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09-02 投稿



irresolute 发音

英:[?'rez?lu?t]  美:[?'r?z?'l?t]

英:  美:

irresolute 中文意思翻译



irresolute 网络释义

adj. 优柔寡断的;踌躇不定的;无决断的

irresolute 反义词


irresolute 短语词组

1、irresolute and hesitant ─── 优柔寡断

2、irresolute synonym ─── 犹豫不决的同义词

3、irresolute meaning ─── 犹豫不决的意思

4、irresolute syn ─── 犹豫不决综合征

5、irresolute mean ─── 优柔寡断

6、irresolute opposite ─── 犹豫不决的对立面

7、irresolute antonym ─── 犹豫不决的反义词

irresolute 词性/词形变化,irresolute变形

名词: irresolute-ness |副词: irresolutely |

irresolute 同义词

aimless |indecisive | flighty | fickle | adrift | unsteady | wishy-washy | undetermined | doubtful | wavering | unsure | hesitating | vacillating | uncertain | weak

irresolute 相似词语短语

1、irresolutions ─── n.优柔寡断;犹豫不决

2、irresoluteness ─── 临渊羡鱼

3、irresoluble ─── adj.不能解决的;无法解决的

4、irresolubly ─── 不可逆转地

5、revolute ─── adj.[植]外卷的;[植]后旋的;vi.参加革命

6、irresolution ─── n.优柔寡断;犹豫不决

7、irresolutely ─── adv.优柔寡断地

8、resolute ─── adj.坚决的;果断的

9、resalute ─── vt.答礼;再敬礼

irresolute 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We are sure that you will get your desired wow gold on order, rolex replicaif you buy gold wow here.Don't be irresolute! ─── 建议使用:脱脂棉材质的化妆棉建议理由:触感柔细,反复擦拭彩妆也不会刺激肌肤,造成不适。

2、Hope you can insist on what you think is right, and don't be irresolute,when facing the apartness,sneer and sarcasm of the ppl,or else you can do nothing! ─── 希望你们面对世人的冷漠、嘲讽和挖苦下不要放弃,说干就干别犹豫,否则一事无成!

3、He should not exaggerate his feelings, obstacles make him dejected, easily discouraged and feels irresolute. ─── 他不会夸大他的感受,挫折会令他沮丧,容易灰心及优游寡断。

4、Irresolute and not always to be depended upon. ─── 犹豫不定,不总是值得依赖的人。

5、The beginning of all temptation lies in a wavering mind and little trust in God, for as a rudderless ship is driven hither and yon by waves, so a careless and irresolute man is tempted in many ways. ─── 诱惑起自于动荡的心和对天主的小信德,就像是一只无舵之舟随波逐流,粗疏松懒的人也一样受到各式各样的诱惑。

6、Because of his irresolute character, we were defeated at last. ─── 因为他性格的软弱,我们最终被打败了。

7、We are sure that you will get your desired wow gold on order, if you buy gold wow here.Don’t be irresolute! ─── 法官以怪异的眼光注视着被告说:“你被控强暴一位女士的遗尸达五次之多,你还有什么可说的?”

8、So it is securest and safest to buy wow gold from us.Don’t be irresolute!We are hoping to serve you and helping you to have a wonderful wow life! ─── 顾依达的作品是其丰富的具象绘画语言与精神准则内在表现的一种细腻结合,他那一贯的富有诗意、唯美的表现手法更增加了其作品的亲和力。

9、To be irresolute; hesitate. ─── 犹豫;踌躇

10、Do you want to be a conqueror in game?Don+t be irresolute! ─── 在舞台上我们神采飞扬、兴高采烈,满怀激情的在舞台上演出。

11、From the medium-term in 1930, writer Lao she began to portray some figures whose character was irresolute, hesitant and dejected like Hamlet. ─── 老舍从20世纪30年代中期开始塑造了一批性格具有徘徊、迟疑、苦闷色彩的“哈姆雷特式”的人物形象。

12、They go on in strange paradox,decided only to be undecided,resolved to be irresolute,adamant for drift,solid for fluidity,all powerful to be impoent. ─── 他们表现出一种奇怪的自相矛盾:打定主意要犹豫不决,下定决心要优柔寡断,坚定不移地摇摆不定,态度强硬地随波逐流,强劲有力地做着无能为力的人。

13、Ignorant and irresolute without ability ─── 暗弱无能

14、Don’t be irresolute!Just place your order to buywow gold here then your desired wow gold will be in your mail box in wow game. ─── 原料:白砂糖 绵白糖以及冰糖(采用冰糖为原料是独特设计可制造独特蓬松效果)彩色多口味棉花糖制作工艺随机赠送,色彩、口味不再单一!

