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09-02 投稿


guaranty 发音

英:['g?r(?)nt?]  美:['g?r?nti]

英:  美:

guaranty 中文意思翻译



guaranty 网络释义

n. 保证;抵押;担保物vt. 保证;担保;抵押(等于guarantee)

guaranty 短语词组

1、absolute guaranty ─── [法] 绝对担保, 无条件担保

2、general guaranty ─── [法] 一般保证, 一般担保

3、collateral guaranty ─── [法] 间接担保

4、conditional guaranty ─── [法] 附条件的担保

5、guaranty bond ─── [经] 保证债券

6、contract of guaranty ─── [经] 保证合同

7、exempt from furnishing guaranty ─── [经] 免提(供)担保

8、guaranty of trustworthness ─── [法] 可靠的担保, 有信用的担保

9、guaranty trust company ─── [经] 保证信托公司

10、credit guaranty ─── [法] 信用担保, 信贷担保

11、guaranty period ─── [法] 保证期间, 担保期间

12、duration of guaranty ─── [化] 保证期限 ─── [经] 保证期限

13、general average letter of guaranty ─── [经] 共同海损担保书

14、guaranty company ─── [经] 保证公司

15、continuing guaranty ─── [经] 连续担保

16、guaranty money ─── [经] 保证金

17、guaranty funds ─── [经] 保证金

18、guaranty saving bank ─── [经] 保证储蓄银行

19、guaranty society ─── [经] 保证团体

guaranty 词性/词形变化,guaranty变形

名词复数: guaranties |动词过去式: guarantied |动词第三人称单数: guaranties |动词过去分词: guarantied |动词现在分词: guarantying |

guaranty 同义词

security | certification | contract | assurance | warranty | undertaking | underwrite | proof | vouch | warrantee | sponsor | endorse | back | agreement |pledge | warrant | insure | engagement | for | promise | stand for | bond | support | certify | stand | insurance | guaranty | swear | ensure | secure | assure | convince | vow | undertake

guaranty 反义词


guaranty 相似词语短语

1、guarana ─── n.瓜拉那

2、guarani ─── n.瓜拉尼;瓜拉尼语;瓜拉尼人;n.(Guarani)人名;(葡)瓜拉尼

3、guaranis ─── n.瓜拉尼;瓜拉尼语;瓜拉尼人;n.(Guarani)人名;(葡)瓜拉尼

4、guaranas ─── n.瓜拉那

5、guarantee ─── n.保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品;vt.保证;担保

6、curranty ─── 醋栗

7、galanty ─── 加兰蒂

8、guaraní ─── (Guaraní)瓜拉尼人;n.瓜拉尼

9、guarantor ─── n.[金融]保证人

guaranty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Which mental character of social adaptation provides the guaranty for mentality health? ─── 什么样的社会适应心理素质能够为心理健康提供保证?

2、A listed company providing guaranty to any other party must demand the other party to provide counter-guaranty, and the provider of the counter-guaranty shall have actual capacity to bear it. ─── 上市公司对外担保必须要求对方提供反担保,且反担保的提供方应当具有实际承担能力。

3、Guaranty money for deposits D. ─── 存款保证金。

4、A guaranty, an engagement, or a promise. ─── 保证、约定或许诺

5、"The name of Brutus would be a guaranty to the people of rectitude of intention" (J.A. Froude). ─── “布鲁特斯的名字对于具有正直愿望的人们将是个保证” (J·A·福劳德)

6、Is subject to the present title, every contract of insurance which has as its object the guaranty of risks in respect of a maritime operation. ─── 受现行名称的制约,保险合同是指其客体旨在保证有关海上营运各项风险的保险合同.

7、Commercial banks shall have the right to refuse to grant a loan or to provide a guaranty forcibly demanded by any unit or individual. ─── 商业银行有权拒绝任何单位和个人强令要求其发放贷款或者提供担保。

8、Tax payers have the right to apply for review when they object to the tax payment guaranty measures issued by tax authorities . ─── 86纳税人有对税务机关作出的税收保全措施不服而申请复议的权利。

9、The insurance guaranty fund shall be managed in a concentrated way and be used in a planned way. ─── 保险保障基金应当集中管理,统筹使用。

10、There is no guaranty guarantee that a mutual fund will gain or keep its value under bad market conditions. ─── 共有基金并没有对投资获利,或者是在很糟糕的市场状况下仍可保本作出承诺。

