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09-02 投稿


fibulare 发音


英:  美:

fibulare 中文意思翻译



fibulare 短语词组

1、ligamenea collaterale fibulare ─── [医] 腓侧副韧带

2、ossa tarsi fibulare ─── [医] 跟骨

3、os tarsi fibulare ─── [医]腓侧跗骨,跟骨

4、fibulare instep length ─── 腓骨脚背长度

5、tubercula fibulare ─── [医] 外侧结节

fibulare 相似词语短语

1、fibulae ─── n.扣针;搭扣

2、fabulated ─── 虚构的

3、infibulate ─── v.(把女性的阴部)扣住;夹住;封锁

4、fabular ─── adj.寓言的

5、fibulas ─── n.[解剖]腓骨;扣针,搭扣

6、fabulate ─── v.把......当故事叙述

7、fibula ─── n.[解剖]腓骨;扣针,搭扣

8、fibular ─── adj.腓骨的

9、fabulates ─── 传说

fibulare 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、lateral fibular compartment syndrome ─── 小腿外侧间隔综合征

2、Reconstruction of segmental defect of amputated thumb by semilunar flap from fibular side of great toe during replantation ─── 拇指节段缺损趾腓侧半月形皮瓣桥接再植术

3、Objective To investigate the effects of interlocking intramedullary nail and external fixator for the treatment of tibial fibular fractures. ─── 目的探讨交锁髓内钉和单侧三维多功能骨科外固定架治疗胫腓骨骨折的治疗效果。

4、The injury level of the IOM during Maisonneuve fracture may not be consistent with the high fibular fracture. ─── MFF损伤通常发生骨间膜断裂而导致下胫腓分离,但骨间膜断裂的水平与腓骨骨折水平并非一致。

5、fibular fracture ─── [医] 腓骨折

6、Keywords fibular and tibial fractures/treatment;fracture immobilization/cribriform splints;electrical needle;clinical study; ─── 胫腓骨骨折/治疗;骨折固定术/筛状夹板;电针;临床研究;

7、Application of Locked Intramedullary Nail to Management of Tibial and Fibular Fractures ─── 带锁髓内钉在胫骨及股骨骨折中的临床应用

8、Conclusion Iliac bone graft wrapped with semilunar flap taken from the fibular side of the great toe is an effective procedure in replanting an amputated thumb with segmental defect. ─── 结论采用??趾腓侧半月形皮瓣加植骨是治疗拇指节段缺损的有效再植方法。

9、Lateral approaches permit good exposure for complete excision of the lateral meniscus. They do not require division or release of the fibular collateral ligament. ─── 外侧入路可以为外侧半月板全切术提供良好显露,而且不用切断或松解腓侧副韧带。

10、collateral ligament, fibular ─── 腓侧副韧带

11、In 1964 the author had corrected himself in mistaken diagnosis of fibular fracture made previously. A total of 48 fibulae in 26 animals of Equus were examined by using caudalcranial projection radiograpy of the hind legs. ─── 本文通过26例马、骡的48个腓骨的X线照片观察,纠正了作者先前作过的马腓骨骨折的X线诊断,并在国内初次报告了马属动物假性腓骨骨折问题。

12、The result indicates that the patellar tendon, lateral femoral condyle, tibia crest, tibia end, fibular head and fibular end are primarily stressed. ─── 结果表明,残肢的受力主要分布在髌韧带、胫骨内突、胫骨前脊、胫骨远端、腓骨头及腓骨远端。

13、Treatment of tibial and fibular fractures with skin traction, manipulation reduction and splint external fixation ─── 皮牵手法整复小夹板外固定治疗胫腓骨干骨折

14、Objective: To evaluate the effect of vascular anastomosis of fibular transplantation for treatment of bone defect from resection of bone tumor and phymatoid lesion. ─── 目的:探索小儿长骨骨病、肿瘤切除后腔性骨缺损的修复效果。

15、Transfer of vascularized fibular pulp flap of the big toe combined with wrap-around flap of the second toe to repair degloving Injury of the thumb and fingers ─── (足母)及第二趾皮瓣瓦合修复拇、手指套脱伤

