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09-02 投稿



triton 发音

英:[?tra?tn]  美:[?tra?t(?)n]

英:  美:

triton 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 氚核


triton 词性/词形变化,triton变形


triton 短语词组

1、a Triton of the minnows ─── 鹤立鸡群者

2、carver triton ─── 卡弗triton?声波风廓线仪

3、Cricetulus triton ─── [医] 硕大田鼠

4、lurid dwarf triton ─── 可怕的侏儒Triton

5、Convoluted False Triton ─── 虚构的假Triton

6、Triton (mythology) ─── 特里顿(神话)

7、Maple Leaf Triton ─── 枫叶Triton

8、orient triton ─── 水平对齐

9、triton x triton x

10、achelous triton ─── 瘦骨嶙峋的海卫一

11、Trumpet Triton ─── 小号Triton

12、Triton (moon) Triton( ─── 月亮)

triton 相似词语短语

1、Triton ─── n.特里同(人身鱼尾的海神)

2、tritones ─── n.三全音;三全音音程

3、trigon ─── n.(占星术12宫中隔120度的)三宫之一组;三角琴;三角形;n.(Trigon)人名;(法)特里贡

4、tritonia ─── n.鸢尾兰属

5、Briton ─── n.英国人;大不列颠人

6、tricorn ─── n.三角帽;adj.有三只角的

7、Britons ─── n.英国人;不列颠人,大不列颠人(Briton的复数形式)

8、tritons ─── n.[核]氚核;法螺

9、tritone ─── n.三全音;三全音音程

triton 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In addition,the efficacy of glyphosate ammonium with Triton X-100 or OP10 was only 5% less than that of Roundup. ─── 另外,加入Triton X-100或OP10的草甘膦铵盐溶液防效很好,比Roundup低5%;

2、Determination of Trace Silver by Catalytic Kinetic Spectrophotometry with Solubilizing Effect of Triton X-100 ─── 100增溶催化动力学光度法测定痕量银

3、Of 8 positive rat, there were 7 R. norvegicus and 1 T. triton. ─── 8只阳性鼠中,褐家鼠7只,大仓鼠1只。

4、The next ones were the M. musculus and C. triton, distributed in 9 cities, constituent ratio was at the second position. ─── 小家鼠和大仓鼠分布于9个市,构成比位居第2位;

5、Angular Triton ─── n. 角法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

6、Neapolitan Triton ─── n. 黑齿法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

7、Argus Triton ─── n. 南非法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

8、An Interpretation of the Buddhist "Triton Design" ─── 佛教"法螺图案"释义

9、Common Hairy Triton ─── n. 毛法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

10、The method used the suitably buffer system,neuraminidate and Triton X-100,it made the quantitive analysis bone and liver ALP isoenzyme in serum become impossible and let us satisfied to sensitivity and precision. [WT5HZ] ─── :采用合适的缓冲液体系 ,使用神经氨酸苷酶和TritonX - 10 0作为辅助手段并用荧光扫描 ,使定量测定肝及骨型同工酶成为可能 ,且灵敏度和精密度令人满意。

11、Mus triton ─── n. 海神小家鼠

12、Spectrophotometric Determination of Micro Amounts of Vanadium with 3, 5-Br_2-PADAP and Triton X-100 ─── 3,5-二溴-PADAP-Triton X-100分光光度法测定微量钒

13、Taking out of 20ul and add in the gel(5rag/ml gelatin) ,20mA constant current electrophoresis for 5h,then letting the gel in the fluid of 2.5% Triton -X 100 shaking for 371 ,lh. ─── 孵育结束后经染色液染色3小时,及脱色液分别脱色0.5、1、2小时,显示出MMP一2和MMP一9位于蓝色背景上的透亮带。

14、lurid dwarf triton ─── n. 淡黄刍秣螺

15、Mi cellar Sensitization Spectrophotometric Determination of Traces of Nickel Using 2-(2-Benzothiazolylazo)-5-Dimethylaminobenzoic Acid and Triton X-100 ─── 2-(2-苯并噻唑偶氮)-5-二甲氨基苯甲酸-TritonX-100胶束增敏分光光度法测定微量镍

