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09-02 投稿



summing 发音

英:[?s?m??]  美:[?s?m??]

英:  美:

summing 中文意思翻译





summing 常用词组

summing up ─── 总结

summing 词性/词形变化,summing变形

原型:sum 现在分词:summing

summing 短语词组

1、make a summing-up ─── 做总结

2、summing network ─── [计] 求和网络

3、summing junction ─── [计] 求和点

4、summing circuit ─── [计] 加法电路

5、comprehensive summing up ─── 全面总结

6、summing up evidence ─── [法] 证据结论

7、summing integrator ─── [计] 加法积分器

8、summing-up n. ─── 总结, 结论, 评估 [法] 证据概述, ─── 总结, 结论

9、summing point ─── [计] 求和点

10、force-summing device ─── [电] 力和设备

11、summing up ─── 总结

12、summing amplifier ─── [计] 加法放大器

13、summing unit ─── [计] 加法器

summing 反义词

wintry |vernal | autumnal

summing 同义词

balmy |summer | sunny | hot | warm

summing 相似词语短语

1、slumming ─── v.去贫穷地方,过贫苦生活(slum的现在分词)

2、stumming ─── n.未发酵的葡萄汁;重酿葡萄酒;vt.用防腐剂防止发酵过度

3、gumming ─── n.树胶分泌;涂胶;v.在…上涂树胶(gum的ing形式);用牙床咀嚼

4、humming ─── adj.发嗡嗡声的;精力旺盛的;n.哼唱;v.嗡嗡作响(hum的ing形式)

5、bumming ─── v.提出要,乞讨;闲荡(bum的现在分词)

6、mumming ─── n.(非正式)妈妈;(非正式)(栽培的)菊花;啤酒;adj.沉默的;守密的;v.在传统假面哑剧中扮演(角色);在英格兰民俗剧中扮演(角色)

7、vumming ─── v.发誓;n.(Vum)(美)奋(人名)

8、samming ─── vt.均湿;n.(Samm)人名;(德)扎姆

9、scumming ─── n.撇渣;吐渣;起脏;v.除去(浮渣);形成浮沫(scum的ing形式)

summing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The sum of meanings and corresponding implications inherent in a term. ─── 内涵一个名辞里固有的含义和暗含意思的总和

2、He contributed a large sum to the hospital. ─── 他对这个医院捐助了一笔巨款。

3、He donated a large sum to the college fund. ─── 他捐赠一大笔钱给学院基金。

4、The clerks figures up the sum on a computer. ─── 办事员用计算机算出总教。

5、He donated a large sum of money to the orphanage. ─── 他给孤儿院捐赠了大笔钱。

6、He deposits a sum of money in the bank each month. ─── 他每月在银行存一笔钱。

7、The company set this sum by for future use. ─── 公司把这笔款留作将来之用。

8、A negotiable certificate attached to a bond that represents a sum of interest due. ─── 利息单证券上的代表一定数目利息的可流通证书

9、His uncle promised him $100 if he could earn a like sum. ─── 他的伯伯答应给他一百美元,如果他能自己挣到同样数目的钱的话。

10、Your real age is the summing up of all the eternal moments of your life. ─── 你的真正年龄是一生中永恒时刻的总和。

11、Summing up the value of chatting he states. ─── 交谈的价值累加起来,他指出。

12、It didn't take him long to sum up the situation. ─── 不用多长时间他就对形势作出了判断。

13、George began borrowing small sum of money to bet on horses, and before he knew it he was in deep. ─── 乔治开始只借少量的钱赌马,但未等他明白过来,已经陷得很深了。

14、Let us sum up our experience before going on. ─── 在继续做之前我们先来总结一下经验吧。

15、He offered us a princely sum for it. ─── 他慷慨出资要将它买下。

16、He's not a man who does things by halves -- either he donates a huge sum to a charity or he gives nothing. ─── 他这个人做事一不做二不休--向慈善事业捐款不捐则已,一捐就是一大笔。