11、The provision of guaranty to any other party shall be subject to the consent with signatures of not less than 2/3 members of the board of directors, or subject to the approval of the shareholders' general meeting. ─── 对外担保应当取得董事会全体成员2/3以上签署同意,或者经股东大会批准;

12、In 1974 Congress passed the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, which set standards for private pension plans; a federal agency, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, helps to administer it. ─── 1974年国会通过了“雇员退休收入保障法”,为私人退休金计划规定了标准,并由联邦政府机构“退休金保障公司”帮助实施这些标准。

13、"Mortgage " have estate guaranty to reach in installment reimbursement two meanings. ─── “按揭”具有房地产抵押及分期还款两层含义。

14、The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation rescues pensions of failed companies or businesses that cannot meet their plan's requirements. ─── 养老金福利保障公司拯救了那些不能满足计划要求的失败的公司和行业的养老金。

15、IV. The Lender is entitled to stipulate the disposal of guaranty and hypothecation in term of contractual stipulations or the stipulations in the subordination agreement of the contract. ─── 四、贷款人有权依照本合同或本合同的从属合同的规定对抵押物、质押权利进行处分。

16、Where the guarantor fails to specify Item (4) of the preceding Article on the bill of exchange or on the allonge, the date of issue is the date of guaranty. ─── 保证人在汇票或者粘单上未记载前条第(四)项的,出票日期为保证日期。

17、A guaranty for the execution, completion, or existence of something. ─── 保证物保证某事的实施完成或存在的物品

18、A listed company's "Articles of Association" shall prescribe the procedures for approving the provision of guaranty to any other party, and the credit standards of guaranteed objects. ─── 上市公司《章程》应当对对外担保的审批程序、被担保对象的资信标准做出规定。

19、Where the guarantor provides a guaranty for the drawer or acceptor, it shall record the guaranty matters on the face of the negotiable instrument. ─── 保证人为出票人、承兑人保证的,应将保证事项记载在票据的正面;

20、May I have(use) your credit card for guaranty? ─── 刷预授权用英语怎么说啊?

21、He shall have the right to refuse to handle the guaranty business approved by the approver in excess of the scope of powers, and shall timely report to the approver's authorizing department. ─── 对于审批人超越权限审批的担保业务,经办人有权拒绝办理,并及时向审批人的上级授权部门报告。

22、From old documents and unearthed cultural relics, we can know that there, recovery guaranty, amnesty guaranty and credit guaranty. ─── 古文献资料记载和出土文物显示,出现在我国古代买卖契约中常见的担保方式为瑕疵担保、追夺担保、恩赦担保和信用担保。

23、Make greater efforts to investigate and punish irregular possession of funds and provision of guaranty to other parties, and lawfully investigate the relevant parties'legal liabilities. ─── 加大对违规占用资金和对外担保行为的查处力度,依法追究相关当事人的法律责任。

24、VI. Without the Lender's written consent, the Guarantor must not transfer any of his/her rights and obligations under the Contract of Guaranty to the third party. ─── 六、权利义务转让未经贷款人书面同意,担保人不得将其在本保证合同项下的任何权利和义务转让给第三人。

25、If no agreement or the agreement is not clear on the guaranteed scope of a guaranty by the parties, the guarantor shall bear the liability to the entire debt. ─── 当事人对保证担保的范围没有约定或者约定不明确的,保证人应当对全部债务承担责任。

26、Of the purpose that enterprise movables guaranty registers prevent to repeat pledge, ensure the implementation of hypothec. ─── 企业动产抵押登记的目的的防止重复抵押,保障抵押权的实现。

27、A listed company's independent director shall, in the annual report, make a special statement on the listed company's accumulative and current provision of guaranty to other parties and the implementation of the above provisions. ─── 上市公司独立董事应在年度报告中,对上市公司累计和当期对外担保情况、执行上述规定情况进行专项说明。

28、He had done so in a previous trial arising out of the collapse of Madison Guaranty in 1990, and he had been acquitted. ─── 在先前麦迪逊储贷银行破产的一次审判中他就是这么做的,他被宣告无罪。

29、Unless the guarantor otherwise stipulates with the creditor that he shall undertake guaranty liability by shares. ─── 但是保证人与债权人约定按份承担保证责任的除外。

