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09-02 投稿



flexed 发音

英:[flekst]  美:[flekst]

英:  美:

flexed 中文意思翻译



flexed 短语词组

1、flexed out of shape ─── 弯曲变形了

2、flexed budget ─── 弹性预算

3、flexed arm emoji ─── 屈臂表情图

4、flexed elbow ─── 弯曲 ─── 弯头

5、flexed arm ─── [体]松懈支撑臂

6、flexed knee image ─── 屈膝图像

7、flexed ca ─── 弯曲CA

8、flexed hang ─── 弯曲悬挂

9、flexed knee ─── 屈膝

flexed 词性/词形变化,flexed变形

动词过去式: flexed |动词过去分词: flexed |动词现在分词: flexing |动词第三人称单数: flexes |

flexed 相似词语短语

1、deflexed ─── adj.向下弯曲的;v.使向下弯曲(deflex的过去分词)

2、fluxed ─── v.使……熔融;用焊剂处理;熔化;流出(flux的过去式与过去分词)

3、flewed ─── v.飞,飞翔(fly的过去式);n.(Flew)(英、美)弗卢(人名)

4、flemed ─── 弗莱米德

5、fleyed ─── v.威胁;使受恐吓;n.(Fley)人名;(德、法)弗莱

6、inflexed ─── adj.[植]内折的;向内弯的,内曲的;v.弯曲;挠曲(inflex的过去分词)

7、reflexed ─── adj.[植]反折的;下弯的;v.把…折转,把…折回(reflex的过去式和过去分词)

8、flexes ─── 屈;弯曲

9、plexed ─── 复杂的

flexed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The leather creaked when he flexed the soles, and the laces looked like coiled snakes. Each toe was tipped with a small steel plate. ─── 他弯折鞋底时,皮面吱嘎作响,鞋带像是盘曲的蛇,每个鞋尖都钉着一块小钢板。

2、We beat the Amarr nearly to a pulp, we flexed our might like never before since the great revolution. ─── 我们击败了A族近一个纸浆,我们可能会弯曲喜欢我们以前从未以来的伟大革命。

3、The bristles should be gently flexed so they surround the gum tissues and the portion of the tooth closest to the gumline. ─── 刷毛应该轻轻弯曲使它们涵盖牙龈组织和牙齿最靠近牙龈线的部位。

4、Farley Flex said that it was good but, in the future, he should pick songs that allow him to project more. ─── 佛雷斯说这个表演不错,但是以后杰西应该选择能让他表现更突出的歌曲。

5、The pistons flexed the mirror hundreds of times each second, adjusting the surface to conteract the distortions and form a sharp central point instead of a fuzzy blob. ─── 在活塞的作用下镜子每秒弯曲数百次,通过调整镜面来抵消图像的变形失真,因而形成一个锐利的中心点而不是模糊的斑点。

6、The gardeners flexed their muscles and began to dig. ─── 园丁们舒腰展臂后才开始挖地。

7、Have you ever tried our Facial Flex? -I have to tell you, I just got mine a week and a half ago and I love it. ─── 你有没有试过我们的脸部肌肉扩展器?-我必须要告诉你,我刚在一个星期半之前拿到它,我很喜爱它。

8、Meanwhile, will Russia, having surprised us with 2008’s brief war with Georgia, continue to flex its muscles, conceivably by annexing Crimea? ─── 与此同时,俄罗斯继在2008年对格鲁吉亚发动了一场惊人的闪击战之后,会不会继续舒展筋骨,把克里米亚也纳入版图?

9、He thinks the buildings could have toppled on impact if their frames had not flexed to absorb much of the shock. ─── 他认为,要不是世贸大楼因为骨架扭曲而吸收了大部分冲力,一撞就垮了。

10、The DB12RR features new longer flex plates. ─── DB12RR特点的新的长期柔性板。

11、In the days of the cold war a weakened president might have emboldened other big powers to flex their muscles. ─── 在冷战时代,总统被削弱了,他还能给同阵营中的其他大国壮胆,帮助他们展现实力。

12、He flexed his stiff arm slowly. ─── 他慢慢地弯曲他那僵硬的手臂。

13、Nanotubes, he imagined, might flex up and down to represent a 0 and a 1 state, like hyper-shrunken versions of the relays in the Mark 1. ─── 他猜想,藉由奈米碳管的弹性向上、向下伸缩,或许能分别表现0和1的状态,就像是超小型的马克一号继电器。

14、New York's hot deejay Funkmaster Flex spins the beats for the surprise fashion show. ─── 一连十二集比赛过程,直击各种勾心斗角、哭哭啼啼场面;

