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09-02 投稿


flaring 发音

英:['fle?r??]  美:['fl?r??]

英:  美:

flaring 中文意思翻译



flaring 网络释义

adj. 燃烧的;发光的;引人注目的n. [机] 扩口;舷缘外倾v. 闪光;闪烁(flare的ing形式)

flaring 词性/词形变化,flaring变形

现在分词:flaring 原型:flare 名词复数形式:flarings

flaring 短语词组

1、flaring test ─── 扩口试验

2、flaring natural gas ─── 燃烧天然气

3、flaring copper pipe ─── 扩口铜管

4、flaring platform ─── 火炬平台

5、flaring tool bit set ─── 扩口钻头组套

6、flaring definition ─── 扩口定义

7、tempers flaring ─── 脾气暴躁

8、flaring machine ─── 旋转扩口机

9、flaring dream ─── 闪耀的梦想

10、flaring inlet ─── 燃烧的入口

11、infinite flaring horn ─── [电] 无限伸展喇叭

12、flaring meaning ─── 闪光的意思

13、flaring angle ─── 喇叭锥顶角

14、flaring tube ─── 蜿展管

15、pipe flaring tool ─── [机] 喇叭管口制作器

16、flaring welder ─── 电焊机扩口

17、flaring up ─── 突然烧起来; ─── 突然发怒

flaring 相似词语短语

1、faring ─── v.成功(或不成功、更好等);做,干,进行;进展,发生(fare的现在分词)

2、glaring ─── adj.耀眼的;瞪视的;炯炯的

3、flaking ─── n.剥落;薄片;v.剥落(flake的ing形式);使…成薄片

4、flawing ─── 产生裂纹

5、flaning ─── 闪烁

6、fearing ─── 害怕

7、flaying ─── n.剥皮术;剥皮;v.剥…的皮;严厉批评(flay的ing形式)

8、flaming ─── adj.燃烧的;火红的;激昂的;v.燃烧;变亮;发光(flame的ing形式);n.(Flaming)人名;(法)弗拉曼

9、blaring ─── n.嘟嘟声;号声;巨响;v.发嘟嘟声;发出响而刺耳的声音(blare的现在分词形式)

flaring 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The signal flare sounds extraordinarily grating. ─── 信号弹的响声格外刺耳。

2、About half past eight I passed by an absurd little theatre, with great flaring gas-jets and gaudy play bills. ─── 大约八点半的时候,我从一家可笑的小剧场前走过,那儿有点光亮的煤气灯和俗艳的海报。

3、Gas flaring The burning of gas in the field as a means of disposal when there is no market for the gas. ─── 天然气燃烧指在天然气没有销路时,将其在气田中焚烧的处理方法。

4、He likes his pants to flare out at the bottom. ─── 他喜欢裤子边宽一些。

5、To assume the form of a bell;flare. ─── 使呈钟状;张开

6、They conditioned her not to flare up over trifles. ─── 他们使她养成不为小事发脾气的习惯。

7、He made the fire flare, and threw on it a light log from a blighted tree, which quickly blazed. ─── 他把火拨旺,加了一块枯木,火立刻熊熊地燃烧起来。

8、Faerie Dragons now receive a 9 armor bonus, down from 12 when in Mana flare mode. ─── 仙女龙在法力闪耀模式下只会增加9点防御,而不再是以前的12点。

9、"take on that his hand of that is flaring is what? " very strange felling? why will the heart palpitates be so quick? ─── “那他手上拿著的那个发光的是什麽?”好奇怪的感觉?为什麽心跳会这麽快?

10、An orange woolen jacket with vermilion stripes, flaring vents[2] and sleeves makes a romantic look. ─── 夹带朱红色条纹的橙色羊毛夹克衫,花哨的上衣下部和袖子营造出浪漫的效果。

11、The filament near the flare became active long before the start of the flare. ─── (1)在耀斑开始很早以前,耀斑附近的暗条就变得活动起来。

12、"Pig!" she spat out at him viciously, her nostrils flaring in a look of savage disdain. ─── “蠢猪

13、There's no call for you to flare up at such a slight thing. ─── 为了这点小事,你大可不必发怒。

14、"Pig! " she spat out at him viciously, her nostrils flaring in a look of savage disdain. ─── “蠢猪!”她恶毒地咒骂他,两只鼻孔张得大大的,露出了极端蔑视的神情。

15、Attention Getter: Ignite 100 enemies with the flare gun. ─── 受关注的人:用火焰散弹枪点燃100个敌人。

16、Voldemort sent up a "flare" with the Dark Mark tattoo, a sort of Death Eater homing beacon. ─── 伏地魔通过黑魔标记发出了一个“闪光”,那成为引导食死徒们的灯塔。

17、His eyes darkened and the crowded flaring streets become blurred to his eyes. ─── 他的眼睛变得暗淡了,拥挤的闪耀着灯光的街道在他眼前变得模糊了。

18、Introduced the die design of tube necking and flaring die. ─── 介绍了导管弯曲扩口模的结构特点及模具工作过程。

