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09-02 投稿


glum 发音

英:[gl?m]  美:[ɡl?m]

英:  美:

glum 中文意思翻译



glum 网络释义

adj. 阴沉的;忧郁的n. (Glum)人名;(德)格卢姆

glum 词性/词形变化,glum变形

副词: glumly |形容词比较级: glummer |名词: glumness |形容词最高级: glummest |

glum 短语词组

1、glum synonym ─── 同义词动作

2、glum thesaurus ─── 忧郁叙词表

3、glum meaning ─── 忧郁的意义

4、glum drops ─── 郁闷滴

5、glum means ─── 忧郁意味着

6、glum adjective ─── 忧郁形容词

7、glum weather ─── 薄雾

8、glum spot ─── 忧郁的斑点

glum 相似词语短语

1、geum ─── n.水杨梅属植物

2、glume ─── n.[植]颖;颖片

3、Blum ─── n.布卢姆

4、alum ─── n.矾;明矾;n.(Alum)人名;(西)阿卢姆

5、glim ─── n.灯火;蜡烛;眼睛;微弱的迹象

6、gaum ─── vt.涂以油脂或粘性物

7、glums ─── 阴郁

8、glaum ─── vt.一瞥;抢夺;摄取;摸索;n.一瞥

9、glam ─── adj.迷人的;华丽摇滚乐的;n.魅力;华丽摇滚乐;v.(使)自己有魅力;n.(Glam)(美)格莱姆(人名)

glum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Day began with the whire of the malingers and the glum face and fixed eyes of the man with a grievance. ─── 到处都是泡病号的工兵的诉苦声和牢骚满腹的阴郁的面部及呆滞的眼神,一天就这样开始了。

2、LL: Well, rainy days can definitely have an effect on me, but I'd have to say that beating the gloominess is more important than what makes me feel glum. ─── 要想换个好心情可没那么容易,有人吃东西会感觉好起来,可是食物对我不起作用。

3、It can also nod or shake its head, helping to improve the mood of irate or glum drivers. ─── 它还能点头、摇头来帮助改善一位怒气冲天或一脸阴沉的司机的心情。

4、Indeed, no one seems to know how they can be restarted. The mood among moderates on both sides is as glum as ever. ─── 事实上,没有人知道和谈能够重新启动,(和谈)双方的温和派人士的心情依旧是忧郁阴沉。

5、Why so glum? The votes haven't been counted yet. ─── 为什么那么气馁?选举结果还没出来呢。

6、Even within the fastest-growing states, hiring has been tightly packed in just a few cities, leaving most residents feeling glum. ─── 即使在经济增长速度最快的州,雇佣机会也只是紧紧地聚集在少数几个城市,这让大多数居民深感忧虑。

7、While having a glum chat in Baltar's bedroom during the occupation of New Caprica, what does Baltar tell Caprica Six that he and Doral discussed that day? ─── 新卡布里卡占领期间发生在波尔塔卧室的那次阴郁谈话,波尔塔告诉卡布里卡六号他那天与多罗儿讨论了什么?

8、Li Chuang-fei seemed to read his thoughts, for he looked glum and said in a more sober tone of voice ─── 李壮飞似乎也理会到,脸儿一沉,口气就转得严肃了

9、4.Why do you look so glum? ─── 你怎么看上去这样闷闷不乐?

10、He looks pretty glum today, maybe you should say something nice to him. ─── 他今天看上去很不开心,也许该跟他说些好听的话。

11、The feverish stock rally took place against a backdrop of glum economic data. ─── 虽然经济数据暗淡,但股市仍实现强势反弹。

12、I'm skipping down a little bit, glum and intense, at the neck of the woman across from him. ─── 我往下跳了一点,忧郁并且紧张,跳到他对面那个女人的脖子上。

13、The general tone of nature in Women in love is glum and gloomy and it kills the hero (Gerald) and two other minor people (Diana and doctor Brindell). ─── 而在《恋爱中的妇女》中,自然总体是阴沉抑郁的,而且它不仅杀死了主角杰拉德并且还杀死了两个配角(狄安娜和小布林德医生)。

14、Once they settled in, my father looked back over his shoulder and asked the children if Santa had found them yet. Three glum faces mutely gave him his answer. ─── 等他们坐好了,爸爸转过头来问那几个孩子,圣诞老人找到他们没有。三张忧郁的脸无声地回答了他。

