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09-02 投稿


clapboards 发音

英:[?kl?b?rd]  美:[?kl?pb??d]

英:  美:

clapboards 中文意思翻译





clapboards 短语词组

1、clapboards rough side ─── 隔板粗糙面

2、clapboards lowes ─── 隔板下部

3、clapboards maine ─── 缅因州隔板

4、clapboards roof ─── 隔板屋顶

5、clapboards pvc ─── 隔板pvc

6、clapboards definition ─── 隔板定义

7、clapboards meaning ─── 隔板的含义

clapboards 词性/词形变化,clapboards变形


clapboards 相似词语短语

1、clipboards ─── 剪贴板;带夹子的写字板

2、lapboard ─── n.膝板,放在膝上代替桌子的小板

3、clipboard ─── n.剪贴板;附有纸夹的笔记板

4、clapboard ─── n.护墙板;桶板;vt.遮以护墙板;adj.装有护墙楔形板的

5、clapperboards ─── n.拍板;场记板(拍电影时用的)

6、lapboards ─── n.膝板,放在膝上代替桌子的小板

7、flipboards ─── 翻转板

8、clapboarded ─── n.护墙板;桶板;vt.遮以护墙板;adj.装有护墙楔形板的

9、cupboards ─── n.碗橱;橱子(cupboard的复数)

clapboards 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The chunk of metope of upper part of the head of a bed, computer is blank, if mount connects mural clapboard, immediateness became a concise and beautiful small bookshelf. ─── 床头、电脑上方墙面的大块空白,假如装上连壁隔板,即刻就变成了一个简洁美观的小书架。

2、Comparison of end wall heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics was made between two kinds of rectangular clapboards and two kinds of waved clapboard in the turbine bl. ─── 主要讨论了在通道其它结构均相同的条件下分别采用4种不同结构的隔板(2种孔径的矩形隔板与2种孔径的波形隔板),研究隔板中孔径大小对通道换热和流阻的影响。

3、The clapboard among casing separates casing, left casing installs the clear lotion of water and so on, right is empty. ─── 箱体中间的隔板把箱体隔开,左边箱体装水之类的清洗液,右边是空的。

4、The wind had ripped away the clapboards and exposed the studding. ─── 风刮掉了护墙板,显露出壁骨材料。

5、Clapboards considered as a group; siding. ─── 封檐板,风雨板一组隔板;披迭板

6、The compensating rings of axle bush are redesigned and interval between impellers and clapboards are adjusted. ─── 重新设计轴瓦补偿圈 ,调整叶轮与隔板之间的间隙 ;

7、stereo space is permanent commonly, can the upside partition wall face or ark of full strike out, cabinet, wear clapboard, in order to place books and periodicals, place with clothings things. ─── 立体分隔一般是永久性的,可以把隔断墙面的上部或全部做成柜、橱、架隔板,以放置书刊、摆件和衣物用品。

8、On wall adornment, the local ornament of woodiness clapboard, glass and metal, more added many aesthetic feeling to contemporary kitchen. ─── 在墙壁装饰上,木质护墙板、玻璃和金属的局部点缀,更给现代厨房增添了不少美感。

9、light clapboard ─── 光隔板

10、Two cavities beyond two clapboards are working cavities of component. ─── 两隔板之外的两个腔体为元器件工作腔;

11、Grout replacing of slop or water to inflatable packed external packer eliminates the hidden trouble of packer invalidation, which is equal to make a permanence firmly clapboard among layers. ─── 其技术方案是用水泥浆替代泥浆或者水来胀封管外封隔器就消除了封隔器失效的隐患,相当于在层与层之间打上了永久坚固的隔板。

12、This article illuminates the deformation of welding clapboard on turbin e machine 200MW,and its damage to the unit,which often occur in domestic power p lants. ─── 阐述了200MW汽轮机焊接隔板变形这一在国内电站中多次出现的问题,以及由于隔板变形而对机组带来的危害。

13、Case is worn - - bend processing through doing acute angle to fold in the section of all clapboard, case wears openly modelling to look to be appeared more gently from visual effect. ─── 格架--通过在所有隔板的断面都做锐角折弯处理,格架正面造型从视觉效果上看更加轻透。


15、chemical clapboard ─── 化学隔板

16、However, the method was not so good in respect of reducing fuel air ratio at lean blowout by inserting clapboard into two domes. ─── 采取加在头部之间插入隔板的措施来降低燃烧室贫油熄火比,效果并不显著。

