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09-02 投稿


penetrate 发音

英:[?pen?tre?t]  美:[?pen?tre?t]

英:  美:

penetrate 中文意思翻译




penetrate 常用词组

penetrate into ─── 刺入;透入

penetrate through ─── 穿透

penetrate 词性/词形变化,penetrate变形


penetrate 短语词组

be penetrated with

1. 弥漫着; 渗透着

The whole area was penetrated with terror.


1、penetrate into our life ─── 深入我们的生活

2、penetrate define ─── 穿透定义

3、penetrate into ─── 刺入

4、penetrate through ─── 穿透

5、penetrate eye ─── 穿透眼睛

6、liquid penetrate examination ─── [化] 液体渗透试验

7、be penetrate with ─── 充满

8、dye penetrate test ─── [机] 染料渗透检验法

9、penetrate synonym ─── 穿透同义词

10、penetrate to ─── 深入至,看到

11、penetrate method ─── 穿透方法

12、penetrate definition ─── 穿透定义

13、penetrate the zone ─── 穿透区域

14、penetrate with ─── 深入于

penetrate 相似词语短语

1、penetrated ─── 鞭辟入里

2、penetrative ─── adj.渗透的;有穿透力的;彻骨的

3、fenestrate ─── adj.有窗的;有窗状小孔的;具透明点的

4、penetrants ─── n.渗透液(penetrant复数)

5、penetrator ─── n.侵入者,洞察者;渗透者

6、impenetrate ─── vt.贯穿;渗透;进入

7、penetrable ─── adj.可穿透的;可渗透的

8、penetrance ─── n.(遗传)[遗]外显率;穿透性,透入度

9、penetrates ─── 穿透;进入;打入

penetrate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But rainwater cannot penetrate their cottages. ─── 不过雨水无法渗透过他们的茅草房。

2、What was the General thinking about, letting the Yankees penetrate eighteen miles farther into Georgia? ─── 将军究竟打的什么主意,居然让北方佬侵入佐治亚18英里呢?

3、She has a wig on,but we soon penetrate her disguise. ─── 她戴了一顶假发,但是我们很快就识穿了她的伪装。

4、It is an heavy crossbow designed with new idea and new technology, which can shoot the strong penetr... ─── 发布者:薛永飞所在地:河南焦作市行业:礼品、工艺品、饰品职位:外销员工作年限:二年以上

5、The main drawback for relying on nightglow is that it does not penetrate ceilings or walls. ─── 夜辉的主要缺点则是无法透视屋顶或是墙壁。

6、She sank deeper than the spade of the sexton could penetrate, till the churchyard became a roof above her. ─── 在她弯身向他,拉着他自己无力举起的手的时候,他的目光就像在倾诉一样。

7、There is darkness through and through, a mass of murkiness which neither moonlight nor sunlight can penetrate. ─── 他是全部黑暗,天昏地黑,日月无光。

8、You will be tested on the material by the hackers who will indubitably attempt to penetrate your site. ─── 一些黑客在尝试入侵你的站点时你的安全知识就会得到检验。

9、MicroPulse bristles pivot independently to penetrate deep between teeth for a superior, floss-like clean. ─── 9400多出了上面介绍的那个刷头,这里是视频介绍,好像是清洁牙缝的,

10、She could always penetrate what I was thinking. ─── 她总能看穿我在想什么。

11、But how deep should we penetrate into the enemy-controlled areas? ─── 但是,我们深入到敌占区什么程度?

12、Signals at very low frequencies, about 50 kHz and lower, can penetrate sea water very well. ─── 信号在非常低频率,大约50千赫和降低,可能击穿海水很好。

13、Neither one of these seems to penetrate the skin, and sun screens based on these ingredients appear to be safe as well as effective. ─── 这两种物质都不会穿透皮肤,基于这两种成分的防晒霜效果好,还安全。

14、But how could a foreigner penetrate the surface, to seesintosthe Chinese state of mind? ─── 但是一个外国人又如何能够透过表面现象来看到中国人的内心呢?

