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09-02 投稿



whizzing 发音

英:[?w?z??]  美:[?w?z??]

英:  美:

whizzing 中文意思翻译



whizzing 词性/词形变化,whizzing变形

原型:whizz 现在分词:whizzing

whizzing 相似词语短语

1、whiling ─── conj.在……期间;在……的过程中;与……同时;(对比两件事物)……而;虽然,尽管;直到……为止;n.一段时间;(诗、文)在此期间;adv.在……时候;v.消磨(时间);prep.直到

2、fizzing ─── v.(液体)起泡并发嘶嘶声;劈啪作响;升腾(fizz的现在分词);adj.嘶嘶冒气泡的

3、whizzingly ─── 嗖嗖地

4、wheezing ─── v.喘息;喘息地说(wheeze的现在分词)

5、whidding ─── 敏捷地行动

6、wazzing ─── 叫声

7、whiffing ─── v.嗅,闻;发臭(whiff的现在分词)

8、frizzing ─── n.呢面卷结整理;正面起绒;v.弄卷;使卷结(friz或frizz的ing形式)

9、quizzing ─── n.挖苦(考问)

whizzing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"All right, Huck, it's a whiz! ─── “好吧,哈克,一言为定!

2、Some very large matters are barely glimpsed, whizzing by at terrific speed, while sundry smaller ones are examined in exhaustive detail. ─── 一些非常重大的事件几乎都只是以迅雷不及掩耳之势一笔带过,而一些琐碎事件却以逼真细节加以认真审视。

3、There came whizzing sounds in quick succession before seven or eight secret weapons sprang from behind, aiming straight at him. ─── 嗤嗤嗤数声连响,身后忽然射出七八件暗器,分向他袭去。

4、gee whiz ─── int. (表示对意外的惊讶和感叹)咦, 哇

5、Along with the Internet, the mobile phone has revolutionized communication. The mobile has spread from city whiz kids to Brazilian slum dwellers. ─── 与互联网同样,移动电话已经使通讯交流发生了翻天覆地的变化。从城里的年青俊杰到巴西的贫民区居民都拥有了移动电话。

6、Become a math whiz in no time with these challenging and entertaining activities. ─── 在娱乐与挑战中,迅速变成数学天才。

7、He is a whiz when it comes to math and science. ─── 在数学和科学方面,他真是个天才。

8、An arrow whiz(z)zed past. ─── 一支箭飕地飞过去。

9、He was continually fancying that a cannon ball was swooping down upon him with a fearful whiz. ─── 他老觉得,随着一声可怕的呼啸,会向他飞来一发炮弹;

10、I rushed back out to get a pic of the blades - they were whizzing round, a blur to the naked eye. ─── 余赶回了获得知情同意的刀片-他们呼啸轮,一个模糊的肉眼。

11、Ralph, Jr . begins to skate ahead of his friends, faster and faster, until he looks like a race car whizzing by. ─── 小拉尔夫领先溜了起来,速度越来越快,越来越快,直到看上去就像一辆飕飕驶过的赛车。

12、whiz kid ─── n. 神童, 优等生

13、In order to keep the tiles whizzing by, you'll need to focus on LIMITING the width of your kick during the recovery. ─── 为保持快速向前,你需要注意在收腿阶段腿的宽度:要把小腿隐藏在你的大腿后面。

14、For the first time, Harry imagined Mad-Eye’s body, broken as Dumbledore's had been, yet with that one eye still whizzing in its socket. ─── 哈利的脑海里第一次出现Mad-Eye的尸体:就像Dumbledore一样,体无完肤,伤痕累累,但那只魔眼仍在骨碌碌地转。

15、He sends the last rock whizzing right at Racquel. No smash. ─── 他把最后一粒石子奋力扔向墙上的兰寇(海报),这次石子没有碎。

16、Here it could mean, "Wow," "Gee whiz," "Golly" ─── 也可能是“天啊”,“妈呀”

17、Among them there's a martial arts master (Berserk), a hip hop madman nicknamed Spike, the cooler-than-ice computer whiz called Conan, and the gorgeous ninja woman Kite. ─── 他们之中有一个武术大师(暴疯),外号墙头钉的屁股舞狂人,比冰还冷的电脑高手科南,厉害的日本女武士风筝。

18、a whiz of a car ─── 一辆极漂亮的小汽车

19、His mother said he is reading three books at a time, whizzing through math homework and even playing soccer. ─── 他母亲说他现在同时在读三本书,数学作业轻松完成,甚至开始踢足球。

