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09-02 投稿



darner 发音

英:[['dɑ:n?]]  美:[['dɑ:n?]]

英:  美:

darner 中文意思翻译



darner 词性/词形变化,darner变形

darner 相似词语短语

1、darned ─── adj.岂有此理的;可恨的;该死的(等于darn或durned);adv.可恨地;岂有此理地;非常地(等于darn或durned);v.织补(darn的过去式和过去分词)

2、darter ─── n.蛇鹈;鲈;蜻蜓;飞奔者;投掷者;n.(Darter)(美)达特(人名)

3、darer ─── 飞镖

4、darker ─── adj.更暗的;更黑的;更深的(dark的比较级)

5、Garner ─── n.加纳(姓氏)

6、derner ─── 在下面

7、darners ─── n.缝补台;缝补针;缝补的人

8、darnel ─── n.毒麦

9、earner ─── n.赚钱的人

darner 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hug them all you want, tie them to the back door, and darn if they don't figure out a way to get out on their own. ─── 去跟你想拥抱的人拥抱吧.把他们绑起来,好好保护他们,如果他们还没有想到要怎麽自己出门的话.

2、Oh, darn, we're better get going. Let's not be late. ─── 哦,糟糕。我们最好还是快走吧。可别迟到了。

3、No competing mill, no darn that would create a water supply to their competitors or ruin their own selling of water, was allowed to be built in their corner of Sicily. ─── 在他们控制的那个角落,不容许修建与他们竞争的面粉厂,也不容许修建可能向他们竞争的面粉厂提供水源,或破坏他们垄断水力买卖的水坝。

4、“Wow. Really? We work in San Francisco? I didn't know that. Why does my business card say we're in San Mateo? Darn it, I need to get it updated. ─── “喔.真的?我们在旧金山还有分部?我从来没听说过这个(旧金山分部)。为什么我的胸卡上写的是“圣马特奥”?混账,也许我该去找他们更新的我的胸卡了。

5、There's a darn good chance this hits the 200 DMA; it might even fall through it a bit and shake out the meek. ─── DMA出现了一个非常好的机会,它可能会小幅下跌,然后就会摆脱平淡的走势。

6、Ok! I admit it, it's me, but darn it. ─── 好!我承认这件事,就是我,真是他妈的。

7、"Them Indians did nothin' but climb every day.Maybe some of 'em fell off and died, but the ones that didn't got pretty darn good at it. ─── “他们印第安人每天做得最多的就是攀岩,也许他们有人摔落和死亡,但他们却仍然热爱它。

8、The reality of moving away from home is unsettling at best, but if your future is uncertain it can be darn frightening. ─── 从家离开的事实是充其量是不确定的,但是如果你的未来不确定,确实挺令人害怕的。

9、Shin:(glares at Phoeny) What Phoenix! She is just a darn bird!! ─── 心:(怒视小凤)什麽凤凰!根本就是只臭鸟嘛!!

10、The only disappointment has been the darn stock price. ─── 唯一令人失望的就是糟糕的股票价格。

11、The other replied, "You're darn right we're poisonous!We're rattlesnakes.Why do you ask? ─── 大蛇说:傻瓜,我们是响尾蛇嘛...当然有毒啰.为什麽问这个呢?

12、darn site comparison and selection ─── 坝址比选

13、He kept taking the cat farther and farther away, but the darn cat would always beat him home. ─── 他一次再一次地把猫送到更远的地方,他这破猫总是能找到回家的路。

14、Darn! I just know all I am go to get again this year be meaningless platonic chocolates. ─── 妈的!我就知道今年我仍旧收到没有意义的情面巧克力。

15、Darn, I answered this exam question wrong. ─── 哎哟,这道题答错了。

16、A quick answer of 11:00 or another time.Ask if they are sure and they will stutter a different time maybe not an exact time but pretty darn close to the first time. ─── 当某人迅速回答说11:00或者其他时间在做什么,如果再问一遍同样的问题,他们可能会结巴着说出另外一个时间,也许是一个模糊的时间段,但是和第一次的时间相当的接近。

17、He's getting too darn fresh. I'll stand for a good deal, but once in a while I got to assert my authority, and jumped him. ─── 他越来越不象话了,平时我都忍着,可是偶尔也得维护我的威信,我训了他一顿。

18、Danjiangkon Darn Heightening Project ─── 丹江口大坝加高工程

19、Oh, darn! ─── 噢,见鬼!

