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09-02 投稿



electrization 发音

英:[?lektra??ze??n]  美:[?lektra??ze???n]

英:  美:

electrization 中文意思翻译



electrization 短语词组

1、direct electrization ─── [医] 直接电激 ─── [法]

2、intragastric electrization ─── [医] 胃内电激法

electrization 相似词语短语

1、electrisation ─── 电气化

2、electrolysation ─── 电解

3、reflectorization ─── 反射

4、electrizations ─── n.电气化

5、electrifications ─── n.电气化;带电;充电

6、electrolyzation ─── n.[化学]电解

7、electrocution ─── n.电刑;电死

8、electrification ─── n.电气化;带电;充电

9、electrisations ─── 电气化

electrization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords electrocoagulation and electr of loatation;enhabced primary treatment;municipal domestic sewage; ─── 关键词电凝聚气浮;强化一级处理;城市生活污水;

2、intragastric electrization ─── [医] 胃内电激法

3、A method to control the electrization of resistance welding machines with a distributed control system (DCS) is presented. ─── 介绍对电阻焊机通电进行集散控制的方法,着重阐述中心控制系统的设计和使用方法。

4、method to control the electrization of resistance welding machines with a distributed control system is presented. ─── 介绍对电阻焊机通电进行集散控制的方法,着重阐述中心控制系统的设计和使用方法。

5、Through analysing and studying on the causes of sand plug and scaling for electric submersible pump,the sand prevention and scale control electr... ─── 经室内试验后在现场部分含砂结垢严重的油井中应用并获得成功。

6、Southeast University,Northwest Telecommunication Engineering Institute.The structure design principle of electr onic equipm-ent.Nanjing:Jiansu Science and Technology Press,1979. ─── [1]南京工学院、西北电讯工程学院合编.电子设备结构设计原理[M].南京:江苏科学技术出版社,1979.

7、Keywords botulinum toxin A;dystonia;electr omyography; ─── 型肉毒毒素;肌张力障碍;肌电图;

8、electr otechnical experiment ─── 电工实验

9、The acceleration of electrization railway transportation has put forward muchhigher security reliability request in traction power supply system and equipments. ─── 电气化铁道运输提速,对牵引供电系统及设备提出了更高的安全可靠性要求。

10、In order to adjusting plate electrization, some servo-motors replacing mechanism as actuator were installed in the gap of the plate cylinder. ─── 在印版滚筒的空当安装伺服电机作为执行机构来代替机械部分的动作,以实现调整印版的电气化;

11、Improving the office automation(OA), networking, electrization of government, general sharing information has been the main trend nowadays. ─── 推进政府部门办公自动化、网络化、电子化,全面信息共享已是大势所趋。

12、Project of Composite Insulator for Railway Electrization ─── 铁路电气化供电专用复合绝缘子项目

13、With the development of electronic technology,electr oplating ofaluminium-parts in electronic production becomes more and more. ─── 随着电子技术的发展,电子产品中铝制件电镀愈来愈多。

14、direct electrization ─── [医] 直接电激[法]

15、The recent scientific research and technology developme nt of electrolys is in wastewater treatment is reviewed in this paper, and the prospect of electr olysis is discussed. ─── 本文综述了近年来电解法处理废水的科研及技术进展,探讨了电解法水处理技术的发展前景。

16、Keywords Proteomics;Two dimensional electr ophoresis;Mass spectrometry;Protein chip;Tumor marker; ─── 蛋白质组学;双向电泳;质谱;蛋白质芯片;肿瘤标志物;

17、This major is designed to provide students a comprehensive education and training to meet the demand of agricultural electrization and its automation. ─── 本专业培养具有较强的综合素质和创新能力、获得工程师的基本训练、能胜任农业电气化与自动化工作需要的复合型高级工程技术人才。

18、Principles and applications of electr ─── 电气工程原理与应用

19、Byreason of many objective causes, the power cut to overhaul electrization equipmentcannot totally avoid equipment operating accidents. ─── 电气设备的停电预防性检修由于诸多客观原因,并不能完全杜绝设备在运行中发生事故。

20、For the purpose of quickening the realization of railway electrization in China, it is necessary to change the diesal traction to electric traction. ─── 为加快实现我国铁路电气化的进程,改造内燃牵引为电力牵引具有现实的迫切性和实际的可行性。

21、Injection Techniques and Application in Capillary Electr ophoresis ─── 毛细管电泳的进样方法及其应用

22、"digitization,informationization, computerization,automatization, electrization,mechanization" ─── "数字化,信息化,计算机化,自动化,电气化,机械化"

23、The structure and ultrastructure of adult of Paragonimu s heterotremus were observed by light microscope and transmission electr on microscope(TEM). ─── 采用光镜和透射电镜对异盘并殖吸虫成虫的结构和超微结构进行了观察。