15、Time and time again they flexed their power, sprit and (the) gloy. Win and lose, they stood together high. ─── 一次又一次,他们展现力量、精神和荣耀。无论输赢,他们都一起巍然屹立。

16、He was tuningsomething that looked like a mechanical bumblebee, which flexed its heavy wings as his needles probed it. ─── 他正在摆弄那个看上去像是机械蜜蜂的东西,用手中的探针检查那个蜜蜂折叠起来的重翅膀。

17、One man complained that he was too tired even to eat dinner that night, and could not flex his wrist after holding the birds all day. ─── 一个人报怨说累得晚上不想吃饭,而且在捉了一天鸡以后手腕都动不了。

18、The tilt and flex Of Lexus LS400 steering wheel can be controlled by ECU. ─── 凌志LS400汽车方向盘可利用电脑ECU控制方向盘伸缩与倾斜。

19、Nanotubes, he imagined, might flex up and down to represent a0 and a1 state, like hyper-shrunken versions of the relays in the Mark1. ─── 他猜想,藉由奈米碳管的弹性向上、下伸缩,或许能分别表现0和1的状态,就像是超小型的马克一号继电器。

20、Mounting of the contact edge of the LCD glass to a flex connector that incorporates an LCD driver. ─── LCD玻璃的接触边缘的爬上对合并一位LCD的一个花线连接器。

21、He could feel Connie watching his back and so he flexed his muscles as lie reached for the plate of sweet buns on the other side of the table. ─── 他感觉到康妮在瞅着他的背,他在伸手去拿桌子那边的甜面包时,故意把身子扭呀扭的,显示他有的是蛮力。

22、Then Kenobi flexed his hips and retreated nearly all the way out of her body, tearing a whimper from her lips. ─── 然后克诺比翘起他的屁股,几乎把整根都从她体内拔了出来,让她不禁抽泣了一声。

23、Abstract: To mornitor the hemodynamics of the surgical patients on flexed lateral decubitus position under epidural block or general anesthesia. ─── 为了使肾结石肾盂切开取石手术的患侧肾脏更加有效地暴露于术野,常采用健侧侧卧升桥位。

24、I know, everyone says to lie on your back with your feet up, so you can flex your knees and bounce off rocks. ─── 他说:“我知道,所有人都说要仰卧,脚要抬起,这样你可以弯曲膝盖并弹离岩石。

25、Side cutters are useful for cutting electrical flex to length. ─── 切边钳适用于剪切电线。

26、We shall use the jar and flex joint next time. ─── 下一次我们将用震击器和柔性短节。

27、In Flex Builder, just drag and drop build.xml from Flex Navigator to Ant view and double “click build SWC” task. ─── 在FlexBuilder中, 只需要将Build.xml从导航栏中拖到Ant视图中, 然后双击’build SWC’任务.

28、According to the aforementioned changes of the factors of production, does the growth rate of Chinese economics face the flex point? ─── 从上述生产要素的变化来看,中国经济增速是否面临拐点?

29、Other companies are also using Flex. ─── 从这点上就能看出来。

30、He assures me that the knack is to flex the muscles on the side of your cheeks, hard. ─── 他断言,真心微笑的诀窍就是用劲收缩脸颊两侧的肌肉。

31、During Joe's life time he will extend and flex finger joints at least 25 million times. ─── 在乔的一生中,他要伸、屈指关节至少2,500万次。

32、He stretched the three thick fingers of both hands and flexed the opposable thumbs. ─── 两只手都把三个指头伸直,弯曲拇指。

33、The MPS (Multi-Purpose-Super flex), a new generation of automated texturing machines, by Barmag AG is introduced. ─── MPS变形机是巴马格公司研发的用于丝束变形的新一代变形机。

34、A test that measures the force required to pull a page from the backbone of an adhesivebound book. See also: page flex. ─── 中义将胶装书籍其中一页使用仪器拉紧以测定其强度的试验。

35、After an hour of this, Scarlett's hands were so swollen and bruised she could hardly flex them. ─── 一个钟头以后,思嘉的手就青肿起来,快要不能动弹了。

36、He flexed an arm and saw that dragging all rubbish around had built up his muscles. ─── 他弯曲手臂,发现清理垃圾让他的肌肉变得发达了。

37、Think to keep your chest upright, your arms near the body and your knees flexed to absorb the shocks. ─── 想使你的胸部直立,双臂靠近身体和你的膝盖弯曲来吸收冲击。

