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09-02 投稿


infringe 发音

英:[?n'fr?n(d)?]  美:[?n'fr?nd?]

英:  美:

infringe 中文意思翻译



infringe 反义词


infringe 短语词组

infringe upon

1. 侵犯

Be careful not to infringe upon the rights of other people.


1、infringe the sovereignty ─── [法] 侵犯主权

2、infringe upon ─── 侵犯,违反

3、infringe on ─── 侵犯; ─── 侵害;破坏

4、infringe patent ─── 侵犯专利权

5、infringe defined ─── 侵权定义

6、infringe upon the right of ─── [法] 侵犯...的权利

7、infringe upon means ─── 侵权手段

8、infringe upon sth ─── 侵犯某物

9、infringe provisions ─── 违反规定

10、infringe a right ─── [法] 侵犯权利

11、infringe upon human rights ─── 侵犯人权

12、infringe definition ─── 违反定义

13、infringe meaning ─── 侵犯意思

infringe 同义词

once in a while | uncommonly | occasionally | once in a blue moon | intermittently | rarely | irregularly |seldom | fitfully | now and then

infringe 词性/词形变化,infringe变形

动词过去式: infringed |动词现在分词: infringing |动词过去分词: infringed |动词第三人称单数: infringes |名词: infringer |

infringe 相似词语短语

1、befringe ─── vt.给…饰边

2、infringed ─── vt.侵犯;违反;破坏;vi.侵犯;侵害

3、infringer ─── n.[法]侵权人

4、to infringe ─── 违反

5、infaring ─── 信息

6、infringe on ─── 侵犯;侵害;破坏

7、inbringed ─── 近交

8、infringes ─── vt.侵犯;违反;破坏;vi.侵犯;侵害

9、fringe ─── n.边缘;穗;刘海;adj.边缘的;附加的;vt.加穗于

infringe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They infringe the principle of non-discrimination. ─── 他们违犯了非歧视原则。

2、Many people feel that such a law would infringe upon their rights of speech. ─── 很多人认为这样旳一个法令会侵害他们的发言权。

3、But they had to ensure that their products did not infringe ITL's patent with its superior design and superior functional characteristics. ─── 但这些竞争者必须保证其产品不会侵犯具有高超设计和高超性能特点的ITL公司的专利。

4、With increased population comes invasive species such as the Singapore daisy and heliconias, which, if not controlled, could infringe on the near-pristine forests. ─── 入侵物种(如新加坡雏菊和蝎尾蕉)与日俱增,若不加以控制,其侵害会波及黑森林。

5、As importers, China's local officials infringe upon Chinese laws and regulations. ─── 中国地方官员是入口,违反了中国法律和规定。

6、No goods that infringe upon intellectual property (including the right to exclusive use of trademarks, copyrights, and patents) shall be allowed to be imported or exported. ─── 一、侵犯知识产权(包括商标专用权、著作权、专利权)的货物不准进口或者出口。

7、Be careful not to infringe the rights of other people. ─── 当心不要侵犯别人的权利。

8、Those who take advantage of the disability of the disabled to infringe upon their personal rights or other legitimate rights and interests and thus commit a criminal act will be punished severely according to law. ─── 对于利用残疾人的残疾,侵犯其人身权利或者其他合法权益,构成犯罪行为的,依照刑法有关规定从重处罚。

9、Would even the existence of a set of clear ethical rules in politics unduly infringe on political freedom? ─── 一套明确的政治道德准则,会否不必要地侵犯政治自由?