19、Hours to days before the flare release, excess energy become stored in the magnetic field. ─── 在耀斑释放前几小时至几天,多余的能量就在磁场中储存起来。

20、Flare is often described in terms of its position in the picture, e. g., edge flare, bottom flare. ─── 光斑常按照它在图象中的位置来描述,例如,边沿光斑、底部光斑。

21、The blazes of the humanism flare in the couple's minds. ─── 在沈复和陈芸的身上,闪烁着人文精神的光辉。

22、Scarlett picked up the flaring candle and the three walked slowly into the dark hall and up the winding steps toward Gerald's room. ─── 思嘉端起闪亮的蜡烛,三个人慢慢步入黑暗的穿堂,爬上盘旋楼梯,向杰拉尔德的房间走去。

23、They will fire off a signal flare . ─── 他们将发射一发信号弹。

24、A gust of wind made the torches flare. ─── 一阵风吹得火把摇曳。

25、If there is no clarity about the principle we will have difficulty keeping the military situation from flaring up. ─── 如果原则不明确,我们将很难使军事形势不骤然变化。

26、"God bless you, Captain Frank," came Rupert's deep solemn voice out of the dark when the flare died. ─── “上帝保佑你,弗兰克船长,”火光熄灭,只听见黑暗中传来鲁帕特深沉的煞有介事的声音。

27、A valved brass wind instrument that produces a mellow tone from a long, narrow tube that is coiled in a circle before ending in a flaring bell. ─── 一种有活瓣的铜管乐器,从漩涡形且端部有喇叭口的又长又细的管子里发出圆润的乐音。

28、A brilliant flare popped off right over our heads . ─── 一颗耀眼的照明弹突然在我们头顶上炸开。

29、Her anger passed like remote flare of elation. ─── 她的怒气象淡淡的兴奋一闪即逝。

30、They had lit a torch which was flaring and smoking in an iron bracket. ─── 他们点着了一个在铁架上闪烁并冒烟的火把。

31、The most powerful solar flare as observed by satellite instrumentation is recorded. ─── 2003年的今天,由卫星仪器观测到的最强的一次太阳耀斑被记录。

32、Flare Guns will now properly stack with eachother. ─── 信号枪现在将适当地和彼此堆积。

33、You need not flare up merely because he mentioned your work. ─── 你大可不必因为他提到了你的工作而大发雷霆。

34、You could have done it . Look at you, right now---cheeks scarlet, fire flaring in your eyes---looking as if you'd like to smash my teeth in! ─── 你可以那么做的,看看你,就是现在——脸颊红润,眼里闪着火光——看起来就好像你要敲掉我的牙齿!

35、My asthma tends to flare up on smoggy days. ─── 在烟雾天我的气喘往往会加剧。

36、One end of the protective casing is provided with a flaring for the butt-joint of the heat-insulation case. ─── 在保护套的一端设有扩口,用于保温套间的对接。

37、That may help to explain why recently Egypt has seen an uncharacteristic flaring up of strikes and protests of every kind. ─── 也许这能解释为何今年来埃及各种罢工和抗议活动都有大幅上升。

38、He cannot help flaring up when he finds a comrade neglecting his duties. ─── 他看到哪个同志玩忽职守,就禁不住要火起来。

39、In this study only flame height, spitting or sputtering and flaring and flame extinction were examined. ─── 在这个研究中只对火焰的高度,分散或飞溅和闪光及火焰的消失进行了检验。

40、The sun will continue to flare our skies for years to come. ─── 在未来的许多年中,太阳将会继续照亮我们的天空。

41、A vulgar flaring paper adorned the walls. ─── 墙壁上装饰着廉价的花纸。

42、The MG can launch chaff and flare when needed. ─── MG型可使用金属箔条和红外诱饵曳光弹。

43、Theory thus predicts that there will be a flare of infrared radiation. ─── 因此,理论预言会有红外辐射耀发。

44、Mana flare area of effect decreased from 250 to 175. ─── “魔力火”的影响范围从250减少到175。

45、The flare of a lighter, in a darkened room. ─── 在一间深暗的房间里,打火机的光芒在闪动着。

46、Her eyes were squinty and her nostrils were flaring, as though about to dispense tissues through the nose. ─── 她被触怒了,七窍生烟,仿佛真的要从鼻子下分发纸巾一般。

47、The loop persisted for all 6 months of observations, instead of flaring up and quieting down, like our sun's field. ─── 在整个为期六个月的观察中,磁环一直存在,而不是跟太阳磁场一样,突然爆发然后又平静下来。

48、The back caught a flare under pressure. ─── 后卫在紧急之中接了一记短横传。

49、Violence flaring up again in Gaza. ─── 加沙地带冲突再次激化。

50、But it still has a flaring chance. ─── 但是它还有发光的机会。

51、Arguments will flare up if you get backed into an emotional corner. ─── 如果你返回情感的角落可能会爆发争论。