15、Light can't penetrate a brick wall. ─── 光无法穿过砖墙。

16、A single spine can easily penetrate 2 cm of solid neosteel even at maximum range. ─── )刺蛇发射的尖锥,其穿透力相当惊人。

17、FREE Shopping Cart Software is a solution for small companies to penetrate the crowded internet market. ─── 一款免费购物车软件是小企业跻身于繁忙的互联网市场的一条捷径。

18、EVA and PU membrane can be made of Dichlofenac penetrate through skinwith constant speed. ─── EVA和PU膜能使双氯灭痛恒速透过皮肤,达到缓释和控释的目的。

19、Were you able to penetrate the author's symbolism? ─── 你能理解作者的象征主义吗?

20、You will need a strong light to penetrate through this mist. ─── 你们需要一种强光来穿透这种雾霭。

21、The men and women of the CIA must penetrate closed societies and secretive organizations. ─── 中情局的人们必须潜入封闭的社会和隐秘的组织内部。

22、P2P UDP penetrate NAT's Principle and realize, and I hope to help beginners. ─── P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现,希望对初学者有帮助.

23、The scratch does not penetrate the coating layer to Die. ─── 刮伤没有穿透保护层。

24、and Gerald was so much like her he never failed to penetrate her weak subterfuges , even as she penetrated his. ─── 同时杰拉尔德也与她十分相似,没有哪一次不识奇她的诡计,犹如猜透了他的一样。

25、She gave one long, shuddering gaze, that seemed almost to penetrate the mystery of the black veil. ─── 她战栗着向他长久地望了最后一眼,好象要刺破黑纱的秘密。

26、She could penetrate what I was thinking. ─── 她能懂得我在想什么。

27、At the same time, we have been making every effort to penetrate into the White areas and operate inside the enemy camp. ─── 同时多方伸入白区,在敌人营垒中去活动。

28、Twenty 1.25” long spikes do the rest and penetrate the soil surface, aerating it all the while. ─── 20支1.25寸长的钉子会做剩下的事情,穿透土壤表层,始终在为它通气。

29、Air cannot penetrate between the soil particles, making the soil oxygen-poor. ─── 空气无法穿透土壤颗粒,导致土壤缺氧。

30、In most jellyfish, these stinging cells are so small that they can't penetrate human skin. ─── 在大多数海蜇中,这些蛰刺细胞非常小,以至于无法穿透人类的皮肤。

31、It will be a deep cold, for it will penetrate inside of you. ─── 它将是一个极度的寒冷,因为它将会穿透你的里面。

32、He used to boast, “My spears are the sharpest things in the world.They can penetrate anything. ─── 他一手举着他的毛夸耀说:“我的矛锋利无比,无论多么坚硬的东西都能刺穿它。”

33、Saving, Longlife, Golden-white Light with the excellent capability to penetrate the fog. ─── 产品说明:特点:发光效率高、耗电少、寿命长、光线呈金白色、透雾力强。

34、But this only happens when Christians get out of the saltshaker and penetrate their communities. ─── 但唯有当基督徒冲出盐瓶,进入社区,才能产生这种功效。

35、Don't bother to penetrate girls' minds as they are always changing. ─── 别费尽心机去洞察女孩的心思,因为她们总在变。

36、In the sixteenth century questions arose about how much the influence of Calvin should be allowed to penetrate into Lutheranism. ─── 在十六世纪出现的问题,多少影响卡尔文应允许渗透到路德教。

37、She could always be depended upon to penetrate what I was thinking. ─── 任何时候都可以指望她一一洞察我的思想活动。

38、He felt some of the snow slide in, penetrate his shirt. ─── 他感到有些雪片溜进大衣,透过衬衫。

39、He used to boast, "My spears are the sharpest things in the world.They can penetrate anything. ─── 他一手举起他的矛夸耀说:“我的矛锋利无比,无论多么坚硬的东西都能刺穿。”