10、A residents committee shall manage its own property; no department or unit may infringe upon its right of ownership of property. ─── 居民委员会管理本居民委员会的财产,任何部门和单位不得侵犯居民委员会的财产所有权。

11、Our company does not translate texts handed in, which infringe state interests, national interests, violate PRC laws, regulations and rules and international practice. ─── 对有损国家利益、民族利益、违反中华人民共和国法律法规以及违反国际惯例性的文稿,本中心一慨不译。

12、The work must not (in total or in part) infringe on a copyright.Do not use images copied from magazines, books or websites. ─── 作品不能侵犯版权,不允许拷贝杂志,书籍或者网站上的图片。

13、extortion, do not use violence or "other methods" , which does not infringe personal rights of citizens. ─── 敲诈勒索罪,不使用暴力或者“其他方法”,因而不侵害公民的人身权利。

14、China will safeguard its own interests, sovereignty and territorial integrity. It also maintains that a socialist country should not infringe upon other countries' interests, sovereignty or territory. ─── 中国要维护自己国家的利益、主权和领土完整,中国同样认为,社会主义国家不能侵犯别国的利益、主权和领土。

15、She tell her children not to infringe any rules. ─── 她要孩子们不要违规。

16、This paper also discusses the problems of protection of sports star when they are died,web tortious,superposition of infringe privacy right and infringe reputation right... ─── 也探讨了体育明星死后的隐私保护问题、网络侵权问题和侵犯隐私权与侵犯名誉权的重叠问题。

17、Therefore, Baidu did not infringe on the right to disseminate information network subjective fault. ─── 因此,百度没有侵犯他人信息网络传播权的主观过错。

18、Using the pretext of human rights to infringe on the Chinese people's fundamental cultural rights is just ridiculous. ─── 以人权为借口粗暴干涉中国人民对本国文物的最基本权利是荒谬的,不可理喻的。

19、Other acts that infringe upon the civil rights and interests of others. ─── 其他侵犯他人合法民事权益的。

20、Pathological changes of Parkinson's disease occur mainly in substantia nigra and corpus striatum and infringe only upon one kind of dopaminergic neurons. ─── 帕金森病的病理改变主要在黑质、纹状体,最大特点是病变只侵犯单一类型的多巴胺能神经元。

21、Counterfeit goods infringe customers' legal rights. ─── 伪劣商品侵越了消费者的合法权益。

22、People fear that security cameras could infringe personal liberties. ─── 人们担心保安摄像机会侵犯人身自由。

23、Meanwhile, rebuilding should not infringe upon the forests and natural habitat of the wildlife. ─── 于此同时,重建必须避免破坏森林和野生动物的栖息地。

24、In the future, the countries still to decide, does not infringe the interests of other countries, but cooperation in the fight against illegal immigration. ─── 今后,各国仍然自行决定,不侵犯其他国家的利益,但是合作打击非法移民。

25、If the act of infringement on the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark does not constitute a crime, the administrative department for industry and commerce may still impose a fine on the infringe. ─── 对于侵犯商标专用权,未构成犯罪的,工商行政管理部门可以处以罚款。

26、And only a minority of the group's members objected to patenting plants, with the majority ruling the action did not infringe on "their moral value. ─── 仅有少数成员反对植物专利,但多数成员认为植物专利并未违背“他们的道德观”。

27、Opposition outweighed support, and this itself shows that most people recognize freedom of movement as a right. An policy of permitted access would undoubtedly infringe upon that right. ─── 反对的声音多于赞成,这本身就说明大部分人已经认同了人口自由流动的权利。准入政策无疑侵犯了这一权利。

28、Still, in the morning, when her household duties would infringe upon her and Hurstwood sat there, a perfect load to contemplate, her fate seemed dismal and unrelieved. ─── 可是,到了早晨,她受到家务的骚扰,而赫斯渥则坐在那里,俨然一个累赘,这时她的命运还是显得凄惨而沉重。

29、No unit or individual shall infringe on and occupy, buy and sell or illegally transfer land in other forms. Land use right may be transferred in accordance with law. ─── 任何单位和个人不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地。土地使用权可以依法转让。

30、He is a good student. why did infringe the bylaw at this time? ─── 他是个好学生。这次为什么违反规章制度呢?