30、The scope of guaranty of a guarantor may be reduced with the main obligations within the guaranty period. ─── 在保证期限内,保证人的保证范围,可因主债务的减少而减少。

31、CEO submits guaranty fund conditions of every bidding company. ─── 总监提交各投标公司担保金情况。

32、No termination of this Guaranty shall be effective except by notice sent to Buyer by certified mail, return receipt requested, naming a termination date effective not less than ninety (90) days after the receipt of such notice by Buyer. ─── 任何对本担保书作出的终止均无效,除非担保人已用挂号信的方式向买方发出通知,并须有买方的回执,通知中载明的有效的终止期间不得少于买方收到该通知后的九十天。

33、In nineteen seventy-four, the Employment Retirement Income Act set rules to protect pensions. That law also created a federal agency called the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. ─── 1974年,雇佣退休收益法案为保护养老金设定了一些规则。该法案也创建了一家名为PensionBenefitGuaranty公司的联邦代理机构。

34、The total amount of guaranty provided by a listed company to any other party shall not exceed 50% of net assets in the combined accounting statement of the recent accounting year. ─── 上市公司对外担保总额不得超过最近一个会计年度合并会计报表净资产的50%。

35、The sixth part emphasizes the subrogation of Guaranty Insurance of Motorcar Consumption Credit, in which includes the concept, function and exertion of subrogation. ─── 在本文的第六章,笔者论述的是汽车消费贷款保证保险纠纷中的追偿权问题,其中包括保证保险人追偿权的理论依据、性质、行使等。

36、Because of this land ownership attributive must make clear, the farmer should have the perpetuity of land, can have business to the perpetuity of land, rent, guaranty. ─── 因此土地所有权的归属必须明确,农民应该拥有土地的永久使用权,并可以对土地的永久使用权进行买卖、租赁、抵押等。

37、The obligor for security guaranty may, after bearing the liabilities, claim compensation from the third person. ─── 安全保障义务人承担责任后,可以向第三人追偿。

38、The design for controlleralso provides cable winch a successful guaranty for high performance and low cost in other applications. ─── 同时该控制仪的研究也为绞盘在其他领域中,提高产品性能和降低成本提供了一个有利的保证。

39、Where a shareholder of a rural commercial bank adopts the shares of the bank as guaranty for himself or others, he shall inform the board of directors in advance. ─── 农村商业银行股东以本行股份为自己或他人担保的,应当事先告知并征得董事会同意。

40、He had done so in a previous trial arising out of the collapse of Madison Guaranty in 1990, and he had been acquitted. ─── 1990年,在先前麦迪逊储贷银行破产的一次审判中他就是这么做的,他被宣告无罪。

41、Where the guarantor provides a guaranty for the endorser, it shall record the guaranty matters on the back of or the slip affixed to the negotiable instrument. ─── 保证人为背书人保证的,应将保证事项记载在票据的背面或粘单上。

42、Is conduction estate guaranty registered need what to data provide? ─── 办理房地产抵押登记需提供哪些资料?

43、Thought from the relationship between civil liability and obligation and the characteristics of guaranty liability, the guaranty liability, in the common sense, is only a special “general debt”. ─── 从民事责任、义务的关系以及保证责任的自身特征角度来思考,普通意义上所说的保证责任只能是一种特殊的“一般债务”。

44、Hard to believe such a "building" could be possible, so POSTelecom launching and future seems to be strongly related to loan guaranty. ─── 很难相信这样的“建立”可行,所以POSTelecom推出业务和她的未来看上去与贷款担保强烈相关。

45、The specific measures for management and use of the insurance guaranty fund shall be formulated by the insurance supervision and administration department. ─── 保险保障基金管理使用的具体办法由保险监督管理机构制定。

46、It is an important guaranty for the whole process management of hazardous wastes(HWs) to give a real time monitor to the transferring. ─── 对危险废物转移实时监控是实现其全过程管理的重要保证。

47、The company passed ISO9001 international quality certification in 2001,it has perfect quality guaranty system,strict management system,powerful throughput and advanced detection means. ─── 公司于 2001 年通过 ISO9001 国际质量管理体系认证,拥有完善的质量保证体系,严格的管理制度,强大的生产能力和先进的检测手段。

