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09-02 投稿



emanated 发音

英:[?em?ne?t?d]  美:[?em?ne?t?d]

英:  美:

emanated 中文意思翻译



emanated 词性/词形变化,emanated变形

动词现在分词: emanating |动词第三人称单数: emanates |动词过去分词: emanated |动词过去式: emanated |形容词: emanative |

emanated 短语词组

1、emanated deposit ─── 喷气矿床

emanated 相似词语短语

1、manatee ─── n.海牛

2、emanator ─── n.射气投置器

3、emanates ─── v.产生;(抽象可感的东西)散发;表现出(品质)

4、emanate ─── v.产生;(抽象可感的东西)散发;表现出(品质)

5、emancipated ─── adj.被解放的;v.解放;使…获得自由(emancipate的过去分词)

6、mandated ─── adj.(国家)被托管的,委托统治的;依法的;获得授权的;v.授权;命令;托管;强制执行(mandate的过去式和过去分词)

7、seminated ─── adj.(种子)散布的,散播的;v.(种子)散布,传播,播种于

8、emaciated ─── adj.瘦弱的;憔悴的;v.憔悴;消瘦下去(emaciate的过去分词)

9、geminated ─── adj.叠音的;双音的;双重的;成对的;v.使(语音)双音化;重复(语音);成对

emanated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Intelligence and cunning emanated from him. ─── 聪明和机灵从他身上散发出来。

2、To invigorate the old industrial bases,we should eman cipate our minds and update our ideas. ─── 要振兴东北老工业基地,必须解放思想,更新观念。

3、This site provides related information about EMAN. ─── 此站点提供该网络的相关信息。

4、Fragrance emanated from the flowers ─── 花朵散发出芬芳(香气从花中散发出来)。

5、The proposal originally emanated from the UN. ─── 这个建议最初是由联合国提出的。

6、It emanated from the top of the Beijing government and was aimed at bringing China into line with the rest of the world. ─── 一样是从北京的高层发放出信息,目的是为了将中国引入和世界同样的体系。

7、All knowledge emanated from the mainsprings of Christian belief. ─── 所有知识都主要源出于基督教信仰之中。

8、For a few instant they might concentrate on the constant thrumming that emanated from the jungle ─── 他们有时倒听出耳边有轻轻的夜籁,于是就会细听。那萧萧的声息都来自林间,老是一个调子。

9、A bad smell emanated from the dead dog by the road. ─── 马路边的死狗发出一股臭味。

10、The eman" title="gentleman">gentleman gentlyputs the title board on the table. ─── 绅士轻柔地将标题板放到桌上。

11、Immunofluorescence observations upon slide preparations of the nucleolar skeletonlabeled with anti-actin antibody showed that the nucleolar skeleton emanated bright fluorescence, indicating theexistence of the antigen. ─── 免疫荧光检测结果表明,核仁骨架能与肌动蛋白抗体结合而发出明亮的荧光。

12、Moon Light, which was set up at the booth. They felt that the Lamp emanated joyful, peaceful energy, and admired our beloved Masters outstanding design. ─── 此外,每天都有许多来宾询问摊位上所展示的万岁灯月光,他们觉得月光散发出喜悦与祥和的光辉,对师父卓越的设计赞赏不已。

13、Fragrance emanated from flowers. ─── 香气从花中发出。

14、The rumor seems to have emanated from Fly On The Wall, a site that serves up gossip to the investing community. ─── 谣言好像是从旁观者散布出来的,是一个给投资界提供小道消息的网站。

15、But they could hear the stream, which emanated not far away from a series of blue spring holes at a water temperature that stayed constant, winter and summer. ─── 但是他们听到了河水的声音,这声音来自不远处许许多多的水洞,水洞里的水,无论是冬天还是夏天,其温度都是一样的。

16、Fragrance emanated from the flowers. ─── 芬芳从花朵中散发出来。

17、The president said he probably should have known it wasn't meant for him when he couldn't recognize the brand of perfume that emanated from the stationary. ─── 总统说,他本应该知道这封信不是写给他的,因为他辨别不出信笺上散发出香味的香水牌号。

18、The idea emanated from him. ─── 那主意是由他提出的。

19、The idea emanated from a discussion we had the other day. ─── 这个主意是在我们前几天的一次讨论中想出来的。

20、You can talk about mind over matter, or wiggle the fingers of your other hand over the coin as if that was where your power emanated from! ─── 您能谈论头脑在问题, 或摇摆您其他的手指移交硬币好象那您的力量发出了从的地方!