17、Or the attempt replaces adornment ark with simple clapboard, can make full use of already metope, can have distinct adornment effect again. ─── 或尝试用简单的隔板来代替装饰柜,既可充分利用墙面,又能起到独特的装饰效果。

18、Clapboards considered as a group;siding. ─── 封檐板,风雨板一组隔板;

19、ExxonMobil's Polyethylene Cellular Film Used in Clapboard of HEV Lithium-Ion Storage Battery ─── 锂离子蓄电池隔板用聚乙烯多孔薄膜

20、Keywords ladle furnace;close-packed tubular water-cooled cover;clapboard water-cooled cover;decalescence intension; ─── 密排管式水冷炉盖;隔板水箱式水冷炉盖;吸热强度;

21、body across clapboard ─── 机体横隔板

22、Analysis of properties of a loaded clapboard H-T ─── 加载隔板的H面T性能分析

23、Clapboards considered as a group; siding. ─── 封檐板,风雨板一组隔板;

24、Wait to be able to be put on mesa or clapboard as to toilet articles and toothpaste, toilet soap, go to the lavatory already use, also save a space. ─── 此外,在餐厅靠墙处设计落地餐具柜,除了改善用餐气氛,收纳餐具之外,也能够弥补厨房空间的不足。

25、Furthermore, the maximum and minimum cleaning angle and sliding angle of seeds in the scoop were determined, the angle of clapboards hatch and the thickness of scoop top were derived. ─── 建立了持种空间及在排种平面投影的理论计算公式,分析了持种空间随分种勺结构参数和工作位置的变化。

26、It is plasterboard adds vitreous clapboard, Tie Yi above the partition between sitting room and balcony for push-pull type ground ark increased practical function below modelling. ─── 客厅与阳台间的隔断上面是石膏板加玻璃隔板、铁艺造型下面为推拉式地柜增加了实用功能。

27、Common chest is designed very simply, clapboard is very few, time grows, the dress went down after all, break up farfetchedly, search sweatingly. ─── 普通的衣柜都设计得非常简单,隔板都很少,时间一长,衣服就到底下去了,翻得乱七八糟,找得满头大汗。

28、In the meantime, original window was withheld in cloakroom, add white clapboard, make whole space immediately clear a lot of. ─── 同时,在衣帽间里保留了原有的窗户,加上白色的隔板,使整个空间顿时敞亮了许多。

29、clapboard radius ─── 隔板半径

30、The pattern inside also is agile diversity, clapboard is OK more freedom disassembles, combination, the rail that hangs clothings also has much group, deposit accident dress apart. ─── 里面的格局也是灵活多样的,隔板多是可以自由拆卸、组合,挂衣物的横杆也有多组,将长短衣服分开存放。

31、Design of the Bi-directional Bending and Pressing Die for the Side Clapboard of the Air-conditioner ─── 空调器侧隔板双向弯曲压形模设计

32、If be a frame in ground floor, can smoke clapboard completely from, with iron a basket with netting on top or other and easy pull extraction container to replace. ─── 假如是位在底层的架子,可以将隔板完全抽离,以铁网篮或其他轻易拉取的容器替代。


34、Keywords mill;double clapboard;collapse; ─── 磨机;双层隔板仓;倒塌;

35、and four clapboards are respectively arranged at the two ends of the annular groove and divide the annular groove into four regions. ─── 四个隔板分别设在环形凹槽的两端并将环形凹槽分成四个区域。

36、Application of elastic groundwork clapboard vibration in tunnel environment protection ─── 弹性地基板隔振在隧道环境保护中的应用

37、At least one material-tilting board is arranged on each clapboard vertically. ─── 每个隔板上垂直地安装有至少一个翻料板。

38、2) the clapboard between the carpet that uses low volatile organic compound and gesso; ─── 2)使用低挥发性有机化合物的地毯和石膏间隔板;

39、clapboard siding ─── 栔形护墙板

40、middle clapboard depth ─── 中间隔板深度

41、If the color of equestrian clapboard follows the shade of ceramic tile can mutual echo, the design between Wei Yu is met more see outstanding. ─── 要是马桶板的颜色跟瓷砖的色彩能互相呼应,卫浴间的设计会更见出色。

42、4 clapboard also call hanger, sitting room ark reveals a center mediumly. ─── 4隔板也叫吊架,客厅柜中的展示中心。

43、Clapboard was painted however pure white, for the sake of the interval on the vision is being caused between the wall paper with unique design and floor tile. ─── 护墙板却被漆成了纯白色,为的是在设计独特的墙纸和地砖之间造成视觉上的间隔。

