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09-02 投稿



gondolier 发音

英:[,g?nd?'l??]  美:[,ɡɑnd?'l?r]

英:  美:

gondolier 中文意思翻译



gondolier 网络释义

n. 威尼斯小划船的船夫vt. 用凤尾船运送

gondolier 词性/词形变化,gondolier变形

gondolier 相似词语短语

1、gondoliers ─── n.威尼斯小划船的船夫;vt.用凤尾船运送

2、bandoliers ─── n.子弹带,弹药带

3、bandolier ─── n.子弹带,弹药带

4、goodlier ─── adj.漂亮的;优秀的;相当多的(goodly的变形)

5、condoling ─── v.表示同情,吊唁(condole的现在分词)

6、condole ─── vi.慰问;吊唁;哀悼

7、godlier ─── adj.神圣的;对神敬虔的(godly的变形)

8、gondolet ─── 小型威尼斯水道船

9、Cordelier ─── n.(天主教)方济各会修士

gondolier 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Actually we are quite familiar with the melody of Santa Lucia, and it is a famous Italian gondolier's song. ─── 其实圣露西亚之歌的曲子大家耳熟能详,是意大利著名的船歌。

2、Venice's deputy mayor said that there had been excessive male domination inside the gondolier's guild, which jealously guards the trade. ─── 威尼斯副市长表示,在船夫行业中,存在过度的男性统治。

3、But being a gondolier "is a profession," said Luppi, a manual trade like any other, "not animating a theme park. ─── 鲁皮说,驾驶贡多拉“是一项职业”,和其它的体力行业一样,“不是在主题公园里表演助兴。”

4、Our windows had old fashioned wooden shutters and the view of the canal below with gondala's and singing gondolier was breath taking! ─── 透过古典的木质百叶窗,你可以看到大运河上来来往往的小船,听着那些船夫的歌声,让人心旷神怡!

5、A composition imitating a Venetian gondolier's song. ─── 节奏轻快的乐曲模仿威尼斯刚朵拉船歌而作的歌曲

6、gondolier gondola gondolier ─── 的船夫

7、Twenty-four-year old Giorgia Boscolo, whose father is also a gondolier, has passed a year long series of practical and written tests. ─── 24岁的GiorgiaBoscolo的父亲也是一名船夫,她通过了长达一年的一系列实际操作和笔试。

8、'The president of the United States, a gondolier in Venice, just fill in the names. ' ─── “美国总统,威尼斯船夫,只要填写他们的名字。”

9、The gondolier course lasts six months and includes 400 hours of instruction in using the single oar that is used to propel a gondola through the water. ─── 威尼斯驾船课程共6个月,其中有400小时的课是讲授如何用一支桨操纵狭长的平底船在水路上行进的。

10、Venice has finally gotten its first ever female gondolier, the Telegraph reported. ─── 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,上周五,威尼斯终于迎来了首位女船夫乔治娅?博斯科洛。

11、'The president of the United States, a gondolier in Venice, just fill in the names. ─── “美国总统,威尼斯船夫,只要填写他们的名字。”

12、A Venetian gondolier's song with a rhythm suggestive of rowing. ─── 威尼斯船夫曲威尼斯刚朵拉船夫所唱的表现划船韵律的歌

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