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09-02 投稿



exigent 发音

英:[?eks?d??nt]  美:[?eks?d??nt]

英:  美:

exigent 中文意思翻译



exigent 短语词组

1、exigent machine check ─── [计] 紧急机器检验

2、exigent circumstances ─── 存在的情况

exigent 词性/词形变化,exigent变形

副词: exigently |

exigent 习惯用语

1、be exigent of ─── 急需, 非常需要

exigent 相似词语短语

1、eigen- ─── n.(Eigen)(美、德、法、巴、挪)艾根(人名)

2、exigently ─── 委婉地

3、exigences ─── n.紧急;紧急事件

4、epigene ─── adj.外成的

5、exigence ─── n.紧急;紧急事件

6、exigeant ─── 存在的

7、existent ─── n.生存,存在;艰难或无聊的生活方式;adj.现存的;生存的

8、epigenist ─── n.后成;渐成说;外力变质(epigenesis的变形)

9、exigency ─── n.紧急;紧急事件

exigent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、is an exigent problem to solve the dry deep screening of moist fine coal. ─── 潮湿细粒煤炭干法深度筛分是筛分技术急需解决的问题。

2、Modern management of Urban Water-supply Pipeline-network was the exigent requirement and inevitable trend of City's development. ─── 城市供水管网的现代化管理是城市发展的迫切需要和必然趋势。

3、It is necessary and exigent to mete out severe punishment effectively according to law, vindicate images of the party, ensure the development of economy. ─── 运用法律手段有效制裁商业贿赂行为,维护党的形象,保障经济健康发展,是非常必要的和迫切的。

4、Along with the development of computer network technique and fault diagnosis, the theory and methods of remote diagnosis have become more and more important and exigent. ─── 随着计算机网络技术和故障诊断的发展,故障的远程诊断理论与方法变得越来越重要,也越来越迫切。

5、It is exigent for JSPs to seek a kind of new technology to replace its current functions without its inherent complexity to administrate and extend. ─── 迫切需要以一种新的技术来取代其现有的功能并克服其克服其固有的管理复杂性、难以扩展等局限。

6、an exacting job; became more exigent over his pronunciation. ─── 要求严格的工作;对他的发音要求更加苛刻。

7、As this thing is so exigent that need to be paid attention first,I'll think it over first. ─── 既然这件事情非常紧急,需要我的优先关注,自然我会首先考虑它。

8、With the increase of aging population, how to solve the question of senior's inhabitation is very exigent. ─── 摘要随着我国老龄化趋势的加快,解决老人的居住问题迫在眉睫。

9、As a result, it is necessary and exigent for us to study the transfer story of tall buildings, especially the thick plate transfer story. ─── 而且从受力方面考虑,往往需要在柱与柱,柱与墙之间配筋加强,相当于设置暗梁,增加了配筋量。

10、The forming press for nutrition block is a mechanization farming equipment that its configuration is complex, work stability is exigent. ─── 营养块成型机是结构复杂,工作稳定性要求较高的农业机械设备。

11、With the development of high-speed and heavy-loading track, the quality of rail welding is desired to be more and more exigent. ─── 随着列车速度与载重的增加,对钢轨焊接质量的要求越来越高。

12、Building resource-conserving society was an exigent mission. ─── 摘要建设资源节约型社会是当前中国极为迫切的任务。

13、It has becoming an exigent task to find a "new continent" of species resources. ─── 寻找生物种质资源的“新大陆”已经成为了一个迫切的问题。

14、Chaijing injection has been applied in clinic for many years, in order to adept to national request, we are exigent to establish the normal fingerprint of Chaijing injection. ─── 柴荆注射液已经临床使用多年,为了更有效的控制柴荆注射液的质量,适应我国中药的发展要求,建立柴荆注射液原药材和注射液指纹图谱有其必要性和紧迫性。

15、Conclusion Exigent and urgent conditions requires instaneous surgical intervention or immediate operation over a period of few minutes for resuscitation at emergency ward. ─── 结论 特急特重型外伤患者需在急诊科就地手术,以争取时间挽救患者生命。

16、Exigent legal systems of against unexpected hygienic incidents have a direct bearing on people's health and lives,public safety of our country,social stability and development of national economy. ─── 突发性公共卫生事件应急法律机制关系到人民健康和生命安全、国家的公共安全、社会政治的稳定和国民经济的发展。

