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09-02 投稿



handcuffing 发音

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handcuffing 中文意思翻译



handcuffing 词性/词形变化,handcuffing变形

动词过去分词: handcuffed |动词过去式: handcuffed |动词第三人称单数: handcuffs |动词现在分词: handcuffing |

handcuffing 相似词语短语

1、uncuffing ─── 松开

2、handicapping ─── n.障碍;不利条件

3、hand-running ─── 手动运行

4、handcuffs ─── n.手铐;用手铐铐住

5、cuffing ─── n.成套(如血管周围白细胞聚集如套状)

6、handcuffed ─── 给…戴上手铐(handcuff的过去式和过去分词)

7、hand running ─── 手动运行

8、handcuff ─── n.手铐;v.给……戴上手铐;限制

9、handcrafting ─── n.手工艺,手艺;vt.以手工做

handcuffing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To fetter and handcuff living Beings ─── 桎梏生灵

2、"Handcuff them all!" ─── “把他们全铐起来!”

3、["Democracy Forum: Do Rights Handcuff Democracy." Boston Review , (April/May 1999. ─── “民主论坛:是权利限制了民主吗?”,《波士顿评论》,1999年4/5月。

4、Democracy Forum: Do Rights Handcuff Democracy." Boston Review,( April/ May1999. ─── 民主论坛:是权利限制了民主吗?”,《波士顿评论》,1999年4/月。

5、If you draft Steve Nash early, try to handcuff him with Leandro Barbosa late. ─── 如果你前面选了纳什,那么后面尽力让巴博萨跟他扣在一起。

6、Idea 3: The police rush into the bank and handcuff Mark. ─── 想法三:警方冲进银行逮捕马克。

7、The problem is, according to the NFL Network, some networks are handcuffing you from your football coverage! ─── 根据国家橄榄球大联盟网络,问题在于一些网络使你被足球转播覆盖面局限!

8、Handcuffing a person does not mean the person is automatically under arrest. ─── 手铐并不意味著该人自动被逮捕。

9、You want to handcuff yourself to the book? ─── 你要把你自己和样刊铐在一起?

10、The problem is, according to the NFL Network, some networks are handcuffing you from your football coverage! ─── 根据国家橄榄球大联盟网络,问题在于一些网络使你被足球转播覆盖面局限!

11、I think we are onto something - next time we catch a drug dealer we handcuff the drugs to his wrist and put him on a flight to China - maybe even call ahead and tip them off as to his arrival. ─── 我认为我们学到了点什么,下一次,如果我们抓到毒贩,把他铐起来用飞机运到中国,也许在他到达前,给中国打个电话通风报信一下。

12、Then, while handcuffing Bourdin, the police removed his baseball cap. ─── 夏多内看了很心疼:如果他真是一个被虐待的孤儿怎么办?

13、Although the handcuffing case is not being likened to the 2002 episode, it also comes in a presidential election year. ─── 尽管人们并没有把此次的手铐事件与2002年的案件相提并论,但今年也恰逢总统选举年。

14、The police should show their attachment before handcuffing you. ─── 警方拘捕你前必须出示拘留状。

15、Handcuff the criminal. ─── 把犯人铐起来。

16、She said: "As I was leaving for work this morning, they were handcuffing him. ─── 她说:“今早我正要出门去上班时,警察在给他铐手铐。

17、The police should show their attachment before handcuffing you. ─── 警方拘捕你前必须出示拘留状。

18、But all it will take is one collision with Bruce Bowen before his knee starts to swell up like a cantaloupe once again and handcuff him to the bench the way it did in his final season with the Bulls. ─── 但是,这一切美好的愿景只消鲍文的一个碰撞,就将化为乌有。就像皮蓬在公牛的最后一个赛季一样,那一撞让他的膝盖肿得像个哈密瓜,也让他乖乖地退回到伤病席上去。

19、The soldiers handcuff the ring leader and cover his head. ─── 士兵们拷上了团伙的头目并盖住他的头。

20、handcuff the criminal ─── 把犯人铐起来

21、This will start to fan inflation fears, thereby handcuffing Japan's ability to compete effectively with low-cost producers of Asian NICs. ─── 这种情况就会煽动起对通货膨胀的恐惧,从而束缚日本有效地同亚洲新兴工业国家低成本制造厂家进行竞争的能力。

22、But now, it became a handcuff and constrained children freedom and activeness conversely. ─── 但现在,它却反过来成了桎梏儿童的镣铐,压抑了儿童的自由与主动性。

23、Handcuffing a person does not mean the person is automatically under arrest. ─── 戴手铐并不意味著该人自动被逮捕。

24、The other side of benevolence and righteousness is the handcuff and fetters, devised to trap people in guilt. ─── 仁义的另外一面意义,就是手镣脚铐,专门陷人于罪恶之中。

25、”asked the other.“Young!”exclaimed the first speaker,“why-Oh!Didn't you 42)catch on?Say -did you ever know an officer to handcuff a prisoner to his right hand? ─── 她说话的嗓音是那么圆润甜美而又从容不迫,表明它的主人惯于说话,也惯于被人倾听。

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