52、This detachment was all the more remarkable midst the flaring emotions of 1940. ─── 在1940年人们情绪极端激昂之时,这种超然的态度就更加值得注意了。

53、The horse backed away, its nostrils flaring with fear. ─── 马向后惊退,吓得鼻翼扇动。

54、In big cities neon lights flare late into night. ─── 大城市霓虹灯闪耀至深夜。

55、He stood ready to fire a warning flare. ─── 他站着准备发出警告信号。

56、Several colleagues and I resolutely choose the amount of flaring, on its own, the development of new undertakings. ─── 几个同事和我毅然选择了外飘,凭借自己的力量发展新的事业。

57、But this is unlikely to calm public fury, which could flare up again when Goldman announces its bonus pool. ─── 但这不可能平息公众的愤怒,当高盛公布其奖金池计划时这些愤怒可能再次点燃。

58、Reduced the cooldown of Flare. ─── 减少了照明弹的冷却时间。

59、To assume the form of a bell; flare. ─── 使呈钟状;

60、Iscript the dark god into rotting body! Flare! ─── 在腐烂之体上印刻暗黑神之名讳!炎爆!

61、trim its emissions, StatoilHydro has greatly reduced the flaring of natural gas. ─── StatoilHydro公司为了削减其排放量,它大大减少了对天然气的使用。

62、The flaring aurora in the sky is lighting up brightly all around. ─── 天空中摇晃闪动的极光,照亮了四周。

63、Use the Blur tool to add depth by blurring some of the flare shapes. ─── 使用模糊工具增加深度来模糊一些光斑的形状。

64、You need not flare up merely because I mentioned your work. ─── 你大可不必因为我提到你的工作就动怒。

65、A flare is an unwanted reflection in an optical system. ─── 光斑是光学系统中出现的多余光反射。

66、An effortless spin and he's taking me across the floor with a flare like his father' s. ─── 一个轻松的旋转,接着他带我大步舞动起来,就像他父亲当年一样。

67、He is liable to flare up at trivial things. ─── 他爱为小事发作。

68、The flare flamed up again in his crooked eyes. ─── 他那双歪眼中的火焰又燃烧起来。

69、The outfielder couldn't reach the flare in time. ─── 外场手没能及时接住这个高飞球。

70、Her nostrils flare d angrily. ─── 她气得鼻孔鼓了起来.

71、As soon as you get to the top of the hill, send up a red flare. ─── 你们一到达山顶,马上发射一颗红色信号弹。

72、My allergies are flaring up. ─── 我的过敏症加重了。

73、The flare overshot its target and set light to a hotel. ─── 信号弹越过目标,把一家旅馆照亮了。

74、The talks, from all reports, have been businesslike, with only an occasional flaring of tempers. ─── 从各种途经得到的报道显示,谈判很有效率,但是偶尔会出现火花。

75、A stiff, flaring collar of lace or other fabric, worn early in the17th century. ─── 大竖领一种网织的或其它材料的外翻硬领,在17世纪早期流行

76、A pitcher, especially a decorative one with a base, an oval body, and a flaring spout. ─── 大口水罐一个具有装饰性的水罐,有一个底,椭圆形的罐体和一个突出来的壶嘴

77、He looked as if he was about to flare up. ─── 他看起来像是要突然发怒的样子。

78、As an early part of the safe commissioning , we arerequired to burn some gas by controlled flaring . ─── 作为安全调试的初始部分,要求我们通过可控制的火焰喷口烧掉一些可燃气体。

79、To cause to flare like a bell. ─── 使象钟状地张开

80、Arguments may flare up in your home. ─── 会有家庭冲突出现。

81、She is wearing a flaring polos/headdress with her arms upraised. ─── 她穿着一件燃烧波洛斯/头饰与她的胳膊举起。

82、A woodwind instrument having a straight, cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single - reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys. ─── 单簧管,黑管一种管乐器,有直的圆筒形管身和一个外敞的管口及一个单簧吹口,以指孔和键的方式演奏

83、A colored flare used as a warning signal for trucks and railroad trains. ─── 信号火一种为卡车或火车作警告信号的有色火焰

84、His flare became worse as the day went on. ─── 他身上的红肿部分日益严重。

85、You approach challenges with a dramatic flare and utter determination. ─── 你以激烈人心的热情及彻头彻尾的坚定意志来面对挑战。

86、A gust of wind made the candles flare. ─── 一阵风吹得烛光摇曳。

87、Maybe no one will believe that this moment of light Flaring, Yingliang to be you and me long life. ─── 也许没有人会相信,这一刹那迸出的光芒,将要映亮你我漫漫一生。

88、A wall, or a wall created by light, had flare from her arms and blocked a “Dark Blast”. ─── 一道由光构成的墙从她手中闪耀出来,挡下向她攻来的暗影烈焰。

89、A stiff,flaring collar of lace or other fabric,worn early in the17th century. ─── 大竖领一种网织的或其它材料的外翻硬领,在17世纪早期流行。

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