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09-02 投稿



frets 发音

英:[frets]  美:[frets]

英:  美:

frets 中文意思翻译



frets 词性/词形变化,frets变形

副词: fretfully |名词: fretfulness |

frets 短语词组

1、frets guitar ─── 拨弦吉他

2、frets band ─── 弗雷茨带

3、frets on a guitar numbered ─── 在吉他上发愁

4、frets over ─── 为…着急

5、frets 6105 fret 6105 ─── 型

6、frets over crossword ─── 为填字游戏烦恼

frets 相似词语短语

1、trets ─── n.添头;补秤头;估计损耗添量;n.(Tret)(乌、俄、法、罗、美、印)特雷特(人名)

2、frits ─── n.[化工]熔块(frit的复数);v.熔化(frit的三单形式);n.(Frits)人名;(荷、俄、匈、罗、丹)弗里茨

3、frees ─── v.解放(free的第三人称单数形式);n.(Frees)人名;(德)弗雷斯

4、rets ─── abbr.拉恩-恩德潮式采样器(Rahn-Endtidalsampler)

5、fret ─── v.使烦恼;焦急;使磨损,使销蚀;用回纹装饰;给(弦乐器)装品;n.音品;回纹饰;(从海上飘来的)雾气;n.(Fret)(美、波、法、比、英、西)弗雷特(人名)

6、arets ─── 阿雷特

7、-frets ─── n.琴格;焦躁;磨损处(fret的复数);v.烦躁;侵蚀(fret的第三人称单数)

8、freets ─── 弗里茨

9、frats ─── n.兄弟会;兄弟会成员

frets 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、F1 to F5 are used as the frets and the Enter button is used for strumming the notes. ─── F1到F5键模拟吉他的品,回车键模拟拨弦。

2、The BIS frets that this has encouraged excessive credit growth. ─── 令国际清算银行苦恼的是,这助长了过度的信贷增长。

3、But it frets about how much those dollars will be worth should America succumb to inflation or depreciation. ─── 但是,如果美国败给了通胀或者贬值,那中国就要为这些美元能值多少而头疼了。

4、Don't fret too much; everything will be all right. ─── 不要烦躁不安,每件事情都会很顺利的。

5、But women are more likely to fret, with almost half admitting that they worry a lot, compared to less than a third of men. ─── 但女性更容易操心,近一半的女性承认她们操心很多事,而男性的这一比例则不到三分之一。

6、Don't let sorrow fret away your courage. ─── 别让忧愁消磨掉你的勇气。

7、China also fret s about the Olympic games in Beijing in August 2008, in a season when rainstorms are common. ─── 中国也为2008年8月在北京召开的奥林匹克运动会担忧,因为那个季节正好是雨季。

8、Higher water tariffs for businesses, some residents fret, could nudge other prices up. ─── 一些居民担忧更高的水价可能会引起其它价格的上涨。

9、But don't fret, everything will be all right! ─── 不要烦恼,一切都会好起来的!

10、Don't fret about missing the train; there will be another. ─── 不要急着赶火车,还有另一班呢。

11、Don't fret though -- even if I seem to go AWOL, I'm still here keeping tabs on everything. ─── 不要烦恼,但-即使我似乎去擅离职守,我还在这里的一切都保持标签。

12、He frets over details. Challenges both his basketball and business people. Wishes he could enjoy games more. ─── 他有时会对一些细节感到不高兴,而质问他的篮球或者商务的雇员们。希望他能多一些享受比赛本身的机会。

13、They also fret, like Ms Tomaino, that Mr Obama will deny life-saving treatment to Grandpa to save money. ─── 像托迈诺女士这样的人还担心奥巴马为了省钱,会拒绝救治爷爷岁数的高龄病人。

14、Your third (ring) finger should be placed on the fifth string, two frets up from your first finger. ─── 你的第三指(无名指)在第五弦,就是第一指下去两格的位置。