20、Now one of the reasons people worried about the Copernican system was it seemed awfully silly that the earth could be whizzing around the sun and yet carry the moon and not have the moon get lost. ─── 哥白尼理论系统令人不解的疑点之一就是:地球绕着太阳飞快转动,还带着月球形影相随,实在没有道理。

21、10-Year-Old Presidential Trivia Whiz Publishes Book ─── 10岁小神童出版关于总统琐事的书

22、Jamie is usually seen whizzing around London's markets and shops on his scooter, but in this series he ventures a little further afield. ─── 在第三辑上半部中,占美奥利华将搬离西汉普斯特旧居,同时正忙于搜罗适当的材料来预备新居入伙派对的美食以慰劳帮忙搬家的朋友们。

23、The Balhamites, the Tootingites, the Claphamites, pedalling towards Vauxhall in the bright morning rush hour, whizzing past those lumbering buses and constipated cars, exerting their pedal power. ─── 和theClaphamites在早晨的高峰期骑车到Vauxhall,在堵塞的公交车和小轿车之间不断穿梭,并且不断的加速。

24、Mr Romney will see a lot of stones whizzing his way in the coming months, and the people throwing them will not be little boys. ─── 在接下来的数月中,罗姆尼将在前进的道路上遭遇大量嗖嗖飞来的石头,而扔石头的将不再是群小男孩了。

25、"I was earnig US$85,000 a year, I was playing the stockmarket, I had a nice fl at and car and now it's all gone," says the bespectacle IT whiz kid who is now back with his parents in an outer Delhi suburb. ─── “我那时一年挣85,000美元,我还投资股市,有漂亮的房子和汽车,可现在这一切全没了,”这位戴着眼镜的IT神童说。 现在他和他的父母住在德里的远郊。

26、He's a whiz at tennis. ─── 他是网球高手。

27、Most people download andHowever, even if you are not a computer whiz there are several things you can easily do to speed up your computer quickly and easily. ─── 但是即使你不是电脑嗖有数容易做的事,你加快你的电脑快易.

28、One winter's day, as the snowflakes were whizzing down, he came with a large magnifying-glass, held the lappet of his coat out and let the snowflakes fall upon it. ─── 在一个冬天的某一天,当雪花纷飞的时候,他拿著一面放大镜走出来,提起他蓝色上衣的下摆,让雪花落到它上面。

29、' Even as he was saying this, he saw a flash of yellow go whizzing past him.It was the fat lama hurtling through the air. ─── 却见黄影闪动,那喇嘛飞身而起,跃入半空,向后纵了出去。

30、Ching, in order to help his friend Yumei Ding out of her ailing TV program, Whiz Kids' World, finds a prodigy Shengfang Wang, who is good at playing chess. ─── 丁玉梅是电视台的主持人,因节目收视率日趋下滑而陷入事业危机,遂委托好友程凌帮忙。

31、Even if the students whose grades are ecumenical may become whiz kid in the way of mending habit of study. ─── 即使成绩一般的学生也可以通过改进学习习惯而成为优等生。

32、And she felt bewildered by the hurry, the noise of people, and bells, and horns; the whiz and the scream of the arriving trains ─── 只听见人们匆促来往,声音嘈杂,铃声和号角声,还有火车到达时的机器转动声音和汽笛声,她不免觉得心慌意乱。

33、He heard the bullets whizzing over him incessantly, and continually the soldiers moaned and fell to the right and left of him. ─── 他听见上空的子弹不停地呼啸,他的左右两旁的士兵不住地呻吟,一个个都倒下来。

34、But if you're in a narrow lane with traffic whizzing by, stay in the car and keep your seat belt fastened. ─── 但如果道路较狭窄、车辆急速穿梭,那么呆在车内,系紧安全带。

35、Their gee - whiz,faux - naif comportment is not always convincing(Madison Bell) ─── 他们耸人听闻的,假纯朴的表现并不总是有说服力的(麦迪逊·贝尔)

36、They eat crouched in corners or on the street as cars whiz by. ─── 他们蹲在角落里或在轿车呼啸而过大街上吃饭。

37、Zoom and whiz are both informal and indicate the rapid noisy movement of a vehicle,etc. ─── zoom 与whiz均为口语用词,指车等快速行驶同时发出声响.

