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09-02 投稿


breathless 发音

英:['breθl?s]  美:['br?θl?s]

英:  美:

breathless 中文意思翻译



breathless 短语词组

1、breathless cabo ─── 气喘吁吁的小屋

2、breathless tv version ─── 气喘吁吁的电视版

3、breathless adv ─── 气喘吁吁的

4、breathless feeling ─── 气喘吁吁的感觉

5、the breathless ─── 气喘吁吁的

6、breathless moment ─── 气喘吁吁的时刻

7、breathless chant ─── 气喘吁吁的圣歌

8、breathless resorts ─── 令人窒息的度假村

9、breathless movie ─── 气喘吁吁的电影

10、breathless film ─── 气喘吁吁的电影

11、breathless face ─── 气喘吁吁的脸

12、breathless jamaica ─── 气喘吁吁的牙买加

13、breathless cancun ─── 气喘吁吁的坎昆

14、breathless with surprise ─── 惊讶得喘不过气来

15、shayne ward breathless shayne ward ─── 气喘吁吁

16、breathless with suprise ─── 惊讶得喘不过气来

17、breathless nes ─── 上气不接下气

18、breathless mp ─── 气喘吁吁的mp

19、out of breathless ─── 气喘吁吁

breathless 词性/词形变化,breathless变形

名词: breathlessness |副词: breathlessly |

breathless 同义词

pulseless | winded | gasping | inanimate | dyspnoeic | puffing | breathtaking | dyspnoeal | dyspneic |greedy | out of breath | wheezing | panting | dyspneal

breathless 反义词


breathless 相似词语短语

1、breathiest ─── adj.带呼吸声的;缺少声量的(breathy的变形)

2、breadthless ─── 无宽度

3、bathless ─── adj.不洗澡的;无浴室的

4、breathiness ─── 气息声

5、breadless ─── adj.无面包的,没饭吃的;缺粮的

6、breathers ─── [机]通气器(breather的名词复数)

7、breathlessly ─── adv.气喘地;屏息地

8、wreathless ─── 无环

9、breathes ─── vi.呼吸;低语;松口气;(风)轻拂;vt.呼吸;使喘息;流露;低声说

breathless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her mind stood still as if paralyzed for a long, breathless instant, and then raced forward. ─── 她的思想木然不动,默无声息,仿佛瘫痪了似的。 好一会才继续向前奔跑。

2、She opened the door of the apartment, a little breathless from climbing the stairs. ─── 她打开公寓的门走了进来,因为刚爬了楼梯,显得有些气喘。

3、I was a little breathless and my heartbeat was bumpy and fast. ─── 我有点上气不接下气,我的心跳不稳并且很快。

4、"Pardon, excuse me, sir," he said, quite breathless, "but here are your fifteen hundred francs. ─── “对不起,请原谅,先生,”他一面喘着气,一面说,“这是您的一千五百法郎。”

5、When they met again, two days later, it was Gatsby who was breathless who was, somehow, betrayed. ─── 两天以后,他们再见面时,显得心慌意乱,似乎上当受骗的倒是盖茨比。

6、When the wonder of nature is revealed, one is left breathless and awe-struck. ─── 在发现大自然的神奇时,会令人惊讶兴奋,敬畏之情油然而生。

7、The breathless days slipped by. ─── 令人惴惴不安的日子一天天地过去。

8、Bob was breathless with excitement. ─── Bob激动得喘不过气来.

9、He stayed cushioned upon her, breathless, dazed, enervated, with his heart beating like a hammer upon her. ─── 他靠在她身上喘着气,眼睛似乎在冒金星。

10、Sometimes the most powerful points can be delivered in a very quiet voice- with the audience breathless to hear. ─── 有时候,最有力的观点可以用非常轻柔的声音表达出来的,伴随着听众的呼吸声让他们接收。

11、And Leyla's mouth on her neck, weaving a soft line with her lips up to Tala's ear where she could hear her breathing, quick and breathless. ─── 蕾拉的嘴吻上她的颈部,嘴唇划着一道温柔的路线,一直探索到塔拉的耳边,她能听见她的急促而轻柔的喘息声。

12、An hour passed before she came running back, almost too breathless to speak. ─── 她去了有一点钟。 跑回来,她已喘得说不上来话。

13、Bigger staggered back against the wall breathless for a moment. ─── 别格踉跄着退到墙边,一时喘不过气来。

14、Doctor: Have you been feeling breathless, since you have had this chest pain? ─── 医生.你胸痛以来有没有感到气短?

15、Dialed her number. She answered, slightly breathless, on the third ring. ─── 他吃完午饭走到县府广场停车场的公用电话亭,拨了她的号码,铃响三次时她接电话,稍稍有点气喘。He finished his lunch and walked over to the public phone on the parking of the courthouse.

16、Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it. ─── 大多数人是这样气喘吁吁的匆忙追求快乐,以至于越过了它。

17、The blow left him breathless. ─── 一拳打得他透不过气来。

18、He is short of breath, even when he is not exercising, he is breathless. ─── 他喘不上气来;即使不运动,也是上气不接下气。

19、In a moment of breathless delight! ─── 令人心醉窒息的瞬间!

