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09-02 投稿


bourgeon 发音

英:[['b?:d??n]]  美:[['b?:d??n]]

英:  美:

bourgeon 中文意思翻译



bourgeon 同义词

middle class

bourgeon 反义词


bourgeon 词性/词形变化,bourgeon变形

动词现在分词: bourgeoisifying |动词过去分词: bourgeoisified |动词过去式: bourgeoisified |动词第三人称单数: bourgeoisifies |

bourgeon 短语词组

1、bourgeon cheese ─── 勃艮干酪

2、bourgeon french ─── 勃艮第法语

3、bourgeon image ─── 布尔金形象

4、bourgeon mammaire ─── 乳房芽

5、bourgeon capital ─── 布尔金

6、bourgeon foods ─── 布隆食品公司

7、bourgeon france ─── 法国勃艮第

bourgeon 相似词语短语

1、bourgeoned ─── 勃艮第

2、bourbon ─── n.波旁威士忌酒(产于美国,用玉米和黑麦酿制);(法国的)波旁皇族;政治上之极端保守分子;波旁岛(现为留尼汪岛)

3、burgeons ─── vi.萌芽,发芽;迅速增长;n.芽,嫩枝

4、Sturgeon ─── n.鲟鱼;n.(Sturgeon)人名;(英)斯特金

5、burgeon ─── vi.萌芽,发芽;迅速增长;n.芽,嫩枝

6、bludgeon ─── vt.恫吓;用棍棒打;猛烈攻击;n.棍棒;攻击;vi.恫吓;用棍棒打;猛烈攻击

7、bourdon ─── n.波尔东低音音栓;n.(Bourdon)(美)布尔东(人名)

8、bourgeois ─── adj.中产阶级的;世俗的;资产阶级的;n.中产或资产阶级分子;n.(Bourgeois)(美、巴)布儒瓦(人名)

9、bourgeons ─── 芽

bourgeon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、high concentration of IAA, JA and GA can inhibit the bug's bourgeon, and control protein degradation. ─── 高浓度的IAA、JA、GA 会抑制芽的萌发,从而可以调控蛋白质的降解。


3、The Studies on Mechanism of NaOH Solution to Restrain Onion Bulb Bourgeon ─── NaOH溶液抑制洋葱鳞茎萌发的生理机制的研究

4、Characteristics of urban geologic hazard are that mans activity plays an important role in bourgeon, development and form process of geologic hazard. ─── 摘要城市地质灾害的特点在于,地质灾害的萌发、发展和形成过程中人类活动起了非常重要的作用。

5、Intimidation of low temperature had the effect on the bourgeon of different chili ─── 低温胁迫对不同辣椒品种种子萌发的影响

6、JA content in the leaves and the flower buds in male-sterile line was lower than its normal variety, as endogenous pollen bourgeon regulator, JA might restrain the bourgeon of pollen. ─── 无论是叶片还是花蕾,JA含量不育系低于可育系,JA可能作为内源的花粉萌发调节剂抑制花粉的萌发,可以认为,JA含量在不育系的降低可能与亚麻雄性不育的发生有某种联系。

7、The Studies on Mechanism of NaOH Solution to Restrain Onion Bulb Bourgeon ─── NaOH溶液抑制洋葱鳞茎萌发的生理机制的研究

8、Bourgeon, location distribution and growth of porosity anodic oxide film affected by the formed air bubble were brought forward. ─── 由此提出气泡的产生会影响多孔型阳极氧化膜孔的萌生、位置分布以及孔的生长。

9、Bourgeon, location distribution and growth of porosity anodic oxide film affected by the formed air bubble were brought forward. ─── 由此提出气泡的产生会影响多孔型阳极氧化膜孔的萌生、位置分布以及孔的生长。

10、Effect of Lanthanide on the Bourgeon of Betula platyphylla Seed ─── 镧系元素对白桦种子萌发效应的影响

11、He bourgeon the idea that put all the routes of the public in beijing together and make up a brochure in order to service everyone since that time. ─── 从那时起他萌生了这种想法:把北京所有的公交线路都收集到一起,编成一本册子为大家服务。

12、and the pinks bourgeon in the ribbed yellow sand. ─── 石竹则把叶脉埋在黄沙之中。

13、Effect of Yeast in ess of Crop Straws on Bourgeon in Soybean Seed ─── 秸秆发酵液对大豆种子萌发的影响

14、Effect of priming and drying treatment on tobacco seed in their bourgeon ─── 烟草种子萌发过程中引发回干的效应分析

15、In the examination of the germination of cabbage, we know there some inclusion in the seed capsule what can restrain the bourgeon of the holly seed. ─── 通过种皮浸提液对白菜种子发芽、苗高及根长生长影响的研究,表明冬青种子种皮中存在着抑制物质,这些抑制物质对冬青种子萌发起着一定的抑制作用。

16、Bourgeon and growth of oxide film hole were discussed by setting up a model about the forming of oxide film hole under the effects of air bubble. ─── 通过建立气泡作用下氧化面孔洞形成的几何模型来探讨氧化膜孔萌生与生长。

17、un bourgeon tout vert apparut sur la cime de l arbre, ─── 树顶上长出了嫩绿色的新芽,

18、The bourgeon rate of its spores was 100%. ─── 测得孢子的萌发率为100%。

19、variations in the shape, volume, location and number of bourgeon -hole channels and veins on surface of pollen among pollens of TRP. ─── 花粉粒的形状结构之间表现出丰富的变异:体积与形状多样,萌发孔沟的数量及位置不固定,外壁表面的纹饰特征彼此不同等等;

20、Intimidation of low temperature had the effect on the bourgeon of different chili ─── 低温胁迫对不同辣椒品种种子萌发的影响

21、Studying on the part biochemistry mechanism of seed bourgeon and seedling resisting adversity in cucumber soaked with ammonia-resistant Strains of N_2-fixing bacteria. ─── 本试验采用耐氨固氮菌浸种处理黄瓜种子,研究了耐氨固氮菌对黄瓜种子萌发及幼苗抗逆境的部分生化机理。

22、In the war of ancient bourgeon shape, there is no justice and injustice moral judgment.The war hero's act is not only the standard of social rational value judgment but also the norm of ethic moral. ─── 在古代萌发形态的战争中,没有正义与非正义的道德判定,战争英雄的行为既是是社会理性价值判断的尺度,又是伦理道德的规范;

23、Effect of Yeast in ess of Crop Straws on Bourgeon in Soybean Seed ─── 秸秆发酵液对大豆种子萌发的影响

24、Architecture's beauty, is gradual bourgeon from inner place to outside, from the dweller's need and mental disposition. The dweller is the only architect. ─── 建筑之美,是由内而外逐渐萌发的,是从居住者的需求和秉性中萌发的,居住者才是唯一的建筑师。

25、Dormancy and bourgeon ─── 休眠与萌发

26、meanwhile conidiophore shrinked, bourgeon rate decreased dramatically. ─── 分生孢子变瘪,凹陷,萌发率明显降低。

27、The high concentration of IAA, JA and GA can inhibit the bug's bourgeon, and control protein degradation. ─── 高浓度的IAA、JA、GA 会抑制芽的萌发,从而可以调控蛋白质的降解。

28、Effect of priming and drying treatment on tobacco seed in their bourgeon ─── 烟草种子萌发过程中引发回干的效应分析

29、The seed bourgeon ,seedling growth ,crop yield and heavy metals contents were influenced by contaminated soil. ─── 土壤重金属污染影响了种子萌发、幼苗生长、作物产量及体内重金属含量,探讨了污染土壤的酶学评价方法。

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