神汉的目的就是为了骗取钱财。

73、Still, there was no disguising the emotional resilience and intense mutual support in that village. ─── 但是,情绪上的达观和强烈的互相支持并不是伪装的。

74、Disguised; disguising; disguises; To modify the manner or appearance of in order to prevent recognition. ─── 假扮,化妆改变举止或外表以便不让人认出来。

75、The act or an instance of disguising. ─── 假扮; 伪装伪装的行为或事例

76、An Analysis of the Change in Mother Subject about "Female Disguising herself as Male" in Chinese Literature ─── 论中国文学中"女扮男装"母题的嬗变

77、Evading and disguising themselves will make uncomfortable, are not necessary in their own homes lie. ─── 回避和掩饰都会令自己不舒服,人是没必要在自己的家中撒谎的。

78、Being late is inevitable and disguising is necessary, impossible to be recognized this way. ─── 迟到是必然的,化装是必须的。这样还能被认出来那就见鬼了。

79、I hate that false plan of disguising, mutilating the truth. ─── 我最恨那种掩饰真相、割裂真相的虚伪策略。

80、The misty quality in the upper fraction, slightly disguising the olive is already part of the alchemical process. ─── 上层的迷濛色特质就是要将橄榄绿偷偷的隐藏起来,而这也是转化过程的一部份。

81、For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. ─── 那等人是假使徒、行事诡诈、装作基督使徒的模样。

82、Rising prices in higher-value properties, coupled with higher volumes in lower-priced ones, may be disguising stodginess in the middle of the market. ─── 高端市场的提价,已经低端市场的不俗销量,可能导致人们对中间市场粘滞状态的忽视。

83、less admirable was the Black Act of 1723, under which anyone who was convicted of blackening or disguising his face to hunt deer could be hanged. ─── 政绩中略有瑕疵的便是1723年的“黑法案”,其中规定到任何人都不得为了猎鹿而把脸涂黑或伪装起来,否则会被吊死。

84、There' s no disguising the fact ( ie It is clear ) that he' s a liar. ─── 他爱撒谎, 这可是掩盖不了的.

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