16、Keywords total knee arthroplasty;patellar resurfacing;contact areas;contact pressures;patellofemoral joint;joint line;tibial plateau;fibular head;distance; ─── 全膝置换术;髌骨置换;接触面积;接触压强;髌股关节;关节线;胫骨平台;腓骨小头;距离;

17、Axial split osteotomy of free fibular flap for mandibular angle reconstruction: A clinical study ─── 游离腓骨瓣轴向截骨术在下颌角重建中的应用

18、ligamenea collaterale fibulare ─── [医] 腓侧副韧带

19、 双语使用场景

20、fibular intermuscular ligament ─── 小腿前肌间隔

21、According to reports in the literature, donor-site morbidity of the fibular flap is generally low. ─── 据文献报道,腓骨瓣供区畸形一般少见。

22、Clinical study of assembled external fixator for tibial and fibular fractures ─── 组合式胫腓骨骨折复位固定器的临床研究

23、Conclusions Suitable method and material selection, restoration of the fibular anatomy and stability and reasonable exercises are essential for prevention of tibial nonunion. ─── 结论治疗胫骨骨折的方法和选材要适当,应重视恢复腓骨的解剖关系和稳定,以及及时合理的康复训练。

24、A free ascularized fibular autograft has greater osteogenic potential for incorporation but is technically much more demanding. ─── 带血管的游离自体整段腓骨植骨具有更强的掺和成骨能力,但有更高的技术要求。

25、The operation revealed that there was edema, adhesion in the fibular nerve, withpallor or faintness in color. ─── 术后随访3个月至2年,观察双下肢胫骨前肌、腓骨长短肌、长伸肌、趾长伸肌等肌力及小腿外侧、足背皮肤感觉恢复情况。

26、Objective: To explore and analyze the effect of external fixation with longitudinal physiological pressure in treating fracture of tibia and fibular. ─── 目的:探讨和分析纵向生理加压外固定治疗胫腓骨骨折的方法及功效。

27、Method Musculus flexor hallucis longus with musculus peroneus longus w ere anastomosed to strengthen fibular muscle producing posterointernal lysis for clubfoot. ─── 方法在行足后内侧软组织松解术时,将足母长屈肌与腓骨长肌吻合,加强腓侧肌力。

28、Objective:To study the optimal conditions of various kinds of treatment plans for complex tibial and fibular fractures. ─── 目的:探讨复杂性胫腓骨骨折各种治疗方案最佳应用条件。

29、Free fibular flap ─── 游离腓骨瓣

30、Background: The fibular collateral ligament is the primary stabilizer to varus instability of the knee. ─── 背景:腓侧副韧带是防止膝内翻不稳的主要稳定结构。

31、Methods: 20 cases tibial and fibular comminution fracture was treated with anatomical plate, and analysis the outcome.Results: All Cases were followed up. ─── 方法:应用胫骨远端外侧解剖形接骨板内固定治疗20例胫腓骨下段严重粉碎性骨折,对治疗结果进行评价。

32、Methods Twenty-eight patients with thrombosis in anterior tibial vein,posterior tibial veins,fibular veins and-veins amidst surae muscles underwent two-dimensional and color Doppler ultrasonography. ─── 结果28例小腿深静脉血栓均为单侧病变。小腿静脉血栓的好发部位依次为:肌间静脉、腓静脉、胫后静脉,未发现胫前静脉受累。

33、Conclusions The great toe fibular flap can inserted into the second toe and make its appearance more comparable to the normal thumb. ─── 结论足母趾腓侧皮瓣嵌入第2足趾,使再造拇指外形更接近正常的拇指。

34、Keywords tibial and fibular fractures/treatment fracture immobilization comparative study; ─── 胫腓骨骨折/治疗;骨折固定术;对比研究;

35、Objective: To analyse the best method in the treatment of open fractures of tibia fibular shaft. ─── 摘要目的:探讨单臂外固定支架在开放性胫腓骨骨折治疗中的应用价值。

36、Keywords Lateral Malleolus;Sural nerve;Superficial Fibular nerve;Applied Anatomy; ─── 关键词外踝;腓肠神经;腓浅神经;应用解剖;

37、Methods: 39 cases of open fractures of tibia fibular were cleaned and treated with single lateral external fixture in epidural and arachnoids anesthesia. ─── 方法:对39例开放性胫腓骨骨折在急诊硬腰联合麻醉下行清创、单臂支架外固定治疗。