15、Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered, slightly irresolute, in the outer office. ─── 她没有直接到放有她办公桌的里间办公室去,而是滞留在外间办公室,有点儿拿不定主意似的。

16、I turned half round to follow, but stood irresolute. ─── 我半转身想要跟着他,却又犹豫了。

17、NuNu is always irresolute when firmness is needed, which prevents him from being a boss. ─── 老林这个人关键时候总是手软,这样是不能当老板的。

18、Don't be irresolute!This goelden opportunity is few and far between. ─── 瞧见没有,这长寿村的老人,不仅长寿,许多人还眼不花,耳不聋,的的确确是名不虚传。

19、We have been an ebay power seller and paypal confirmed seller for years.We are sure that you will get really cheap wow gold here.Don’t be irresolute! ─── 面筋、凉皮是目前市场上一种靓丽的食品,尤其在城市,它以口感好、清凉爽口、食用方便、经济实惠等特点,火遍大江南北。

20、the eyes of the elderly is full of events for years to come to the irresolute; ─── 老年的眼里却满是对往事对岁月的憧往;

21、a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy. ─── 缺乏自信心的一个人;犹豫不决并且淡而无味。

22、One must be decisive, not irresolute. ─── 做事要当机立断,不能久拖不决。

23、Don't be irresolute!Just come to our website and place your order for wow powerleveling then you will get your character to your desired high level fast. ─── 件时,简单得只是从昏迷中回归人间时见到的第一个人和她的眼泪。

24、So I really hate myself sometimes,bcuz I'm so irresolute and hesitant. ─── 所以,我并不是那种很潇洒很果断的人,有时真的很讨厌这样优柔寡断的自己。

25、If we are weak and irresolute, if we are tolerant and indulgent, it will bring harm to the people and alienate us from the masses ─── 如果我们优柔寡断,姑息养奸,则将遗祸人民,脱离群众。

26、We are sure that you will get a satisfaction with our outstanding wow power leveling service.Don't be irresolute! ─── 螺杆式使用不同几何方式,例如,图三的螺距前进,出料螺杆位于图二所示的马鞍位置,双桨交合点的中部下方与双桨成一切线。

27、We have had sadness, sense og loss, we have been irresolute, uncertain. . . ─── 我们有过感伤、我们有过失落,我们曾踟蹰不前、我们曾踌躇彷徨…

28、Don+t be irresolute! ─── 吸取教训,但不要后悔。

29、The quality of lacking a strong character,an irresolute disposition. ─── 缺乏强硬个性的性格,犹豫不决的性格。

30、These verbs mean to be uncertain, irresolute, or indecisive. ─── 这些动词意为不肯定、优柔寡断或犹豫不决。

31、The manager is irresolute. ─── 那个经理是个优柔寡断的人。

32、I will play the villain for the first time. I am a kind of irresolute and good person, but I'm trying to be a bad guy these days. ─── 这是我第一次演反派角色,我本身是一个优柔寡断的好人,但这些日子我要试著做一个坏人。

33、the trait of being irresolute; lacking firmness of purpose ─── 犹豫不决的特性;缺乏坚定的信心

34、Presley was a confirmed dreamer, irresolute, inactive, with a strong tendency to melancholy ─── 普瑞斯莱是个不可救药的梦想家,优柔寡断,喜静厌动,常常会觉得郁郁不乐。

35、Vernon stood irresolute ─── 维农犹豫不决地站着。

36、McGillicuddy's hand went up to the communication cord, then paused, irresolute. ─── 麦吉利库迪的手伸向通讯绳,然后迟疑地停了下来。

37、You start irresolute, start worry in uncertainty. ─── 你开始了踌躇,开始了疑虑。

38、To be nervously irresolute in acting or doing. ─── 不知所措在表演或做事时处于紧张犹豫中

39、Don’t be irresolute!Just place your order to buy wow gold here then your desired wow gold will be in your mail box in wow game.We are hoping to serve you and helping you to have a wonderful wow life! ─── 在食品、药品干燥 ...由大庆石化公司机械厂研发的陶瓷内衬单管三级旋风油水分离器经过一年多运行,各项技术指标达到国际先进水平。

40、Your irresolute attitude, coupled with your irrepressible sense of nonchalance simply is inappropriate to the seriousness of the situation. ─── 你犹豫不决的态度以及抑制不住的冷淡与事态的严重性完全不相当。

41、Left in a hurry you encounter in life people, we should thank him through your life, because he is wonderful to you a part of the irresolute. ─── 遇到匆匆离开你人生的人时,要谢谢他走过你的人生,因为他是你精彩回憧的一部份。

42、She stood in the hall, irresolute, frightened, and the glaring light of the fire in the sitting room threw tall dim shadows on the walls about her. ─── 她站在穿堂里,又犹豫又害怕,起居室里的熊熊火光将一睦高大的阴影投射在她周围墙壁上。

43、Don’t be irresolute! ─── ?特?字????,,最新安全机???

