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09-02 投稿


funk 发音

英:[f??k]  美:[f??k]

英:  美:

funk 中文意思翻译






funk 网络释义

n. 恐惧;怯懦;恐怖;臭味vt. 害怕;畏缩;使闻到臭味vi. 惊恐;畏缩;发出臭味n. (Funk)人名;(瑞典、德、罗、匈、捷)丰克;(英)芬克

funk 词性/词形变化,funk变形


funk 短语词组

1、blue funk n. ─── 恐惧, 精神紧张

2、doobie funk “doobie funk”

3、Casimir Funk ─── [网络] 波兰人芬克;家冯克;卡西米尔冯克

4、p-funk ─── [网络] P放克音乐;疯客音乐

5、Autenrieth-Funk's method ─── [医] 奥-丰二氏法(检胆甾醇)

6、be in a funk ─── 大为惊恐

7、peter Funk ─── [美国俚语](拍卖中冒充买方引诱抬价的)卖主搭档;卖主托儿;囮子

8、electronic funk ─── 电子恐惧症

9、face funk ─── 不要害怕

10、funk hole ─── 防空洞

11、in a blue funk ─── 惊恐万状

12、funk money ( ─── 为获取高利或保障币值由一国转移到另一国的)流动资金

13、put sb in a funk ─── 把某人吓得要死,使某人胆战心惊

14、free your funk original mix ─── 释放你的funk原创混音

15、china funk ─── 中国胆小鬼

16、e funk ─── 还有芬克

17、jazz funk ─── 爵士舞;阔少

18、in a funk ─── 惊恐万状;意志消沉

19、in a mortal funk ─── 惊恐万状,吓得要命

funk 常用词组

blue funk ─── n. 恐惧;精神紧张

in a blue funk ─── adv. 惊恐万状

funk 习惯用语

1、hell for leather ─── 以最大的速度, 尽快地

2、play hell (and Tommy) with ─── [口]破坏, 糟蹋; 粗暴地对待; 击败, 粉碎; 对...大发脾气, 臭骂

3、put sb. into a funk ─── 使某人吓得要命 ─── 经历一段非常可怕的生活 ─── 玩得很痛快

4、be in a funk ─── 惊恐万状 ─── 意志消沉, 闷闷不乐

5、in a mortal funk ─── [口]惊恐万状, 吓得要死

6、raise Cain ─── 闹事, 闹乱子; 大吵大闹; 提出强烈反抗 ─── 狂欢, 大事庆祝

7、hell and high water ─── 任何困难

8、hell or high water ─── 任何困难

9、hell to pay ─── 严重 的后果, 重大的麻烦

10、hell is broken loose (=all hell broken loose) ─── 可怕的混乱[响声]

11、hell broken loose (=all hell broken loose) ─── 可怕的混乱[响声]

12、hell's bells ─── [表示惊异]喔唷 ─── [表示愤慨、不耐烦等]见鬼! 糟糕!

13、put sb. in a funk ─── 使某人吓得要命

14、hell is broke loose (=all hell broken loose) ─── 可怕的混乱[响声]

15、like hell ─── 拼命地(用于加强语气) ─── [俚]绝不会

16、hell around ─── 混日子, 出入下等酒吧间

17、what the hell ─── (用以加强语气或咒骂)究竟, 到底 (What the hell did you hear? 你究竟听到了什么?) ─── (表示无所谓, 不在乎)算了吧, 管他呢( What the hell, I can make it. 没什么, 我会成功的。)

18、move hell ─── 想尽一切办法

19、when hell freezes over ─── 永远不会

20、in hell ─── (用于加强语气)究竟, 到底

21、the hell of it is... ─── [美俚]妙就妙在..., 糟就糟在...

