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09-02 投稿


abnormality 发音

英:[??bn???m?l?ti]  美:[,?bn?r'm?l?ti]

英:  美:

abnormality 中文意思翻译



abnormality 同义词

malfunction | curiosity | monstrosity | mutant |irregularity | oddness | digression | unconventionality | uncommonness | miscreation | anomaly | bizarreness | strangeness | eccentricity | divergence | hobby-horse | defect | fault | rarity | unconformity | singularity | deviation | aberration | monster | abnormity | queerness | quirk | singularness | oddity | deformity | abnormalcy | unusualness | freakishness | exception | variation | malformation | aberrancy | idiosyncrasy | perversion | peculiarity | freak | aberrance

abnormality 反义词

standard |regularity | normality

abnormality 词性/词形变化,abnormality变形

名词复数: abnormalities |

abnormality 短语词组

1、abnormality in liver ─── 肝脏异常

2、psychological abnormality ─── 心理异常

3、abnormality tray ─── 异常托盘

4、recording of abnormality ─── [计] 异常性记录

5、abnormality eye ─── 畸形眼

6、genetic abnormality ─── 遗传畸形, ─── 遗传异常

7、abnormality in kidney ultrasound ─── 肾脏超声异常

8、abnormality of mind ─── [法] 精神失常

9、chrosomal abnormality ─── [网络] 染色体异常

10、gait abnormality ─── [医]步态异常

11、abnormity or abnormality ─── 异常或 ─── 异常

12、epithelial cell abnormality ─── 上皮细胞异常

13、abnormality dancin girl ─── 异常舞女

14、osseous abnormality ─── 骨异常

15、abnormality quote ─── 异常报价

16、abnormality management ─── 异常管理

17、congenital abnormality ─── 先天性异常

18、clinical abnormality ─── 临诊异常

19、mental abnormality ─── [网络] 心理异常;精神异常;精神变态

abnormality 相似词语短语

1、abnormally ─── adv.反常地;变态地;不规则地

2、abnormalize ─── vt.使反常

3、abnormalities ─── n.畸形;异常情况(abnormality的复数形式)

4、subnormality ─── 低常状态

5、paranormality ─── 超自然

6、abnormalism ─── n.反常性;[医]变态性

7、abnormity ─── n.异常;异形;不规则;畸形

8、normality ─── n.常态;[化学]当量浓度;[化学]规定浓度

9、abnormalise ─── v.使不规则;使反常

abnormality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In addition, the temperature range of elastic abnormality will extend along with the increase in tempering time. ─── 同时,随着回火时间增加,弹性反常的温度范围加宽。

2、Fixed splitting of S2.The most common abnormality Of S2 is failure of splitting to close at the end of expiration. ─── S2的固定分裂S2最常见的异常是分裂未能在呼气末关闭。

3、The person is in rage when, can you make the issue of a few abnormality? ─── 人在情绪激动的时候,是不是会做出一些反常的事?

4、Individuals with BDD fixate on an imagined flaw in their appearance or a slight physical abnormality. ─── 患有BDD的人过多关注臆想的外表缺陷,还有太在意很微不足道的身体异常。

5、The lambs showed eye abnormality and severely diarrhea. ─── 初生羔羊出现眼睛畸形和严重腹泻。

6、After Clinic intervention, 1 patient had less regression and 2 patients had coagulant function abnormality. ─── 临床干预后患肢肿胀消退不明显1例,凝血功能异常2例。

7、Three 46,XY males with sexual abnormality showed SRY positive. ─── 3例46,XY男性性异常患儿,SRY基因均为阳性。

8、There was positive correlation between the course of disease and the abnormality rate of MEP. ─── MEP异常率与病程长短呈正相关 ;

9、Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. ─── 对于富人来说,贫穷是不可理解的异常现象:他们怎么也弄不明白,那些想要吃饭的人,为什么不摇铃让人送来呢?英国经济学家巴杰特。

10、He began to wonder: if the runner's high is an example of how a healthy body successfully modulates pain, what abnormality leads to chronic pain? ─── 他开始思考:如果跑步者高潮是健康肌体成功调节疼痛的一个例子,那么肌体异常会对慢性疼痛造成什么影响?