15、Don't fret, all will be well. ─── 不用愁,一切都会好的。

16、Don' t fret ; everything will be all right. ─── 别发愁,一切都会好的。

17、The bank frets about regulatory capture, too, but doubts that any rule would be right for all circumstances. ─── 银行担心滥用监管干预,也质疑是否有适用一切情况的规则。

18、To get along, know right from wrong but don't fret over gain and loss. In business, be concerned about gain and loss but don't fret about gossip. ─── 做人要讲事非,但不要太计利害做事要讲利害,但不要太怕是非。

19、You need not fret yourself about that. ─── 你不必为那件事自寻烦恼。

20、He grunts an' frets a good bit when he's bein' settled into his chair. ─── 当他被抱到轮椅上的时候,他会生气地抱怨半天。

21、But even they fret that$1.2 trillion is a lot of money to win not a great many votes. ─── 但连他们也焦虑1.2万亿这一笔巨款赢得的选票不是那么多。

22、The employers' federation, Confindustria, frets that higher oil prices, rising interest rates and a strong euro could derail the recovery. ─── 雇主联合会——意大利工业家联合会担心高油价、上升的利率和强势的欧元可能阻碍经济复苏。

23、The original arpeggione, a now obsolete string instrument, had six strings and frets and was also tuned exactly like the guitar. ─── 什么卡罗解释和阐明的是,朱利安尼写作完全是在美声唱法,歌剧,戏剧传统,他的时间。

24、Do not fret , all will be well . ─── 别发愁,一切都会好的。

25、You had better not fret about your mistakes. ─── 你最好不要为你的错误而烦恼。

26、That is, name the notes on the newest frets first, the oldest frets last. ─── 即,先读出最新的品的音符名,最后读出最老的品(??)

27、Fret not, my dear. As long as me and you still live, I will never leave you alone. ─── 不用怕亲爱的!只要你我跟你都还在的一天我决不离开你的一天。

28、Don't be dismal or fret, but do your duty and you'll get your reward. ─── 别垂头丧气,怨天尤人了吧。尽到你自己的责任,你会得到报偿的。

29、It won't help to fret about the problem. ─── 为这个问题发愁是无济於事的。

30、A few fret that the Americans could lure Germany into a “coalition of the willing” against Iran. ─── 另一部分人则对德国可能被美国拉入反对伊朗的“自愿联盟”而忧心冲冲。

31、Why should you fret over such trifles? ─── 何必为这些小事烦恼?

32、China also frets about the Olympic games in Beijing in August 2008, in a season when rainstorms are common. ─── 中国还为2008年8月北京奥运会感到担忧,届时北京将正处于暴风雨季。

33、CAR owners the world over fret about parking, but in China the competition for spaces can be especially fierce. ─── 停车使全世界的车主都很烦恼,但是在中国空间竞赛能更为激烈。

34、For example, you should actively pursue career opportunities rather than quietly fret about getting fired. ─── 例如,你应该积极地寻找工作机会而不是暗自担心会被炒鱿鱼。

35、A poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard of no more. ─── 一个拙劣的演员在舞台上大放光彩然后就销声匿迹了.

36、She gets in a fret whenever we're late. ─── 只要我们一迟到,她就焦虑不安。

37、Once you realise that the person is merely a shadow of the reality, but not reality itself, you cease to fret and worry. ─── 一但你觉悟到个人不过是现实的一个影子,你将不再苦惱及担忧。

38、It is the little bit of thing that fret and worry us; We can dodge an elephant, but we can not a fly . ─── 使我们烦恼而担忧的往往是琐碎的小事情;我们可以躲过大象,但避不开一只小苍蝇。

39、While he pursues talks with Iran, Republicans fret, Iran’s leaders chuckle behind their beards and carry on enriching uranium. ─── 他试图与伊朗会谈时,共和党人都担忧不已,伊朗领导者们则躲在他们的山羊胡后面偷笑,浓缩铀。

40、But the NRA still frets that lawsuits blaming gun-makers for the actions of criminals who use their products could bankrupt the industry. ─── 但美国国家枪支协会依然担心,那些将犯罪行为归咎于枪支制造者的诉讼案件会彻底毁掉这个行业。

41、However, there is no need to fret over your meanness, as it seems to be the norm. ─── 但是,没有必要为你的吝啬而感到烦恼,因为这似乎是惯例。

42、"They don't want a man to fret and stew about his work" (William H. Whyte, Jr.). ─── 他们不想让别人为工作烦恼、担忧” (小威廉H·怀特)

43、Don' t fret, we' ll get there on time. ─── 别着急, 我们能准时到那里.