22、wish to hell ─── 极想; 从心眼里盼望

23、Peter F- ─── 与拍卖人合伙抬价的冒牌出价人 ─── 骗子

24、suffer hell on earth ─── 遭受很大的痛苦, 受尽人间苦难

25、hell on earth ─── 人间地狱

26、smell hell ─── [美]受罪.吃苦头

27、there will be hell to pay ─── 那就麻烦了; 后果不堪设想

28、ride hell for leather ─── 策马飞驰, 拼命奔驰

29、(to) hell and gone ─── [美俚]极远的; 永远的; 破坏得无可挽回的

30、be in a blue fear ─── 不胜惊恐

31、hope to hell ─── 极想; 从心眼里盼望

32、just for the hell of it ─── [美俚]就是为了捣乱; 只是为了好玩

33、hell broke loose (=all hell broken loose) ─── 可怕的混乱[响声]

34、be in a blue funk ─── 不胜惊恐

35、to hell with ─── [口]让...见鬼去

36、raise hell ─── 闹事, 闹乱子; 大吵大闹; 提出强烈反抗 ─── 狂欢, 大事庆祝

37、Hell is paved with good intentions. ─── [谚]通向地狱的道路是由良好的愿望铺成的; 好愿望不一定有好 结果。

38、to beat hell ─── [美俚](作状语)又快又猛地; 拼命 地; 超乎一切, 胜过一切

funk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、be in a funk ─── 大为惊恐

2、The well?known Funk metric ?F? is a projectively flat Finsler metric with constant curvature ?K=-14? and constant S?curvature ?S=12(n+1)F?. ─── Funk度量F是一个射影平坦的Finsler度量,它具有常曲率K=-14和常S 曲率S=12(n+1)F.

3、"The setting is country funk" (Nina Martin) ─── “这里的环境充满了乡土气息”(尼娜·马丁)

4、And that swamp music, you know, swamp funk, swampy blues, swamp rock, whatever, it sounds like those places. ─── 而沼泽音乐,你知道,沼泽韵律,沼泽蓝调,沼泽摇滚等等,它听起来像那些地方。

5、The Funk Of Forty Thousand Years ─── 四千年的怖妖

6、put someone in a funk ─── 使某人吓得要命,吓坏某人

7、May we have your attention please... 17th April at SONG BAR... SCIENCE OF SOUNDS is going to FUNK U! ─── 大家请注意:4月17日就在“颂”,科学之声带你一起大玩转!

8、In fact he was prescient to begin selling newspapers before the industry hit the funk it is in now. ─── 事实上,他在报业还没有陷入今天这样的恐慌局面之时开始卖报纸确是先见之举。??

9、Temp of the Damned comes into play with a number of funk counters on it equal to the die roll. ─── 地狱亡魂之诱进场时,上面有相当于你所掷出点数的畏惧指示物。

10、But now the agency is in perhaps the worst funk in its history. ─── 但是目前这个机构可能是处于历史上的最低点。

11、But Mr.Obama is bucking a deep private-sector funk. ─── 但欧巴马要力拒深入民间的惊恐和畏缩。

12、If you remain in a blue funk too long, it can make you ill ─── 如果你长期陷于沮丧状况时,可能会使你生病。

13、The unguis and mouth look like a hook,make us feel funk or enjoy it; it's beauty from mightiness also is acuity and make more painter giving highly praise . ─── 它那如钩的爪和嘴,令人恐惧,也令人欣赏,是强力之美,也是尖锐之美,引无数画家竞折腰

14、The experience of eat drink funk bet and smoke ─── 吃干赌喝抽烟的经验,这也太毒了吧

15、Buss, responsible for eight of those NBA titles, recently took a huge step toward that alteration by spending millions to acquire Pau Gasol, breaking out of the funk of the last three seasons, making a city howl again. ─── 巴斯获得了8次NBA总冠军头衔,最近做了一次巨大的改动,花了数百万获得了加索尔,打破了上三个赛季的沉闷局面,使整个城市又开始沸腾。

16、But there are crucial differences between downloading fiction and downloading funk. ─── 但下载小说和下载那些重金属音乐之间却有很大的不同。

17、It has powerful ability to kill bacteria, preventing the carpet from going moldy, funk and other odors caused by bacteria. ─── 具有特效杀灭细菌功能,防止因细菌滋生而导致的地毯发霉,变臭及异味。

18、They are in blue funk ,They are too scared to do anything. ─── 他们处在极度恐惧当中,吓得任何事情都不敢做。