11、Prostatic disorder:ABnormality or disease of the prostate gland. ─── 前列腺疾病:前列腺的功能障碍或疾

12、A hard-to-find abnormality in the colon is more common than previously thought, researchers say. ─── 一硬的-到-研究人员说,在大肠,结肠的发现异常比先前想法更常见。

13、The total abnormality rate of BAEP and MRI reached 93%. ─── BAEP与MRI二者联合检查阳性率为93%。

14、Caitlin was born with a life-threatening heart abnormality. ─── 凯特琳先天患有危及生命的心脏病。

15、The new findings suggest that searching for a clear abnormality or flaw is the wrong approach, at least for attention problems. ─── 新的发现暗示,试图找寻明显的不正常情况是错误的尝试方向,至少在注意力问题上是这样的。

16、Before the earthquake some abnormality in the weather is observe. ─── 地震以前,人们观察到了一些气候反常现象。

17、Bone marrow cell micronucleus test and mice sperm abnormality test had negative results and there was no mutagenicity. ─── 其小鼠骨髓细胞微核和精子畸形试验均为阴性,未显示出致突变性。

18、However, extremely low solidication rate could induce abnormality... ─── 但凝固速度极小又会诱发固/液界面变异。

19、However, patients with silicosis usually have greater respiratory impairment for a given degree of radiographic abnormality than do patients with CWP. ─── 在放射学上病变程度一致的硅肺呼吸症状要比CWP严重。

20、Researchers are still trying to isolate the gene that causes this abnormality. ─── 研究人员仍然在试图分离导致这种畸形的基因。

21、Cerebrovascular function abnormality exists in both MLI and in CVDRF,and the former is more obvious. ─── MLI患者梗死急性期、慢性期及梗死之前均出现了脑血管功能的异常 ,前两期下降更明显。

22、The cases included normal (n=8), brain aneurysm(n=1), vessel stenosis (n=3),arteriovenous abnormality(n=2), brain tumor(n=4). ─── 18例中 ,正常 8例 ,脑动脉瘤 1例 ,血管狭窄 3例 ,动静脉畸形 2例 ,脑肿瘤 4例。

23、Before the earthquake some abnormality in the weather is observed. ─── 地震以前,人们观察到了一些气候反常现象。

24、His identity should not be in the news broadcast, this is abnormality. ─── 他的身份不应该在新闻联播里报,这是破格。

25、The first type of abnormality on HRCT is reticular opacities. ─── HRCT上的第一类异常改变是网状影。

26、It is known to be due to an abnormality of the isceral epithelial cells (podocytes) of the glomerulus. ─── 众所周知,其原因是肾小球脏层上皮细胞(足细胞)异常。

27、These data suggest that there exists abnormality of the expression of HLA DR in MF PBL,which may be correlated with pathogenesis of MF. ─── MF患者外周血淋巴细胞HLA?DR抗原表达普遍存在异常,与MF的发病密切相关。

28、Positive criterion was defined as the appearance and worsening of wall motion abnormality (WMA). ─── 以左室16节段中出现新的室壁节段运动异常(WMA)为阳性。

29、The most common metabolic abnormality was hypocitraturia, followed by hypercalciuria. ─── 在多钙尿后最常见的代谢性异常为枸橼酸盐尿。

30、In other words, the abnormality of human bioelectricity is the source of all diseases. ─── 也就是说,人体生物电的不正常就是万病之源。

31、The abnormality of the action potential repolarization in cardiomyocyte is closely related with arrhythmia. ─── 心肌细胞动作电位复极化异常与心律失常的发生有密切关系。

32、The abnormality of NIS gene will lead to thyroid disease. ─── NIS的异常与许多甲状腺疾病有关。

33、The term "long QT" refers to an abnormality seen on an EKG (electrocardiogram). ─── 医学术语“长QT”是指心电图 结果上的一种异常。

34、A disease or an abnormality of a joint. ─── 关节病病变或或畸形的关节

35、Abnormality of T Cell Subgroup in brood and NK cell of CA patients,and also are the cause of relapse. ─── 尖锐湿疣;;T-淋巴细胞亚群;;综述;;免疫,细胞;;杀伤细胞,天然;;细胞因子类

36、The abnormality rateof ENG, BR, BAEP and rCBF was 92%, 58%, 82% and 61% respectively. ─── ENG异常率为92%,BAEP为58%,BR为82%,rCBF为61%。

37、No significant abnormality in P-ERG waveform of anisometropic amblyopic eyes was found. ─── 弱视眼P-ERG与正常儿童组比较并无明显异常。

38、Birth defect: Genetic or trauma-induced abnormality present at Birth. ─── 先天性缺陷:婴儿出生时就带有因遗传因素或各种意外事故造成的畸形。

39、CF is an inherited disease characterized by an abnormality in the body's salt-, water- and mucus-making cells. ─── 囊性纤维化是一种遗传性疾病,其特征为机体盐、水和黏液细胞异常。

40、The reason of chromatographic abnormality in instrument transformer oil is analyzed. The cautions to put additives in transformer oil are presented. ─── 分析了互感器中变压器油色谱异常的原因,指出了在变压器油中加入添加剂应审慎。

41、The abnormality mitral stenosis was in myocardium, not in the valve. ─── 二尖瓣狭窄的病变是在心肌而不是在瓣膜。

42、Soundness, especially of body or mind;freedom from disease or abnormality. ─── 健康尤指身体或心智的健康;免受疾病或反常影响的

43、"Do not know yesterday's little dog child two then how is case? Can " blue Joe asks again, " have an abnormality? " ─── “不知昨日小狗娃二便情况如何?”蓝乔又问,“可有异常?”