38、A motor boat was whizzing along the rambling watercourses stretching about in the primitive forests of Gabon, a Western African country. ─── 一艘摩托小船在非洲西部国家加蓬的原始森林中的星罗棋布的河流上飞驰。

39、Blurred trees seen from a vehicle Trees whiz by on the way to the Okefenokee swamp, Georgia, U.S. ─── 在前往美国乔治亚州奥克弗诺基沼泽的路上,路边的树木呼啸而过。

40、When winter came and the tame to catch fish in the ice, they took it in turn to take out the sleigh and whiz back and forth over the ice, patrolling the village. ─── 冬天,打冰夹鱼的时候,她们一个个登在流星一样的冰船上,来回警戒。

41、Caught in a trench with continuous gunfire whizzing over his head,the soldier asked his lieutenant if he might go out into the "No Man's Land" between the trenches to bring his fallen comrade back. ─── 他被不断从头顶飞过的子弹困在战壕里,士兵问他的中尉,是否他可以去战壕之间的无人地带,把落下的同志带回来。

42、Caught in a trench with continuous gunfire whizzing over his head,the soldier asked his lieutenant if he might go out into the “No Man's Land ” between the trenches to bring his fallen comrade back. ─── 一位战士,看到她一生的朋友,在战斗中倒下了。头顶上枪声响成一片,他们被困在战壕里,这位战士向长官请求进入战壕间“无人区”把他的朋友带回来。

43、"I was earnig US$85,000 a year,I was playing the stockmarket,I had a nice flat and car and now it's all gone," says the bespectacle IT whiz?kid who is now back with his parents in an outer Delhi suburb. ─── “我那时一年挣85,000美元,我还投资股市,有漂亮的房子和汽车,可现在这一切全没了,”这位戴着眼镜的IT神童说。现在他和他的父母住在德里的远郊。

44、He called his attention to the bullets which were continually whizzing, singing, and hissing about them. ─── 他叫他注意在他们身边不住地呼啸的子弹。

45、There came whizzing sounds in quick succession before seven or eight secret weapons sprang from behind, aiming straight at him. ─── 嗤嗤嗤数声连响,身后忽然射出七八件暗器,分向他袭去。

46、He is a whiz at football. ─── 他是一位打橄榄球的高手。

47、Whizzing along(the motorway) ─── (在高速公路上)飞速行驶.

48、Boyfriends are good at playing Bid Whiz, Spades and Gin Rummey. ─── * 男朋友擅长玩开枪,打牌。

49、In high school I was a math whiz, and so I spent my first year of college at M.I.T., learning that I did not have the burning desire to be an engineer. ─── 在高中的时候,我是一名数学天才,所以我大学的第一年是在麻省理工大学度过的,在哪里学期期间,并没有燃烧起我做工程师的愿望。

50、Mr Romney will see a lot of stones whizzing his way in the coming months, and the people throwing them will not be little boys. ─── 在接下来的数月中,罗姆尼将在前进的道路上遭遇大量嗖嗖飞来的石头,而扔石头的将不再是群小男孩了。

51、Three young IT whiz kids ─── 三个年轻的IT精英

52、There are only three words that can be said: WHIZ, BOUNCE, and BOING. ─── 只有3个单词可以说:WHIZ,BOUNCE和BOING。

53、I didn't sleep the rest of the night, and helped to comfort my cat when he came whizzing back up into my arms. ─── 后半夜我一直没睡,一直试著安抚再次回到我臂弯的猫咪。

54、A whiz at all sorts of games. ─── 各种游戏的能手

55、The pleasant hum and whiz of the bullets was repeated pretty rapidly. ─── 可以不时地听见一阵阵悦耳的嗡嗡声和呼啸声。

56、"Whiz " , he discovers he has come in a jacal of the seaside, the wife of the fisher in the story is sitting leisurely on bamboo chair. ─── “嗖”的一声,他发现自己已经来到海边的一间小茅屋里,故事中渔夫的妻子正悠闲地坐在竹椅上。

57、With a bit American fashion drumbeating, I might have been regarded as a whiz kid. ─── 加上一点美国式的宣传,也许我会被誉为神童。

58、"All right -- it's a whiz. ─── “好,一言为定。

59、You whiz past alpine forests on a snow-covered trail that curves down the mountainside. ─── 一条白雪皑皑的小径顺着山坡蜿蜒而下,你沿着小径自高山森林旁飞驰而过,

60、She heard a BANG and saw a bullet whiz by the voice chuckled in amusement. ─── 只听“砰”的一声,她看到一颗子弹呼啸而过,这肯定是那个吃吃笑的声音干的。

61、He heard the whiz of bullets near his head. ─── 他听见子弹嗖地从耳边飞过。

62、but warriors are really educated by the smell of powder, in the midst of whizzing bullets and roaring cannonades, not in soft and peaceful times. ─── 上帝知道精兵是在战争中造成的,不是在平安中造成的。