15、We go through cycles of self-delusion, sometimes too giddy and sometimes too glum. ─── 我们在自我错觉中轮回,有时忘乎所以有时死气沉沉。

16、He looks very glum ─── 他看上去非常忧郁。

17、The BBC evening bulletin was glum and vague ─── 英国广播公司晚上的广播是抑郁的,含糊的。

18、"Whenever I come," he complained to White Flower, "you look glum, but every time Hsikung comes you look happy. ─── “我每次来,”他责备白花说,“你好像总是闷闷不乐。可是,每次喜功来时你就眉开眼笑。”

19、He is glum about world affairs ─── 他对世界形势感到怏怏不乐。

20、look glum; put on a sullen countenance ─── 脸色死沉沉的

21、For the time being, however, a stalemate prevails, with Gazans as glum as before. ─── 可是,一个僵局就暂时形成了,加沙人还是和以前一样苦闷。

22、T-oday, I can say that I have a glum mood again! ─── 今天,我要说我又有一股由于的情绪了。

23、Tobi: You know what... you're pretty glum and persistent, you'll lose friends that way ─── 斑:你知道吗,沉闷而固执的你已经落单了。

24、Once they settled in, my father looked back over his shoulder and asked the children if Santa had found them yet. Three glum faces mutely gave him his answer。 ─── 等他们坐好了,爸爸转过头来问那几个孩子,圣诞老人找到他们没有。三张忧郁“的”脸无声地回答了他。

25、The doctor had assured him it was nothing serious, but he was looking very glum. ─── 医生说不要紧,但莱蒙的脸色很阴沉。

26、This year's St Patrick Day's parties were glum, even in Washington, where Brian Cowen, the Irish taoiseach, gave Barack Obama the usual bunch of shamrock (see above). ─── 今年的圣派却客日(注1)派对的气氛是萧瑟的,虽然在华盛顿,爱尔兰总理布莱恩克文(BrianCowen)一如既往地赠送了一盆三叶草给美国总统(注2),欧巴马。

27、"That's not Brad's view of it," she says, glum again."We believe in different things, I guess. ─── 从历史的角度看,“社交”更加古老,而“社会”却是17世纪之后的发明。

28、"You know," he said to me one day, "I've completely changed since then. As you can see, I am always smiling now. But before I was glum, frustrated and unhappy." ─── “你瞧,”有一天他对我说,“从那以后,我完全变了。正如你所看到的,我现在常露笑容。以前我总是闷闷不乐,灰心丧气,非常不开朗。”

29、glum expressions, faces, features ─── 忧伤的神情﹑ 面孔﹑ 相貌.

30、He had a glum face. ─── 他脸色阴郁。

31、He went back home and for the rest of the day remained glum and despondent, feeling he could no longer go on as before and must clarify his position to her as soon as possible. ─── 他回到家整天闷闷不乐,觉得不能更延宕了,得赶快表明态度。

32、Why are you so glum? I have lost my way to my home . ─── 你为什么闷闷不乐。我找不到回家的路。

33、Li Chuang-fei seemed to read his thoughts, for he looked glum and said in a more sober tone of voice: ─── 李壮飞似乎也理会到,脸儿一沉,口气就转得严肃了:

34、152 The glum groom grew glummer. ─── 忧郁的马夫变得更忧郁。

35、"He was a charming mixture of glum and glee" (Lillian Hellman) ─── “他是一个很有魅力的人,时而忧伤时而欢笑”(莉莲·赫尔曼)

36、Presently, he smiled and turned to his glum companion ─── 他笑了一笑,转身对满脸不高兴的杜竹斋轻声说道

37、As a result, Mr Bush's prospects in2007 look, at first sight, pretty glum. ─── 因此,乍一看布什总统2007年的前景十分沮丧。

38、Glum views on the economy sparked a retreat from risky bets on Thursday. ─── 受市场对经济的悲观看法刺激,人们对高风险资产的投资热情周四出现回落。

39、He was a charming mixture of glum and glee. ─── 他是一个很有魅力的人,时而忧伤时而欢笑。

40、LL: That's true! I never thought of that! Maybe I should run and listen to music the next time I'm glum. ─── 我就是;我往往会向朋友倾诉,或是看电视转移一下注意力,不过你说的出去走走,听听音乐好像也不错,而且还可以锻练身体。

41、Presently, he smiled and turned to his glum companion. ─── 他笑了一笑,转身对满脸不高兴的杜竹斋轻声说道:

42、98. Why do you look so glum ? ─── 你怎么看上去这样闷闷不乐?