44、He was too equable to fret over the demands that were laid on him. ─── 他心平气和,不因众说纷纭而坐立不安。

45、Don't fret so much about things: I'll think of something! ─── 不要操心那些事罢! 我总有法子对付!

46、But Canadians are grumpy.They worry about government ethics, but they fret even more about things like the state of their health-care system. ─── 但是加拿大人是乖戾的,他们担心政府的道德问题,但他们更为诸如医疗保健体制状况之类的问题焦急。

47、Well fret not because soon you will be able to send your squeeze and caress to exactly the part of a person's body you want via the internet. ─── 不必担心,因为透过网路,很快你就能把你的紧抱和爱抚准确送到对方身体的部份。

48、The earliest banjo was a gourd with two or more long strings, a shorter drone string and no frets. ─── 最初的班卓琴就是有一个葫芦瓢和两根或多根弦拼成,有一根短弦,没有品。

49、His refusal to admit any kind of vulnerability leaves it up to her to fret over that suspicious mole on the back of his leg. ─── 他不肯承认身上什么地方有毛病,竟使她对他腿上的痣都起了疑心。

50、Some academics fret that the secret aim is to privatise universities. ─── 一些学者不快地称其秘密目的是将大学私人化。

51、The mistrusting journalists of Les Echos fret that Mr Arnault will try to use the paper to bolster his position at the heart of this chummy network. ─── 《回声报》充满疑虑的记者们担心,阿尔诺先生会利用该报加强他在这一关系网中的地位。

52、If the crisis drags on or deepens, he frets that governments may have to choose between draconian cuts in welfare and fiscal irresponsibility. ─── ”他很忧虑的指出:“如果这场危机持续下去或者变得更加严重,政府将不得不大幅度削减福利或者在财政上不负责任。”

53、Don't fret over these small details. ─── 不要为这些小事烦恼。

54、But you can see why a Belgian moderate frets about hardliners. ─── 同时你又会看到一个温和的比利时人对强硬的种族政策是多么不满。

55、However, tITe is no command to fret over your meanness, as it seems to be the norm. ─── 但是,么有必要为你的吝啬而感到烦恼,因该这似乎是惯例。

56、Students risk psychological harm, they fret, if visibly labelled successes and failures. ─── 他们担心如果明显的标示出成功和失败,将有造成学生心理伤害的危险。

57、"Don't fret your eyelids on that score," said the young gentleman. ─── “为这点小事犯不上揉你的眼睛,”小绅士说。

58、Even so, regulators still fret that banks might use their combined heft to overcharge. ─── 即便如此,管理者仍旧对银行可能利用联合的力量来讨价还价而感到烦恼。

59、You must not fret yourself about it. ─── 你不要为它而使你自己感到焦躁不安。

60、He spends little time at the magazine and frets in some of his classes. ─── 他很少到杂志社去了,有时听听课也会焦躁起来。

61、You always get yourself into a fret over nothing. ─── 你总为了莫须有的事,把自己弄得烦恼不已。

62、It is the little bits of things that fret and worry us; we can dodge an elephant, but we can't a fly. ─── 使我们烦恼而担忧的往往是琐碎的小事情; 我们可以躲过大象,但避不开一只小苍蝇。

63、His philosophy was to put his head down, work“ like hell” and not fret about what might have been. ─── 他的处世哲学就是埋头苦干、狂工作,不要对已经发生事情胡思乱想。

64、Don't fret away your life. ─── 别在烦恼中过日子。

65、She frets away all the time when he isn't at home. ─── 他不在家时她总在烦恼中过日子。

66、"What if they call me up and think I'm weird, sort of mentally strange? " she frets. ─── 她抱怨道“要是他们给我打电话,觉得我很奇怪,神经不正常怎么办?”