21、Analysis and calculation on spatial magnetic field emanated from a permanent magnet and its application to permanent magnetic bearing ─── 永磁体空间磁场的分析计算及其在永磁磁力轴承中的应用

22、Great sadness emanated from her song. ─── 她的歌曲流露出巨大的忧伤之情。

23、The idea emanated from a discussion we had. ─── 这个主意是在我们的一次讨论中想出来的。

24、2. The idea originally emanated from his brother. ─── 这个主意最初是他哥哥出的.

25、1.The rumor emanated from Chicago. ─── 谣言来自芝加哥。

26、'He began to knead my whole body as if it were clay, while from him emanated a heat which scorched me and melted me. ' ─── 他揉捏着我的身体就像揉捏着黏土,迸发出的热情将我炙烤融化。

27、The series, which took three years to make, emanated from a Politburo study session in 2003. ─── 这部纪录片的摄制耗时三年,响应了2003年一次政治局学习会议的精神。

28、Today, Taipingqiao Park and man-made lake have been built on its original site.This is not merely a repetition of history, but emanated intense feel of modernity like Xintiandi. ─── 今天重新在原地开辟的太平桥公园绿地和人工湖并非简单的历史轮回,它与“新天地”一起散发出强烈的现代气息,令人感叹。

29、heady aroma of wood smoke emanated from the stove. ─── 木头燃烧的浓郁香味从炉子里散发出来。

30、eman(anation)-equivalent to 10-10 curie per liter ─── 埃曼:放射性单位, 等于10-10居里/升

31、Often both ideas emanated from the same individual in the course of the discussions on what military action to take. ─── 这两种思想,往往在讨论作战时由一个人说出来。

32、Palestinian boy and a destroyed building in the Gaza Strip. Photo: Eman Mohammed. ─── 加沙地带一个巴勒斯坦男孩儿和一个被毁的建筑。

33、A sense of peace emanated from her, touching him deep inside. ─── 一股平静的感觉从她身上散发出来,深深的渗入老人心底;

34、The workers were believed to be poisoned by carbon monoxide that emanated from the blast furnace, he said. ─── 他说,工人们认为是因为从高炉中泄露的一氧化碳而导致他们中毒的。

35、Resorted to these key technologies, adjust and control mechanism for mould production procedure is achieved. A production management system for die & mould enterprise, eMan, is developed using MVC architecture based on J2EE. ─── 以上述研究成果为基础,在J2EE 平台上采用MVC 构架,开发了面向模具企业生产过程管理信息系统eMan。

36、All of us were fully reveled in the game and forgot the meal.The youthful faces emanated vigor and hope.Such a scene was beautiful scenery rather than many other beauties. ─── 看到大家不顾桌上丰盛的饭菜,忘情地投入到游戏当中,一张张青春的脸庞上散发出的是活力和希望,此情此景,真的是胜却人间无数美景。

37、6 And the sons also of Zare: Zamri, and Ethan, and Eman, and Chalchal, and Dara, five in all. ─── 则辣黑的儿子:齐默黎、厄堂、赫曼、加耳苛耳和达辣,共五人。

38、She emanated the comforting feeling that she cared about what I was trying so haltingly to say. ─── 从她的表情可以看出,她关心我结结巴巴所要说的,这让我倍感温馨。

39、A glow emanated from a large chamber up ahead. ─── / 赤热从一间大的会议室向前地散发增加。

40、When God brought creation into being, two principles emanated from God---the Light and Sound of God. ─── 当上帝创造生命时,发出了上帝的两种特质-上帝的光与音。

41、1.The idea originally emanated from his brother. ─── 这个主意最初是他哥哥出的。

42、Trinket breathed in the subtle scent that emanated from her young body.He was in ecstasy. ─── 韦小宝闻到她身上淡淡的幽香,心下大乐,说道:“原来狐狸精是这样的好人。”

43、The “Double the Church Movement” of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan was also born of the energy that emanated from the college, and it succeeded. ─── 由台南神学院大力参与的倍加运动(1955-1965年),使当时的教会数与信徒人数都增加一倍。

44、Finite-Element Analysis and Calculation on Spatial Magnetic Field Emanated from Permanent Magnet Ba ─── 基于磁荷模型的永磁体空间磁场的有限元分析与计算