40、To realize its nature, the meditator should be able to hook on, sink in, adhere, or penetrate into the sensation. ─── 为瞭解它的实相,禅修者应该要能紧跟、浸入、黏著、或透入感觉之中去。

41、At some frequencies, it can penetrate walls. ─── 在一些频率,它能穿透墙壁。

42、If the eyes are exposed to HF, it may penetrate to internal structures. ─── 如果眼睛暴露在HF中,HF会渗透到内部组织。

43、Other proteins do penetrate into and, in some cases, all the way through the lipid bilayer. ─── 其他蛋白质则渗透到脂质双层(膜)中,而且在某些情况下一直透过脂质双层(膜)。

44、A bullet can penetrate this board, or two inches into that wall. ─── 子弹能穿过这片木板,或穿过那面墙壁二英尺。

45、Coconut Shampoo can naturally penetrate into and thoroughly clean the skin with rich foam and can be easily cleaned. ─── ·椰清沐浴露能自然渗透,彻底清洁,泡沫丰富,易于清洗。

46、Network worms can penetrate your computer even when you are not browsing the web. This service makes web surfing safe. ─── 保护您在浏览网站时,不再受到恶意程序的威胁。

47、To pierce, punch, or bore a hole or holes in; penetrate. ─── 刺穿穿、刺、戳洞;穿透

48、Typically, however, ethylene oxide does not penetrate the BPC in this powdered form. ─── 典型地,然而,环氧乙烷并不会以粉末的形式渗透到原料药中。

49、The penetrate limit velocity of LY12 aluminum plate which is impacted by steel ball is studied by MSC. Dytran program. ─── 利用工程有限元软件msc. Dytran,对钢球冲击LY12铝合金靶板时的击穿极限速度进行了数值模拟研究。

50、Only micronic particulates penetrate to the depth of the lung. ─── 只有微细粒子穿透到肺深部。

51、The artist believed that art helps to penetrate further into the world and into men for understanding. ─── 他相信艺术有助于进一步深人观察世界和人以加强认识。

52、They are hoping to penetrate the Japanese market with their lastest produce. ─── 他们希望以他们的最新产品打入日本市场。

53、He besought me to try and clear up a mystery he had never been able to penetrate. ─── 他求我设法解答这个他自己始终无法解开的谜。

54、We had this patient who suffered penile fracture after running across the room and trying to penetrate his wife with a flying leap. ─── 我们有一个病人,在跑过整个房间后试图用一个飞跃插入他的妻子,最终惨遭阴茎折断。

55、It remains to be seen whether it can penetrate the dense jungles where the FARC rebels lurk. ─── 它还需要继续查看是否可以穿透那些哥伦比亚反政府武装所隐藏的的茂密丛林。

56、Respiratory droplets can't penetrate your skin, though, Dr.Zuk says. ─── 但祖克博士说飞沫无法穿透人体皮肤。

57、Our eyes could not penetrate the darkness. ─── 我们的眼睛在黑暗中什么也看不见。

58、They are utterly different but at the same time integrate with and penetrate into one another. ─── 它们既风格迥异又相互交融、渗透,形成多元一体格局。

59、Stevioside may not, however, be able to penetrate cell membranes. ─── 不过,甜菊糖不一定能够穿透细胞膜。

60、When light frequencies were able to penetrate the control fence, there was no light to receive them. ─── 当光频率能穿透频率控制栅栏时候,没有光来到达他们。

61、One technique is to use power reaming to penetrate the first cortex and then switch to hand reaming. ─── 可以用电钻突破第一层皮质,然后换成手摇钻扩孔。

62、Those who love nature always desire to penetrate into its utmost recesses. ─── 喜爱大自然的人总想深入到最幽静之处。

63、When you penetrate but a little way, it is facile ground. ─── 入浅者,轻地也;

64、Oh, I get it! Microwave ovens emit very-high-frequency radio waves which penetrate the food instantly. ─── 喔,我懂了!微波炉会发出很高频率的无线电波,立即穿透食物。