20、A fit body is one that can perform everyday tasks without getting tired and breathless. ─── 一个健康的身体是指一个人可以完成每天的工作而不会感到很疲倦和上不来气。

21、Murphy also includes in this chapter a very useful section on deflation, a subject nearly impossible to find treated without breathless hysteria. ─── 墨菲还在本章用一段文字讨论了通货紧缩,如果没有付出极大的热情和精力,几乎不可能发现这个被掩盖的真相。

22、Flushed and breathless, she bounded in through the gate. ─── 她满脸通红气喘吁吁从大门口跑了进来。

23、He arrived breathless at the top of the stairs. ─── 他爬上楼梯顶时气喘吁吁的。

24、A breathless flight. ─── 令人喘不过气的飞行

25、They telephoned from offices and from restaurants and from airports--breathless and busy: they hadn't got a moment, they said, can you lay in orange juice and muesli and yogurt and wholemeal bread? ─── 她们 从办公室、餐厅、晚会或机场往家打电话,常常是忙得喘不过气来。她们说,她们一点儿空都没有,你能准备好橘子汁、加干果麦片、酸奶和全麦面包吗?

26、When she reached Wesley Chapel, she was breathless and dizzy and sick at her stomach. ─── 她到达韦斯利教堂前面时已累得头晕气喘,胃里也很不舒服了。

27、Her eagerness to confide the happenings of each day to the diary can be seen in the breathless beginning of many of the entries. ─── 她急切地想把每天发生的事倾诉于日记之中,这一点可以从许多条目的那种迫切开头看出来。

28、The audience listened breathless, but the words refused to come. ─── 听众们屏息敛气静听,可是话还是没有说出来。

29、He stayed cushioned upon her, breathless, dazed, enervated, with his heart beating like hammer upon her. ─── 他压在她身上喘着气,四肢无力,眼冒金星,可心却像小锤一样咚咚地敲打着她。

30、A breathless summer day. ─── 一个无风且沉闷的夏日

31、Give me a moment and bottled water for a while I taped shut, and made them breathless, amused me laugh. ─── 一会儿给我送水,一会儿给我贴胶布,搞得他们气喘吁吁,逗得我哈哈大笑。

32、Suddenly she felt sixteen again and happy, a little breathless and excited. ─── 她突然感到自己又变成了一个十六岁的姑娘,那么快活,还有点紧张和兴奋。

33、They were awe-stricken likewise at themselves, because the crisis flung back to them their consciousness, and revealed to each heart its history and experience, as life never does, except at such breathless epochs. ─── 因为这一紧急关头又重新勾起他们的意识,并向各自的心头揭示了自己的历史和经历,那是除去这种令人窒息的时刻,平常的人生中所从来没有的。

34、At last she was quite breathless and cried to her father,a river god,for help. ─── 她甚至没朝身后瞥了一眼,最终她气喘吁吁地向她的父亲(河神)求救。

35、They maintained a breathless(= very fast)pace for half an hour. ─── 他们用疾速的步伐走了半小时。

36、The climb left him breathless. ─── 向上爬使他气喘吁吁。

37、Even when he has not been exercising, he is breathless. ─── 他总是呼吸短促。即使不运动,也是气喘吁吁的。

38、He told the authorities he could barely walk more than 50 yards without feeling breathless -- but was an active member of the Penny Lane Striders running club. ─── 他告诉申请机关说他走50码都喘不过气来,但实际上却是“潘尼巷飞侠”长跑俱乐部的积极分子。

39、He forged ahead, panting and breathless. ─── 他气喘吁吁地向前奔跑。

40、They waited, as it were, breathless for the result. ─── 他们可以说是屏息以待结果。

41、Diane Setterfield will keep you guessing, make you wonder, move you to tears and laughter, and in the end, deposit you breathless yet satisfied back upon the shore of your everyday life. ─── 于是她开始着手调查这个家庭,按照自己的调查结果将这个家庭的故事拼接起来。

42、She sounded breathless, as if nervous but trying not to be. ─── 她说起话来上气不接下气,而且极力压抑着紧张的心情。

43、To utter in a breathless manner. ─── 喘着气说气吁吁地说

44、"Wade, no!" cried Gil. "Come back!" And the guppy raced after him. Breathless, Gil finally caught up. ─── “韦德,别那样!”吉尔哭了。“回来吧!”吉尔古比气喘气喘地随后跟上,吉尔最终赶上韦德。

45、Libby was always breathless as if, to a seven-year-old, life were excitingly on the run and she must keep pace or to be left behind. ─── 利比总是上气不接下气的,对一个七岁的孩子来说,好像生活在奔腾向前,一切都是令人兴奋的,而她必须要一直跟上,否则就会落后似的。

46、At last he reached the Blaru-bottom, after the lapse of forty minutes, sweating, soaked, breathless, scratched, and ferocious. ─── 四十分钟后,他淌着汗,全身湿透,喘着气,满身是伤,恶狠狠地赶到了布拉于矿地。

47、Heavy smoking makes him breathless. ─── 吸烟过多使他气喘.