45、No NBA player has emanated more negative energy this season than Josh Howard. ─── NBA里没有球员像约什-霍华德一样具有负面精力。

46、They seem to hold a hatred that Hiro had never seen in them; a deep anger emanated from those violet eyes. Disapointment. ─── 它们看起来包含着一种希罗从来没在其中见到过的仇恨,一种浓烈的愤怒从这些紫色的眼眸中放射出来,还有失望。

47、Invisible simulacra emanated from an object and impinged upon the eye causing vision. ─── 看不见的拟像从某个物体上散发出来,刺射到眼睛从而产生视觉。

48、The corresponding implementation method is put forward. Further, eMan has been implemented successfully in a mould company, and the result indicates the excellent performance of eMan. ─── 结合eMan 系统和模具生产过程特点,提出了eMan 系统的实施方法,并在相关模具企业成功实施和应用,取得了良好的效果。

49、May we continue to learn, grow, and evolve together, and return to the ONE from which we originally emanated. ─── 愿我们一起继续学习、成长、进化并回归全一,那是我们最初的起源地。

50、She emanated the comforting feeling that she cared about what I was trying so haltingly to say. ─── 从她的表情可以看出,她关心我结结巴巴所要说的,这让我倍感温馨。

51、In one corner of the cell was a small pit latrine, out of which thick vapors and a horrible stench emanated. ─── 牢房的一边,有一个小蹲厕,从那里散发出一阵阵浓浓烟雾和令人作呕的味道。

52、The last section is a summative assessment and a tentative plan for EMAN for future completion. ─── 最后,对本论文进行总结性评估,并提出了今后进一步完善的设想。

53、Then you appeared. Looked at you first, you attracted me deeply. The novelty and vigor emanated from you made me fascinated. ─── 这时,你出现了。第一眼,你就深深地吸引了我,你身上散发出的新奇和活力让我如痴如醉,我知道,你是我可以依靠的,是可以和

54、The sound of loud music emanated from the building. ─── 喧闹的音乐声是从那栋楼房里传出来的。

55、Landscape, genre painting emanated full-bodied agrestic tinge that enhanced the meaning of local culture. ─── 风景画、风俗画散发着浓郁的乡土气息,加深了作品地域文化的内蕴。

56、a sense of peace emanated from her , touching him deep inside. ─── 一种平静的感觉从她的身上源源不断的放射出来,触及他的灵魂深处。

57、The application of the EMAN, become the key question that we pay close attention to. ─── 针对有效应用如何建设运营教育城域网的问题,便成为我们所关注的问题。

58、The fact is that the Catholic Church blamed us for killing their God and from that emanated blame, hatred and persecution. ─── 事实上是那些天主教堂谴责我们杀害了他们的神,因此埋下这仇恨的果子,导致了仇视和迫害。

59、A terrible smell emanated from the garbage can on the road. ─── 路上的垃圾箱散发出臭气。

60、Huang, B. Hong, H, Vasseur, L. Phytopalnkton Community Variation in Subtropical Coastal Ocean of China, EMAN National Science Meeting, Jan. 16-24 ,2000, Toronto, Canada (poster). ─── 黄邦钦、洪华生、林学举,台湾海峡微微型浮游植物的时空分布及其调控机制,中国海及邻近海域海洋科学研讨会,广州,1999年8月(分组报告)。

61、When the vapor emanated from the skin surface can not easily permeate to the air, it will form a high humidity region between the skin and the fabric which makes people feel mugginess and discomfort. ─── 当人体皮肤表面散热蒸发的水汽不易透过织物陆续排出时,就会在皮肤与织物之间形成高湿区域,使人感到闷热不适,因而服用织物尤其是内衣,必须具备良好的吸湿透湿性能。

62、that one emanated from the light, and the other from darkness. ─── 一个来自光明,一个来自黑暗。

63、The rumor emanated from your department. ─── 谣言是从你们系传出来的。

64、So ,all ranks government need eman cipate the mind and change its idea ,it must heighten responsib ility and advance the public bidding and auction of the using right of the s tated -owned land vigorously. ─── 因此,各级政府要解放思想,转变观念,增强推动国有土地招标拍卖工作的责任感,大力推动国有土地使用权招标拍卖工作。

65、Carilli and his colleagues acknowledge that the results seem to contradict findings suggesting that the enormous energy emanated by active black holes inhibits galaxy growth around them. ─── 卡里利及同事承认,该研究结果好象与先前的发现相矛盾。那些发现表明,活跃的 美女摸胸 黑洞释放出的巨大能量抑制周围星系的发展。

