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09-02 投稿



sullage 发音

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sullage 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 污水


sullage 短语词组

1、sullage disposal ─── 垃圾处理

2、sullage head ─── [机] 结块

sullage 相似词语短语

1、fullage ─── 丰满

2、stallage ─── n.摆摊用地

3、stillage ─── n.[化工]釜馏物;酿酒厂的放桶台

4、millage ─── n.厘计税率;adj.厘计税率的

5、smallage ─── n.块根芹

6、ullage ─── n.损耗;不足量;(火箭燃料箱中的)气隙

7、spillage ─── n.溢出;溢出量

8、collage ─── n.抽象拼贴画(用报纸、布、压平的花等碎片拼合而成的);vt.把…创作成拼贴画,拼贴

9、lollage ─── 傻瓜

sullage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This paper discusses the source and the treating method of the sullage;meanwhile,it also puts forward some related improvement suggestion. ─── 本文针对其污水来源和处理方法做了一些探讨,提出了改进的相关建议。

2、The disposing sullage technique has been become the one of the important environment protection lessons for the reason that the components of the sullage are complex, which aggravates the environment. ─── 鉴于目前的污泥处理处置方法各存在弊端,有必要对污泥处理的途径提出一些新的思路和方法。

3、The effluvial smell have been jetting from the atramentous sullage. ─── 黑色的淤泥喷射恶臭的味道;

4、sullage pipe ─── 排渣管冒口

5、Keywords disposal of sullage;reconstruction of equipment;effect; ─── 污水处理;设备改造;效果;


7、Bucket latrine : A latrine where the sullage falls into a Bucket which can be removed for disposal of the sullage. ─── 马桶式厕所:这种厕所中,污物排入便桶,便桶可以取出清理。

8、An Experimental Study about the Zinc Remove Technique of the Blast Furnace Sullage by Using a Hydrocyclone ─── 高炉污泥旋流脱锌技术的试验研究

9、sullage soft soil ─── 淤泥质软土

10、Keywords Elluent;Dephenolization System;Centrifugal;Sullage; ─── 焦化污水;脱酚系统;离心机;污泥;

11、sullage treatment ─── 污水处理

12、The main function of vacuum sucking sewage truck is to suck and transport the dejecta and sullage and carpolite and the other liquid mixing big suspend impurity for Environment Protection in city. ─── 我公司生产的真空吸污车系列主要功能是为城乡环卫部门抽吸和运送粪便、淤泥、石子及其它混有较大悬浮杂物的液体。

13、The people themselves feel the misery of having no channels to remove sullage away clear from every habitation. ─── 人们觉得痛苦的是没有水道把每个住宅中的污水排除干净。

14、Keywords watercourse pollution;flow;clear sullage;protective countermeasure; ─── 河道污染;流动;清淤;治理对策;

15、Keywords municipal sullage;problem of environmental management;question;policy; ─── 市政污泥;环境管理;问题;政策;

16、Study and development on Yellow River sullage bearing porous brick ─── 加强黄河淤泥承重多孔砖的研究与开发

17、sullage dehydrate; ─── 污泥脱水;

18、Keywords printed circuit board;the practice and train room;treating sullage; ─── 印制电路板;实训室;污水处理;

19、On the analysis of the scum and sullage, the mechanism of pollutant removal was obtained, which lays a sound ground for deeper study on this method. ─── 为进一步深入研究电聚浮除的机理奠定了一定基础。

20、municipal sullage ─── 市政污泥

21、The people themselves feel the misery of having no channels to remove sullage away clear from every habitation. ─── 人们觉得痛苦的是没有水道把每个住宅中的污水排除乾净。

22、sullage dehydrate ─── 污泥脱水

23、bucket latrine A latrine where the sullage falls into a bucket which can be removed for disposal of the sullage. ─── 马桶式厕所这种厕所中,污物排入便桶,便桶可以取出清理。

24、well known use of equipment on power, coal, steel, and sullage, ability to communicate , learn and correspond. ─── 要求具有工业背景,熟悉电力,煤矿,水泥,钢铁,污水等行业应用设备,有较强的沟通、学习和协调能力。

25、sullage disposal ─── 洗浴废水处置

26、In this paper,performance of sewage in power plant is analysed,inhomogeneous dewatering equipments are compared,and sullage dewatering systems are designed in allusion to inhomogeneous equipments. ─── 对火力发电厂污废水处理过程中产生的污泥进行了性能分析,对污泥脱水设备进行了比较,并针对不同的污泥脱水设备进行了相应的脱水系统设计。

27、irrigate gob cut off, mould return, sullage knock-out etc. ─── 浇口切断;模具退回;残渣顶出等功能。