19、1 Lagreze WD, Bomer TG, Funk J.Effect of surgical technique on the increase in intraocular pressure after cataract exrtaction.Ophthalmic Surg Lasers1996; ─── 2胡超雄.白内障超声乳化及人工晶体植入术联合小梁切除术临床观察.眼外伤职业眼病杂志2000;

20、Now capitalism is in a funk in its heartlands. ─── 如今,资本主义的核心地区惶恐不安。

21、They are in blue funk,They are too scared to do anything. ─── 他们处在极度恐惧当中,吓得一件事情都不敢做。

22、He always enjoyed listening to progressive rock, hard rock, heavy metal, funk, blues and reggae. ─── 他总是喜欢听前卫摇滚,硬摇滚,重金属,放克,蓝调,雷鬼音乐。

23、Have you ever heard run of the true love? You've got to get out of your blue funk first and try to see her again. ─── 你有没有听说过真正的爱情道路不平坦这句话?你首先得振作起来,然后再设法去见她。

24、Supported by Black Cat Bone : as Beijing's baddest blues experience they combine the best of blues, rock, RnB, soul, funk and more. ─── 嘉兵:黑猫骨: 北京最纯正的蓝调音乐,融合了最棒的布鲁斯、摇滚、R&B、灵魂乐、放克和更多元素。当他们走上舞台,你将和他们的音乐融为一体。

25、So I try and fuck up his funk. ─── 基本上就是年轻人的嫉妒。”

26、Hip pop or funk music begins blaring from Club Paradiso and Club Melkweg. ─── 嘻哈流行音乐或放克音乐首先出现在天堂俱乐部和梅尔奎威格俱乐部。

27、I was at loose ends and in a funk. ─── 我无所事事,心情愁苦。

28、Let's Funk!! Make the taste like Fruit!!? FunkyFruit is me!! ─── 其实我只想说,为什么又是小明?小明你又顽皮了。。。。

29、Funk Shui - A night of raw uncut deep funk, rowdy afrobeat to smooth soul, with Motown stompers and modern and electronic funk excursions. ─── 一个未加修饰的深度疯克之夜,融合了底特律重踩、现代感和电子疯克旅行在内。

30、be in a blue funk ─── 不胜惊恐

31、He thought the noise in the empty room was a ghost moving about and he was in a blue funk when I saw him. ─── 他认为空房里的响声是鬼魂在走来走去。我见到他时他万分惊恐。

32、Construction, light weight and incredible feel and sound, this guitar would be at home in jazz, country, rock, funk - almost any type of music. ─── 建筑、重量轻、声音、感觉不可思议,这将在家吉他在爵士乐,国岩怯懦,几乎任何类型的音乐。

33、[ 2 ] Wilfred Funk & Noman Lewis.Eighth Day: QuickVocabulary1Builder [ J ]. ─── [ 1 ] 王佐良, 丁往道. 英语文体学引论[M ]. 上海: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1987.

34、And yet the French head to the voting booths for their two-round poll, on April22 nd and May6 th, in a collective funk. ─── 但是在4月22日和5月6日,法国民众在去投票站进行两轮投票时,却有着共同的担忧。

35、The programme was eventually broadcast, but Murrow and Friendly had themselves to pay the $1,500 needed for an advertisement in the New York Times: their employers were in a funk. ─── 制作好的节目最终得以播出,但默罗与弗伦德利自己掏了1,500美元在纽约时报上做广告:广播公司的员工们都感到惧怕。

36、It is little wonder that junior is in a funk. ─── 年少者畏头畏尾、缩手缩脚,这很难令人感到惊愕。

37、Nearly every time he reads the newspaper or watches television about the sad state of the economy he gets into a blue funk. ─── 差不多每次他在报上或电视上看到可悲的经济状态时,他就感觉泄气。

38、And I think they've fallen to a little bit of a funk offensively, and suddenly, before they knew it, Arizona woke up. . . ─── 我认为他们只是有点儿害怕进攻,而突然,在他们明白过来前,亚利桑那队觉醒了…

39、McLure's book "How to Extrapolate the Universe from a Fistful of Funk" was particularly thought provoking. ─── McLure的书"How to Extrapolate the Universe from a Fistful of Funk"真是让人难以平静。