38、Risk of anaesthesia after damage of the sural and superficial fibular nerves during the operation on lateral malleolus ─── 外踝术中腓肠神经和腓浅神经损伤后感觉缺失的发生风险

39、Methods After excision of local lesions, 37 patients had the osseous defects repaired with vascular, one sided or segmental fibular grafts. ─── 方法37例骨肿瘤或肿瘤样变,在作病灶彻底切除同时,分别采用吻合血管的腓骨长段充填植入,一侧嵌入式植入,节段性腓骨植入。

40、Keywords tibia;fibular;fracture;internal fixation; ─── 胫骨;腓骨;骨折;内固定;

41、Abstract: Objective: To discuss the feasibility and value of the treatment for tibial and fibular comminution fracture near the knee with anatomical plate. ─── 文章摘要: 目的:探讨伤后尽早切开复位解剖形接骨板内固定治疗胫腓骨中上段闭合性、严重粉碎性骨折的可行性及价值。

42、Study on Hook-plate Fixation for Abruption of Lower Tibiofibular Ligament Union and Fibular Fractures ─── 应用下胫腓钩板固定器治疗下胫腓联合分离伴腓骨骨折

43、The limited external rotation of the fibula during injury by the superior tibio-fibular syndesmosis comprise to the high level fibular fracture. ─── 上胫腓联合对腓骨外旋的限制及膝关节在损伤时所处的屈曲角度共同参与了高位腓骨骨折的产生。

44、Objective To analyse the reason of delayed union of tibia fibular shaft open fractures by treated with external fixation and treatment. ─── 目的探讨使用外固定支架治疗开放性胫、腓骨骨折及术后骨折延迟愈合的原因及治疗方法。

45、Dorsal pedis artery was not detected in 1 foot,and the first dorsal metatarsal artery originated from the fibular artery. ─── 1例足背动脉缺如,占16%,其第一跖背动脉来源于腓动脉。

46、The combined anterolateral thigh flap and fibular flap have played an important role in the reconstruction of the oromandibular composite defects. ─── 前外侧股皮瓣并腓骨皮瓣,在重建巨大颜面与口颚部缺损,佔有重要角色。

47、Treatment of Tibial and Fibular Comminution Fracture near the Knee with Anatomical Plate as early as possible ─── 尽早切开解剖板内固定治疗胫腓骨中上段闭合粉碎性骨折

48、postaxial : behind an axis; in anatomy, referring to the medial (ulnar) aspect of the upper arm, and the lateral (fibular) aspect of the lower leg. ─── 其汉语意思应该是:轴背的,轴后的。解剖学上指上肢的内侧(尺侧)和下肢的外侧(腓侧)。


50、Conclusion Deformity recurrence results from persistent asthenia of fibular muscles. ─── 结论畸形复发是由于腓骨肌持续无力造成的。

51、ossa tarsi fibulare ─── [医] 跟骨

52、circumflex fibular branch ─── 旋腓骨支

53、Tibial and fibular fracture ─── 胫腓骨粉碎性骨折

54、Objective:To provide anatomical basis for repairing calcaneus and serious tissue defect in backoot by reversed island V-shaped fibular bone-myocutaneous flap pedicled with peroneal vessels. ─── 目的:为以逆行岛状V型腓骨肌皮瓣修复跟骨及后足大面积软组织缺失提供解剖学资料。

55、aration of distal tibial and fibular epiphyses ─── 下胫腓骨骺分离

56、Methods:Segmental mandibular resection and immediate reconstruction with vascularized fibular osteocutaneous flap were performed in 8 patients with tumor. ─── 方法:对8例因肿瘤切除造成的下颌骨缺损患者,用血管化腓骨肌皮瓣修复。

57、Results: The fixer with longitudinal physiological pressure used to set tibia and fibular showed no influence on the movement of knee an... ─── 结论:该法体现了骨折固定动静结合的原则,可减少关节强直的发生率。

58、Fibular nerve damage during popliteal fossa operation ─── 腘窝手术失误致腓总神经损伤

60、Applied anatomy of upper fibular bone flap pedicled with circumflex fibular neck artery ─── 旋腓骨颈动脉蒂腓骨上段骨瓣的应用解剖学研究