44、Further scans are required to confirm the diagnosis of an abnormality. ─── 需要做进一步的扫描来确诊异常情况。

45、These photos are not diagnostic of neoplasm or any specific abnormality. ─── 上述图像不能诊断肿瘤和其它特殊病变。

46、Impairment - Any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function. ─── 中文翻译:任何心理、身体、解剖构造或生理机能的丧失与异常。

47、Ulinastatin could help to correct such abnormality. ─── 乌司他丁有助于纠正该异常。

48、Has the student experienced disease, impairment or abnormality of any of the following? ─── 学生经历过任何以下方面的疾病或损害吗?

49、Doctors have long suspected an association between foetal abnormality and alcohol consumption during pregnancy. ─── 医生一直对畸形婴儿和怀孕期摄取酒精之间的联系产生怀疑。

50、What they found was a genetic abnormality. ─── 他们发现的是一种基因的反常。

51、Case 2 with increased echogenicity of cortex and medulla and loss of corticomedullary differentiation, indicates co-existent medullary abnormality. ─── 在病例2中,皮髓质回声增强,且二者回声差别消失,最终被证实具有复合存在的髓质异常。

52、If you find any abnormality of him, such as sweating, chest pain, please let me know. ─── 如果您发现他有什么不正常,比如出汗、胸痛,请告诉我。

53、Hyperdiploid chromosome abnormality was seen in 5(5/14) untreated patients with psoriasis and significantly higher than normal. ─── 5例(5/14)未经治疗的银屑病患者外周血淋巴细胞染色体的超二倍体明显高于正常人。

54、The positive rates of TNF-a and LSA abnormality were 31.3% and 25.0% in CH, 43.8% and 6.3% in LC, and 93.3% and 73.3% in HCC, respectively. ─── 在慢性肝炎、肝硬化和肝癌患者中 ,TNF-a异常率分别为 3 1.3%、43 .8%和 93 .3% ; L SA异常率分别为 2 5 .0%、6 .3%和 73 .3% ;

55、In ARI group,the values of CK-MB,LDH-1,AST in patients with serious ECG abnormality were more higher,the diffenence was significant(?P?

56、It is significant to the imminent prediction through researching infrasound abnormality and accrued mechanism. ─── 但目前尚不能确定震中位置,并且对震前次声产生的机理还不是很清楚。

57、Bone marrow cell micronucleus test and mice sperm abnormality test had negative results and there was no mutagenicity. ─── 其小鼠骨髓细胞微核和精子畸形试验均为阴性,未显示出致突变性。

58、It is possible that he had abnormality formation when he was a fetus. ─── 同时,不排除是他母亲在怀他的时候,胎儿出现畸形。”

59、GUANGDONG ZHAOQING YINGDA INDUCTOR CO., LTD SMD COMPONENTS Loading under Damp Heat Appearance: No significant abnormality. ─── 广东肇庆英达电感器件有限公司表面贴装元件。

60、Male-sterility mainly results from the abnormality of mesospore,tapetum tissue and vascular bundle. ─── 中层组织、绒毡层组织及药隔维管束异常均是雄性败育的因素。

61、The MEP revealed that abnormality of pyramidal tract,nerve root and peripheral nerve may occur in patients with DM. ─── DM患者的锥体束及神经根、周围神经功能均存在明显异常。

62、Get family also nervous abnormality, a careful, for me at a distance, even just a nine month old child, I told him he was cold, no kinder. ─── 弄得家人也神经紧张异常,着着小心,要对我敬而远之,就连才一岁九个月的小孩,我叫他他也爱理不理,没了往日的亲切。

63、The lower the BPP, the higher the abnormality of the S/D value. ─── BPP评分越低 ,S/ D比值异常的发生率就越高。

64、The abnormality rate of ENG, BAEP and TCD was 88%, 53% and 76% respectively. ─── ENG异常率为88%,BAEP异常率为53%,TCD异常率为76%。

65、Volumes of wall motion abnormality (V_~WMA ) and perfusional myocardial defect (V_~PMD ) were measured by CE-RT3DE. ─── 分别于基础状态、冠脉结扎180min及再灌注30min时行CE-RT3DE,获取其RT-3DE容积数据库; 脱机后根据心尖长轴8平面法勾画舒张末期左室心肌灌注缺损区体积(VPMD)和室壁运动异常区体积(VWMA)。