17、A sum of money is stolen from the personnel office. ─── 一笔款项从人事办公室被偷。

18、He made a large sum of subscription to the school. ─── 他向学校捐赠了很大笔钱。

19、He realized a large sum on the investment. ─── 他从那笔投资中捞了一大笔钱。

20、"That's a good way of summing up my lecture," said Mr. Lin warmly. ─── “这是总结我的演讲的一个很好的方式,”林先生热情地说。

21、He nearly give in. After he back home, His mother comfort him, and help him with summing up his falsity . ─── 小明回到家后,他的妈妈安慰了他,并帮他总结错误。

22、He lost a large sum on the stock exchange. ─── 他在证券交易所损失了一大笔钱。

23、He paid a large sum for the house. ─── 他出一笔巨款买了这所房子。

24、A sum of money or bonus paid in addition to a regular price, salary, or other amount. ─── 奖金除常规的价格、工资或其它数目额外增加的一笔钱或奖金

25、His debts foot up to a huge sum. ─── 他欠的债加起来是一笔巨款。

26、You will have to pay quite a sum for the duty. ─── 你得付一大笔关税。

27、He can't command so large a sum of money. ─── 他不能支配这样大笔的款子。

28、Summing up the whole research process, we summarize the main conclusions of this paper and Raise further outlook further about this subject. ─── 对整个研究过程进行全面总结,概括本文研究的主要结论并提出作者的进一步研究展望。

29、How would you sum up your Liverpool career so far? ─── 你怎么总结自己的利物浦生涯?

30、Can you pay a sum of money at the service desk? ─── 你能在服务台付款吗?

31、A device whose output data are a representation of the sum of the numbers represented by its input data. ─── 一种(电子)器件,其输出数据是表示输入数据的数字之和。

32、They made a good and timely summing up of the experiences and lessons. ─── 他们很好地及时地总结了经验教训。

33、He has a nice sum of money put away. ─── 他存了一大笔钱。

34、They get together regularly to sum up their work. ─── 他们经常碰头总结工作。

35、Such a sum he found would go near to ruining him. ─── 他找到的这样一笔钱会毁了他。

36、"Divination" is to predict future developments, and "I Ching" is the theory of summing up the law books of these projections. ─── “卜筮”就是对未来事态的发展进行预测,而《易经》便是总结这些预测规律理论的书。

37、He wanted to sum up strength to deal a final blow. ─── 他想集中力量作好最后一击。

38、Summing up, we see that their industry is forging head at a rate with which at the moment we are unable to keep pace. ─── 总而言之,我们看到他们的工业正以我们目前赶不上的速度飞速发展。

39、The ring sum of two circs is a circ. ─── 两个广义圈的环和是一个广义圈。

40、He has put aside a good sum of money . ─── 他已经储蓄了很多钱。

41、She paid the sum of $200 for dresses. ─── 她买衣服总共花了二百元。

42、The sum of 5 and 3 is 8. ─── 五加三的总和是八。

43、He's put a large sum of money on a new house. ─── 他把一大笔钱投在买一幢新房子上面。

44、was pandemonium in court as the judge gave his summing-up. ─── 当法官做总结时,法庭上一片骚动。

45、A pension is often commutable into a lump sum. ─── 养老金常可改为一次性总付款。

46、The company undertakes self-help management, goal management, through data analysis and summing-up, to find the gap in individual goals. ─── 实行自主管理、目标管理,通过数据分析和总结,找出与目标的差距。

47、He earned a large sum of money. ─── 他赚了一大笔钱。

48、She must have paid a tidy sum for that house. ─── 她买这幢房子想必花了一大笔钱。

49、They presented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son. ─── 他们向学院赠送了一笔款项以纪念他们的儿子。

50、They paid me the princely sum of USD5000. ─── 他们慷慨地给我5000美元。

51、His debts sum up to $2,000. ─── 他共欠了两千美元的债。

52、They clubbed together a large sum. ─── 他们集资到一大笔款子。

53、A cadenza should not break away from the style of the work, it should be like a summing up, an epilogue, but with a little touch of Whoops! ─── 一个华彩乐段应该保持在作品的风格范围内,它应该像一个总结、一个收场白,但是要有一个小小的闪现:喔唷!