63、On the sixth floor, and we're often enjoying whizzing ─── 发出飕飕声,嘘嘘声

64、5.Only trouble is, gee whiz, Im dreamin my life away. ─── 唯一的困扰是,我的一生就在做白日梦中消逝。

65、But the students at Vidya are not whiz kids studying computer science. ─── 但维迪亚的学生不是学习计算机科学的神童。

66、You see, if you can't whiz through the easy stuff at 100 m.p.h., you're never gonna get the advanced stuff. ─── 你看,如果不能以每小时一百英里的高速飙过简单的东西,你永远都无法得到进阶的东西。

67、And the robot would start whizzing and binging and shout out, "Danger, Commander Robinson!" ─── 于是机器人就会开始全速前进,大声疾呼,“危险,罗宾逊指挥官”!

68、A whiz who can operate the latest computer without a lesson but can't make a bed. ─── 一个不用上一节课就可以操作最新电脑的能手,但却不会铺床。

69、Taking the car is hardly an alternative, when even whizzing in your BMW on the speed limit-free autobahn would take twice as long as the train. ─── 坐汽车没有任何吸引力,即使开宝马在无限速的高速公路疾驰,也要花高铁的双倍时间。

70、a firecracker that (like the whizbang shell) makes a whizzing sound followed by a loud explosion. ─── 在一响之后离开地面然后再响的一种爆竹。

71、Trees whiz by on the way to the Okefenokee swamp, Georgia, U.S. ─── 前往美国乔治亚州奥克弗诺基沼泽的路上,路旁的树飞逝而过。

72、Zoom suggests a low engine noise;whiz suggests a high whistling sound ─── zoom指发动机的低声,whiz指似口哨或汽笛的高声

73、gee whiz(z) ─── 嗳哟!呵!不得了!

74、Are you a whiz at climbing chimneys? ─── 你是攀爬烟囱高手吗?

75、Huh, if only she had the good sense not to whiz in our flower beds, she'd still be with us! ─── [如果她能意识到不该在花床咆哮,她应该还跟着我们呢!

76、"When I was whizzing around, the sky is the same colour as the water. ─── “当我做周身转体的时候,觉得天空和水面是同样的颜色。

77、Mr.Vardi, who was close to Ms.Salzman, said that as a boy Mr.Abas was an extremely lyrical player of unusual emotional maturity, rather than a technical whiz. ─── 与萨尔茨曼夫人相熟识的瓦迪先生说,作为孩子拉阿巴斯先生是一位非常热情的演奏者,具有不同凡响的情感,绝不仅仅是一台技巧机器。

78、There was a whiz as of a missile in the air, ─── 喷了喷鼻子,舒服了些。

79、The president appeared not to notice the book whizzing past his head. ─── 总统先生看起来并没有注意到擦着他脑袋飞过的那本书。

80、“I was earnig US$85,000 a year, I was playing the stockmarket, I had a nice fl at and car and now it's all gone,” says the bespectacle IT whiz? ─── “我那时一年挣85,000美元,我还投资股市,有漂亮的房子和汽车,可现在这一切全没了,”这位戴着眼镜的IT神童说。

81、Stop at traffic lights, even early in the morning when most everyone is whizzing by. ─── 红灯要停下来,即使是一大晨,几乎每个人都闯红灯的时候也一样。

82、Here it could mean, @Wow,@ @Gee whiz,@ @Golly ─── 也可能是“天

83、Defense Secretary-designate Les Aspin, 54, is a former whiz kid from Robert McNamara's Pentagon. ─── 内定的国防部长接班人亚斯平,今年54岁,从前是在麦克纳马拉执掌五角大楼时代的青年才俊之一。

84、Huffing and puffing in the curb lane, traffic whizzing by just inches away, the man pedaling the cyclo is quickly left behind. ─── 在这名骑着三轮车的男子在路沿边喘息的功夫,车辆在几英寸外呼啸而去,他就迅速被甩在后面了。

85、he is a Whiz kid in the occupation of software. ─── 他是软件行业里的青年才俊。

86、Only trouble is, gee whiz, I'm dreaming my life away. ─── 唯一的困扰是,天啊,我的一生就在做白日梦中消逝了。

87、Their gee - whiz, faux - naif comportment is not always convincing(Madison Bell) ─── 他们耸人听闻的,假纯朴的表现并不总是有说服力的(麦迪逊 贝尔)

88、Personal strength: Math whiz. ─── 个人强项:数学能手。

89、Gee whiz! I am late again. ─── 哎呀!我又迟到了。

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