24、The post and communication are convenient and quick and the service facility is getting consummate.The railway in Shanxi plays a leading role in heavy loading, double way, and electrization. ─── 山西铁路以重载、双向、电气化的特点在全国遥遥领先,全省铁路营运里程达2513公里;

25、Effect of Blood fat Level on Ischemic Wind stroke Treated by Electr acu puncture ─── 电针对缺血性中风患者血脂水平的影响

26、The analysis on Accuracy of Electr onic Weigher ─── 电子称重仪的精度分析

27、Experience of Transurethral Electrization and Electrotomy for Hyperplasia of Prostate ─── 经尿道电汽化与电切术治疗前列腺增生症体会

28、the railway electrization sing-phase indoor vacuum interrupter of type ZNT2-27.5, operated by permanence magnetic mechanism, apply to railway electric system. ─── 采用永磁机构操动,具有同步关合功能,主要用于电气化铁道电力系统。

29、This paper uses insetting case technology in the capital repair of electr. ─── 在煤矿机电设备大修中,应用镶套工艺,效果很好。

30、Market demand environment and future character of electrization market ─── 电气化市场需求环境及未来特征

31、The Electrode method and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering(SERS) Spectroscopy we re used to study the SERS spectroscopy of CAMP and AMP on silver and gold Electr ode. ─── 利用电化学 -表面增强激光拉曼光谱方法对环腺苷酸 ( CAMP)和腺苷酸 ( AMP)在银电极和金电极上的增强拉曼光谱进行了研究 .

32、P: The doctors working in our county's hospital told me that my physical examination , electr ocardiogram , and chest and skull x-ray examination results were normal . ─── 我们县医院的医生对我说过,我的体格检查、心电图、胸部和头颅的 X线检查都正常。

33、Resister Measurement of the Electrization Railway Touch Net ─── 电气化铁路接触网电阻测量

34、P.Kalyani.* , N.Kalaiselvi. , N.Muniyandi. ,: Advanced Batteries Division, Central Electr ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容

35、On the railway of electrization, power supply mode is requested to be the single-phase alternating current. ─── 在铁道电气化牵引区段,牵引供电网采用单相工频交流电供电方式。

36、Electrization alteration for force standard machine control system ─── 力标准机控制系统的电子化改造

37、In the paper the theory of gas ionization and particle electrization is used to discuss the phenomenon. ─── 针对这一现象,利用气体电离理论、荷电理论和燃烧理论对高偏置电压下本试验和发动机试验中出现的离子电流信号的突变原因进行了探讨。

38、20 counties in the second national 150 primary rural electrization counties. ─── 在全国第二批推行150个农村初级电气化县中,该省初定为20个。

39、With the development of railway electrization , the requirement about the capability of slide is promptly improving. ─── 随着铁路电气化和高速化的不断发展对滑板性能的要求同益提高。

40、Aredes M,Hafner J,Heumann K.Three-phase four-wire shunt active filter control strategies[J]. IEEE T POWER ELECTR 12.(2) 311-318 MAR 1997. ─── 薛定宇.控制系统计算机辅助设计[M].清华大学出版社,1995..

41、Keywords rust preventing oil;electrochemical measurement;wire beam electr(; ─── 防锈油;电化学测量;丝束电极;

42、electr pneumatic converter ─── 电动气动转换器

43、Waku S.Studies on the boundary layer ceramic capacitor.Rev Electr Comm Lab,1967,15:689 ─── 莫以豪,李标荣,周国良.半导体陶瓷及其敏感元件,第二章.上海:上海科技出版社,1983

44、Gaomi is a “ electrization city in countryside” named by the state Electric Power Ministry. ─── 高密是国家电力部命名的“农村电气化市”。

45、Construction measurement of once electrization catenary system in a newly built railway ─── 新线铁路一次电气化接触网施工测量

46、Jean Jaequelin,A Reliable Algorithm for the Exact Median Rank Function[J].IEEE Trans Electr Insul 1993,28(2). ─── 王小平,曹立明.遗传算法-理论、应用与软件的实现[M].绵阳:绵阳交通大学出版社.2002.

47、Keywords DCNP organic crystal;electr optic crystal;nonlinear optical crystal;solvents; ─── 有机晶体DCNP;电光晶体;非线性光学晶体;溶剂;

48、Construction measurement of once electrization catenary system in a newly built railway ─── 新线铁路一次电气化接触网施工测量

49、Job Responsibilities:-Search new Market developing opportunities in industries of Communication, Consumer Electr...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海露茵企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-5-20

50、The development of railway electrization in our country is relatively late and get behind in the research and use of carbon-based slide. ─── 我国铁路高速化发展较晚,在碳基滑板的研制及应用方面处于滞后状态。

51、By "electrization " , enterprise can optimize its operation flow, advance the efficiency and reduce the cost. ─── 通过“电子化”,企业可以通过信息流来优化其运营流程、提高效力、下降成本,从而提高自己的竞争力。