20、DNPM darn near pissed myself DNS - Domain Name Service Domain. ─── 域,称为网络区域,每区有独立的运行方式。

21、Grandpa: Oh not that darn thing again. ─── 外公:求你,别信那傻事儿了。

22、one-handed darner ─── 单手织补机

23、And she just looked so darn cute ─── 实在招人怜爱

24、Whether we are talking about binary trees, quad trees or octrees, it doesnt matter, just build the darn thing recursively. ─── 不管我们讨论的是二叉、四叉还是八叉树,都没有区别,都是递归的方法。

25、Reached for my ripcord - the darn thing was gone. ─── 伸手去抓开伞索,那编织物不见了。

26、You are darn tootin. ─── 你的话的确很对。

27、Darn right. Remember when they were the popular pick to beat Boston? How'd that go? ─── 对了。还记得湖人在赛前也是被大家看好能击败波士顿的,结果怎么样呢?

28、None of it ever happen, of course, -- or darn little, but the fantasies give you the idea that there is sth. to grow up for. ─── 当然,这些梦想并没有实现,或只实现了一点点,但是这梦想却使你知道:长大后,你有一些事情要去做。

29、6.If you want to get to these Very Important Top Officers (VITO, see here), you better have a darn well-thought and planned way to get to them. ─── 如果您真的想与这些非常重要的高层行政官(这里简称为VITO)取得联系,除非你有一个绝好的深思熟虑的方案。

30、You had a darn good try. ─── 你这一试再好不过了。

31、She's done a darn sight better than I have. ─── 她干得比我强多了。

32、Oh darn! It's Christmas. I hate Christmas, I'd rather sit and moan in my room complaining about how awful I think my life is. ─── 又是圣诞。我痛恨圣诞节,我更愿意独自待在家里抱怨为什么我过得如此糟糕。

33、This result can provide the necessary information for darn foundation integrative curing and can be use as reference data for the similar projects in the future. ─── 为坝基综合治理提供必要的参考信息,也为今后此类中等地应力边坡开挖卸荷分析储备可以借鉴的资料。

34、By analyzing outcome of the surround well pumping water test after the darn was disposed, the pervasion coefficient can meet preventing pervasion purpose; ─── 并对处理后的坝体进行现场围井抽水试验,得出防渗墙的渗透系数满足防渗效果;

35、George: A darn sight prettier than those knobby knees of yours. ─── 乔治:总比你那疙疙瘩瘩的膝盖漂亮。

36、Green darner dragonflies (Anax junius), migrate south from the northeastern United States every autumn; some travel as far as Florida. ─── 绿纹蜻蜓每年秋季从美国东北部迁徙至南方,有些可以迁至佛罗里达。

37、You can assume that the STG will either start somewhere you like or be able to get somewhere you'd rather have him pretty darn quickly. ─── 你可以确定的是骷髅墓穴守卫可能从你喜欢的位置开始或可以很快的到达你想要的位置。

38、Darn! I just know all I am going to get again this year is meaningless platonic chocolates. ─── 妈的!我就知道今年我仍旧收到没有意义的情面巧克力

39、The Rishi makes the arrangements;your future parents accidentally get pregnant (darn condoms that break! ─── 圣哲做好了安排:你未来的父母意外地怀了孕(该死的安全套破了!)