16、The larger moon, Triton, is only a little larger than Earth's moon. ─── 大一点的卫星叫TRITON,仅仅略大于地球的卫星。

17、Some experts will reach more nuanced or skeptical conclusions about TRITON. ─── 一些专家可以针对TRITON得出类似或怀疑性的结论。

18、Sowerby's Dwarf Triton ─── n. 梭氏布纹螺(骨螺超科,峨螺科)

19、In the Presence of Triton X-100, the Spectrophotometric Determination of Thorium (IV) in Thorianite Sand with 2- (5-bromo-2-pyridylazo) -5-diethylaminophenol (5-Br-PADAP) ─── 在Triton X-100存在下,用2-(5-溴-2-吡啶偶氮)-5-二乙胺基苯酚(5-Br-PADAP)分光光度测定方钍石中的钍

20、Triton: Well, keep looking. Leave no shell unturned, no coral unexplored. Let no one in this kingdom sleep until she's safe at home. ─── 川顿:继续找。别放过每一个贝壳,每一块珊瑚。直到她安全回家,全国所有的人才能休息。

21、A triton mage from the Forest of Amber Kelp has arrived with his menagerie. He was attacked by sea trolls and he is now seeking refuge in your lands. ─── 一个来自琥珀藻森林的特里同法师和他的家族来到了你这里。他被海巨魔攻击而来你的土地寻求避难。

22、Triton X - 100 ─── X-100

23、A triton prince has come to you in search of the fabled Orb of Atlantis. ─── 一个特里同王子来你这里寻找传说中的亚特兰提斯之珠。

24、You could live on one of its moons, Triton, which is a very interesting world indeed. ─── 它的一颗卫星——海卫一倒是适合居住,那还真是个有趣的世界。

25、tsc: triton system controller ─── (系统控制器)

26、Spectrophotometric Determination of Palladium with 2-(2-(5-Bromo-pyridyl)azo)-5-dimethyl-aminophenol (5-Br-DMPAP) in the Presence of Triton X-100 ─── 在TritonX-100存在下用5-Br-DMPAP分光光度法测定微量钯

27、cells emit stronger fluorescence whenAO contains Triton X- 100; ─── 吖啶橙染色液中含Triton X-100时细胞荧光强度明显增大;

28、The goddess of the sea and the wife of Poseidon,mother of Triton. ─── 安菲特里特:海洋女神和波塞顿的妻子,特里同之母。

29、Studies on the Micellar Color Reaction of Cobalt with 2-(2-Thiazolylazo)-5-Dimethylaminobenzoic Acid in the Presence of Triton X-100 ─── Triton X-100存在下钴与2-(2-噻唑偶氮)-5-二甲氨基苯甲酸的胶束显色反应

30、Astronomers know that Pluto and Triton have nearly the same size, mass, and density. ─── 天文学家们知道冥王星和海王卫一拥有几乎相同的体积、质量和密度。

31、Triton: I just don't know what we're going to do with you, young lady. ─── 川顿:爱丽尔,我不知道该拿你怎么办才好。

32、In the classes that gathers in international sport clothes and hat, her a Triton of the minnows, set up a new banner. ─── 在国际体坛衣冠云集的上层社会里,她鹤立鸡群、别树一帜。

33、Clinicopathological analysis of malignant triton tumor of the posterior mediastinum ─── 后纵膈恶性蝾螈瘤的临床病理分析

34、UV-Visible Spectral Study of Amphiphilic Porphyrin in Nonionic Triton X-100 Micelle ─── 100胶束中双亲卟啉的光谱研究

35、Triton: Well only for a little bit. But be careful! ─── 只能去玩一小会儿,但是一定要小心!