52、Keywords NO reduction;plasma;voltage between two electr odes;distance between two tips;dielectric medium; ─── NO还原;等离子体;极间电压;尖端距离;电介质;

53、engineering of agricultural mechanization and electrization; ─── 农业机械化与电气化工程;

54、The results of this experiment reveal that the adopted prediction formula is much accurate,and the tested productivity agrees with the reality.As fa result,the data of electr... ─── 因此,在满足相似条件情况下,可以利用电模拟实验数据来表征水平井压裂产能的大小,从而达到快速预测水平井压裂产能的目的。

55、before you try to mend it. 2) electr. ─── 把忘戒抓快忱我扶攸找抆;

56、Research on Feasibility of the Vehicle Engine Valve Electrization ─── 车用发动机气门电动化的可行性研究

57、Principle and Experimental Research on Electrization of Fuel Aiming at Assisting Atomization ─── 燃油荷电改善雾化的机理与试验研究

58、China will set up a nationwide electr icity market in the near future.Also this field is my favorite. ─── 签前面一队中有我的一个同学,赫赫,我们的计划太像了) M: My major is very emerging in China.

59、The classification of nanometer device and solid nanoelectron devices including quantum dot and resonance tunnel device and single electr... ─── 最后对半导体器件的发展提出了展望。

60、A method to control the electrization of resistance welding machines with a distributed control system (DCS) is presented. ─── 介绍对电阻焊机通电进行集散控制的方法,着重阐述中心控制系统的设计和使用方法。

61、The doctors working in our county's ho ital told me that my physical examination , electr ocardiogram , and chest and skull x-ray examination results were normal . ─── 病人:我们县医院的医生对我说过,我的体格检查、心电图、胸部和头颅的X线检查都正常。

62、Effect of Blood fat Level on Ischemic Wind stroke Treated by Electr acu puncture 黄耀全, ─── 针刺改善心肌缺血作用的临床观察高楠,苏勋庄,候健,任婷婷,孙学全

63、ZHAO Lei.The advice on the design of box substation[J].Country Electrization, 2002, (5): 10-11. ─── [2]赵磊.对箱式变电站设计的建议[J].农村电气化,2002, (5): 10-11.

64、Electric power steering is the feture of automible steering technology and true of auomobile technology electrization. ─── 电动转向系统代表了汽车转向技术的未来发展方向,符合汽车技术电子化的要求。

65、Research on the Technique Upgrade of the Comber Electrization ─── 精梳纺织机械技术升级的电气传动方案研究

66、International Conference on Large Electr ─── 国际大电气系统会议

67、Discussion on Disadvantage and Treatment Plan of Electrization Railway Draught Load ─── 大同电网电气化铁路牵引负荷的影响及对策

68、The structural change during the process of bovine insulin unfolding could be observed directly from the electr... ─── 从毛细管电泳谱图能直接观察胰岛素去折叠过程中发生的变化,获得蛋白质去折叠信息。

69、Objective: To discuss the way and effect of catheter aider prostate electrization by urethra. ─── 前言:目的:探讨经尿道前列腺电气化术后导尿管的护理方法及效果。

70、This article introduces the structure and function of the highway toll collection electrization &televison supervision system, and then explains the theory of its running. ─── 本文介绍了公路通行费征收电子化及电视监控系统的结构功能,系统运行原理。

71、electrization railway draught load ─── 电气化铁路牵引负荷

72、Preliminary Discussion on Environmental Management of Electr omagnetism Radiation in Yunnan Province ─── 云南省电磁辐射环境管理浅谈

73、engineering of agricultural mechanization and electrization; ─── 农业机械化与电气化工程;

74、The bedra? programme of high-performance wire electrodes covers the full spectrum,and with the BERCOCUT? series it also comprises plain brass wire electr... ─── 具体内容 : BercoCut?铜制电级丝,严格按照生产标准生产,铜制电级丝可以保证可靠的切削性能。

75、The Study of Compensating Three-Phase Imbalance of Electrization Railway Power Based on the MCR with Two-Stage Iron Core ─── 基于双级饱和磁控电抗器改善鹰潭电铁牵引变电能质量研究

76、[5]Gan W,Sun YL,PU Xiaoyu.Eliminating harmonic interference in PLC system with independent component analysis method[J].Telec Electr Power Syst,2005,26(148):25-28. ─── 甘武,孙云莲,蒲晓羽.用独立分量分析消除工频通信中的谐波干扰[J].电力系统通信,2005,26(148):25-28.

77、The present dust catchers are inefficient, cumbersome and has lower electrization in boiler shop, chemical plant and firepower power plant. ─── 针对锅炉车间、化工厂、火力发电厂等场所现有除尘设备效率低、结构笨重、电气化水平低等问题,本文研究了一种高效、方便、机电仪一体化的两级除尘系统。

78、Micro-electroforming is characterized by both resist-patterned electr oplating and resist-structural electrodepositing. ─── 微电铸工艺兼具掩膜电镀和厚膜结构电铸的双重特征。

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