67、Be not in that position of one that frets about things, conditions, or people's not doing as you would have them do! ─── 不要让自己处于为某事、某些情况或别人没做你想让他们做的事情而烦恼发愁的状态里!

68、She will fret herself to death one of these days . ─── 不久,她会烦死。

69、Don't fret, they can'tprove him guity! ─── 不要着急,他们没法子证明他有罪!

70、He frets about sewage in north Gaza, but is also worried that Europe and the US have still not grasped the enormity of the shift of power to Asia. ─── 他不仅担心加沙北部的污水,而且也担心欧洲和美国仍旧没能理解权利转向亚洲所带来的巨大影响。

71、If you consign your heart to it, eventually, you will regret, disappoint and fret. ─── 你如果将心交给它,将心放在它上面,最终你就会后悔、失望、不断懊恼。

72、Today is a traditional, and also in the restaurant you don't need to fret about kitchen stuff, so we'll do it according to the old rules. ─── 今天可是传统节日,又是在饭店,您也不用惦记着厨房的事儿了,咱们就按老规矩办。

73、The expansion of public transportation systems also draws opposition from those who fret about the immense costs involved. ─── 公交系统的扩展也引起了那些担心耗资过多的人们的反对。

74、A Psalm of David. Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. ─── 不要为作恶的心怀不平,也不要向那行不义的生出嫉妒。

75、Europe continues to push the case for yet another of its own to run the IMF and the US frets over the end of quantitative easing. ─── 欧洲在继续争取再次掌管国际货币基金组织(IMF),而美国则在为量化宽松的结束而焦虑。

76、Don't fret, we'll get there on time. ─── 别着急,我们能准时到那里。

77、What frets me is that, when I try to esteem ,I am baffled. ─── 使我烦恼的是,当我设法要尊重人家的时候,却又无从下手。

78、But demographers, economists and politicians are right to fret about our greying. ─── 但人口统计学家,经济学家和政治家们对老龄化的担忧还是有道理的。

79、Don't fret, they can't prove him guilty! ─── 不要着急,他们没法子证明他有罪!

80、But others fret that the work of welfare reform is being gradually undone. ─── 另一些人则对福利改革进行的不彻底而苦恼。

81、Don't fret about the weather; change the entire climate. ─── 不要为天气苦恼,去改变整个气候吧。

82、Yet many blacks feel alienated in a way that is “vastly disproportionate to real-life stimulus,” frets Mr McWhorter. ─── 但很多黑人领袖还是感到被排斥。麦克沃特抱怨说,这种排斥“与现实生活中的鼓励做法十分不相称”。

83、China frets that pressure will only make matters worse. ─── 中国方面则担心,更多地施压只会适得其反。

84、Don’t worry be happy: Don’t fret too much about sites that scrape (misappropriate and republish) your content. ─── 不要担心,保持快乐 :不要过分受搜刮(挪用和转载)你内容站点的干扰。

85、The river frets at its banks until a new channel is formed. ─── 那条河侵蚀河岸直到一条新的河道形成。

86、Don't fret your mind one minute. Old Joe just believes in taking precautions. ─── 你一点也不用着急,老约只不过相信凡事以预防为好。

87、Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,And then is heard no more. ─── 人,只不过是一个行走的影子,一个在舞台上高谈阔论的可怜演员,无声无息地悄然退下;

88、Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. ─── 你当默然倚靠耶和华,耐性11等候他。不要因那道路通达的和那12恶谋成就的,心怀不平。

89、Fret not, said some observers, as all of this rising wealth eliminates the need for tedious savings accounts. ─── 一些观察人士说,别担心,因为财富升值使得人们完全不需要那些繁琐的银行户头了。

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