44、So it is securest and safest to buy wow gold from us.Don’t be irresolute! ─── 影响性生活的就是夫妻双方在同房能否获得快感。

45、6. chop and change;vacillate;irresolute;swing from side to side; ─── 犹豫不决经常突然变换或彻底改变看法或感情;

46、the trait of being irresolute; lacking firmness of purpose. ─── 犹豫不决的特性;缺乏坚定的信心。

47、It's not as though the problem hadn't been raised before. We have been talking about it for a couple of years at the very least, and yet some comrades are still irresolute. ─── 这个问题不是今天才讲,至少讲了两年了,还是有些同志下不了手。

48、Lacking firmness of will,character,or purpose;irresolute. ─── 意志不坚的没有坚强的意志,品质和明确的目的;没有决心的

49、I am the Jiujiang instituteinformation science and the technical institute in 2006 the graduatingstudent, soon the social university, the mood is such excitedapproaches irresolute. ─── 我是九江学院信息科学与技术学院2006年应届毕业生,即将踏入社会大学,心情是那样地兴奋又傍徨。

50、the quality of lacking a strong character; an irresolute disposition. ─── 缺乏强硬个性的性格;犹豫不决的性格。

51、planned two Park Avenue and the new Guangzhou fundamental to the bottom.House centipede irresolute graceful Hemerocallis flava.Center, located in Guangzhou Avenue on both sides of things. ─── 规划中的两个公园基本以广州大道和新?蚰下方徊婵谖?中心,分别位于广州大道的东西两侧。

52、hesitate; dubious; indecisive; irresolute; remain undecided; to poise; to wobble; unable to make up one's mind ─── 犹豫不决

53、His opponents were too irresolute to call his bluff ─── 他的对手太优柔寡断,不敢接受挑战。

54、Not having made up one's mind; irresolute ─── 尚未拿定主意;犹豫不定

55、rather a curious fellow too, with a fund of sly wit and quiet humor, under his listless, dawdling, indifferent, irresolute manner. ─── 而且还是一个喜欢寻根究底的人,在他那无精打采的、虚度光阴的、漠不关心的、踌躇不决的态度之下,却储藏着狡猾的机智和文静的幽默。

56、chop and change; vacillate; irresolute; swing from side to side; move to and fro ─── 摇摆不定

57、We are sure that you will get a satisfaction with our outstanding wow power leveling service.Don't be irresolute!This goelden opportunity is few and far between. ─── 专家学者的主题报告观点鲜明,分析透彻,对发展西江经济所提出的意见和建议具有一定的前瞻性,得到了听众的肯定,反响热烈。

58、Resourceful But irresolute ─── 足谋寡断

59、Busy life is the cure of heart wounded. That abrupt news which was supposed to make him irresolute, exciting and nervous is effaced by the busy work. ─── 繁忙的生活是感情的最佳疗剂,那些突然的消息...本来应有的踌躇不安和激动紧张都在忙碌中忘却。

60、Irresolute man can't carry out to the end even if he makes a decision. ─── 优柔寡断的人,即使做了决定,也不能贯彻到底。

61、Irresolute persons make poor victors. ─── 优柔寡断的人不会成为胜利者。

62、rather a curious fellow too, with a fund of sly wit and quiet humor, under his listless, dawdling , indifferent, irresolute manner. ─── 而且还是一个喜欢寻根究底的人,在他那无精打采的、虚度光阴的、漠不关心的、踌躇不决的态度之下,却储藏着狡猾的机智和文静的幽默。

63、The worst reason to launch an attack would be a fear of seeming irresolute. ─── 发起攻击最坏的理由就是因为害怕看起来犹豫不决。

64、To be irresolute when a prompt decision should be taken would only spell disaster ─── 当断不断,必受其乱。

65、NuNu is always irresolute when firmness is needed, which prevents him from being a boss. ─── 老林这个人关键时候总是手软,这样是不能当老板的。