43、Faced with all this, no wonder Americans are glum. ─── 世道艰难,无怪乎美国人民要闷闷不乐了。

44、But before I was glum, frustrated and unhappy. ─── 以前我总是闷闷不乐,灰心丧气,非常不开朗。”

45、NATIONS, like people, occasionally get the blues; and right now the United States, normally the world's most self-confident place, is glum. ─── 国家,就像人一样,也时常陷入忧郁;而原本是世界上最自信的国家的美国,如今也陷入阴沉。

46、When the opposition scores, he looks glum. ─── 当对手进球的时候,他一脸忧郁。

47、AT LOT of American economic writers seem pretty glum about the state of the economy right now, and it's not that hard to understand why. ─── 很多美国财经撰稿人很不看好当前的经济状况,其原因是不难理解的。

48、Funeral be rather glum ─── 葬礼可真教人阴郁。

49、"You' re back early! " she cried,reaching up to kiss him. "Oh, dear. " She laughed at his glum face. ─── 你回得早啊!”她大声说,抬起头来吻他。“啊,呀!”她嘲笑他闷闷不乐的脸。

50、And also course now, two of the three major banks here being effectively nationalized, and so the mood here is very glum indeed, Charles. ─── 另外,导致现在,这里三分之二的主要银行已经被实质上国有化,所以这里的情绪实际上非常阴郁,查尔斯。

51、Mr. Glum, stumping up from behind, said, “You scent ’em boy? You got ’em?” ─── 格罗姆先生从后面走上来,说,"你闻到了,恩,孩子?你闻到了,恩?"

52、Indeed, no one seems to know how they can be restarted.The mood among moderates on both sides is as glum as ever. ─── 事实上,没有人知道和谈能够重新启动,(和谈)双方的温和派人士的心情依旧是忧郁阴沉。

53、"I have more concerns about potential risks and vulnerabilities than most people, " he said, with glum understatement. ─── “与大多数人相比,我更加关切潜在的风险和弱点,”他轻描淡写地如许说道。

54、the proverbially dour New England Puritan.See Synonyms at glum ─── 一个抑郁的新英格兰清教徒参见

55、" She sighs heavily and turns away to light a Merit cigarette."That's not Brad's view of it," she says, glum again. ─── 珍妮佛安妮斯顿深深的叹了口气,转身点了一支烟,幽幽的说“但是皮特并不这样想,我想我们婚姻观点并不一致。

56、a saturnine expression on his face.See Synonyms at glum ─── 他脸上露出讥讽之色参见

57、have a sombre countenance; look glum ─── 脸色阴沉

58、My grandfather's glum genes, which skipped my merry father, have reflowered in me as a major, all-purpose anxiety. ─── 我祖父身上爱忧愁的基因,跃过了我那快活的父亲,却重新在我身上再现:我对每件事都爱忧心忡忡。

59、Whether she intended it or not, her posture was such as to afford Mr. Glum a clear view down her shirt. ─── 不知道她是否是故意的,她的姿势就像是要给格罗姆先生一个机会清楚地看到她的衬衣里头.

60、My dearest love, be not so glum, Our day of joy will surely come; The (torments which/ pain and sorrow) we felt before, Will fade away and hurt no more. ─── 请别忧伤,我的最爱,欢乐的日子定会到来;所有的悲伤(痛苦)都将离开,你我不再受伤害。

61、2. He looks grey, owlish, bespectacled, and glum. ─── 他头发灰白,戴着眼镜,显得严肃和阴郁。

62、and right now the United States, normally the world's most self-confident place, is glum. ─── 而原本是世界上最自信的国家的美国,如今也陷入阴沉。

63、With a month to go, Americans may hear a dirge of glum economic news nearly every day between now and the election. ─── 从现在起离大选还剩一月之余,美国人也许每天都会听到阴森森、像哀乐一般的经济新闻。

64、1.At the office I have to hold copy for Van Norden. When it comes time for the break he pulls me aside. He looks glum and ravaged. ─── 在办公室里我只得替范诺登读要校对的稿子。到了休息时间他把我拉到一边,脸色阴沉沉的,很难看。