44、It can be used as all kinds of linings for industrial furnaces, heat resis-tance materials, heat clapboard in furnaces, lining for high heat ce-raminc furnaces, flame blocking board for stokehole. ─── 适用于各种工业窑炉壁衬材料,高温设备隔热材料,窑炉炉温分隔板,高温陶瓷窑衬里,炉门档火板。

45、Three pieces of clapboard with different length were placed between two domes to eliminate their mutual effects. ─── 采用了三种不同长度的隔板来研究减少两个头部之间相互影响。

46、clapboard flocculation pond; ─── 隔板絮凝池;

47、Industrial usage board (including wire/cable wrapping, class/steel board wrapping, cushion, rack, clapboard, soleplate, separator, etc ─── 工业用板,包括电线电缆外覆包装保护,玻璃、钢板、各种物品外包装保护,垫板、置物架、隔板、底板、隔卡等;

48、The quantity of heat released from the clapboard aftercooler was neglected, which is because the heat is drained into the atmosphere straightly and it won’t join into the air flow in the sets cabin. ─── 隔板后空冷器散发出来的热量可由排气口直接排入大气,不参与机组舱内部的流动,故不考虑其影响。

49、Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Flat Sheet, Roofing and Siding Shingles, and Clapboards ─── 无石棉的纤维水泥平面薄板、屋面板、墙面板和护墙板取样和测试用标准试验方法

50、Longitudinal clapboard ─── 纵隔板

51、She is special installed a few small clapboard more on wall. ─── 她非凡在墙壁上多安装了几个小隔板。

52、Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Flat Sheet, Roofing and Siding Shingles, and Clapboards ─── 无石棉的纤维水泥平面薄板、屋面板、墙面板和护墙板

53、clapboard polarizer ─── 隔板极化器

54、Adjustable type clapboard is the bookshelf that can be you freedom choosing matchs. ─── 可调式隔板是可以为你的书架自由选配的。

55、The paper introduces the analysis of 500MW steam turbine low pressure cylinder clapboard s cracks and introduces the way to settle it. ─── 对某发电厂500MW汽轮机低压缸40级隔板中分面出现的裂纹进行了分析,并介绍了处理情况,确定了正确合理的补焊方案及工艺,供铸铁件补焊修复缺陷时参考。

56、Freely moving clapboards provide more possibilities for the space. ─── 自由移动的隔板为空间提供更多的可能性。

57、As a result, people who still live in log houses usually have nailed clapboard on the outsides and plastered the insides to modernize them. ─── 于是仍居住在木屋的人们便在木屋外层钉上隔板,在内墙上涂上厚厚的水泥,以显得时髦。

58、chemical clapboard water shutoff ─── 化学隔板堵水

59、I remember the shabby little clapboard house we all grew up in.But it had an enviable nice little plot with a kitchen garden bordered by lilac bushes. ─── 我还记得我们在那儿长大的破烂不堪的小隔板屋但在那儿有一小块让人羡慕的带有菜园的地,四周由丁香花丛围着。

60、Ornamental of car and van, clapboard, container, insulate fence ─── 汽车和货车装饰,隔板,集装箱,隔离栏,轮船隔仓板

61、If can satisfy the deposit that kitchen belongings tastes, with respect to the use that can reduce an ark, convert clapboard, look more relaxed on one hand, save fund on one hand. ─── 假如可以满足厨房所有物品的储藏,就可以减少顶柜的使用,改用隔板,一方面看起来更清爽,一方面节省资金。

62、the clapboard position and radius were optimized and the effect was predicted by using the numerical simulation; ─── 确定了堵水位置,通过数值模拟预测了堵水效果,并优化了隔板位置和隔板半径;

63、Mechanical Characteristic Analysis of Long-span Stable Bridge Steel-deck Surfacing with Longitudinal Clapboard ─── 大跨径斜拉桥设纵隔板对钢桥面铺装力学特性的影响

64、1.Buying furniture previously, can check the doorcase of chest, horizontal stroke board, clapboard and drawer, see the brim whether pass processing, have sealing side. ─── 1.在购买家具以前,可以检查一下衣柜的门框、横板、隔板和抽屉,看看边缘是否经过处理,有没有封边。

65、A few opinions on improving the quality and absorbency of the fiberglass clapboard paper ─── 改进吸收型玻璃纤维隔板纸质量的几点看法

66、Flexible use of space, each drawer of clapboard two activities can be freely adjusted in the drawer space, increasing segregation function. ─── 弹性空间运用,每个抽屉附活动隔板二片,可以随意调整屉内空间,增加分类功能。