54、Received from Miss Wang Juan the sum of two thousand yuan. ─── 今收到王娟小姐还款人民币两千元整。

55、His brother made out the sum to settle the account. ─── 他兄弟拼凑了这笔款子来了结账目。

56、He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund. ─── 他向救济基金捐赠巨资。

57、He embarked a big sum of money in the scheme. ─── 他把大笔钱投入该项计划中。

58、His last sum of money went down the rathole when he tried to save an old friend from bankruptcy. ─── 他在企图挽救他的老朋友免遭破产时白费了他最后一笔钱。

59、Can you sum it up in a few words? ─── 你可以用几句话来总结一下吗?

60、Now, I sum them up in 3 main points. ─── 下面,我将其归纳为三点。

61、He donated no small sum of money to the orphanage. ─── 他给那家孤儿院捐赠了不少的金额。

62、They lost a large sum of money on that project. ─── 他们在那个项目上损失了一大笔钱。

63、He did her out of a sum of money. ─── 他从她手里骗取了一笔钱。

64、He did the sum but got the wrong answer/got the answer wrong. ─── 他做了这道算术题,但答案错了。

65、Sum, for summing a column of numbers. ─── 合计(用来对一列数字求和)。

66、He could spare so considerable a sum. ─── 他要割舍这么可观的一笔钱。

67、The blackmailer tried to extort a large sum of money from him. ─── 勒索者企图向他敲诈一大笔钱。

68、His wife was astonished at the astronomical sum of money he had spent. ─── 他的妻子被他花的天文数字的钱款惊呆了。

69、He was fined the sum of 200. ─── 他被处以200英镑罚金。

70、In a packed and silent court-room the judge began to sum up. ─── 在挤满人的肃静的法庭上,法官开始对诉讼案件加以扼要的评述。

71、To form a partial sum,i.e.,to add without carries. ─── 只形成部分和,即不进位的加。

72、A time measurement for a given computer word to pass a given point as in serial storage delay-lines. All of the bits of a word must pass through the input control gate; the beat is then the sum of all the bits times. ─── 在串行存储延迟线中,计算机字通过某指定点的一种时间度量。该字的所有位必须通过输入控制门,拍则是所有位时间之和。

73、A handsome woman, he thought, summing her up. ─── 他把她打量了一番,认为她是个端庄的女人。

74、you will get the total mass by summing these things. ─── 对这些求总和你会得到总质量。

75、He contributed a large sum of money to the fund. ─── 他捐赠一大笔钱给该基金。

76、An expression that is the sum of a real number and a vector and that contains four terms, one real and three imaginary. ─── 四元数一实数和一矢量的和的表达式,有四个项,一个为实数项,另外三个为虚数项

77、We are sending you a small sum of money in acknowledgement of your help. ─── 为感谢你的帮助我们寄上一小笔钱。

78、He devoted a great sum of money to books. ─── 他们花了一大笔钱买书。

79、The salesgirl asked me if I had the exact sum, since the shop had no change. ─── 女售货员问我有没有正好的钱,因为商店没有零钱。

80、He get pay a piffling sum after week of work. ─── 他工作数周所得甚微。

81、What sum will you go to? It's a good specimen. ─── 你准备出多少钱?这可是个好品种。

82、He cannot get the sum to work out. ─── 他算不出总数。

83、The taxes of all kinds came up to a huge sum. ─── 各种税加起来是一笔巨款。

84、He won a large sum of money and began to live on the fat of the land. ─── 他赢了一大笔钱後便过著养尊处优的生活。

85、Because large sum of metal money is heaved and inconvenient to handle, government issue paper money. ─── 因为大量金属货币使用起来笨重不方便,政府便发行了纸币。

86、He had put by a good sum during a working lifetime. ─── 在他一生的工作中积蓄了一大笔钱。

87、A sum of money paid as bail or surety. ─── 保证金用作保释金或保证金的钱

88、A sum of 500 pounds was awarded to the injured woman by him. ─── 他给了这位受伤的妇女一笔钱--五百英镑。

89、They knocked a clock down for a trifling sum. ─── 他们以微不足道的价格拍卖掉一只钟。

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