38、Time and time again they flexed their power, spirit, and glory (and the glory). Win or lose, they stood together high. ─── 一次又一次,他们展现力量、精神和荣耀(和荣耀)。无论输赢,他们都一起巍然屹立。

39、Casting is often used in some flexed shape of work. ─── 下面是其中一个调查问卷网站的连接,我直接把他们的网站简介贴过来了。

40、Element contains a mixture of XML and Flex Bindings necessary to construct the content of the messages SOAP Body. ─── 元素包含了XML和Flex绑定的混合体,它们是构造消息SOAP体内容的必要部分。

41、You face has 9 muscles beneath your skin that you contort , flex , and move . ─── 你的脸部皮肤下有9块可以扭曲、弯曲和运动的肌肉。

42、You will be seeing this later this year with several Ford vehicles, including the Flex, Lincoln MKS, and the Taurus. ─── 你将看到这个在今年晚些时候与几家福特汽车,包括软硬度,林肯MKS,和金牛座。

43、During the upstroke, the elbows and wrist flex so the wing partially folds, and the leading edge tilts upwards. ─── 在upstroke ,肘部和手腕弯曲,使机翼部分倍,领先的优势,倾斜向上。

44、Pros: Sensitive on rock and ice. Natural flex. ─── 优点:攀岩和攀冰感觉灵敏,屈曲自然。

45、An example would be a Flex Agent. ─── 可伸缩的产品就是一个很好的例子。

46、He stretched and flexed his knees to relax himself. ─── 他伸屈膝关节使自己放松一下。

47、He flexed his ankles and wrists. ─── 他伸展脚踝和手腕。

48、The process of using heat and gradual cooling to soften a metal such as copper, making it less brittle and, therefore, less likely to break when it is flexed. ─── 使用加热和逐渐制冷的方法软化金属的过程,如铜。使这种金属更坚韧些,在被弯曲的时候不容易折断。

49、The hematoma is evacuated, and the fracture is reduced utilizing direct reduction techniques combined with longitudinal traction on the flexed elbow. ─── 吸净血肿,利用直接复位结合纵向牵引技术复位屈曲肘关节骨折碎片。

50、He's really punching hard, jaw clenched, eyes narrowed, muscles flexed. ─── 他使出了吃奶的力气,咬紧牙关,眯起双眼,展示着他全身的力量。

51、His fingers flexed nervously around the knife concealed in the folds of his cape. ─── 手指在藏在斗篷褶层里的小刀上紧张的握来握去。

52、The runners flexed their muscles as the preparatory activities for the race. ─── "赛跑选手们伸屈四肢,放松肌肉以此作为比赛前的准备活动。"

53、Buy :Pvc Flex Banner &Pvc Coated Fabric We need minimum 100 ton every month. pvc fle ... ─── 印度买家求购聚氯乙烯松紧横幅和聚氯乙烯织布,...2007-4-12

54、With the crossovers on the inside, the sides of the combat boots can flex more easily. ─── 与分频器就内,双方的战斗靴,可以弯曲更容易。

55、The leather creaked when he flexed the soles, and the laces looked like coiled snakes.Each toe was tipped with a small steel plate. ─── 他弯折鞋底时,皮面吱嘎作响,鞋带像是盘曲的蛇,每个鞋尖都钉着一块小钢板。

56、Ask the client to flex his knees, if possible, bringing his feet as close to his buttocks as possible. ─── 可能时要求病人屈膝,将脚尽量靠近臀部。

57、A FM/ IF receiver system used in FLEX pager is designed.4 level FSK circuit is emphasized. ─── 以4级频移键控为核心,设计了一种用于FLEX编码的寻呼机调频中频接收电路。

58、Anneal The process of using heat and gradual cooling to soften a metal such as copper, making it less brittle and, therefore, less likely to break when it is flexed. ─── 使用加热和逐渐制冷的方法软化金属的过程,如铜。使这种金属更坚韧些,在被弯曲的时候不容易折断。

59、He danced up and down to flex his body. ─── 他不断地舞动,扭动着他的身体。

60、Reversed crunches, develops hip flex and abdominal strength. ─── 仰卧腿上举,增强臀部和腹部力量。

61、On tight corners, a higher sidewall will flex more and makes cornering a little more difficult. ─── 在急转弯的时候,更高的侧面会有弯曲的更大,从而导致转向变的困难一点。

62、FM/IF receiver system used in FLEX pager is designed. 4-level FSK circuit is emphasized. ─── 以4级频移键控为核心,设计了一种用于FLEX编码的寻呼机调频中频接收电路。

