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09-02 投稿



essentials 发音

英:[??sen?lz]  美:[??sen?(?)lz]

英:  美:

essentials 中文意思翻译



essentials 短语词组

1、adorable essentials ─── 可爱的必备品

2、essentials of marriage ─── [法] 婚姻的要件

3、fear of god essentials ─── 敬畏上帝要素

4、black scale essentials ─── 黑鳞片精华

5、sleep essentials ─── 睡眠必备品

6、essentials t essentials t ─── 系列

7、it essentials it ─── 要素

8、essentials logo essentials ─── 标志

9、microsoft security essentials microsoft ─── 安全软件包

10、fog essentials ─── 雾元素

11、essentials fear of god ─── 对上帝的本质恐惧

12、non-essentials (non-essential ─── 的复数) [法] 不需要, 非本质 ─── 的, 不重要 ─── 的

13、dropwise essentials ─── 滴水精华

14、discipleship essentials ─── 门徒训练要领

15、cross training essentials ─── 交叉训练要点

16、nike sportswear essentials nike sportswear essentials

17、cooks essentials ─── 烹饪必需品

18、Security Essentials ─── 微软杀毒;安全必需品

19、essentials magazine essentials ─── 杂志

essentials 词性/词形变化,essentials变形

副词: essentially |名词: essentiality |

essentials 同义词

principal | requirement | vital | important | want | essence |necessary | subjective | highlight | substantive | cardinal | necessity | of the essence | all-important | need | constitutional | component | key | prerequisite | fundamental | required | elementary | radical | basic | needed | indispensable | quintessence | burning | primary | elemental | organic | virtual | significant | crucial | lifeblood | inherent | grave | urgent | requisite | all important

essentials 常用词组

essential oil ─── 香精油,精油

essential condition ─── 必要条件

essential hypertension ─── 原发性高血压;特发性高血压

essentials 反义词


essentials 相似词语短语

1、essentialise ─── 本质化

2、essentially ─── adv.本质上;本来

3、essential ─── adj.基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的;n.本质;要素;要点;必需品

4、essentialist ─── n.本质主义者

5、unessentials ─── adj.非本质的,不重要的;n.非本质的事物,不重要的事物

6、inessentials ─── adj.无关紧要的;n.无关紧要的东西

7、essentialism ─── n.本质主义,本质先于存在论;要素主义教育

8、essentialised ─── 必不可少的

9、essentialises ─── 本质化

essentials 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、While it's good to nail all the essentials, vary the wording and add your own touch. ─── 但是,最好是将所有的精华部分包括进去,并采用不同的措辞、加入你的感想。

2、In considering this problem, you should grasp its essentials. ─── 在考虑这一问题时,你应当抓住实质。

3、We can add strength to influential essentials of semantic expression such as age, mental based on civil capacity so that Economic Law does its work. ─── 因此可在民事行为能力的基础上,增加与年龄、心智要素相并列的实力要素并加以矫治,达到经济法干预的目的。

4、Features, essentials of application technology, organization and management, development trend of emulated Al sheet are introduced. ─── 介绍了仿铝板涂料的特点、施工技术要领、组织管理及发展趋势。

5、Essentials of Genetics(Fourth Edition),William S. Klug, Michael R. Cummings,Pearson Education. ─── 动物遗传学(第二版).门正明主编,1999,兰州大学出版社

6、The essentials of culling process, cor.diticn fcr steady cutting, principle of nozzle design and the technological analysis are presented. ─── 其内容包括:切割过程实质、稳定切割条件、工艺分析及喷咀设计原则,同时也给出了两种金属材料的切割规范。

7、DEAR J.MOFFITT: Food, clothing, heat and shelter are basic needs and essentials. ─── 亲爱的简.莫非特: 食物,衣服,热和房屋是基本的需要和必需品。

8、Laudon, Essentials of Business Information Systems 7/e, 华泰, 2006. ─── 吴琮璠,谢清佳,资讯管理:理论与实务,智胜,2003

9、The suites offer luxury and sophistication with lavish essentials and value-added privileges. ─── 下榻豪华套房及行政套房的宾客有更多的额外尊贵待遇。

10、Our main commodities include gum rosin, gum turpentine, sisal products, jute bag, canned vegetables, Star Aniseed, Cassia, and essentials oils est. ─── 公司经营的主要出口产品有:松香、松节油、剑麻产品、麻袋、水果罐头、八角、桂皮、香料油等。

