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09-02 投稿



grumpily 发音

英:[?ɡr?mp?li]  美:[?ɡr?mp?li]

英:  美:

grumpily 中文意思翻译



grumpily 词性/词形变化,grumpily变形

形容词最高级: grumpiest |副词: grumpily |名词: grumpiness |形容词比较级: grumpier |

grumpily 相似词语短语

1、crumply ─── 易皱的;容易被弄皱的

2、gruffily ─── 粗暴地

3、frumpily ─── 节俭地

4、grubbily ─── 肮脏地

5、glumpily ─── 闷闷不乐的

6、grumbly ─── 格伦布利(人名)

7、bumpily ─── adv.扑通;崎岖地,颠簸地

8、dumpily ─── 矮胖的

9、grumpishly ─── 生气地

grumpily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Less grumpily, Thomas Jefferson termed it "splendid misery. " ─── 性格没那么乖戾的托马斯.杰斐逊则称之为“华丽的痛苦”。

2、'Are we allowed to speak yet? ' said Ron grumpily. Hermione ignored him. ─── “我们现在可以说话了吧?”罗恩没好气地说。赫敏不理睬他。

3、And that was also, he thought grumpily, quite predictable. ─── 他心情很坏地想,这些事也是可以预想得到的。

4、‘You won't be “free” as you call it much this side of Christmas, I can see that,’ retorted the Rat grumpily, as he picked his way out of the field. ─── “你所说的‘空闲’,只怕在圣诞节以前,是不会有的。”河鼠没好气地反唇相讥。他在行李堆中择路走出了麦田。

5、Grab, rounder, grumpily, confident, expensive, contribute, compete. ─── 抢抓,圆,好生气地,自信,昂贵的,贡献,竞争。

6、Mark often acts grumpily if Kathleen wakes him up too early in the morning. ─── 假如凯萨琳早上太早把马克吵醒,马克通常会暴跳如雷。

7、Fanny Elsing and the Bonnell girls, roused early from slumber, were yawning on the back seat and the Elsings' mammy sat grumpily on the box, a basket of freshly laundered bandages on her lap. ─── 范妮 - 埃尔辛和邦内尔家的姑娘们也给从睡梦中叫起来,正在马车后座上打哈欠,埃尔辛家的嬷嬷则满脸不高兴地坐在车夫座位上,膝头上放着一篮新浆洗过的绷带。

8、Fat Lady called grumpily after him as he walked away. ─── 他走开以后,胖夫人追着他的背影气哼哼地叫道。

9、For the next 20 years Engels worked grumpily away, handing over half his generous income to an ever more demanding Marx. ─── 在其后的20年间,恩格斯任劳但不任怨的经营棉纺厂,将其丰厚收入的一半交给需求越来越多的马克思。

10、I know, I know," said Ken, grumpily, without looking up. ─── 我知道,我知道” 肯没好气地说着,连头也不抬。

11、When they took the draft to Clinton, he was grumpily watching the Arkansas Razorbacks on television. ─── 将汇票克林顿他是没好气地看阿肯色州鳄在电视上。

12、For the next 20 years Engels worked grumpily away, handing over half his generous income to an ever more demanding Marx. ─── 在其后的20年间,恩格斯任劳但不任怨的经营棉纺厂,将其丰厚收入的一半交给需求越来越多的马克思。

13、Mark often acts grumpily if Kathleen wakes him up too early in the morning. ─── 假如凯萨琳早上太早把马克吵醒,马克通常会暴跳如雷。

14、we allowed to speak yet?' said Ron grumpily. Hermione ignored him. ─── 我们现在可以说话了吧?”罗恩没好气地说。赫敏不理睬他。

15、"How you goin' to manage them lanterns on the lawn without Mr. Wilkes seein' them when he comes home to supper?" demanded Archie grumpily. ─── "不过,你打算外面草地上那些灯笼怎么办呢? 威尔克斯先生回来吃晚饭时会看见的,"阿尔奇显得烦躁地提出这个问题。



英 [?ɡr?mpi] 美 [?ɡr?mpi]

解释:adj. 脾气暴躁的;性情乖戾的

n. 脾气坏的人;爱抱怨的人


GRU abbr. Glavnoe Razvedivatelnoe Upravlenie 格勒乌; 原苏军总参谋部情报总局(=Chief Administration for Intelligence) 相关单词:Gru abbr. Gruyere 瑞士格里尔干酪

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