40、Peter is in a blue funk about playing with Michael in the tennis tournament tomorrow. ─── 对于和迈克尔明天举行的网球淘汰赛,彼得显得十分担忧。

41、A night of raw uncut deep funk, rowdy afrobeat to smooth soul, with Motown stompers and modern and electronic funk excursions. ─── 一个未加修饰的深度放克之夜,融合了底特律重踩、现代感和电子放克旅行在内。

42、“The demand definitely is there and much greater than our supply at this point,” Funk said. ─── “需求是显而易见的,而且远远超过我们目前的供应能力,”方克说。

43、Petter is in a blue funk about playing with michael in the tennis tournament tomorrow ─── 对于迈克尔明天的网球比赛,彼特十分担心

44、:“I funk Boogaloo. ─── ”呵呵,不多说了......

45、lovhandshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P ... ─── 一时间,无数网友追随她在网络上的足迹,亲切称她为“容榕阿姨”。.....

46、Their version of jazz funk is a pale imitation of the real thing. ─── 他们演奏的音乐不过是对真正的乡土爵士乐的拙劣模仿。

47、In fact, Funk currently is the 15th on the all-time career earnings list with winnings of more than $21 million. ─── 事实上,方克目前是第15对所有时间的职业收入清单奖金超过2100万美元。

48、Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis ─── 威尔弗雷德·芬克与诺曼·刘易斯

49、Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia ─── 克与瓦格纳新百科全书

50、People funk Einstein among the wnrld's great scientists. ─── 人们把爱因斯坦列为世界伟大科学家行列。

51、Just the thought of travelling by air puts me in a blue funk. ─── 只要一想起坐飞机旅行就使我极为恐惧。

52、But either out of some warning instinct or sheer funk he had not done so. ─── 他没有这样着急,其原因不是出于本能的警觉就是出于单纯的惊恐。

53、we may put(iii)if h =1/2, we may put F = F which is the Funk metric. ─── 定理3.3 射影平坦Finsler空间(M,F)是局部Minkowshi空间的充要条件是射影因子P满足i)凡、=0二ii)只几+认尸,

54、Out of sheer funk he had not gone to the party. ─── 他完全是处于胆怯而没有去参加宴会。

55、With the usual home distractions being left behind and Houston finally pulling out of its recent shooting funk, the Rockets are hoping to use the road trip as an opportunity to get back on a roll. ─── 主场分散注意力的因素被抛在脑后,休斯顿火箭终于走出了最近的投篮危机,他们希望借客场之旅重新打出他们的气势来。

56、in a mortal funk ─── 吓得要死,惊恐万状

57、"The setting is country funk"(Nina Martin) ─── “这里的环境充满了乡土气息”(尼娜·马丁)语源

58、With the economy in a funk, you might expect such an old-style manufacturing firm to be struggling. ─── 身处经济恐慌之中,也许会认为这样一个老旧生产厂正处于挣扎边缘。

59、He was in a funk. ─── 他感到惊慌失措。

60、Blue Funk's new hit has had good ratings in the charts. ─── 布鲁·芬克新灌录的唱片在流行音乐最畅销的每周目录上排名很高。

61、It was filled with signs that they can be a force in the Western Conference, signs even that Lamar Odom, who had been struggling the last 10 days, was emerging from his funk. ─── 它标志着湖人是西部的一股力量,标志着在前10天英勇奋斗的奥多姆已经开始从恐惧中出来了。

62、funk hole ─── n. 防空洞

63、By George, you are in a blue funk ─── 天哪,你真是丧魂落魄了。

64、Funk C R,Wiley W K,King D E,et al.Registration of Mustang tall fescue[J].Crop Sci.,1984,24:1211. ─── 农业部北京克劳沃草业技术开发中心.草坪型高羊茅草坪的建植与管理技术[J].草业科学,2002,19(5):76.