36、Triton may be the coldest place in our solar system. ─── 也许,海卫一是太阳系中最寒冷的星球。

37、Keywords malignant triton tumor;lung;neurocyte;rhabdomyoblastic cells; ─── 关键词恶性蝾螈瘤;肺;神经细胞;横纹肌细胞;

38、Southern Triton ─── n. 澳大利亚法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

39、Triton may be the coldest place in our solar system. ─── 也许,海卫一是太阳系中最寒冷的星球。

40、Study of biodivesity of Cricetulus triton ─── 大仓鼠种群生物多样性研究

41、Black-striped Triton ─── n. 金色美法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

42、tdp: triton data path ─── (数据路径)

43、Fluorescence Quenching Method for Determination of Trace Iron with DBH PF and Triton X 100 ─── 二溴羟基苯基荧光酮-Triton-X-100 荧光熄灭测定铁

44、Spectrophotometric Determination of Micro Amounts of Uranium in Ores with Br-PADAP,Sulfosalicylic Acid and Triton X-100 by Using 256 Resin ─── 256树脂分离Triton X-100-Br-PADAP-磺基水杨酸分光光度法测定岩石矿物中微量铀

45、Voyager's view of Neptune was almost upstaged by the planet's largest moon, Triton, called "the most curious thing we've ever seen" by Voyager geologist Laurence Soderblom. ─── “旅行者”看到的海王星的景色,几乎全被这颗行星最大的卫星海卫一“特里同”所抢占。 “旅行者”的地质学家劳伦斯 - 索迪布洛姆把它称作“我们看见过的最奇妙的东西”。

46、Greater Long-tailed hamster ( Tscherskia triton ) ─── DNA指纹谱

47、Cricetulus triton ─── [医] 硕大田鼠

48、If you were standing in the southern hemisphere of Triton right now, you'd be enjoying the peak of summer. ─── 如果你现在正站在海卫一的南半球,你将会欣赏到该卫星上的仲夏景色。

49、The planet Pluto and the moon Triton have almost the same size and density. ─── 冥王星与海卫一几乎同样大小,同样密度。

50、Pictures of Triton show a beautiful pink and white ball of ice. ─── 从照片看,海卫一是一颗粉红色与白色相间的美丽的冰球。

51、There are fish and snails that eat starfish, particularly the giant triton snail, which is the main predator of the starfish. ─── 有些鱼和蜗牛以海星为食,特别是巨型法螺蜗牛,它是海星的主要天敌。

52、Population Divergency and Environmental Adaptation of Greater Long-tailed Hamster (Cricetulus Triton de Winton, 1889) ─── 大仓鼠(Cricetulus triton de Winton, 1889)种群分化及其环境适应

53、Wandering Triton ─── n. 褐法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

54、King Triton’s headstrong, lovesick girl would make a charming addition to my little garden. ─── 川顿国王这个害相思病的任性女儿会给我的花园增添很多乐趣。

55、Triton X-100,Tween 20,Tween 80,Span 40,Span 80,with the additive dosage 0.1%,could improve the degumming process,amd Tween 80,Span 80 were more effective. ─── 1%加量的Triton X-100、Tween 20、Tween80、Span 40和Span 80都不同程度地提高了脱胶效果,其中Tween 80和Span 80的提高幅度较大。

56、Lesser Girdled Triton ─── n. 灯笼法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

57、The debate over Triton's dark clouds is not over . ─── 关于海卫一黑云的争论仍然没有结束。

58、Twisted Dwarf Triton ─── n. 扭弯布纹螺(骨螺超科,峨螺科)

59、On his own side he is a Triton among the minnows. ─── 在他自己这一方,他是庸人中的佼佼者(他是鹤立鸡群)。

60、The sensitivity for the determination of BSA was enhanced in Triton X-100 microemulsion. ─── Triton X-100微乳液对 BSA测定具有增敏作用。

61、a Triton of the minnows ─── n. 鹤立鸡群者

62、Solubilization of the Plasma Membrane ATPase of Oat Roots by Triton X-100 and KI ─── Triton X-100加KI对燕麦根细胞质膜ATP酶的溶解

63、Robin Redbreast Triton ─── n. 艳红美法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

64、Objective: To develop a Triton X-100 solubilization spectrophotometric method for the determination of furaldehyde in the air of workplace. ─── 目的:研究曲拉通100增溶苯胺分光光度法测定作业场所空气中糠醛的方法。

65、Triton: They're dangerous. Do you think I want to see my youngest daughter snared by some fish-eater’s hook? ─── 川顿:他们很危险。我可不想看到我最小的女儿被吃鱼的家伙用鱼钩钩走了。

66、Triton: Not another word!And I am never, never to hear of you going to the surface again.Is that clear? ─── 你以为我愿意看到自己的女儿被那些天主教徒的渔钩钓走吗?

