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09-02 投稿



curbstone 发音

英:['k??bst??n]  美:['k?b,ston]

英:  美:

curbstone 中文意思翻译



curbstone 短语词组

1、curbstone 911 ─── 路缘石911

2、curbstone broker ─── 路士通经纪人

3、curbstone band ─── 路缘石带

4、curbstone car ─── 路边石车

5、curbstone def ─── 路缘石定义

6、curbstone c3 ─── 路缘石c3

7、curbstone cost ─── 路缘石成本

8、curbstone santa cruz ─── 圣克鲁斯路缘石

9、curbstone exchange ─── 路缘石交易所

curbstone 词性/词形变化,curbstone变形

动词现在分词: curbing |动词第三人称单数: curbs |动词过去分词: curbed |动词过去式: curbed |

curbstone 相似词语短语

1、cornstone ─── n.玉米灰岩

2、curbstones ─── n.路边石

3、rubstone ─── n.砥石

4、burrstone ─── n.粗刻边;钻器

5、cut stone ─── [建]琢石

6、kerbstone ─── n.镶边石;井栏石;侧石

7、turnstone ─── n.翻石鹬(性喜翻石觅食)

8、kerbstones ─── n.镶边石;井栏石;侧石

9、burstone ─── n.磨石

curbstone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He pulled over beside the curbstone and smoked a cigarette. ─── 他把车停在马路牙子边,抽了根烟。

2、Yet the new basic education curricula show the curbstone and the unspecialized which cause the historic lack of new basic education curricula. ─── 新基础教育课程表现出明显的淡专业性、非专业性和去专业性,这是新基础教育课程的历史性越位的具体表现,造成的是新基础教育课程的历史性缺失。

3、Luo An says, chongqing is beginning to create negotiable securities curbstone market (OTC) , preparatory job divides level to undertake. ─── 罗广说,重庆正在着手设立证券场外交易市场(OTC),筹备工作分两阶段进行。

4、I stepped out musing, and almost walked over a vagabond who was eating his dinner on the curbstone ─── 我一边沉思,一边走出去,差点没踩在一个流浪汉身上,他正坐在街沿石上吃饭。

5、All kinds of Granite and Marble for building and construction like : Floor tile, Vanity, Counter top,fireplace,pavings,small cubes, curbstone, garden decoration , sculpture etc. ─── 生产和出口用于建筑方面的各种国产和进口的花岗岩和大理石.如:板材,地铺,洗脸台,工作台面,壁炉,各种园林用石,雕刻等.

6、curbstone seal ─── 反L形密封

7、From the curbstone he darted a keen glance through the door of the postoffice ─── 他从人行道的边石那儿朝邮政局门口投了锐利的一瞥

8、curbstone (kerbstone) ─── 道牙石

9、curbstone broker ─── 场外交易经纪人

10、Since the limitation of securities business and the venture of curbstone trade, property rights market will be the mainly ideal trade place of foreign-capital M&A. ─── 由于证券市场的局限性和场外交易的风险性,产权市场将会成为外资并购理想的主要交易场所。

11、a blind stripling stood tapping the curbstone with his slender cane . no tram in sight. ─── 一个年轻的盲人站在那儿用根细杖敲着人行道的边石。

12、all kind of blocks such as hollow block, curbstone, interlock block, grass block, slope block. ─── 各种外墙砌块、内墙砌块、花墙砌块、地面砖、护坡块、还可生产联锁路面砌块和路边石等砌块。

13、curbstone spreading ─── 路缘石摊铺

14、from the curbstone he darted a keen glance through the door of the postoffice ─── 他从人行道的边石那儿朝邮政局门口投了锐利的一瞥。

15、Making all kind of blocks such as hollow block,curbstone ,interlock block,grass block,slope block. ─── 各种外墙砌块、内墙砌块、花墙砌块、地面砖、护坡块、还可生产联锁路面砌块和路边石等砌块。

16、It is to dog actively next the working course that Chinese card inspect can build national curbstone market, timely bring into Chongqing system of countrywide curbstone market. ─── 其次是积极跟踪中国证监会建立全国性场外交易市场的工作进程,适时将重庆纳入全国场外交易市场体系。

17、A curbstone commentator. ─── 缺乏经验的评论员

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