17、The removal of heavy metals from sewage sludges is a problem that is exigent to be solved. ─── 重金属的去除是污水污泥处理中亟待解决的问题。

18、Operating pattern of exigent medical succor system in dealing with public emergency ─── 突发公共事件紧急医疗救援体系运行模式探讨

19、The desiderating unsolved problems and the exigent demands of further research were pointed out. ─── 指出了在激光与液体相互作用过程中亟待解决的问题。

20、Therefore, it is necessary and exigent to intensify the study of tax losing theory and practice. ─── 因此,从理论和实践的结合上就这一问题展开研究显得异常迫切。

21、We have recently extended our special programs for primary dealers beyond the end of the year, based on our assessment that financial conditions remain unusual and exigent. ─── 最近,根据我们的评估,金融环境依然存在异常,形势紧急,我们提供给主要经销商的特殊程序将延长到年底。

22、be exigent of ─── 急需非常需要

23、Research on Dynamic Braking of Exigent Brake of Casting Crane Main Hoist Mechanism ─── 铸造起重机主起升机构紧急制动器动态制动研究

24、Exigent medical succor for mass injury in the emergency department of general hospitals ─── 综合医院急诊科应对群体性伤害紧急医疗救援

25、The facilities by law can only be used during 'unusual and exigent' circumstances, and are meant to go away when markets eventually settle down. ─── 根据法律,这个工具只能在不寻常的紧急情况下使用,且从设计初衷上说,到市场最终平息后将被取消。

26、exigent machine check ─── 紧急机器检验

27、Abstract: For the construction of the China land and resources information and data integration,data conversion is the most exigent problem to be solved. ─── 摘要: 数据转换是国土资源信息化和数据整合迫切需要解决的问题。

28、Ok, let's go back in time a little: before being an actress, you were a ballerina, which is a very exigent art. What motivated you to choose dancing? ─── 好吧,让我们往前回顾一下,在你成为演员之前,你是一个芭蕾舞者,那是一个要求很高的艺术,什么刺激你去选择跳舞?

29、Develop the education of the elderly is the exigent demand to construct harmonious society and build the society of civil study and study for life. ─── 发展老年教育,是构建和谐社会,建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会的迫切要求。

30、He attempted to get proper National Security Letters filed to provide post-facto legal backing for the exigent letters but was hampered by uncooperative field offices, according to the Senate letter. ─── 那些纪录然后被投向三个计算机系统,包括一个共有的数据采矿工具以调查数据仓库著名。

31、In company with scale-up of the bridge construction, the demands of construction techniques for bridge deepwater foundations are more and more exigent. ─── 摘要随着桥梁工程建设规模的扩大,对其深水基础施工技术的要求也越来越高。

32、is necessary and exigent to enhance the management of construction material. ─── 加强建筑材料管理工作是进行造价控制的迫切需要;

33、Wooden-grain PVC, handle-inlaying door craft, innovative aluminum frame and wall hanging system make exigent demands for details, telling that any slight carelessness will lose its harmony. ─── 任何细微的疏忽,便会失去其固有的和谐。

34、With the development of automobile industry, the requirements for automobile have become more and more exigent. ─── 随着汽车工业的发展,对汽车的要求越来越高。

35、On Exigent Legal Systems against Unexpected Hygienic Incidents in USA, Japan and Canada ─── 美日加突发性公共卫生事件应急法律机制探析

36、The work of bills classification bocomes a burden in finance system.So the domestic demand of bill sorter is very exigent. ─── 选钞工作越来越成为金融系统的负担,国内对自动化选钞机的需求极为迫切。

37、at this exigent moment ─── 在此危急关头

38、It is an exigent and resolved issue in the dredge field to upgrade th e wear resistance and lifetime of liquid passing components that are easily dama ged. ─── 提高过流易损件的耐磨性及使用寿命是疏浚行业亟待解决的问题。

39、The task of constructing person-with-ability mode is urgent and exigent. ─── 高职教育必须努力构建人才培养模式,加快培养高技能型人才。

40、Exigent repairing technique of spoil railway communication cable ─── 铁路通信缆损坏的紧急修复技术研究

41、Her family's needs make exigent demands on her time and energy. ─── 她的家庭急需她花费大量的时间和精力