66、Light emanated from all the windows of the house. ─── 这座房子的所有窗户都射出灯光。

67、There's the unlimited expansion of the Divine Essence underlying Man, that great essence from which he was emanated. ─── 这里,有人之内神性的无限的扩展,这神性是从他被发射出的那里得来的伟大的基质。

68、Humans discovered eighteen planets revolving around a central sun that emanated a light that surrounded each in photonic energy flow. ─── 人类发现了十八个行星围绕着发光的中心太阳运转,每一个都被光子能量流程环绕着。

69、A bad smell emanated from the shed . ─── 小屋里散发出一股臭味。

70、he promised to work in many fields, and emanated his body to many places. ─── 他曾经应承别人种好几块地,然后分身无数。

71、light that emanated from a lamp; a stove that emanated a steady heat ─── 发自灯泡的光;散发出稳定热量的炉子

72、Considering there are large population of users and wide range of covering, the program for safety of EMAN of Zibo discussed with the application of the latest technology. ─── 在网络安全设计中,作者根据教育城域网用户数量多、覆盖范围大的特点,运用网络安全与管理的最新技术,制定了符合淄博市教育城域网系统特点的网络安全方案。

73、The notion of citizen and citizen's education had emanated from West. The nature of citizen's education was to train qualified citizen for contemporary society or country. ─── 公民与公民教育都是源于西方的概念,公民教育的实质是为现代社会或国家培养合格的公民。

74、moc tod liamtoh ta eman ten ym 。 ─── 谢谢你的青睐,很想与你能成为知心朋友。

75、The Educational Metropolitan Area Networks (EMAN) ─── 教育城域网

76、A long plaintive wail emanated from the cardboard box. ─── 纸箱里发出一声长长的悲鸣。

77、Colorful lights emanated from the windows of these tall buildings and illuminates the dark night;the warm breeze of the ocean just caressed your face, you can feel it but you cannot see it. ─── 高高的大厦在漆黑的晚空中散发出五光十色的灿烂,暖暖的海风刚刚在你面上吹过,你感觉到但是看不见。

78、a bad smell emanated from the garbage can on the road ─── 路边的垃圾箱散发出臭气。

79、1A canticle of a psalm for the sons of Core: unto the end, for Maheleth, to answer understanding of Eman the Ezrahite. ─── 1科辣黑子孙的诗歌。上主喜爱自己的宫殿,是建筑在一切的圣山。

80、);am SKOS: New Dimensions in Interoperability (Ed Summers, Library of Congress) and Jon Phipps (Cornell Univ.);Knowledge Organization Systems and Search (Jay Ven Eman, Access Innovations, Inc.); ─── 这是2008年NKOS/CENDI会议的日程,可以免费获取PDF版的会议发言的幻灯片,包括:Present and Future Standards (Sue Ellen Wright, Kent State Univ.

81、With the application of the latest technology in server, storage and back-up system, the platform of EMAN resources is presented in detail based on the Browser/Server structure and SAN storage technology. ─── 在网络资源平台的设计中,运用网络服务器、网络存储和网络备份系统的最新技术,构建了以Browser/Server服务器体系结构和以SAN存储网络技术为基础的教育城域网网络资源平台。

82、They play a specific role in the Creation's Great Work, since the essence is the same in all of them, as creatures emanated from the one and only source. ─── 他们在创造的很棒工作中扮演一个特定的角色,既然本质是相同的他们在全部里面,如同人从一个和唯一的来源散发一样。

83、My explanation to them used to be “I like the favour of daily life emanated from these objects”, and I thank the neighbours profusively. ─── 我的恳切地解释是:“我喜欢那些物品透露出的生活的味道”,并一再的表示出“谢谢”。

84、Do you know where these rumors emanated from? ─── 你知道这些谣言源自何处?


86、Skunk-like odors emanated from the house, patches of mold were growing on the walls, and large holes had been drilled in the basement floor. ─── 整个屋子里臭气熏天,墙上遍布霉菌,地下室的地面被钻出许多大洞。

87、Do you know where these rumours emanated from? ─── 你知道谣言出自何处吗?

88、That meant buy orders averaging $75 million emanated from Omaha each business day last year. ─── 这意味着这位“奥马哈先知”去年平均每个工作日下单7500万美元。

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