63、He slowly flexed his muscles and tried to stand. ─── 他缓慢地活动了一下肌肉,想站起来。

64、He gave his biceps a flex to impress the ladies. ─── 他收缩他的肱二头肌以吸引那些女士们的目光。

65、Forefoot flex grooves allow maximum flexibility during hard lateral movements. ─── 前脚使用弯曲凹槽最大化了柔韧性。

66、Flex provides support for both, but the subtle differences between the two have implications as to the specific mark-up tags used. ─── Flex对这两种方式都提供了,但是由于它们使用了专门的标记,这暗示了这两种方式之间有细微的差别。

67、The fingers which are not used for grasping can be flexed to give more character. ─── 不用来握东西的手指则可以灵活弯曲,从而赋予更多的个性。

68、An asymmetrical midsole provides flexibility during long road races, and the lateral flex in the outsole allows a natural range of motion. ─── 不对称中底提供了灵活性,在漫长的道路比赛,横向伸缩的鞋底允许范围内的自然运动。

69、It will flex its shaft if the club face is in its wrong position or if the golfers swings the club improperly. ─── 在整个挥杆的过程中,如果杆面不正确或力度不当,杆身会马上折曲。

70、Once you can move a finger or toe, flex your hands, move your arms, shake your head, i.e., reanimate your body; and get up and walk around for a few minutes. ─── 一旦你可以动弹手指或脚趾、弯曲你的手、挪动你的胳膊,摇晃你的头,即:重新活动你的身体;起身走几分钟。

71、The action of the rear legs should be square and true and, at the trot, both the hocks and stifles should be flexed with a vigorous motion. ─── 后肢的动作呈直角、准确,快步走时,后膝关节和飞节都应该弯曲,动作有力。

72、The kings in Morocco and Jordan are groping towards a fairer constitutional order. Kuwait's parliament has flexed a bit of muscle. ─── 摩洛哥国王与约旦国王都在探索更加公平的宪政秩序,科威特议会已经稍作让步了。

73、He flexed his long stringy muscles manfully . ─── 他孔武有力地弯起膀子,显露出细长条的肌肉。

74、The medial approach, howeer, can be made with the patient supine, the knee flexed, and the foot crossed oer the opposite leg. ─── 但在患者仰卧屈膝并将患足横过对侧小腿时,可采用跟骨内侧人路。

75、Have you measured those spiral collars and flex joints?Not yet. ─── 你量过那些螺旋钻铤和挠性短接吗?还没有。

76、Macromedia Flex is a Rich Internet Application platform positioned exactly to address this set of requirements. ─── Macromedia Flex是一个Rich Internet Application平台,它完全定位于解决这些需求问题。

77、He flexed his long stringy muscles manfully. ─── 他孔武有力地弯起膀子,显露出细长条的肌肉。

78、The prosthesis was fixed using antibiotics mixed with bone cement, and the incision was sutured at flexed position. ─── 假体均采用抗生素真空搅拌骨水泥固定,屈曲位缝合切口。

79、A big part of the attraction in using Flex for RIA development is the speed and ease with which you can leverage Web services in your applications. ─── 使用Flex进行RIA开发的一个大的优点就是速度及易用,通过这些,您可以在您的应用程序中利用Web服务。


81、"Flex their minds" as a phrase means "use their heads". ─── 他们选择运用他们的头脑。

82、A slim yet sturdy twin-spar steel frame and a box-section swingarm reduce unwanted flex for better control during spirited riding. ─── 双摇篮钢管解构和方管式摇臂(?)能够减少意外弯折变形的出现,并且增加剧烈骑行时的操控性。

83、Bison is used to generate parsers; Flex is used to generate lexical analyzers. ─── Bison用来生成语法分析器;Flex用来生成词汇分析器。

84、Pros: Sensitive on rock and ice.Natural flex. ─── 优点: 攀岩和攀冰感觉灵敏,屈曲自然.

85、After a drive during the Rockets’ run, he had flexed his muscles for the cameras. ─── 在火箭进攻的一次突破之后,他对着摄影镜头显示了他的肌肉。

86、Remove caliper flex hose brackets from the frame rails. ─── 从车架的轨道拆卸弯角器折曲软管支架。

87、To further reduce the risk, the capacitors are available with polymer terminations, which increase board flex by as much as 50 %. ─── 为进一步降低这种风险,这些电容器采用可将板弯曲限度提高50%的聚合端头。

88、Hans flexed his powerful muscles. ─── 汉斯放松了他强壮的肌肉。

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