67、Purple Gyre Triton ─── n. 紫端翼法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

68、Triton X-305 ─── 含有聚氧乙烯的聚乙二醇

69、The region is a transitional region epidemic area, the transmission host is Rattus norvegiacus and Cricetulus triton, the transmission vector is Leptotrombidium scutellare. ─── 90%,疫区属过度地带疫源地,传播宿主为褐家鼠和大仓鼠,传播媒介为小板纤恙螨,小板纤恙螨的季节消长与发病时间一致。

70、Maple Leaf Triton ─── n. 翼法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

71、Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Thallium with Cadion in the Presence of Triton X-100 ─── Triton X-100存在下镉试剂分光光度法测定痕量铊(III)

72、The others, including little Cricetulus triton, Apodemus agrarius and Microtus fortis, distributed in few districts. ─── 小仓鼠、黑线姬鼠和田鼠分布区域较少;

73、Convoluted False Triton ─── n. 悬线骨螺(骨螺超科,骨螺科)

74、Keywords heart valve;sodium deoxycholate;Triton -X100;trypsin;SDS;tissue engineering;Tissue engineering;decellularized porcine heart valve;mesenchymal stem cells;nude mice;chitosan; ─── 十二烷基硫酸钠;脱氧胆酸钠;胰蛋白酶;曲拉通;组织工程;心脏瓣膜;组织相容性;骨髓基质干细胞;瓣膜;裸鼠;

75、Mediterranean Bark Triton ─── n. 地中海法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

76、Spectrophotometric determination of microamounts of titanium with 6,7-dihydroxy-2,4-diphenyl-1-benzopyrylium chloride and triton X-100 ─── 6,7-二羟基-2,4-二苯基苯并吡喃-Triton X-100光度法测定微量钛

77、dwarf triton ─── n. 芻秣螺属

78、Triton A20 ─── 四丁酚醛[表面活性剂, 祛痰药]

79、In the pre-sence of non-ionic surfactant Triton X-100 andin pH 9.5 borax solution(Na_2B_4O_7-NaOH),thesensitivity of the color reaction is high. ─── 在非离子表面活性剂 Triton X-100存在下,于 pH 9.5的 Na_2B_4O_7-NaOH 介质中,显色反应的灵敏度高。

80、Other moons affected by tidal forces are Enceladus (Saturn) and Triton (Neptune). ─── 其他受潮汐影响的卫星还有土星卫星以及海王星卫星。

81、Triton: What has she got? ─── 川顿:什么?她怎么了?

82、Rattus norvegicus was the dominant host (77.57%), and then Tscherskia triton (13.63%) and Mus musculus (8.81%). ─── 宿主动物构成以褐家鼠占绝对优势(77.57%),其次为大仓鼠(13.63%)和小家鼠(8.81%)。

83、He was just too big a man for the position, in fact a triton among minnows. ─── 其实他担任那一职务,才力绰绰有余,有如鹤立鸡群。

84、Oregon Triton ─── n. 俄勒冈法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

85、I when the girl, ever wearing the embroider shoe with one brand-new in pairs because of oneself how many times and a Triton of the minnows. ─── 少女时的我,曾多少次因自己穿着一双双崭新的绣花鞋而鹤立鸡群。

86、4. Immersed the slides in 0.2% Triton X-100 solution for 5 minutes, then rinse slidesby fresh PBS 5 minutes and again. ─── 冰冻切片干燥,4%多聚甲醛固定45分钟,0.2%tritonx一100浸泡5分钟,加入T叮酶反应液于37’C反应60分钟,DAPI复染。

87、Tscherskia triton ─── 大仓鼠

88、Broad-banded Triton ─── n. 金带美法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

89、Jones is now engineering the Triton 36, 000 with a glass dome for repeated journeys to the ocean's deepest point. ─── 琼斯现在正在设计海神36,000拥有一个玻璃圆顶可多次完成到海洋的最深处的旅程。

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