31、Then, beyond the Grand, beyond the Petit-Chatelet,a first circle of walls and towers began to infringe upon the country on the two sides of the Seine. ─── 于是,越过了大堡,越过了小堡,最早的一座城廓和塔楼便开始侵入塞纳河两岸的田野了。

32、Content does not infringe upon any copyright, trademark, patent trade secret or any other proprietary right belonging to any third party. ─── 内容不侵犯任何版权,商标,专利或商业秘密属于任何第三方的任何其他专有权利。

33、If you infringe upon ethics, it means you have gone against some sort of order. ─── 就是说违反了道德就是违反了一种秩序。

34、They said that compulsory identity cards would infringe civil liberties. ─── 他们说强制办理身份证会侵犯公民的自由。

35、But because of the shortage of legal awareness or the drive of interests, the parties will sometimes infringe others’ legal interests or violate the laws. ─── 但是由于法制观念的缺乏或者受到利益的驱使,当事人在调查收集证据的过程中往往会侵害他人的合法权益或者违反法律的相关禁止性规定。

36、If I infringe your copyright, please contact me with email. ─── 如有版权侵犯,请以邮件联系我。

37、To encroach, infringe, or trespass. ─── 侵占,侵犯,冒犯

38、They have give us a write undertaking that they will not infringe our patent. ─── 他们书面承诺他们将不侵犯我们的专利。

39、He does nothing that infringe collective interest. ─── 他不做任何违背集体利益的事。

40、Protect: This means ensuring that third parties (non-state actors) do not infringe upon the enjoyment of the right to health. ─── 保护:意思是要确保第三方(非国家行为者)不得侵害享有健康权。

41、He occasionally infringe the law by parking near a junction. ─── 他因偶尔将车停放在交叉口附近而违反规定。

42、Did the mandatory flag salute infringe upon liberties protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments? ─── 强迫向美国国旗行举手齐眉致敬礼,是否触犯了美国宪法第一与第十四修正案对个人自由的保障?

43、They are irregular main bodies , illegimate content , illegimate form , illegimate formality , untrue intent , infringe public morality , disobey collective contract. ─── 主要有主体不合法,内容不合法,形式不合法,签订程序不合法,意思表示不真实,违反社会公共利益,违反集体合同等。

44、Essentially, assertiveness involves standing up for your rights when someone else is about to infringe on them. ─── 就其本质而言,果断自信指当别人要侵害自己的权利时敢于站出来维护它。

45、When courts hold to the contrary, they give the government license to infringe the rights of private landowners willy-nilly. ─── 当法院反其道而行之时,他们等于在向政府颁发肆意侵犯私有土地所有者权利的许可证。

46、Someone who independently came up with the same information does not infringe on the trade secret protection. ─── 一些独立地提出相同的信息的人并不违反商业机密保护。

47、If any unit or individual finds out that the contents on the discussion area may infringe upon their legitimate rights and interests, please timely inform our website. ─── 如任何单位或个人发现讨论区上的内容可能侵犯其法律权益,请及早通知本网站。

48、The goods of its deputy factory are manufactured by the Group Company in Shanghai with the principle of not infringe the Trademark Right of brand air compressor manufacturers. ─── 中国空压机配件网的产品分为正副厂两类,正厂配件均为品牌空压机厂家原产,凭借上海集团公司的采购优势,业已与各大品牌空压机生产厂家建立的长期良好的关系;

49、People fear that security cameras could infringe personal liberties. ─── 人们担心保安摄像机会侵犯人身自由。

50、Don't infringe upon sb.'s privacy. ─── 不要侵犯某人。

51、It will infringe the sovereign righs of nations, decrease the economic health of indigenous communities, as well as deplete or destroy bio-diversity. ─── 其行为构成包括:未经相关权利人的事先许可,申报专利时隐瞒来源以及独自享有因此获得的收益。

52、They said that compulsory identity cards would infringe civil liberties. ─── 他们说强制办理身分证会侵犯公民的自由。

53、Concerning to the intellectual property rights of artifactitious products, ** party should guarantee that the products never infringe the intellectual property rights of others or any other rights. ─── 以上是鄙人的翻译,自认为翻译的不好,还请高人进行指教。