66、"I will play the villain for the first time.I am a kind of irresolute and good person, but I'm trying to be a bad guy these days. ─── 这是我第一次演反派角色,我本身是一个优柔寡断的好人,但这些日子我要试著做一个坏人。"

67、We are sure that you can not get such an outstanding cheap 2moons dil service as the same as we do.Do not be irresolute. ─── 建议在井口安装能监测环空压力并能记录于卡片上的巴顿记录仪,或将数据采集系统的一个压力探头与环空相连以随时监测环空压力的变化。

68、4.Helen had firm views on how her young man should behave.Decisive kissing was one thing;irresolute pawing about was quite another. ─── 海伦对年青男子的举止有坚定的看法,动情的深吻是一回事,轻挑的动手动脚是另一回事。

69、irresolute without decision ─── 惘惘无主

70、We know what the gamers need, so we are trying to provide an instant way of RS WoW poWer LeveLing.Do you want to be a conqueror in game?Don+t be irresolute! ─── “木马”与计算机网络中常常要用到的远程控制软件有些相似,但由于远程控制软件是“善意”的控制,因此通常不具有隐蔽性;

71、In the effort to rectify Party conduct and raise general social standards in the past two years people have often been irresolute in many ways. ─── 前两年抓整顿风气这件事,实际上在许多方面犹豫不决

72、the committee was timid and mediocre and irresolute. ─── 委员会胆

73、a person who lacks confidence,is irresolute and wishy-washy. ─── 缺乏自信心的一个人;犹豫不决并且淡而无味。

74、To maximal misunderstanding of love, be to think that it is omnipotent. [Real love] be irresolute, even if being only a like that little difference [if have a job]. ─── 对爱情最大的误解,是认为它是万能的."现实的爱"是摇摆不定的,即使只是"有没有工作"那样小小的区别

75、Woman today no longer equate beauty with being fragile and irresolute. ─── 现代女性再也不以优柔寡断,弱不禁风为美。

76、Why I begin to be irresolute to our breakfast, why I begin to think that there is not appetite, why I is it read to like no longer, why I is it sit nothing it does to be to stare flankly to want only. ─── 为什么我开始对我们的早餐犹豫不决,为什么我开始觉得没有食欲,为什么我不再喜欢看书,为什么我只想坐着什么都不做就是发呆?

77、We know what the gamers need, so we are trying to provide an instant way of lotro gold delivery.Do you want to be a conqueror in game?Don't be irresolute! ─── “中国国际建筑展”为我国首个致力于搭建建筑设计、建筑材料及建筑工程等上下游产业链联动发展平台的专业展览会,已成功举办两届。

78、Irresolute persons make poor leaders. ─── 优柔寡断的人不会成为好领袖。

79、He is never irresolute or inactive ─── 他不犹豫,不休息。

80、L smooth strong irresolute mappings ─── L光滑强不定映射

81、Don’t be irresolute!Just place your order to buy wow gold here then your desired wow gold will be in your mail box in wow game. ─── 任何食品在冰箱里的贮存时间不要太长,最好做到随买随吃,因为贮存时间过长,既影响食品的鲜美,又易产生异味。

82、I am always too irresolute for you ─── 我一向太过为你忧柔

83、Lacking firmness of will, character, or purpose; irresolute. ─── 意志不坚的没有坚强的意志,品质和明确的目的; 没有决心的

84、the quality of lacking a strong character; an irresolute disposition. ─── 缺乏强硬个性的性格;犹豫不决的性格。

85、It is an unimaginable price.We are sure that you will get a satisfaction with our outstanding wow power leveling service.Don't be irresolute!This goelden opportunity is few and far between. ─── 罗川镇瓦窑村农民杨华德,两年前他和村里的乡亲一样把家里的4亩地租给了彩云葡萄公司,并在自家的地里给公司打工。

86、The S-Base and Irresolute Function ─── S-基及不定函数

87、a person who lacks confidence,is irresolute and wishy-washy ─── 缺乏自信心的一个人;犹豫不决并且淡而无味

88、irresolute about what to choose ─── 选什么决断不了

89、The irresolute spend the most precious moments of life regretting. ─── 犹豫迟疑的人,常把生命最珍贵的时刻浪费在懊悔上。



拼音:yōu róu guǎ duàn



英文翻译:Irresolute and hesitant







拼音: tuō ní dài shuǐ


例句: 他的个性很爽利,最讨厌人家做起事来拖泥带水的。


拼音:mó léng liǎng kě




拼音:hán hu qí cí



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