65、Beside her perched the bow-legged little Negro who had trained her horses and he looked as glum as his mistress. ─── 她旁边蹲着一个罗圈腿的小个子黑人,他本来是替她驯马的,如今也像他的女主人那样显得怏怏不乐。

66、On the question of who pays for all these drugs, the feeling at the meeting was glum but not despondent. ─── 而在关于谁来支付这些药物费用的问题上,会议讨论的结果感觉有些沮丧但并不是完全绝望的。

67、The players sat there with glum looks on their faces. ─── 队员们愁眉苦脸地坐在那儿。

68、“And I cannot believe his first name is Grendel. What kind of name is Grendel Glum?” ─── "我不相信他的名字是格伦德尔.格伦德尔.格罗姆是一个什么样的名字?"

69、Harris nodded, looking glum ─── 哈里斯点了点头,满腹心事。

70、Jessie: Emotional Rescue. Every time I feel glum, that is how I fix it. ─── 杰西:“拯救情感”。每次我感到郁闷的时候,我就这么做。

71、"They had a smiley lady and a glum(阴沉的) bearded guy stroking his chin and going, 'Hmmm', impassively. ─── 毕业后可获得文凭、本科、硕士或博士学位。

72、When it rains on the weekend I feel glum, so I go to bed and read a romance novel. ─── 周末下雨的时候我就会很沮丧,只好躺在床上读浪漫小说。

73、DURING his annual state-of-the-nation speech earlier this month, President Thabo Mbeki acknowledged that many South Africans feel glum. ─── 在本月早期进行年度国情咨文演讲时,塔博·姆贝基总统承认许多南非人感到很郁闷。

74、He was sitting with his back toward the stern, looking glum and holding his left hand in his right ─── 他背朝船尾坐着,右手托着左手,闷闷不乐。

75、"You look a little glum. ─── "你看上去有点不大高兴。

76、Music a little bit glum mood, which is one of the world have suffered a bitter and painful feelings of the blind artist show. ─── 乐曲略带几分悲恻情绪,这是一位饱尝人间辛酸和痛苦的盲艺人的感情流露。

77、31. Day began with the whire of the malingers and the glum face and fixed eyes of the man with a grievoance. ─── 到处都是泡病号的工兵的诉苦声和牢骚满腹的阴郁的面部及呆滞的眼神,一天就这样开始了。

78、She laughed at his glum face. ─── 她嘲笑他闷闷不乐的脸。

79、All this is breeding a sense of stagnation that compounds the glum mood of the middle class. ─── 所有这一切都在孕育一种停滞不前的感觉,它混合了中产阶级的忧郁情愫。

80、"Oh, dear," She laughed at his glum face. ─── “啊,呀

81、She was very glum and was obviously missing her children. ─── 她十分闷闷不乐,显然在思念她的孩子们。

82、He was a charming mixture of glum and glee(Lillian Hellman) ─── 他是一个很有魅力的人,时而忧伤时而欢笑(莉莲 赫尔曼)

83、We both heard Mr. Glum's voice, in the distance, querulous.And footsteps. ─── 我们都听到了格罗姆先生在远处发牢骚的声音.还有脚步声.

84、So the next morning,while combing my hair,I looked at my glum mug in the mirror and said to myself,"Bill,you are going to wipe the scowl off that sour puss of yours today. You are going to smile." ─── 第二天早晨我梳头的时候,从镜子里,看到自己那张绷得紧紧的脸孔,我就向自己说:“皮尔,你今天必需要把你那张,凝结得像石膏像的脸松开来,你要展出一副笑容来。”

85、Some drank in glum silence, others began playing guessing games. ─── 有的闷喝,有的猜开了拳;

86、Don't look so glum! ─── 别那样闷闷不乐。

87、No matter the mysterious birth or the glum death, his striking story was the most illustrious chapter in the history book of Europe. ─── 无论是他神秘的出身还是他那离奇的死亡,那曲折的故事始终是欧洲历史教科书上最灿烂辉煌的篇章。

88、Why are you so glum? ─── 你为什么看起来闷闷不乐?

89、Three 7)glum faces mutely gave him his answer. ─── 三张忧郁的脸无声地回答了他。

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