54、On the contrary, unintegrated democracy, freedom, human rights and rule of law may cause all kinds of turbulent phenomena or even infringe national people's human rights. ─── 反而言之,不融合的民主、自由、人权、法制,必然会造成社会各种动荡不安的现象,这样就容易致使国民的人权遭侵害。

55、Infringe upon respectively from times dye, culture edifies sum life experiencing the headstream waiting for aspect to find by hard and thorough search finding two people communicating with each other. ─── 分别从时代侵染、文化熏陶和生命体验等方面追根溯源找到二人相通的源头。

56、Nevertheless, the excessive protection of the interests of copyright owners will inevitably infringe upon the legitimate interests of the public. ─── 对版权人利益的过分保护,必然会侵害社会公众的合法利益,技术措施与合理使用制度的冲突不可避免。

57、Thus, dumping, certain subsidies, and intellectual properties infringe met have all come to be regarded as "unfair" trade practices. ─── 因此,倾销、某些补贴以及侵犯知识产权都已经被看作“不公平”的贸易做法。

58、The next new competitor might be Affymax, a small California company that hopes by 2011 to win approval for an anemia drug that it says will not infringe Amgen's patents. ─── 下一个新的竞争者可能是一家名叫Affymax加利福利亚的小公司,它有可能在2011年获得一种贫血药物的批准,而Affymax认为这种药物不侵犯安进的专利。

59、The media infringe upon those celebrities' privacy for circulation and rating,but make the high-sounding excuse that the audience should know what has happened. ─── 媒体为发行量和收视率侵犯名人隐私,却又以受众的“知情权”作为冠冕堂皇的借口;

60、The state sovereignty has its independence, whoever cannot infringe upon any other the state sovereignty with the international protection of human rights. ─── 国家主权具有独立性,不能借口人权国际保护侵犯其他国家主权。

61、Would the other members of the family care to do anything which would infringe on Robert's prerogatives under the will? ─── 家族中其他成员,有谁敢蔑视遗嘱中所规定的罗伯脱的全权而给他帮忙吗?

62、Most SNPs lie in the non-coding regions of the genome, so using them to make inferences about genes will in most cases infringe the patents. ─── 大部分SNP都存在于整组遗传基因的非代名层里。因此,利用它们来作遗传基因的推理在多数情况下都会侵犯专利权。

63、To infringe upon the right of sb. ─── 侵犯某人的权利。

64、It may;but the more problematic issue is whether the planned Bush Institute will infringe SMU's academic freedom. ─── 也许会,但是更棘手的问题是计划的布什研究所是否会妨碍SMU的学术自由。

65、They rob us, they infringe our rights, they kill us. ─── 他们劫掠我们,他们侵犯我们的权利,他们屠杀我们。

66、Third parties using for their own purposes any other names in this document which refer to trademarks might infringe upon the rights of the trademark owners. ─── 任何第三方为其自身目的使用与本手册中所及商标有关的其它名称都将侵犯商标所有人的权益。

67、A blow for President Bush, the Senate rejects extending parts of Patriot Act, saying they infringe too much on Americans'privacy and liberty. ─── 参议院打击了布什总统,驳回了扩充部分爱国者法案,声称这对美国的内政和自由破坏太大。

68、Before early, the deer of a pair of celestial being beside old longlived person of the sky loves each other and conceived pregnant, this is infringe day, behoove puts to death. ─── 很早以前,天上的老寿星身边的一对仙鹿相爱并怀了孕,这是违犯天条的,理应处死。

69、A blow for President Bush, the Senate rejects extending parts of Patriot Act, saying they infringe too much on Americans' privacy and liberty. ─── 参议院打击了布什总统,驳回了扩充部分爱国者法案,声称这对美国的内政和自由破坏太大.