11、Interestingly enough, our work on portfolio management did not have a goal to identify a group of underlying principles or essentials. ─── 十分有趣的是,关于项目组合管理的工作不以确定一组根本原则或要素为目标。

12、Essentials of business communication II. ─── 商务沟通精要2。

13、Use of the fewest and barest essentials or elements, as in the arts, literature, or design. ─── 在艺术、文学或设计中只使用最少的基本成份和要素

14、Office Home and Student 2007 provides home computer users with the software essentials they need to get tasks done more quickly and easily. ─── Office Home and Student 2007可为家用个人计算机用户提供所需的办公软件要件,以便他们更加快速、轻松地完成各项任务。

15、Discretionary Income The amount of an individual's income available for spending after the essentials have been taken care of. ─── 可自由支配收入个人在应付必要事项后可供消费的收入。

16、Have a small bag filled with basic essentials ready to go in case you have get out in a hurry. ─── 准备一个小包,里面放上必需品,这样你就能随时离开。

17、Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for success in life, no matter what may be one's aim. ─── 不管目标何在,一心一意是人生成功的基本要素之一。

18、How can a conflicted guy in a bat suit and a villain with a cracked, painted-on clown smile speak to the essentials of the human condition? ─── 一个穿着蝙蝠衣的具有双重身份的男子,和一个精神有毛病、脸上涂着一副小丑笑容的色彩的恶棍,可以表达出人类思想状态的本质?

19、An analysis, an outline, or a summary consisting of itemized data or essentials. ─── 分析,概要一个包含逐条列出的数据或要素的分析、纲要或总结

20、The procedures,results and engineering design technical essentials for the SC/CT of CFC free refrigerators are also described. ─── 介绍了对无氟电冰箱进行超纯净清洗的工艺方法、效果及工程设计技术要点。

21、Strong will, perseverance and diligence are the three essentials of success. ─── 坚强的意志,毅力和勤奋是三大要点取得圆满成功。

22、Frills they never thought they could have become essentials that they cannot do without. ─── 以前从未奢望拥有的那些浮华虚饰如今变成了不可或缺的必需品。

23、What do you think of the space division's approach to training managers in the essentials of management? ─── 你认为空间分部训练管理人员的方法的管理要素是什么。

24、In considering this problem,you should grasp its essentials. ─── 在考虑这一问题时,你应当抓住实质。

25、When you first start NX you are, by default, in the Essentials (Recommended) Role . ─── 在你第一次启动NX时,系统默认的使用的角色为‘基本功能’角色。

26、You will not find all the answers immediately, but you will acquire an invaluable characteristic: the ability to think in terms of essentials. ─── ”你不会立即找到所有的答案,但你将培养一种可贵的品质:一种根据事物本质去思考问题的能力。

27、MQ: I started a supplement line called Lifestyle Essentials. ─── 传输:我开始了一项补充线称为生活必需品。

28、What are the directions for using the new Essentials?To maintain health, we need a diversity of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other nutrients. ─── 为了保持健康,我们需要的维生素,矿物质,类黄酮的多样性,以及其他营养物质。

29、Delete what is dispensable and give more prominence to the essentials. ─── 可以不说的去掉,该说的就可以更突出。

30、Her character is, in fact, finished in its essentials. ─── 她的性格事实上基本定型。

31、They want to take the "middle path" of Islam - they want to adapt to the times and embrace modernity while keeping the essentials of their faith. ─── 他们希望走"中间路线"--既能够与时并进跟上现代化,也能够保留回教的基本教义。

32、The various techniques discussed are, to a considerable extent, reflections of these essentials. ─── 在相当大的程度上讲,所讨论到的各种技术,都是这些要点的反映。

33、Libby had an instinct for essentials. ─── 利比具有善于抓住事物实质的本能。

34、Essentials of capacity management II. ─── 产能管理精要2。

35、The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are: Hard work, Stick-to-itiveness, and Common sense. ─── 勤奋、坚持不懈和常识是成就任何有价值事业的三项最根本的条件。

36、The source for modern machine design essentials. ─── 从源头上为现代机械设计要点。

37、All OEM and Essentials versions are limited versions and are mostly sold as a bundle with a hardware device. ─── 它们都是受限版本,并通常与硬件设备一起捆绑销售。

38、Alongthe way, he teaches the essentials of importing footage, digital keying,color correction, keyframe animation, and much more. ─── 在教程中,你将学到最基本的素材导入,数字键控,色彩纠正,关键帧动画等等。