65、kiss: :handshake :call: :loveliness: :funk: lllllllllp llllllp lllp llllllllllp lllllllp llppppp :time: :time: :victory: :hug: :---'( :D :( :---@ :---o :---L ;---P :---Q :lol lllpppp 9xppl ─── 作者:爱上爱情时间:2007-4-1820:00标题:都是因为喜欢怡家的衣服让我们大家走到了一起,是缘分吧

66、It is easy to find evidence that California is in a funk (see article). ─── 人们很容易找到证据证明加州正处于慌乱之中。

67、Worryingly, politicians are already in something of a funk. ─── 令人担忧的是,政客们现在已经有点怯懦了。

68、If I were you, I should be in a funk myself. ─── 假如我是你,我也会吃惊的。

69、From the artist:"The former Phish bassist assimilates free-form rock&roll, calypso, pop and funk, showcasing an unexpected side to his songwriting." ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!

70、Adam's style of music varies from Pop/R&B, Jazz, Funk, Classical and Popera - (A fusion of Opera and Pop). ─── 亚当的音乐风格的不同,从流行/蓝调,爵士,funk,古典与popera(融合歌剧和流行歌曲).

71、Feltgen N, Leifert D, Funk J. Correlation between central cor-neal thickness, applanation tonometry, and direct intracameral IOP readings[J].Br J Ophthalmol 2001;85(3):85. ─── 刘援,李凯军,姜桂芳.角膜中央厚度和曲率对非接触式眼压计测量值的影响[J].中国实用眼科杂志2001;19:695.

72、His singing and music took in gospel, hard rock, funk, and middle-of-the-road balladry, and his vision of himself as an all-around entertainer propelled him to heights rarely seen in pop history. ─── 他的音乐涉及福音,硬摇滚,朋克,中间路线的民谣,他以一个全能的娱乐明星的形象,在流行音乐历史上达到了罕见高度.

73、Funk currently splits time between the PGA Tour and the Champions Tour. ─── 克目前的分裂之间的时间PGA巡迴赛和冠军巡迴赛。

74、- Hi, Dominique Blatt.How are you?|- I'm gonna turn it over to the Funk. ─── |嗨,我是唐明莉贝勒特|你们好吗?

75、The funk rising out of Staples Center came from Boston's Rajon Rondo. ─── 一种从斯台普斯中心冒出的失败气息其实是来自波士顿的拉简.郎多。

76、funk --A type of popular music combining elements of jazz, blues, and soul and characterized by syncopated rhythm and a heavy, repetitive bass line. ─── 一种综合了爵士乐、布鲁斯歌曲和爵士灵歌特性的流行音乐,以多切分音的节奏和低沉、经常重复的低音线为特征。

77、She was in a funk about changing jobs ─── 她害怕变换工作.

78、He thought the noise in the empty room was a ghost moving about and he was in a blue funk when I saw him. ─── 他认为空房里的响声是鬼魂在走来走去。我见到他时他万分惊恐。

79、Their funk can last for months, even years in extreme case. ─── 他们这种自我封闭的状态能一连持续好几个月,情况严重的甚至达数年之久。

80、But it has lacked the one feature it needed fully to satisfy the ultranationalist fringe: an accompanying decline of the West.Now capitalism is in a funk in its heartlands. ─── 但是有一点是不能让极端民族主义边缘者完全满意的:伴随而来的反西方政策.现在资本主义核心地区非常害怕。

81、Funk, didascalia, II p. 103 atuta.Eccl. ─── (七四)Constitutiones Ecclesiae aegyptiacae, III, 2: ed.

82、Peter Funk ─── [美俚](拍卖者等的)子, 冒充买者诱人抬高成交价格的人

83、She's really helped me out of the funk I was in. ─── 她真的给我了很大帮助,帮我从消沉的情绪中走出。

84、Day, Elizabeth McMahan, Robert Funk. ─── 作者声明: Susan X.

85、Autenrieth and Funk method ─── 奥-丰二氏法:用于检胆固醇

86、However, it is not clear Funk was able to connect the arms. ─── 但是,目前尚不清楚丰克的断臂能否被接上。

87、Initially inspired by the New Romantic fashion,their music has featured a mixture of funk,jazz,soul and synthpop. ─── [专辑简介]: Spandau Ballet are a British band who formed in London in the late 1970s.

88、He was really in a funk. ─── 他确实惊慌得很。

89、Christian even gets a bit of funk slap bass in on the epic 10-minute trance of "Vande Krishna. ─── " 这首的10分钟处甚至加入了一点重低音。

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