48、On January 4, Carolyn Huber found copies of Hillary's records for work the Rose firm had done for Madison Guaranty in 1985 and 1986. ─── 4日,卡罗琳·休伯找到了希拉里的工作记录的副本,它记录了罗斯律师事务所在1985年和1986年为麦迪逊储贷银行所做的工作。

49、All prior agreements, understandings, representations and negotiations, if any, are merged into this Guaranty. ─── 如本担保书签订前已有其他协议、谅解、陈述或磋商存在,均应并入本担保书中。

50、No debt guaranty shall be provided, either directly or indirectly, for the guaranteed objects with the ratio of liabilities to assets exceeding 70%. ─── 不得直接或间接为资产负债率超过70%的被担保对象提供债务担保。

51、If the creditor abandons the guarantee of real right, the guarantor shall, within the scope of right abandoned by the creditor, be exempted from the guaranty liability. ─── 债权人放弃物的担保的,保证人在债权人放弃权利的范围内免除保证责任。

52、A listed company shall not provide guaranty to the controlling shareholder or any other associated party holding less than 50% of the company's shares, or to any non-legal-person entity or individual. ─── 上市公司不得为控股股东及本公司持股50%以下的其他关联方、任何非法人单位或个人提供担保。

53、A source told Reuters at the time the bank was in talks with at least one investor group for a recapitalization. ─── 一消息人士上月告诉路透,Guaranty与至少一个投资集团在就资本重组进行谈判。

54、In the absence of an agreed or explicitly agreed scope of the suretyship guaranty, the surety shall be liable for payment of all the above costs. ─── 当事人对保证担保的范围没有约定或者约定不明确的,保证人应当对全部债务承担责任。

55、The paper studies the conditions on which associated bank is ready to collaborate with credit guaranty institution applying to game theory. ─── 利用博弈方法研究信用担保机构与协作银行合作的条件。

56、The provisions on guaranty in this Law shall apply to the counter-guaranty. ─── 反担保适用本法担保的规定。

57、The on-line quality control of the products is studied in it, including principles, means and techniques of quality guaranty and control in the production process. ─── 它解决产品的在线质量控制,是生产过程中的质量保证与质量控制的原理、方法和技术。

58、The name of Brutus would be a guaranty to the people of rectitude of intention(J.A.Froude. ─── 布鲁特斯的名字对于具有正直愿望的人们将是个保证 A 福劳德)

59、In 1990, he had been tried and acquitted on charges arising out of the failure of Madison Guaranty. ─── 1990年,麦克道戈尔曾因为造成麦迪逊储贷银行破产受到审判,但被无罪释放。

60、In case the scope of guaranty is unclear, the guarantor shall be inferred as undertaking guarantee liabilities to all the main obligations. ─── 保证范围不明确的,推定保证人对全部主债务承担保证责任。

61、If the obligor for security guaranty has any fault, he shall bear corresponding supplementary compensation liabilities within a scope of his capacity to prevent or stop such injury. ─── 安全保障义务人有过错的,应当在其能够防止或者制止损害的范围内承担相应的补充赔偿责任。

62、Part three discusses the relationship between the guaranty period and the extinctive prescription of the guaranty contract and that of the main contract. ─── 在保证期间的中断这一部分,主要探讨保证期间可否中断,可否反复中断,以及中断后如何重新起算的问题。

63、Section numbers and section titles have been set forth herein for convenience only; they shall not be construed to limit or extend the meaning of any part of this Guaranty. ─── 于此列出的条款序号和标题仅为了方便的目的而使用,不得被解释为对本担保书任何部分之含义的限缩或者扩展。

64、In case there are two or more guarantors, they shall undertake guaranty liabilities jointly and severally. ─── 保证人为二人以上的,相互之间负连带保证责任。

65、In case any branch of an enterprise legal person with no legal person status signs a guaranty contract in its own name, such a contract shall be determined as invalid. ─── 不具有法人资格的企业法人的分支机构,以自己的名义对外签订的保证合同,一般应当认定无效。

66、The fifth part is about the deraignment of Guaranty Insurance of Motorcar Consumption Credit.The main point is the preferential deraignment of insurance agent. ─── 在本文的第五章,笔者涉及的是汽车消费贷款保证保险纠纷中的抗辩权问题,重点探讨的是保险公司的先诉抗辩权问题以及享有的其他抗辩权。

67、No guaranty and warranty for all the contents. ─── 不保证内容的准确性及时效性!