39、Most essentials of survival grow on trees. ─── 大多数生活必需品生长在树上。

40、He practiced the art of circling among random facts to swoop down on the essentials. ─── 他习惯胡乱地先在无关紧要的地方兜圈子,然后才抓重点。

41、In fact, it's often easier to save on essentials than on enjoyable extras. ─── 事实上,在必需品上省钱往往比在令人愉快的附加品上省钱更容易。

42、The concern for the handicaps and the elders are the essentials of harmonic society and modern civilization. ─── 对残障人群与老弱人群的关怀,是建立和谐社会与展示现代文明的重要因素。

43、He says people need emergency supplies, including medicine and band a ges, a flashlight and battery-power ed radio, water, food and other essentials. ─── 他表示人们需要紧急供应物品,包括医药,绷带,一个带闪光用电池的收音机,水,食品及其他基本物品。

44、Generally speaking, the more witnesses that corroborate an eent in its essentials, the more sure the proof is considered to be. ─── 一般来说,越多的证人证明某一事件,证据就越会被考虑成立。

45、This paper introduces structure of all-plastic commutator and its cold extrusion moulding technics, emphasizes on the essentials in its mould design. ─── 介绍全塑换向器的结构和它的冷挤成型工艺,同时详细叙述其模具设计中的要点。

46、Learn how to distil large quantities of information into their bare essentials. ─── 学习如何将大量的信息归纳为简要信息。

47、Our arms were filled with ham, bread and other essentials to make the perfect Christmas dinner. ─── 我们双臂里塞满了火腿、面包和其他做出完美圣诞晚餐的必需品。

48、II doesn't look like a Futsal shoe, but the shoe features all of the essentials that go into a pair designed for Futsal. ─── II的外观并不像一双室内足球鞋,但它有着室内足球球一些关键的设计特性。

49、They are included here to clarify what we mean by the essentials of a strong curriculum. ─── 他们在这里阐述了通过这些课程的核心我们是什么意思。

50、A lack of the key essentials of life for many citizens, as with food shortages. ─── 对大多数的公民缺少关键的生存要素,像食物短缺。

51、He absorbs essentials from Chinese cultural traditions, education in other countries and Marxism to form his ideas on education. ─── 他从国外教育、中国文化传统和马克思主义三个源泉汲取营养,寻找理论武器。

52、World Food Program spokesman, Marcus Prior, says some progress has been made in distributing food and other essentials. ─── 世界粮食计划署的一名发言人普莱尔说,在分发食物和其他民生必须品上,已经做出了一些进展。

53、The paper mainly expounds essentials for control of cement-stabilized macadam base for construction. ─── 主要阐述了水泥稳定碎石基层施工控制的要点。

54、Fundamental Essentials of the Dharma: Dr. Lin expressed the essentials of Dharma in simple language in this article. ─── 佛法根本要义:林博士学佛之心得以深入浅出的方式写成短篇。

55、He says people lead need emergency supplies, including medicine and bandages, a flashlight and battery-powered radio, water, food and other essentials. ─── 他说人们需要应急供给物品,包括药物,绷带,手电筒,电池供电收音机,水,食物以及其他必需品。

56、You will not find all the answers immediately,but you will acquire an invaluable characteristic: the ability to think in terms of essentials. ─── 你不会立即找到所有的答案,但你将培养一种可贵的品质:一种根据事物本质去思考问题的能力。

57、Indeed, in essentials the national character will be recognizably much as it has been for a couple of centuries. ─── 另外,美国的基本特质两个世纪以来大同小异。

58、Stylish yet practical this everyday workbag will help you manage your daily essentials. ─── 不仅时尚,此实用的公事包能帮助您处理所有的日常业务。

59、Could you tell me the basic essentials of playing panio? ─── 你能给我讲讲弹钢琴的基本要领吗?

60、As you strip away the trappings of your old life, you come to realize that all you really need are the bare essentials. ─── 当你扔掉旧生活的积蓄,你就开始意识到原来自己真正需要的只是一些必需用品。

61、The die design of coextrusion and the essentials of die debugging for the soft and rigid PVC and introduced. ─── 介绍软硬质聚氯乙烯共挤模具设计与调试的要点。

62、In philosophical discussions of the origin of life, he brings to all topics an ability to penetrate to the essentials of the problem at hand. ─── 他擅长对诸如生命起源这类问题的哲理思维,在所有问题上,他都显示出深入问题关键之才能。

63、A good sermon should be like a woman's skirt: short enough to rouse the interest, but long enough to cover the essentials. ─── 好的佈道應像女人的裙子:短得足以激起興趣,又長得足以遮掩重要部位