42、For their the survial and development,many CNC plants advance the exigent requirements on reliability prediction of CNC machines. ─── 数控机床的生产厂家为了生存和发展的需要,对可靠性的预测也提出了迫切的要求。

43、Current trends in wireless local area networks (WLAN) indicate an exigent demand to provide broadband wireless services to growing users of mobile laptop and PDA. ─── 当前无线局域网的发展趋势表明,迅速增加的笔记本电脑和PDA的用户迫切要求为他们提供灵活的宽带无线服务。

44、exigent condition ─── 紧急状态

45、We improved the yielding capacities of our cattle;and find that now they exhaust the pastures which sufficed for less exigent(苛求的) stock. ─── 第二个例子是改进了牛群的生产能力,而发现原来足够饲养其他对生存条件要求不高的牲畜的草地也耗尽了;

46、exigent circumstances ─── 紧急情况

47、WHO announce that problem of tuberculosis entered into exigent state over globe in the 1993. ─── 世界卫生组织于1993年向全世界宣布,全球处于结核病紧急状态。

48、To explain the current tense physician-patient relationship is an exigent social problem. ─── 解读目前紧张的医患关系是一个迫切的社会课题。

49、In addition to internationalization, language services and engineering, VistaTEC's state-of the-art cross platform lab meets the sophisticated testing requirements of the most exigent and complex IT environments. ─── 除了国际化、语言服务和工程服务外,VistaTEC的最新技术水平交叉平台研究室也符合最苛刻和复杂IT环境的高精密测试要求。

50、As an exigent turning point in the history of our Party, Zunyi meeting has the great historic contribution, and it has left a great deal of precious spiritual wealth to us all. ─── 遵义会议作为我党历史上一次“生死攸关的转折点”,有着伟大的历史贡献,也给我们留下了许多极为重要宝贵的精神财富。

51、Abstract With the development of electronic commerce,virtual enterprise and so on,how to build virtual private network (VPN) over internet becomes more and more exigent. ─── 摘要 随着电子商务、政府上网工程、虚拟企业等的发展,在公网上架构虚拟专用网的需求日益迫切。

52、nowadays , the control to prevent the transient stability of power system from being destructed is still a very exigent task. ─── 防止系统暂态稳定破坏的控制仍然是当前电力系统中极为迫切的任务。

53、Exigent legal systems of against unexpected hygienic incidents have a direct bearing on people's health and lives, public safety of our country, social stability and development of national economy. ─── 摘要突发性公共卫生事件应急法律机制关系到人民健康和生命安全、国家的公共安全、社会政治的稳定和国民经济的发展。

54、Because sequence data increase rapidly in biology sequence database, it is very exigent to develop algorithms that have high biology sensitivity and efficiency. ─── 随着生物序列数据库中序列数据的激增,开发兼有高度生物敏感性和高效率的算法就显得非常迫切。

55、they exhaust the pastures which sufficed for less exigent stock. ─── 它们耗竭了过去足以养活那些对生存条件不那么敬求的牲畜的牧

56、Spatial data checking with generalization knowledge is an exigent problem to be researched in GIS and cartographic generalization. ─── 基于制图综合知识的空间数据检查是GIS和制图综合中迫切需要研究的问题。

57、All physicians survey the warning information from Radiology HRR, and most of them will contact exigent patients to come back tothe hospital within 30 minutes to do further treatment. ─── 不同服务科别的临床医师皆会检视来自放射科通报之警示讯息,且多数医师能在30分钟以内联络危急病人回诊做进一步处理。

58、temperature-controlling component inside singal-end electrothermal tube(mark of protractor can ... use :Being widely used in situation with exigent requirement ... ─── 电热管,电热元件,单头电热管,双头电热管,管状电热元件----兴化市双龙电热电器有限公司!