66、A congenital abnormality of the skull in which the top of the head assumes a conical or pointed shape. ─── 尖头畸形头颅的一种先天性畸形,头的顶部形成锥形或尖形

67、A study on the relationship between the recurrent respiratory infection and ciliary structure abnormality. ─── 儿童反复呼吸道感染与纤毛结构异常相关性研究。

68、We did not know the correct human chromosome number in 1955, let alone were we able to detect a chromosomal abnormality. ─── 我们不知道正确的人类染色体数目在1955年,更不用说了,我们能够探测到染色体异常。

69、Through SPECT we can find the abnormality of the beart and diagnose the Daunomycin -induced cardiotoxicity earlier. ─── SPECT能无创、动态观察心脏功能及运动情况,较早发现心脏异常,对柔红霉素心肌毒性具有早期诊断价值,值得临床推广。

70、Who are you? Why the warmth of my street, but let me feel the heart still so abnormality of cold. ─── 你是谁?为何温暖了我的街,却又让我感觉到这颗心还是那么异常的寒冷。

71、Of them one (100%) and four (57.1)% patients had the coronary abnormality detected by aortography. ─── 10例记录24小时心电图发现2例记录异常者均有冠状动脉异常。

72、The main symptoms of cardiac involvement found expression in palpitation,cardiac murmur,hypertension,EKG and UCG abnormality. ─── 心脏损害的主要临床表现有心悸、心脏杂音、高血压和心电图、超声心动图异常。

73、Soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from disease or abnormality. ─── 健康尤指身体或心智的健康; 免受疾病或反常影响的

74、Fourty-four (10.6%) of subjects were found to have chromosome abnormality. ─── 发现44例患者有染色体异常,频率为10.6%。

75、So gene instability of tumor cells may be closely correlated with centrosome abnormality,which is a common feature of malignant tumor cel... ─── 中心体异常是恶性肿瘤细胞的普遍特征。现就有关中心体异常在恶性肿瘤特别是膀胱移行细胞癌发生进展中的作用作一综述。

76、There hae been no requests from couples seeking to select a child with a genetic abnormality. ─── 尚无夫妇要求设法选择一个具有不同寻常的基因的孩子。

77、The abnormality of DNA methylation includes global hypomethylation and region-specific hypermethylation. ─── DNA甲基化异常包括全基因组的低甲基化和局部基因的高甲基化。

78、"To talk about dysfunction implies some abnormality within the women," Prof Ussher said. ─── “谈谈功能障碍意味着一些异常的内部妇女, ”教授厄舍尔说。

79、The pathological changes in brain can be reflected in the abnormality of EEG. ─── 如心电图反映出心脏病,脑电图反映脑部有病等等。

80、An eye abnormality,such as nearsightedness,farsightedness,or astigmatism,resulting from faulty refractive ability of the eye. ─── 屈光不正因眼的折射力缺陷造成的一种不正常的情况,如近视、远视或散光

81、She has shown no abnormality in intelligence or in disposition. ─── 她在智力或性情上都未显示出任何反常。

82、Left ventricular wall motion was recorded during the procedure. Positive criterion was defined as the appearance of wall motion abnormality(WMA). ─── 左室16节段中出现室壁运动异常为阳性。

83、No clinical symptom or sign was noted, and the essential hormonal study didn't reveal any abnormality. ─── 临床上病人并无任何相关徵状,其血液中相关的荷尔蒙检查也在正常范围。

84、In Case2 and a previous report patients with medullary abnormality on US had normal renal function. ─── 在病例2和以前的病例报道中,超声提示肾髓质异常的患者,其肾功能表现为正常。

85、This abnormality can be appreciated by carefully palpating the pulse in such patients. ─── 当小心地触诊这类病人的脉搏时,可以辨别出这种异常。

86、The composing a prescription according to five kinds of taste is the basic rule to treat function abnormality of Wuzang. ─── 中药五味配五行而具有相应的五行功用,以药味配伍组成方剂,是治疗机体五脏功能失常的基本法则。

87、The giant cell virus has the damage to the axoneure, will cause the embryo brain growth the abnormality. ─── 巨细胞病毒对中枢神经细胞有损伤,会导致胎儿脑部发育的畸形。

88、Western medicine thinks all diseases can be reflected in the abnormality of bioelectricity of body. ─── 中医学认为:所有疾病都是人体经络不通。

89、DIR FSE had higher image quality and had more reliable displaying abnormality than that of SE T_1WI. ─── DIR-FSE的图像质量较SET1WI的高,检出病变更确切。

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