68、Buyers, bank issuses stand-by letter of credit/ bank guaranty. ─── 买家银行开出备用信用证/银行保函。

69、Any individual shall be strictly prohibited from unlawfully making decisions on providing guaranty or changing collective approval opinions. ─── 严禁任何个人擅自决定提供担保或者改变集体审批意见。

70、The People's Bank of China may not provide guaranty for any unit or individual. ─── 中国人民银行不得向任何单位和个人提供担保。

71、A has executed a document in the form of a guaranty which imposes no obligation on A and has no value. ─── 以保证书的形式制作了一个未对自己施加任何义务也没有任何价值的文件。

72、A conclusion about explanation to the communal intentions of the parties can be reached that agreed guaranty period is a extinctive prescription. ─── 对当事人约定保证期间的意思进行解释可得出结论:约定的保证期间的性质是诉讼时效。

73、Fourth, in keeping the bank property, the thesis puts forward concern the law risk of paying for the debt by guaranty and preferential lien. ─── 在银行资产保全方面,论文提出关注抵押物抵债和留置权优先的法律风险。

74、Tax authorities which charge the guaranty money shall make out a receipt. ─── 三是对于其他单位和个人,实行申请填开制度。

75、Strong social responsibility is the impulsion for scientists to do scientific research and important guaranty to safeguard scientific moral. ─── 强烈的社会责任感是科学家从事科研活动的原动力,也是维护科学道德的重要保证。

76、Not all insurance companies and policy types are covered by guaranty associations.Unlicensed, illegally operating ("unauthorized") insurers aren't covered. ─── 并非所有的公司和保单型态都被保证协会涵盖。

77、The company passed ISO9001 international quality certification in 2001,it has perfect quality guaranty system,st rict management system,powerful throughput and advanced detection means. ─── 公司于2001年通过ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证,拥有完善的质量保证体系,严格的管理制度,强大的生产能力和先进的检测手段。

78、Claim of additional mortgage is the right that mortgagee enjoys to save his mortgage from damage when the value of guaranty cut down. ─── 增担保请求权是在抵押物价值减少的情况下,抵押权人所享有的保全抵押权的一种权利;

79、In the contract the parties may agree to provide a guaranty. The guarantor shall be held liable within the agreed scope of guaranty. ─── 当事人可以在合同中约定担保。担保人在约定的担保范围内承担责任。

80、By the time I became governor again in 1983, McDougal had bought a small savings-and-loan and named it Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan. ─── 1983年我再次当选州长之后,吉姆购买了一家小型的储蓄信贷银行,命名为麦迪逊抵押储贷银行。

81、Can go to a bank trying. Belongings guaranty, credit investigation. ─── 可以去银行试试。财产抵押,信用调查。

82、If a criminal suspect or defendant who has obtained a guarantor pending trial violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the guaranty money paid shall be confiscated. ─── 并且区别情形,责令犯罪嫌疑人、告人具结悔过,重新交纳保证金、出保证人或者监视居住、以逮捕。

83、Besides, company may limit its guaranty ability in its constitution to protect the interest of creditors and small shareholders. ─── 同时,公司法允许公司章程对公司的担保能力进行自我限制,保护债权人与中小股东的利益。

84、Commercial banks shall have the right to refuse to grant a loan or to provide a guaranty forcibly demanded by any unit or individual. ─── 商业银行有权拒绝任何单位和个人强令要求其发放贷款或者提供担保。

85、Bradley Belt has led the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation for two years. During that period the agency had to deal with a record level of pension plan failures. ─── Bradley Belt领导退休金利润保证公司已经两年了。这段时间里这个机构不得不处理了创记录的退休金计划中失败的案例。

86、VII Party A issues deposit bill from 25 prime bank in favour of Party B, to be used only as guaranty and impawn, no discount allowed.The loan is to be used in mutal invest project. ─── 七.甲方提供给以乙方为受益人的世界二十五大银行,只作担保质押用,乙方不许贴现,所贷出的款项用于投资双方融资合作专案中。

87、Practicing the sentific developing view requires environment law for the fundamental system guaranty. ─── 实践科学发展观需要以环境法作为基本的制度保障。

88、The guaranty system shall be perfected in judicial practices due to the principle provision of it. ─── 但公司法的担保制度只是原则性的规定,在实践中需要进一步完善。

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