65、By sheer force of will, he could penetrate it. ─── 他全仗意志的力量就可以发现那里的秘密。

66、Mobile navigation like PND and mobile phone navigation will further penetrate the aftermarket. ─── 可移动的导航如便携式导航、手机导航系统等会进一步渗透汽车后市场。

67、To cut or pass through with or as if with a sharp instrument; stab or penetrate. ─── 刺入,刺穿用或好象用尖锐工具切入或穿过;刺穿或刺入

68、X-rays can penetrate many objects. ─── X射线能穿透很多物体。

69、Their keen eyes can penetrate the water to a depth of forty feet. ─── 他们锐利的眼睛能透过水面看到40 英尺的深处。

70、They are hoping to penetrate the Japanese market with their latest product. ─── 他们希望他们的最新产品能打进日本市场。

71、Because both UVA and UVB rays penetrate the epidermis and trigger melanin production. ─── 因为UVA和UVB射线渗入我们的皮肤,刺激黑色素生成。

72、Yet we cannot help desiring to penetrate the secret of man's soul, the innermost nucleus which is "he". ─── 但是我们禁不住地期望深入到人的灵魂的秘密中去,深入到内心世界最核心的地方中去,这个地方就是“他”。

73、It uses radar beam to sear the shoe upper to form a locating part which can penetrate the surface course. ─── 且利用雷射光束对该鞋面进行烧灼时,可使该鞋面形成有一可穿透该面层的定位部。

74、This year the company has been trying to penetrate new markets(= to start selling their products there). ─── 今年这家公司一直试图打入新市场。

75、If it does not fit properly,airborne contaminates will penetrate (enter underneath) the facepiece seal. ─── 否则空气中的有害细菌仍能够从口罩和脸部的缝隙中渗透进来。

76、I heard what you said, but it didn't penetrate. ─── 你的话我听见了, 但是没有听懂。

77、But "online beauty "who puts out is not lovely, the ripe man is very apt to penetrate their acrobatics. ─── 不过装出来的“网上美女”并不可爱,成熟男人很容易识破他们的把戏。

78、It seemed to penetrate even her ice-locked heart and strength came coursing back into her body. ─── 它好像已穿透她那颗冰封的心,力量已回到她体内运行。

79、To cause(spermatozoa) to undergo the physical changes needed to penetrate and fertilize an egg. ─── 使受精使(精子)经历能穿透卵子并使其受精的物理变化

80、I wish that the thought that comes out of those graves could penetrate their consciousness. ─── 但愿从墓地里传出来的思维活动能进入这些人的意识。

81、A huge swathe of Dantewada, where no roads penetrate the forest, remains outside the government's control. ─── 丹德瓦达地区辽阔而狭长,森林中没有一条公路,可谓是天高皇帝远。

82、He strained his eyes to penetrate beyond the thick cloud of dust. ─── 他竭力想透过尘埃看清那边的东西。

83、Her voice does not penetrate. ─── 她的声音不响亮。

84、He again beheld the dull light vainly endeavoring to penetrate the narrow opening . ─── 他又看见了那从那狭窗口透进来的微弱的光线。

85、The deep sea is a highly preserving environment where the water temperature is just a few degrees centigrade and little light can penetrate. ─── 深海是一个非常封闭的环境,那儿的温度只有几摄氏度,很少有光能穿透。

86、P2P UDP penetrate NAT's Theory and Implementation (source code). ─── P2P之UDP穿透NAT的原理与实现(附源代码)。

87、Her voice doesn't penetrate. ─── 她的声音不太响亮。

88、This is a novel way to penetrate ancient Literature for college students. ─── 从而试图达到补充和深化文学史和作品选的目的。

89、Sodium lauryl sulfate, a common sudsing agent, can penetrate the skin and cause contact dermatitis. ─── 十二烷基硫酸钠:一种常见的泡沫类洗涤剂,可渗透进入皮肤并造成接触性皮炎。








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