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09-02 投稿


archaism 发音

英:[?ɑ?rki?z?m]  美:[?ɑ?ke??z?m]

英:  美:

archaism 中文意思翻译



archaism 短语词组

1、archaism def ─── 仿古定义

2、archaism words ─── 古语词

3、archaism art ─── 古代艺术

4、archaism hope ─── 古老的希望

5、archaism means ─── 古语的意思

6、archaism are words or forms ─── 古语是词或形式

7、archaism loft ─── 仿古阁楼

archaism 词性/词形变化,archaism变形

形容词: archaistic |名词: archaist |

archaism 相似词语短语

1、archaisms ─── 古语;拟古主义;古体(archaism的复数)

2、archaize ─── vi.仿古,用古体;vt.使有古风

3、archaist ─── n.拟古主义者;爱写古体文者

4、archaic ─── adj.古代的;陈旧的;古体的;古色古香的

5、archaises ─── 古生物

6、archaised ─── 古老的

7、archaise ─── v.仿古(等于archaize)

8、archaicism ─── 古语

9、archaiser ─── 考古学家

archaism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、sense of archaism ─── 仿古意识

2、Further study should be made in the fields of systematic research, generalization of modal significance, mood of the modal particles, and the relations between mandarin, dialects and archaism. ─── 不过不足也很明显:系统性研究不够;方言语气词与普通话、汉语史的联系不够;语气词语气意义的概括不够;从比较语言学和普通语言学角度研究语气词很不够。

3、This archaism announced deeply to learn is a process that accompanies life. ─── 这句古语深刻地揭示了学习是一个伴随生命的过程。

4、Archaism cloud: “for the medicine, Germany to, “the inconstant Germany, may not make the medicine” first”. ─── 古语云:“为医者,德为先”,“无恒德者,不可作医”。

5、Archaism character: Civilian it is a day in order to feed, can say now: Hutch is under the person happy. ─── 古语言:民以食为天,现在就可以说:人以下厨为乐。

6、1.Lu Xun is a remarkable language user, both received the passed on (archaism) essence and opened the nimble utilization modern Chinese thoroughfare. ─── 鲁迅是一位优秀的语言大师,他继承了古汉语的精髓,同时又开启了灵活应用现代汉语的通道。

7、Briefly on the Archaism in Historical Records in Middle Ancient Times ─── 简论中古史书中的古语词

8、Archaism cloud: Obtaining enlightenment helps, loses to get little support. ─── 古语云:得道者多助,失道者寡助。

9、Archaism; old saying; the meaning of a word ─── 古言古义;词语的意义

10、China has an archaism: “sits the date line 80,000 miles, the survey remote looks at a Qian River”. ─── 中国有句古语:“坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看一千河”。

11、Archaism has " talk irresponsible " , meaning speak carelessly for blurt out. ─── 古语有“信口开河”,意为随口乱说。

12、A overcomes Lin archaism speech school ─── 阿克琳古语言学校

13、But archaism has: "Anxiety still needs heart drug medical service " say, the action of medicaments, it is eventually " external cause " . ─── 但古语有:“心病还须心药医”之说,药物的作用,终是“外因”。

14、Archaism Remains in Dialectical Vocabulary of Sanming Region ─── 三明地区方言词汇中的古语遗存

15、On Archaism in Yangquan Dialect ─── 阳泉方言中的古语词

16、Legal English has particularlyacceptation、a lot of archaism especially archaism adverbappeared、loan word adopted、glossary accuracy required、succinct in the use of word。 ─── 法律英语的词义具有独特性、大量出现古体词特别是古体副词、引用外来语、词汇要求准确、用词精炼简洁。

17、archaism) A gatekeeper for a yamen or a rich family. ─── 他家的看门人就是不肯让我进去。

18、Our country has an archaism: “having a lot of time for that has another chance to meet. ─── 大家相处的时间是短暂的,但我们之间的友好情谊是长久的。

19、In this essay I will examine Xu Beihong's art theories and art works, talk about how he innovates by archaism and explore the archaic elements of his theories and works. ─── 本文试图检视徐悲鸿艺术理论与实践,讨论徐悲鸿如何藉复古以革新,并探索徐悲鸿艺术理论与创作的复古元素。