70、If a third party used another’s trademark to register a domain name, it would infringe the other’s trademark and cause confusions in consumers. ─── 如果第三者使用他人的商标注册一个域名,它将会侵犯这一商标的声誉并且在消费者里引起混淆。

71、Essentially, assertiveness involves standing up for your rights when someone else is about to infringe on them. ─── 就其本质而言,果断自信指当别人要侵害自己的权利时敢于站出来维护它。

72、HK may, in appropriate circumstances and in its sole discretion, terminate the accounts of users that infringe or otherwise violate such rights of others. ─── HK在适当情况下,得自行决定终止侵害或违反他人权利之使用者的帐号。

73、The application shall include the number of Customs recordation in addition where the goods are suspected to infringe an intellectual property right under recordation. ─── 侵权嫌疑货物涉嫌侵犯备案知识产权的,申请书还应当包括海关备案号。

74、If I worked as a high level immigration officer, I would not let you work like this to infringe the law. ─── 如果我是一名高级移民官员,我绝对不会让你们像这样以触犯法律的形式去工作。

75、Infringement. You are prohibited from using the Site or Services to infringe on any person′s copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights. ─── 侵权: 禁止利用网站和服务侵占任何人的版权、商标、专利或其它知识产权。

76、e. g. His new neighbor keeps asking him for help, just ridiculous, small favors, and it's beginning to infringe on his personal life. ─── 他的新邻居不断地在一些荒唐的小事上寻求他的帮助,这已经开始影响他的私人生活了。

77、Microsoft is launching a number of cases in the US against companies it alleges have registered trademarks that infringe on its intellectual property. ─── 微软将在美国对数家公司提起诉讼,声它们注册的商标侵害了其知识产权。

78、On the contrary, unintegrated human rights mean a part of people may attack or infringe others for getting rights and they will finally be attacked back and lose both fortune and honour. ─── 反而言之,不融合的人权,是会出现有人为了权利,就先无理攻击或侵害别人,终遭到反击而获身败名裂。

79、However this use must not infringe WHO's intellectual property rights, in particular relating to its name, emblem, copyright or authors' rights. ─── 但是,其使用不得侵犯世卫组织的知识产权,尤其是涉及其名称、会标、版权或作者权利。

80、The temporary owners'convention formulated by the construction entity may not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the buyers of the realty. ─── 建设单位制定的业主临时公约,不得侵害物业买受人的合法权益。

81、It will not tolerate attitudes or activities that constitute a breach of law or trust, or infringe collective or individual liberty in any way. ─── 它绝不会容忍的态度或活动,构成违反法律或不信任,或侵犯集体或个人自由以任何方式。

82、It also maintains that a socialist country should not infringe upon other countries' interests, sovereignty or territory. ─── 中国同样认为,社会主义国家不能侵犯别国的利益、主权和领土。

83、Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other. ─── 你的权利停止在你侵占别人权利。

84、It is difficult to find in this behaviour an intention to infringe Article 86. ─── 很难发现这个行为有着违反第86条的故意。

85、Swatch AG neither warrants nor represents that your use of Information displayed on this website will not infringe rights of third parties not owned by or affiliated with Swatch AG. ─── Swatch AG不保证亦未声明阁下使用本网站显示的信息不会侵犯非Swatch AG拥有或关联的第三方之权利。

86、The lawful civil rights and interests of citizens and legal persons shall be protected by law; no organization or individual may infringe upon them. ─── 公民、法人的合法的民事权益受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得侵犯。

87、The personal computing is individual legal entity, Microsoft (China) the behavior has disturbed own work and the mood seriously, is a suspect to infringe upon the right. ─── 个人电脑是个人合法财产,微软(中国)的行为严重干扰了自己的工作和心情,涉嫌侵权。

88、The property of the State, the collective, the individual and other obligees is protected by law, and no units or individuals may infringe upon it. ─── 国家、集体、私人的物权和其他权利人的物权受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。

89、The property of the State , the collective , the individual and other obligees is protected by law , and no units or individuals may infringe upon it . ─── 国家、集体、私人的物权和其他权利人的物权受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。

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