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09-02 投稿



distain 发音

英:[d??ste?n]  美:[d?s?te?n]

英:  美:

distain 中文意思翻译



distain 网络释义

vt. 使…变色;将…弄脏;伤害…的名誉

distain 相似词语短语

1、abstain ─── v.(投票时)弃权,放弃;避免,回避;自制,戒除

2、distrail ─── n.耗散尾迹

3、destain ─── v.使(显微镜标本、色谱胶等)脱色

4、distrait ─── adj.(法)心不在焉的(因烦恼、忧惧等)

5、distraint ─── n.扣押;扣押财产

6、distained ─── v.(使)变色;将……弄脏;伤害……的名誉

7、distains ─── v.(使)变色;将……弄脏;伤害……的名誉

8、distrain ─── n.为抵债而扣押

9、distrains ─── n.为抵债而扣押

distain 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Distain the other side again! ─── 再次鄙视对方!

2、Why could Du Pont distain and trample the law, but venders have to observe all laws? ─── 为什么杜邦可以蔑视践踏法律,那些小商贩就必须“有法必依”呢?

3、You can distain if the ground abandons a sky of such as " to drop pasty " and so on, become me from now on bedlamite or cheater look upon. ─── 你会作何感想?你会不屑地扔下句诸如"天上掉馅饼"之类的话,从此把我当疯子或者骗子看待。

4、The magnet to guide winners is not the distain and loathing to a job but sincere, optimistic spirit and the unswerving enthusiasm. ─── 引导成功者的磁石,不是对工作的鄙视与厌恶,而是真挚,乐观的精神和百折不挠的热情。

5、take natural forces to undermine rationality;and uses vulgarity to distain the power.By deconstructing metanarratives,Pynchon presents the reader a postmodern world of heterogeneity and mult... ─── 作家通过用混沌来对抗秩序,用天性来瓦解理性,用“鄙俗”来蔑视权利,把一个异质性、多元化的后现代世界呈现在了读者眼前。

6、Because you are a professional, your don't mix your personal feelings(distain, ridicule, anger, excitement, ect) with your work. ─── 这个回答不是我刻意的总结,它几年前就印在我的脑子里,被施了魔咒。

7、He is a bit bossy and often treats other people's ideas with distain. ─── 他有点儿霸道,经常蔑视别人的观点。

8、Birth and death: Treasure birth but not fear of death, distain death and live a life meaningful. To live or to die should depend on circumstances. ─── 生死:贵生不惧死,轻死不枉生。当死当生、随机而定。

9、New wealth, a distain for "traditional" tastes, showy, glitzy, incoherent design were signs of the times. ─── 新的财富,为“传统”口味,华丽,耀眼,语无伦次的设计是当今时代的迹象distain

10、Why could Du Pont distain and trample the law, but venders have to observe all laws? ─── 为什么杜邦可以蔑视践踏法律,那些小商贩就必须"有法必依"呢?

11、Sigh only they not only the importance that does not agree with a woman, equality sex, and obvious of too much person loves " quality " , distain rightly again however. ─── 只叹他们非但不认同女人的重要性,平等性,且太多人明摆着爱“性”,却又对之不屑。

12、After the class overcomes Hei Deting, distain the ground says: "It doesn't matter, I also can rob her drama outside the stage even! ─── 班克黑德听后不屑地说:“没什么,我甚至在台外也可抢她的戏!”

13、" netizen " spring flower " distain to be considered to this product apparently, "Has what spirit, it is beautiful money him gally purely. ─── 网友“春花”显然对此产品不屑一顾,“哪儿有什么鬼魂啊,纯粹是花钱吓唬自己。”

14、I look at you with such distain ─── 我这样远视着你

15、The proponent has.Anti has.The person that should litigate has.The person that distain to strike back has. ─── 支持者有之.反对者有之.要对簿公堂者有之.不屑反击者有之。

16、The French did nothing to hide the distain they felt toward the Vietnamese ─── 法国人丝毫不掩饰他们对越南人的蔑视。

17、Distaining over happiness is a distain for others' happiness,as well as enemity to man under beautiful camouflage. ─── 1对幸福的轻蔑通常是对其他人幸福的轻蔑,在精巧的伪装之下是对人类的仇恨。

18、Young people often distain the philosophy of the old, regarding their ideas as obsolete and useless. ─── 年轻人往往看不起老人的哲学,片面认为他们都是过时的、无用的。

19、To his marriage and love, lay bias is more despise and distain, and he himself is tasted fully therein acerbity laborious, agonized with Gan Tian. ─── 对于他的婚姻和爱情,世俗偏见更是鄙夷和不屑,而他本人则备尝个中酸辛、苦涩和甘甜。

20、People always distain those "stars and top notches" for their marrying the foreigners, and we Chinese won't accept such practices. ─── 人们总是鄙视那些嫁给外国人的“明星,大腕”,国人不认同这种做法。

21、That person listens, distain the ground to laugh, say: "You look, is prodigy to let me ask? ─── 那人一听,鄙视地一笑,说:“你们看,神童不是让我问住了吗?”