40、“Maybe if I saw him I would have made some (darn) free throws,” Bryant joked. ─── “也许如果我看到他,我已经取得了一些(糟糕的)罚球,”科比开玩笑说。

41、Her jumper had a darn at the bottom. ─── 她的无袖连衣裙下部有一个补丁。

42、"Darn...just when I start think he has potential, he just drops everything and tocks another job elsewhere. " ─── 差劲.....我刚刚开始认为他有潜力,他却丢下一切转到别处工作了

43、Mousing over certain galaxies pops up boxes that give you information on what you’re looking at, making this application educational as well as pretty darn interesting. ─── 值得关注的是新的界面和感觉,它将与你正在所使用的操作系统相吻合。另外一点是速度,火狐3确实很快。

44、These are not the friendliest darn bulldogs in the globle. ─── 它们是全地球上最友好的牛头犬。”

45、It's darn cold tonight. ─── 今天晚上冷得要命。

46、dear uni admin, the way notice titles are being worded is really very important. i think there would be a long Q on the alternate collections days. darn it. ─── 亲爱的布告作者,布告内容固然重要,但是布告的标题也很重要的。我想在“大众”的资料领取日一定会排长拢!!他*的。

47、She washed all the soldiers' socks and proceeded to darn them. ─── 她把战士们的袜子都洗了,接着又把它们补好。

48、Even the shiniest security tool wouldn't be worth a darn if it couldn't keep a PC safe. ─── 即使是最光滑的安全工具将不值得一织补如果不能保持个人电脑的安全。

49、Anna will say, "Oh, darn it, I forgot my handkerchief." ─── 安娜说:“啊呀,糟糕

50、Fred: Darn! I transposed the middle numbers. Thank you. ─── 弗瑞德:哎呀!我把中间的号码弄颠倒了。谢谢!

51、When the little figure had vanished in the darkness the reddleman returned, resumed his seat by the fire, and proceeded to darn again. ─── 他唱的是一个小水手和一个美丽的姑娘,还有收藏起来的金光闪闪的金子。唱到一半,他停了下来:前面山下低坑里射出一道亮光,照出一片飞尘,并传来“啪、啪”的声响。

52、Darn it! She beat me again! ─── 倒霉! 她又比我强了!

53、Darn thats cheap. Where can I get one? ─── 实在便宜啊,我在哪可以买到呢?

54、These are the friendliest darn bulldogs in the world. ─── 它们是世界上最友好的牛头犬。”

55、LL: PDQ stands for "Pretty Darn Quick." You came back from the restroom very quickly, you were PDQ! ─── 噢,你是说我动作快啊,我是不想让你等,当然PDQ啦。

56、As Ed walked in, he got a barrage from me about how I hated his darn dog. ─── 于是待他一回家,我便给了他一顿连珠炮般地责骂,说我是如何如何地讨厌那条该死的狗。

57、But you know what?These are the friendliest darn bulldogs in the world. ─── 但大家知道吗?它们是世界上最友好的牛头犬。”

58、Darn ... just when I start think he have potential, he just drop everything and took another job elsewhere. ─── 差劲 ... 我刚刚开始认为他有潜力,他却丢下一切转到别处工作了。

59、"Oh, darn! I forget to turn on the rice cooker. " ─── 啊,妈的!我忘记开电饭锅的开关

60、Oh well, aside from that, it was a darn nice day. ─── 哦好,除了认为,这是一个织补愉快的一天。

61、Oh, darn! I forgot to turn on the rice cooker. ─── 啊,妈的!我忘记开电饭锅的开关。

62、Oh, darn! That's when the Public Broadcasting network is having that show about the animals of the Andes. ─── 噢,该死!大众广播网播放的“安第斯山脉动物”也正是这个时候。

63、Darn! 罗马 just found some evidence connecting me to a crime and issued a warrant for my arrest. ─── 因为我最近的犯罪记录,我向布加勒斯特提出的市民资格申请已被拒绝。

64、Carol: Why Mike, what in the world are you doing in here when you have that darn English report due? ─── 卡罗尔:好啊,迈克你在这干嘛呀?你别忘了你那篇英语作文还没做好呢?