67、double clapboard ─── 双层隔板仓

68、Clapboards considered as a group; siding. ─── 檐板,风雨板:一组隔板;披迭板。

69、The wind had ripped away the clapboards and exposed the studding ─── 风刮掉了护墙板,显露出壁骨材料。

70、Prolong the Service Life of Tubes of Heat Exchangers Using Clapboard Replacement Method ─── 隔板移位法延长换热器列管的使用寿命

71、Indoor Environment: wine red wooden wall, brown clapboard, a large-scale wooden wine barrel, old-type sea rover, long telescope, the broken fishnet, a compass map on the tabl , and wooden stairs ─── 室内环境:酒红色的木头墙壁,褐色的护墙板,胖胖的木头酒筒用钉子箍着,还有古旧的海盗船,航海的长望远镜,墙上的破鱼网,桌上的航海图,走起来咚咚做响的木头楼梯。

72、“an unassuming assemblage of clapboard buildings, Quonset storage huts, and docks” (Christian Science Monitor). ─── “一堆毫不起眼的隔板建筑物,匡西特储藏屋和船坞”(基督教科学箴言报)。

73、Should pay attention to more with efficient freezer special disinfectant comes the blind angle such as chamfer of in-house to freezer drop cistern, clapboard undertakes eject is disinfected. ─── 更应该注重用高效的冰箱专用消毒剂来对冰箱内部的滴水槽、隔板槽等死角进行喷射消毒。

74、contact flocculation vane and clapboard ─── V型斜板

75、Influence of the clapboard on electromagnetic field and resonant frequency within the resonant cavity of microwave plasma thruster ─── 谐振腔隔板对微波等离子推力器特性的影响

76、a clapboard house; a clapboard roof. ─── 装有楔形板的房子;装有楔形板的屋顶

77、The fireproof clapboard can also be assembled into 3-way, 4-way, and all kinds of elbow, etc; ─── 防火隔板还可拼接成三通、四通、各类弯头等;

78、So too does the protestor silently smoking a cigarette underneath the clapboard 'End Nuclear Proliferation' sign, an outpost supposedly manned round the clock since 1981. ─── 同样的,这种差异在那个站在“停止核扩散”标语牌下默默抽烟的抗议者身上也得到了体现。

79、a)Depend on your requirement, we add clapboard in each drawer, without adding any charges. ─── 按你的要求,我们在每个抽屉里增加了隔板,但并没有增加任何费用.

80、clapboard shroud band ─── 隔板围带

81、The Effect of Different Clapboards Structure in Turbine Blade Trailing Edge Complex Passages on Heat Transfer Characteristics ─── 涡轮叶片尾缘复合通道中隔板结构对换热特性的影响

82、Of new-style and compound clapboard appearance act in an opera, with its adornment goes to the lavatory, design and color is more, avoid lacquer to exempt plane, had been welcomed by people. ─── 新型复合护墙板的登台唱戏,以其装饰方便,花色较多,免漆免刨,已经受到人们欢迎。

83、Store content wearing includes to put a team basically (side column + clapboard + across secures lever) and store content box. ─── 储物架包括基本搁架组(侧柱+隔板+交叉固定杆)和储物盒。

84、This light, straight-grained wood has many applications. It is considered the best wood for framing (construction timber) and is used for pulpwood, and is sawn into clapboards as well. ─── 这种轻巧的直纹木材有很多应用。它被认为是最好的建筑木材。而且它也是纸浆原料。另可被制作成护墙板。

85、The experimental results indicate that the nylon clapboards of the pulse forming line have no flashover along the surfaces at 3.6 MV. ─── 实验结果表明:在3.6 MV脉冲电压作用下,脉冲形成线的前后尼龙隔板未出现表面闪络等绝缘问题,脉冲形成线的绝缘满足设计要求。

86、The clapboards' distance in the expansion cabin imposes most of its influence on the side plating and deck of the expansion cabin while litter on the inboard structures of water cabin. ─── 受膨胀舱中隔板间距疏密影响的,主要是膨胀舱中甲板及横舱壁,液舱往里结构所受影响很小。

87、The ceiling, fluctuation wall, the upside of clapboard, can use bright color, and the bottom of clapboard, the ground uses dark color, make the person feels indoor core is stable. ─── 天花板,上下壁,护墙板的上部,可使用明亮色彩,而护墙板的下部,地面使用暗色,使人感到室内重心稳定。

88、Liquid crystal display: Clapboard temperature curve, cry trapping temperature curve, sample temperature curve. ─── 液晶显示:隔板温度曲线、冷阱温度曲线、样品温度曲线;

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