61、Conclusions:The V-shaped fibular bone-myocutaneous flap pedicled with peroneal vessels could be used for repairing serious tissue defect in the backfoot. ─── 结论:以腓血管为蒂截取的腓骨肌皮瓣经塑形成V型复合瓣,可用于后足大面积缺损的再造。

62、Abstract: Objective: To discuss the 'feasibility and value of the treatment for lower tibial and fibular comminution fracture near the ankle with anatomical plate. ─── 文章摘要: 目的:探讨应用胫骨远端外侧解剖形接骨板内固定治疗胫腓骨下段粉碎性骨折的治疗价值。

63、Blood supply of the fibular head derived from the branches of anterior tibial artery: anatomical research and its significance ─── 胫前动脉分支供养腓骨头的解剖学研究及其临床意义

64、Keywords Microsurgery;Fibular skeletal flaps;Tibia;Fracture; ─── 显微外科;腓骨皮瓣;胫骨;骨折;

65、Merchant TC,Dietiz FR.Long-term follow-up after fractures of the tibial and fibular shaft[J].J Bone Sur (Am),1989,71:599. ─── 张辉,卢正飞.支撑钢板治疗胫骨平台骨折33例报告[J].江苏临床医学杂志,2002(6):550.

66、The application of massage manipulations in early treatment of tib- ial and fibular fracture: A report of 18 cases ─── 推拿按摩手法在胫腓骨骨折早期的应用(附18例报告)

67、Experience in the Treatment of 20 Cases of Common Fibular Nerve Paralysis With Electro - Acupuncture ─── 电针治疗腓总神经麻痹20例体会

68、Keywords Distal Tibial and Fibular Fracture;Lag Screw;Rectangular Nail;External Fixator; ─── 胫腓骨远端骨折;拉力螺钉;矩形针;外固定支架;

69、Methods 120 cases of clavicular, humeral, ulnar, radial, femoral, fibular, metacarpal and metatarsal fractures were treated with variant memory alloy embracing fixators. ─── 方法应用不同型号的记忆合金环抱器治疗锁骨骨折、肱骨骨折、尺桡骨骨折、股骨骨折、腓骨骨折、掌骨骨折、蹠骨骨折共120例。

70、Circumflex fibular neck artery ─── 旋腓骨颈动脉

71、tubercula fibulare ─── [医] 外侧结节

72、Fig. 1-17 Cross sections of leg showing line of approach for remoal of whole fibular transplants or tibial grafts. ─── 图1-17显示取整体腓骨植骨块或胫骨植骨块时手术切口入路的小腿横断面。

73、fibular hemimelia ─── [医] 腓侧半肢畸形

74、Comparison of the Treatment of Tibial fibular Fracture Between Interlocking Intramedullary Nail and External Fixator ─── 交锁髓内钉和单侧外固定架治疗胫腓骨骨折的比较

75、Treatment of complex tibial and fibular fracture by half-ring slotted external fixator combind with limited internal fixation ─── 半环槽式外固定器结合有限内固定治疗复杂胫腓骨骨折

76、third fibular muscle ─── 第三腓骨肌

77、Total vertebrectomy and repair were performed with fibular strut grafts and placement of rigid anterior and posterior instrumentation. ─── 患者进行了全椎体切除,腓骨支撑植骨,前后坚强内固定。

78、Treatment of Tibial and Fibular Comminution Fracture Near the Ankle by Anatomical Plate ─── 胫骨远端外侧解剖板内固定治疗胫腓骨下段粉碎性骨折

79、fibular condyle of femur ─── 股骨外侧髁

80、Methods 27 cases of open fractures of tibia fibular were cleaned and treated with external fixture in epidural and arachnoids anesthesia. ─── 方法对27例开放性胫腓骨骨折在急诊硬腰联合麻醉下行清创、单臂支架外固定治疗;骨延迟愈合行二次手术局部植骨,调整支架处理。

81、fracture of tibia and fibular ─── 胫腓骨骨折

82、Reconstructing thumb or finger with the great toe fibular skin flap embedded in the second toe metatarsal side ─── 拇趾腓侧皮瓣嵌入第二足趾跖侧再造拇、手指

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