65、It's those darn 1 ashes slugging them up from the basement all the time. ─── 就因为那些老是从地下室升腾出来的该死的灰末。

66、Darn... just when I start thinking he has potential, he just dropped everything and tocked another job elsewhere. ─── 差劲.....我刚刚开始认为他有潜力,他却丢下一切转到别处工作了。

67、“Love at first sight” is a familiar romantic notion.And in our increasingly fast-paced world, it's darn convenient to think you can tell if you click with someone that quickly. ─── "一见钟情"是罗曼史中常见的信念.而在我们生活步伐日渐加快的世界里,我们如果能够在那么短的时间里就识别自己是否能和某人产生火花实在是太方便了!

68、Daniel: You're darn right. I'm out of style. So what? What's the point of keeping yourself in style? ─── 丹尼尔:你也许说得对。我过时了。那又怎么样?你自己这么赶时髦,有什么意思呢?

69、Thinking over Seed Claim Darn ages ─── 关于种子索赔问题的思考

70、Of course, sometimes it is appropriate to invent new solutions to common problems, but as we discuss further in Chapter 14, you should obey standards unless you have a darn good reason not to. ─── 当然,有时也有必要发明一些老问题的新解决方案。 但是正如我们将在第14章中详细讨论的,你还是应该遵从标准;除非你有十足的理由。

71、George shifted his position in the bed. He hadn't looked away from her since she started to speak.'You look pretty darn nice,' he said. ─── 乔治在床上换了一下位置。自从她开始讲话时,他就一直在瞧着她。“你看起来够漂亮的了,”他说。

72、Carol: Oh, no. Darn it! You know how I love to see Gods creatures in cages, but I have to study. ─── 卡罗尔:噢,你知道我是多么喜欢看笼子里的那些飞禽走兽,可是我得温课。

73、You work pretty darn hard to get a customer. ─── 你竭尽全力为了获得一个客户。

74、When a dog comes home from a walk filthy and smelling of something unmentionable, the temptation sometimes is to throw the darn thing in the washing machine. ─── 当一只狗狗脏兮兮地跑步回家,身上散发出难以名状的恶臭时,对狗主人而言,最想做的事情恐怕就是把这只脏东西丢进这种洗澡机。

75、Darn! I can't use my hair-dryer. I should have brought an adaptor. ─── * 该死,我不能用我的吹风机。我应该带转接器来的。

76、But watch out for those darn penguins! ─── 但是要小心那些可恶的企鹅哦!

77、Christopher's quick reply was, "darn, I knew we should have bought it sooner! ─── 克里斯托弗迅速的回答道:“唉,早就知道我们该早点买礼物的了!

78、I was thinking exactly the same thing - he has gorgeous handwriting. Nothing chicken-scratch about it...lovely flowing letters, little flourishes.... Even his darn handwriting gets to me!!!! ─── 以下是一些外文论坛上关于这张照片的讨论留言,很有意思,值得一看,与国内的评论比较就更有意思了。

79、They darn getting more and more expensive Made in China stuff, all darn the same as costy as gas price. ─── 。他们的纺织品比中国货贵很多(越来越贵),这些纺织品的价钱就跟石油一样(贵)。

80、If you asked your dinner party guests to temporarily abandon their soup and step into the pantry, the smooth flow of conversation would be broken, which is clearly to be avoided unless you have a darn good reason for dragging them in there. ─── 如果你请宴会上的客人暂时停止喝汤,并进入食品储藏室。 这样将会打破流畅的会话流和温暖的友谊,除非你有十足的好理由。

81、Perfect buttonhole will be sewn automatically to match button. Also used for "Quick Darn" on Memory Craft Machines. ─── 一步骤开扣眼专用压脚以后方钮扣比对区可以一模一样车出相同大小之扣洞,并且可记忆钮扣大小。

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