59、With the furious competition, corporations all try to improve their competitive strengths by enhancing design level, the innovation of design is becoming more and more exigent. ─── 在激烈的市场竞争中,无论是国际还是国内的企业,都把提高设计水平作为提升竞争力的一种手段,设计创新显得越来越迫切。

60、Keywords public emergency;exigent medical succor;operation pattern; ─── 突发公共事件;紧急医疗救援;运行模式;

61、This article analyzes related legal system in USA,Japan and Canada for the establishment of China's exigent legal system against unexpected hygienic incidents. ─── 本文对美国、日本和加拿大相关法律机制进行了探讨,以期能为我国建立突发性公共卫生事件应急反应机制提供可供参考的依据。

62、The automatic ground-based observation of cloud is an exigent requirement for the current meteorology operation. ─── 地基云自动化观测是当前气象业务发展的迫切需求。

63、An exacting job; became more exigent over his pronunciation. ─── 要求严格的工作;对他的发音要求更加苛刻。

64、Refrigerated lorry used refrigerant R12 in China.R12 will be stopped production in 2010, so it is exigent to find appropriate substitute refrigerants. ─── 摘要我国铁路数千辆冷藏运输车大量使用的非环保制冷工质R12,即将在2010年全球停产,必须尽快为其找到合适的替代制冷工质。

65、The finiteness of life and the only one time of power make the requirement of changing particularly exigent. ─── 生命的有限性,权力的一次性,使这样的求变述求尤显迫切。

66、exigent medical succor ─── 紧急医疗救援

67、The Charge-Statement-Only Doctrine And Exigent Dema nd of Judicial Reform ─── 起诉书一本主义与公诉方式改革

68、Therefore, the exigent problems to resolve in the design of it are complete research of the mechanichal behaviours, failure patterns. ─── 因此,系统地研究短肢剪力墙结构的力学性能、破坏形态已成为工程设计中迫切需要解决的课题。

69、METHODS:Citing the event of“exigent withdrawal of houttuynia cordata injection”as example,we analyze the difficuties and problemes existing in Chinese herbal medicines research. ─── 方法:从“鱼腥草注射液紧急停用事件”出发,分析目前我国中药研究存在的问题及遭遇到的困难。

70、It's exigent in theory to reconstruct the film historiography and re-depict the science of history when the Chinese filmdom celebrates its one hundred anniversaries. ─── 在中国电影刚刚走过百年的历史关头,电影史学整体重构与史学重叙已经成为理论界一个比较迫切的课题。

71、Sexual truth is exigent and it is better to satisfy it a little bit more than not enough. ─── 性的真理是迫切性的,我们最好无论怎麽满足它,也不过份。

72、Nowadays,the control to prevent the transient stability of power system from being destructed is still a very exigent task. ─── 防止系统暂态稳定破坏的控制仍然是当前电力系统中极为迫切的任务。

73、The introspection of the subject of literature and art is the most exigent task as well as a huge project. ─── 文艺学的全面反思是当务之急,同时也是一项浩大的工程。

74、[M.Devler.Water-The Exigent Existent Conjuncture [A]. ─── [2] 马克.德维利耶.严维明译.水-逼在眉睫的生存危机[A].上海:译文出版社,2001.

75、Along with the rapid development of highway,especially the expressway,the technical problem about how to maintain asphalt road high qualified and efficient becomes very exigent. ─── 微波加热方法是运用于道路沥青加热的新方法,可以实现高质量、高效率沥青路面的维修和养护。

76、an exacting job; the teacher became more exigent over his pronunciation. ─── 要求严格的工作;老师对他的发音要求更加苛刻。

77、an effective therapy for hepatic fibrosis is very necessary and exigent. ─── 因此肝纤维化的群体是十分巨大的,所以寻找治疗肝纤维化的有效方法是十分迫切的和必要的。

78、These surely were the kind of "unusual and exigent" circumstances that permit the Fed to take emergency action. ─── 这些情况无疑是“罕见而紧迫”的,美联储有必要采取紧急行动。

79、Spatial data checking with generalization knowledge is an exigent problem to be researched in GIS and cartographic generalization. ─── 摘要基于制图综合知识的空间数据检查是GIS和制图综合中迫切需要研究的问题。

80、Along with the development of manufacturing automation such as CIMS, Concurrent Engineering(CE) etc, the need to CAPP system of a enterprise becomes more and more exigent. ─── 随着CIMS、并行工程、敏捷制造等制造业自动化的发展,企业对CAPP系统的需要更加迫切,要求也越来越高。

81、exigent of ─── 急需, 非常需要

82、To avoid this, the implement of TASFPD has become more and more exigent and necessary. ─── 因此,发展性教师评价的推广与实施已经成为学校管理的一个必然趋势。

83、Along with the development of wireless applications, it is exigent to carry out the wireless network rnulticast. ─── 摘要随著无线应用的发展,无线组播的研究十分迫切。

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