22、Although chain sells field is round to the network buy distain to be considered, but also change direction in succession actually make adjust accordingly, become more close civilian change. ─── 尽管连锁卖场对网络团购不屑一顾,但实际上亦纷纷转向作出相应调整,变得更加亲民化。

23、Their pursuit stands to go alone especially, distain commonplace life, longing escapes city, but attaching city life, cross-country and expeditionary the way that makes their drain passion. ─── 他们追求特立独行,鄙视平庸的生活,渴望逃离城市,但又依恋城市生活,越野探险成为他们宣泄激情的方式。

24、Why can I always distain ugly woman, is this psychological disease? ─── 我为什么总是会鄙视丑女人,这是心理疾病吗?

25、distain to reply ─── 不屑置答

26、Mrs . Wilson rejected the compliment by raising her eyebrow in distain . ─── 威尔逊太太不屑地把眉毛一扬,否定了这句恭维话。

27、spurn: to reject with distain or contempt. ─── 典型的动作表达感情关系。

28、Young people often distain the philosophy of the old,regarding their ideas as obsolete and useless. ─── 年轻人往往看不起老人的哲学,片面认为他们都是过时的、无用的。

29、" netizen " spring flower " distain to be considered to this product apparently, " Has what spirit, it is beautiful money him gally purely. ─── 网友“春花”显然对此产品不屑一顾,“哪儿有什么鬼魂啊,纯粹是花钱吓唬自己。”

30、A lot of men distain some woman easily greedy, that actually very the inability that showed him himself clearly. ─── 有很多男人动不动就鄙视某女人财迷心窍,那其实很清楚地说明了他本人的无能。

31、I raise my head again, look to that MM, who even if look at me with the eyes that distain,knows that MM, seeming is saying to me, "Be scampish! ─── 我又抬起自己的头,向那位MM望去,谁知那位MM纵然用鄙视的眼神看著我,好象是在对我说,“流氓!”

32、deficient you speak out , the forehead of credit card is spent can be decided casually , really . those who mix cent distain. ─── 亏你说得出来,信用卡的额度能随便定么,真是。混分的鄙视。

33、We are complaining distain Baidu forestall behavior while, why to try to use them. ─── 咱们在抱怨鄙视百度垄断行为的同时,为什么不加以利用他们呢。

34、19. The neo-humanists condemned the naturalist's distain of graceful style and form. ─── 新人道主义谴责自然主义者轻视优美的体裁和形式。

35、What is true, what is objective, what justice, the value with general what, they distain to be considered completely. ─── 什么真实,什么客观,什么公正,什么普遍的价值,他们统统不屑一顾。

36、She is to distain very: "## , come to this less with me, but I am wholesale, does this price know not? ─── 她很是不屑:“##,少跟我来这套,我可是批发,都这价知道不?

37、Huang Jiao awards one face to distain the head also does not answer say: "Be at ease! ─── 黄教授一脸不屑头也不回的说:“放心吧!依你这种身材,即使被不幸被拍到了,他们也一定会全剪掉的!怕什么吗?”

38、One of those is a mutual distain for modern produce labels. ─── 其中之一就是都鄙视现在产品中应用的标签。

39、Mrs. Wilson rejected the compliment by raising her eyebrow in distain ─── 威尔逊太太不屑地把眉毛一扬,否定了这句恭维话。

40、This makes the excuse of those people that distain to Ma Yun. ─── 比如,他承认到现在为止阿里巴巴对雅虎中国的整合仍然不算成功,“收购雅虎中国,我们得到的最宝贵的东西,不是搜索技术,而是并购经验。

41、How to accomplish to the thing of disinclination distain? ─── 怎么样对不感兴趣的事做到不屑?

42、Radial respect is maintaining to this matter " indignant screen " manner, distain to the detail that censure openly response. ─── 光线方面对此事保持着“愤怒屏蔽”的态度,对于指责的细节不屑作正面回应。

43、Therefore,it is impolite and stupid to say,a Chinese woman marry a foreign people is DISTAIN. ─── 结论就是,你凭什么笼统地认为中国女人嫁外国男人就有辱国体使你蒙羞了?这样的想法是不礼貌且愚蠢的.

44、The silver-shining queen he would distain; ─── 那洒泻银辉的月后,就难免被他污染;

45、People is not reasonable, why does the woman distain so, emperor why such lowliness; ─── 9看笑话:赢政从轿中望去,四外人头攒动,有如瀚海。

46、Real Programmers distain structured programming. ─── 真正的程序员鄙视结构化编程。

47、Distain each regulation of Yu Taobao later, decide housekeep then. ─── 后来鄙视于淘宝的各项规则,于是决定自立门户。”

48、So when this young artist emerged with critical attitude of distain and antagonism, he looked quite distinctive of others and well acclaimed. ─── 在那一带这样的石头随处可见,它只不过是农民用来放在马路边上,以防止来往的车辆过近的靠近他们的房屋。

49、One of those is a mutual distain for modern produce labels. ─── 之一就是都鄙视现在产品中应用的标签。

50、For thee to distain it; ─── 你不该再轻侮它;

51、04.Being ugly,he was always treated with distain. ─── 由于人长的臭,他总是遭人白眼.

52、" after ministry of the public relations that clean out treasure learns, feel to this distain. ─── 淘宝公关部获悉后,对此感到不屑。

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