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09-02 投稿


connived 发音

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英:  美:

connived 中文意思翻译



connived 短语词组

1、connived meaning ─── 纵容的意思

2、connived definition ─── 默认定义

3、connived def ─── 纵容

4、connived mean ─── 合谋的意思

5、connived define ─── 默许的定义

connived 词性/词形变化,connived变形

动词过去式: connived |动词过去分词: connived |动词第三人称单数: connives |动词现在分词: conniving |名词: conniver |

connived 相似词语短语

1、contrived ─── adj.人为的;做作的;不自然的

2、connive ─── vi.共谋;纵容;默许

3、connivery ─── n.共谋;纵容

4、connives ─── vi.共谋;纵容;默许

5、concaved ─── adj.凹的,凹面的;n.凹面;v.使变凹形

6、conceived ─── v.构思;设想(conceive的过去式)

7、conniver ─── 纵容者

8、connivent ─── adj.靠合的;逐渐集中的

9、convived ─── 愉快的

connived 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、6. The people forget his simplicity and kindliness and remembered only that he had connived with thieves and Sheltered scoundrels. ─── 人们忘记了他的朴素,厚道,只记得他曾私通盗贼,庇护恶棍。

2、2.The jailer connived at the escape from prison. ─── 那个监狱看守凶暴地虐待犯人。

3、The two criminals connived with the police to rob the bank ─── 这两个犯罪分子和警察共谋抢劫银行。

4、The villagers, anxious for their thousand rupees, gladly connived at the fiction that she had shot the tiger. ─── 村民们急于得到那1000卢比,愿意附合这个编造出来的故事,说是她打死了那只老虎。

5、The general connived with the enemies of his country. ─── 这个将军私通自己国家的敌人。

6、Firms also get a free pass for the corrupt practices of their subsidiaries, unless it is proved that they ordered or actively connived in them. ─── 对于子公司的腐败行径,各公司还可豁免其责,除非能证明它们曾下令或积极纵容其子公司。

7、They believe that the security forces must, at the very least, have connived at the brazen attack. ─── 他们认为,至少是安全武装纵容了这一厚颜无耻的袭击。

8、Violations of the law and breaches of discipline are not to be connived at. ─── 对于违法乱纪的行为绝不能视若无睹。

9、Russia, after all, had just connived in the unconstitutional overthrow of Kurmanbek Bakiyev, a dictatorial president. ─── 毕竟俄罗斯纵容了先前推翻独裁总统巴基耶夫的违宪举动。

10、The two criminals connived with the police to rob a bank. ─── 这两名罪犯与警方勾结抢劫了一个银行。

11、He connived at the robbery of the thieves. ─── 他听任窃贼抢劫。

12、He connived at the attack on the security guard. ─── 他纵容对警卫人员的袭击。

13、They will be subject to criminal liability if they have actively participated in, consented to or connived in the criminal misconduct of the corporation which they manage. ─── 假如负责人员在由其管理的法团内积极参与、同意或默许违法的失当行为,则他们必须为此负上刑事责任。

14、The law must be enforced, and those who broke it, or connived in covering up infringement, should be conspicuously punished. ─── 国家要加强法律制约,凡有违反法律或纵容违法行为的,都必须受到显著惩罚。

15、The first 12 minutes, Billy - Jones Pennant on the flank of the foul tackle, this game was considered a yellow card should be fine, but the referee connived to escape punishment. ─── 第12分钟,比利-琼斯边路对彭南特的铲球犯规,此球赛后被认为是应判罚黄牌,但裁判的纵容让其逃过处罚。

16、The two students connived to cheat in the examination. ─── 这两个学生暗中计划在考试中作弊。

17、They connived to rob a bank. ─── 他们暗中合作去抢银行。

18、often lenders connived with borrowers to swell the size of mortgages, or worse, sell borrowers the wrong policy. ─── 放贷机构常常与借款者勾结,以扩大抵押贷款规模,或者更糟糕的是,向借款者兜售错误的政策。

19、It's not a pure incident,but planned skulduggery which is connived by the Chinese Government. ─── 这并不是单纯的安全事故,而是有计划的作假,甚至是得到政府的默许,这令我感到恐慌。

20、The government was accused of having connived with the security forces to permit murder. ─── 政府被指控与安全部队狼狈为奸允许谋杀。

21、Her brother is believed to have connived at her murder. ─── 据信她的哥哥没有制止对她的谋杀。

22、The government was accused of having connived with the security forces to permit murder. ─── 政府被指控与安全部队狼狈为奸允许谋杀。

23、They believe that the security forces must, at the very least, have connived at the brazen attack. ─── 他们认为,至少是安全武装纵容了这一厚颜无耻的袭击。

24、The government official connived with a criminal gang to smuggle goods. ─── 该政府官员与一个犯罪团伙相勾结,进行走私活动。

25、They connived the children excessively,have bad infection to the children's character. ─── 他们过分纵容孩子,这对孩子的性格有不良影响.

26、They connived to kill him. ─── 他们共谋要杀害他。

27、Integrity is also reflected in the students with the error should also be pointed out to us and to help him, instead of hiding and connived at it. ─── 诚信还表现在同学间有了错误我们也应当指出来并帮助他,而不是隐瞒和纵容。

28、10. The jailer connived at the escape from prison . ─── 狱吏纵容犯人的逃狱。

29、Senior politicians connived to ensure that he was not released. ─── 资深政客们共谋以确保他不被获释。

30、He connived at letting the prisoner escape from prison. ─── 他纵容那个囚犯越狱。

31、dollars continuous fall, especially the attitude of the U.S. government connived at, it just felt the Chinese government in macroeconomic regulation and control some " attacked front and rear. ─── 美元的一跌再跌,尤其是美国政府的纵容态度,使得刚刚感受到宏观调控成效的中国政府有些“腹背受敌”的感觉。

32、However, I found that it just connived PTB. ─── 但是,我发现这样恰恰纵容了PTB。

33、Moreover,he connived at the National Assembly members'attempt to get re-elected,which went directly against the will of the people. ─── 尤其去年纵容国代延任,更是大失人心。

34、He connived to keep the whole scandal from coming out. ─── 他默许整个事件的发生。

35、When the children the time of the offense, the majority of people rather than hard to stop, but connived at and even to participate. ─── 当孩子们犯罪时,多数人不是极力制止,而是纵容、甚至参与。

36、The villagers, anxious for their thousand rupees, gladly connived at the fiction that she had shot the tiger. ─── 村民们急于得到那1000卢比,愿意附合这个编造出来的故事,说是她打死了那只老虎。

37、The general connived with the enemies of his country. ─── 这个将军私通自己国家的敌人。

38、i have no doubt she has connived at your desertion of your duties and responsibilities , so do not expect me to show pleasure in seeing her. ─── 毫无疑义,你的背弃义务与责任是她怂恿的,那么请你不要以为我将有一副笑脸去见她。

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