64、In its essentials, the methods of seismic exploration appear quite simple. ─── 在主体上,地震勘探方法似乎十分简单。

65、He is an experienced editor and knows how to get essentials from a large mass of materials. ─── 他是位很有经验的编辑,知道如何披沙拣金。

66、She co-authored Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials, and has edited various O'Reilly books on dynamic languages including Perl Hacks and Programming PHP. ─── 她是“Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials”的作者之一,并且编辑了不同的关于动态语言的O'Reilly图书,包括“Perl Hack”和“Programming PHP”。

67、They provided the essentials of education but nothing beyond. ─── 他们提供教育的要点,但仅此而已。

68、Before I can delve into the essentials of the database - queries and transaction management - I need to lay its foundation: object-relation mapping. ─── 在深入到数据库的要素查询和事务管理之前,需要建立它的基础:对象关系映射。

69、The personnel sent through the Mediterranean must be cut down to essentials, the balance going round. ─── 从地中海运送的人员,应限于那些必不可少的人员,其余的可以绕行。

70、Examine the concern in Lear with the distinction between getting down to essentials and concern with the trappings of life. ─── 先审视李尔王所关心两件事的差异:基本需求和满足虚荣心。

71、The natural grain wood finish creates an unassuming vintage display case for wine essentials. ─── 利用天然木纹的制造是对红酒本质的最好诠释。

72、The information and advice are boiled down to bare essentials. ─── 各种资料与建议缩短为极简单的要点。

73、He often expected to take the essentials by surprise, by an amusing stratagem. ─── 他常常指望用一种逗乐似的策略,在出其不意中把问题的要点抓

74、You should buy some essentials, such as pots, pans, dishes and so on. ─── 你应该买些必需品来如锅碗盆等。

75、The apartment contained the basic essentials for bachelor life. ─── 这套公寓配有单身生活的基本必需品。

76、Come to the shop, take scent-bottle (of paper or plastic sampling pipe won't give you the correct essentials about fragrance, asperse to carpal on. ─── 不要靠直接闻香水瓶里的香味来判定气味。

77、After having pared down our equipment, cooking gear, clothes and food to the bare essentials, we're finally ready to start our journey! ─── 在把我们的行李、烹饪用具、衣服和食物减到最精之后,我们终于准备好出发了!

78、Once you have mastered the essentials, this problem is no longer difficult for you. ─── 一旦你掌握了要领,这个问题就不难了.

79、The typical feature of modern psychology is its objection to basics and essentials. ─── 后现代心理学的典型特征是反对基础主义和本质主义。

80、This enabled them to earn cash to pay for health care, education and the other essentials of life which had been out of reach for so long. ─── 他们这才赚到钱,能够应付医疗、教育和其他日常生活的开支,以往这些都是遥不可及的。

81、Yet the syllabus for the Moral Education Center seems to lack a few essentials for meeting today's global super-rich. ─── 不过,女性修养研修中心的课程表似乎缺少与现今的全球超级富豪结识的几个基本要素。

82、He says people need emergency supplies, including medicine and bandages, a flashlight and battery-powered radio, water, food and other essentials. ─── 他认为人们需要准备一些应急用品,包括药物,绑带,手电筒,电池收音机,水,食物,以及其他必备品。

83、Behavioral essentials: Basically exercise the side after the arm and humerus triceps. ─── 动作要领:主要锻炼手臂后侧及肱三头肌。

84、The basic structure of AK modified bipolar ionic membrane element, its method of check and test, and essentials of repair were introduced. ─── 介绍了旭化成复极单元槽的基本结构,检查试验方法和修理技术要领。

85、The adventage and the flow sheet design of the vacuum powder sucking and conveyance system was introduced with the emphasis on desigh essentials. ─── 介绍采用真空吸送物料的优点及流程设计,重点介绍设计要点。

86、From the instant you enter Office Online, you'll notice fewer links on the page, so you can focus on the essentials. ─── 从进入Office Online开始,您就会发现页面上链接很少,这样您可以关注实质内容。

87、A man should never neglect these social essentials. ─── 一个人决不该疏忽了这些社交上的必需品。

88、We may in fact, see for the first time what those essentials are. ─── 事实是,我们可能是第一次看出来那些本质的东西是什么。

89、The essentials of humanhappiness are simple, so simple that sophisticated people cannot bring themselves to admit what it is they really lack.... ─── 人快乐的本质是简单的,这本质是如此简单,以至复杂的人们不能承认自己真正缺乏的东西是什么...

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