20、Talking about Application of Archaism Words in Documents Writing ─── 浅析公文写作中的古语词运用

21、Overcomes Lin archaism speech school ─── 阿克琳古语言学校?语言学校。西班牙

22、Lu Xun is a remarkable language user, both received the passed on archaism essence and opened the nimble utilization modern Chinese thoroughfare. ─── 鲁迅是一位卓越的语言大师,他既承传了古语的精华,又开启了灵活运用现代汉语的通途。

23、It follows that any struggle against the abuse of language is a sentimental archaism, like preferring candles to electric light or hansom cabs to aeroplanes. ─── 农民问题、失业工人问题、学生就业问题,基本上都是自由主义者提出来的。按常理,自由主义应该属于右翼阵营,对平等问题的关注较弱。

24、archaism hasthecloud: Themen and womengivenot own, thisintimatebehavior in our country, is cannot accept completely. ─── 古语有云:男女授授不亲,这种督密的行为在我国来说,是完全不能接受的。

25、Ze: In the archaism it means showing kindness to others, while in the modern Chinese it often indicates the place where water gathers. ─── 泽:在古语中表示对他人的一种恩惠,在现代汉语中常表示聚水的地方。

26、Talking about Application of Archaism Words in Documents Writing ─── 浅析公文写作中的古语词运用

27、Archaism cloud: Obtaining enlightenment helps, loses to get little support. ─── 古语云:得道者多助,失道者寡助。

28、On Archaism in Yangquan Dialect ─── 阳泉方言中的古语词

29、On Archaism in Ningwu Dialect ─── 宁武方言中的古语词

30、As the saying goes: "The boat sailing against the current" I also sincerely record the archaism, enriches diligently oneself。 ─── 常言道:“逆水行舟,不进则退。”我也谨记古语,努力充实自己。

31、The archaism has the cloud: “three person of lines must have my teacher!” ─── 古语有云:“三人行必有我师矣!”

32、China archaism says:" Hit spank, to sweet jujube " is also. ─── 中华古语曰:"打一巴掌,给一个甜枣"是也。

33、The archaism has the cloud: The men and women give not own, this intimate behavior in our country, is cannot accept completely. ─── 古语有云:男女授授不亲,这种督密的行为在我国来说,是完全不能接受的。

34、Briefly on the Archaism in Historical Records in Middle Ancient Times ─── 简论中古史书中的古语词

35、Archaism says sea Na Baichuan, have Rong Naida, of Internet include the gender is the secret that he expands quickly and continues to expand. ─── 古语说海纳百川,有容乃大,互联网的包容性正是他迅速膨胀并继续壮大的奥妙。

36、Quality of archaism ─── 古语性

37、would be seen not to be a mere sentimental archaism, ─── 不要把这视为善感的怀古,

38、A Study on Some Archaism in Shangluo Dialect ─── 商洛方言部分古语词考释

39、Tang Xian-zu comes on the scene at the very moment when the archaism literary style championed by the later Seven Masters enjoyed its widespread recognition. ─── 摘要汤显祖登上文坛之际正是后七子复古格调派兴盛的时期,他与复古派的王世贞兄弟的矛盾在后世的记载中被故意夸大。

40、Archaism cloud: Read defeat 10 thousand, if begin to write or paint has a mind. ─── 古语云:读书破万卷,下笔如有神。

41、Archaism also has say: A thousand pieces of gold is difficult Mai Chunlai discharge. ─── 古语也有说:千金难买春来泄。

42、A Study on Some Archaism in Shangluo Dialect ─── 商洛方言部分古语词考释

43、"Archaism has ' tyranny fierce Yu Hu ' , to us character, but. ─── 正因为深知窜货的巨大危害,张伟每次在看公司月度报表时,往往对窜货的关注多于对销量的关注。

44、Archaism, ancient charm and ancient raining spring (Guyuchun) are the ambit of Guyuchun Tea. ─── “古风,古韵,古雨春”是古雨春茶的境界。

45、Archaism Remains in Dialectical Vocabulary of Sanming Region ─── 三明地区方言词汇中的古语遗存

46、Archaism cloud: "Person and without the letter, do not know its but. ─── 古语云:“人而无信,不知其可。”

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