28、Sewage water and waste water must be disposed to draw out or reuse recycle for power plant,and sullage dewatering is also an important work. ─── 火力发电机组运行中产生的污废水必需经过相应的处理方能对外排放或循环利用,污废水处理过程中产生污泥的脱水处理也是一项十分重要的工作。

29、Design of Sullage - drainage Power Trade System Used for Treatment of Sullage in Mines ─── 矿山污水治理的排污权交易制度设计

30、clear sullage ─── 清淤

31、Keywords blast furnace sullage;hydrocyclone;particle separation diameter; ─── 高炉污泥;水力旋流器;分离粒径;

32、Like the printed circuit board production enterprise, the practice and train room will produce the sullage which can endanger our environment. ─── 如同印制电路板生产企业一样,实训室在日常教学过程中会产生对环境存在危害的污水。

33、Design of Sullage - drainage Power Trade System Used for Treatment of Sullage in Mines ─── 矿山污水治理的排污权交易制度设计

34、Approach development and utilization of sullage in river ─── 探析河道淤泥的开发利用

35、sullage blister ─── 纳污泡

36、The theoretical analysis and test indicate that sullage soft soil has viscoelasto-plastic rheological characteristics under dynamic loading. ─── 摘要淤泥质软土在动态载荷作用下具有黏弹塑性流变力学特性。

37、Keywords blast furnace sullage;hydrocyclone;multiphase flow; ─── 高炉污泥;水力旋流器;多相流;

38、Offensive odor pollution often come from city sullage treatment plant adopting biochemical means. ─── 城市污水处理厂一般采用生化方法处理城市生活污水,在运行过程中易产生异味污染。

39、sullage block ─── 圆砾层

40、Keywords blast furnace sullage;hydrocyclone;concentration;particle separation efficiency; ─── 高炉污泥;水力旋流器;浓度;分级效率;

41、active sullage ─── 活性污泥

42、Like the printed circuit board production enterprise,the practice and train room will produce the sullage which can endanger our environment. ─── 如同印制电路板生产企业一样,实训室在日常教学过程中会产生对环境存在危害的污水。

43、Extraction of Protein from Tea Sullage by Protease ─── 茶渣中蛋白质酶法提取工艺

44、sullage in slaughterhouse ─── 屠宰场污水

45、Research on rheological parameters of sullage soft-soil and BP neural network model ─── 淤泥质软土流变参数及BP神经网络模型研究

46、This paper discusses the source and the treating method of the sullage; meanwhile, it also puts forward some related improvement suggestion. ─── 本文针对其污水来源和处理方法做了一些探讨,提出了改进的相关建议。

47、Rheological model and theological equation of sullage soft soil under dynamic loading ─── 动载作用下淤泥质软土流变模型与流变方程

48、Keywords sullage treatment;offensive odor pollution;control;environmetal quality; ─── 污水处理;异味污染;控制;环境质量;

49、The effluvial smell have been jetting from the atramentous sullage , ─── 黑色的淤泥喷射恶臭的味道;

50、Experimental study on compression strength of Yellow River sullage porous brick masonry ─── 黄河淤泥多孔砖砌体的抗压性能试验研究

51、Deal with compositive chemical effluent by the series -wound process united active sullage method and biological contact oxidate method ─── 活性污泥法生物接触氧化法串联工艺处理综合化工废水

52、Lotus comes out of ooze, yet keep stainless.If it were planted on dry land for fear that it would be stained by sullage, it would have faded. ─── 参考译文:荷花居淤泥而不染,若为怕水污而种在旱地上,它早就枯死了。

53、Keywords Jiangsu province;sullage;heavy metals;season;layer;analysis;classify;geoaccumulation index; ─── 江苏地区;淤泥;重金属;季节;层面;分析;分类;地积累指数;

54、Reconstruction of Processing Equipment of Steel-making Sullage and Effect ─── 炼钢污水处理设备改造及效果

55、the blast furnace sullage ─── 高炉污泥

56、Yellow River sullage porous brick can substitute for clay brick and be used as bearing wall material based on analysis of masonry compression strength,crack development and breakage feature. ─── 从砌体抗压强度、裂缝开展以及破坏特征等方面分析,黄河淤泥多孔砖可以替代黏土砖用作承重墙材。

57、Keywords the blast furnace sullage;the zinc remove technique;hydrocyclone; ─── 高炉污泥;脱锌技术;水力旋流器;

58、sullage head ─── [机] 结块

59、Deal with compositive chemical effluent by the series -wound process united active sullage method and biological contact oxidate method ─── 活性污泥法生物接触氧化法串联工艺处理综合化工废水


61、The sullage the conglomeration of the suspending substance, microorganism, organism adsorbed by the microorganism and a sustance metabolized by microorganism. ─── 污泥是污水中的悬浮物、微生物、微生物所吸附的有机物以及微生物代谢活动产物所形成的聚集体。

62、sullage layer treatment ─── 淤泥层地基处理


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