48、When they met again, two days later, it was Gatsby who was breathless,who was, somehow, betrayed. ─── 两天之后,他们俩再见面时,显得心慌意乱,似乎上当受骗的倒是盖茨比。

49、At length there was a cry of silence, and a breathless look from all towards the door. ─── 终于有人喝令肃静,人们纷纷屏息凝神向门那边观看。

50、What gave it an air of breathless intensity was that Daisy lived there. ─── 其所以有一种扣人心弦的强烈的情调是因为她住在那里。

51、Chess fans around the globe watched the match with breathless interest. ─── 全世界的棋迷都屏息静观这场棋赛。

52、"The effort has left me breathless not only because of the energy expended but especially because of the vitality of this exilic prophet's message. ─── 今天拿到这本英文的以西结书注释,厚厚地捧在手中,有期待,也有惶惶。

53、He ran until he was breathless. ─── 他一直跑到气喘吁吁才停下。

54、Easily get breathless from going up and down the stairs. ─── 上下楼梯容易气喘。

55、Stooping, he stared at him in breathless and frozen ferocity. ─── 他弯下身躯,盯着他,满脸凶相,令人失魂落魄,毛骨悚然。

56、Flushed and breathless, she bounded through the gate. ─── 她满脸通红气喘吁吁,从大门跑了进来。

57、Here they stood, staring, breathless with wonder. ─── 他们就站在那里观看,一个个都睁大了眼睛,惊奇得透不过气来。

58、Five minutes afterwards two breathless rabbits came scuttering away down Bull Banks, half carrying half dragging a sack between them, bumpetty bump over the grass. ─── 五分钟之后,两只上气不接下气的兔子急著从公牛坡下来,他俩半搬著半拖曳著一个麻袋,在草地上颠颠簸簸地行进。

59、She was so weak that she had became breathless before she walked a few minutes. ─── 她身体很虚弱,走了没几分钟就已经气喘吁吁了。

60、He arrived breathless at the top of the stairs. ─── 他爬上楼梯顶时气喘吁吁的。

61、At a breathless average altitude of 12,000ft (3,660-m) this expedition is not for the faint of heart but made for the pioneer in spirit. ─── 在平均海拔12000英尺(3660米)缺氧的这个探险对于心脏无力是很难完成的,但是还要走向灵魂的先锋。

62、The blush was not difficult for she was breathless and her heart was beating like a drum. ─── 她脸上的红晕是不难做到的,因为她已经喘不过起来,心也似敲鼓般的怦怦直跳。

63、In her first film The Road Home Zhang Ziyi gave a breathless performance. ─── 在她的第一部影片《我的父亲母亲》里,章子怡的表演扣人心弦。

64、Some half-dozen other particular friends promptly hauled him out, and presented him breathless to Monsieur the Marquis. ─── 另外五六个好朋友立即把他拽了出来,气喘吁吁地送到侯爵大人面前。

65、Libby was always breathless as if, to a seven-year-old, life were excitingly on the run and she must keep pace or to be left behind. ─── 利比总是上气不接下气的,对一个七岁的孩子来说,好像生活在奔腾向前,一切都是令人兴奋的,而她必须要一直跟上,否则就会落后似的。

66、Five years ago, business magazines were full of breathless articles about chief executives who stayed on top of their schedules by e-mailing while they ran on the treadmill. ─── 5年前,商业杂志上满是令人喘不过气来的文章,讲述着首席执行官们是如何通过一边在跑步机上运动一边收发电子邮件来从容安排自己的时间表的。

67、"Not Guilty" was the verdict that thrilled through the breathless court. ─── “无罪”的裁决震彻了整个肃静的法庭。

68、Since then the yellow door is often sided bow breathless, Hugh mu can't return palace province. ─── 自此诸黄门常侍皆鞠躬屏气,休沐不敢复出宫省。

69、Meanwhile, that breathless growth and baffling scale is tangled up with a protectionist, information-suppressing government and one of the world's most active piracy industries. ─── 与此同时,令人难以致信的发展速度与规模,正跟保护主义、信息屏蔽与盗版行为混在一起,难分难解。

70、He is short of breath, even when he has not been exercising, he is breathless. ─── 他喘气;即使不运动,他也是上气不接下气。

71、She was breathless with indignation. ─── 她愤愤不平,气呼呼的。

72、Her case studies cover a number of web-based companies and are written up with even more breathless enthusiasm than those ofMr Taylor and Ms LaBarre. ─── 她研究的案例包含一些网络公司,她带着比泰勒先生与拉贝尔小姐更加狂热的心情写作。

73、Godard's jump cuts in "Breathless" (1960) turned up in every TV ad. ─── 在“精疲力尽”(1960)中,高达尔德剪辑的跳跃镜头一出现,即被众多电视广告竞相效仿。

74、Never again would a Bad Boy steal a woman away from me, and never again would a woman be anything less than completely fulfilled and breathless after sex with me. ─── 在不会让一个坏家伙从我身边夺走一个女人!在不会让一个女人在跟我做爱后,得不到完全的,令人窒息的性满足!我暗下决心。

75、She was hot and breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill. ─── 她骑车上山累得全身发热,喘不过气来。

76、Breathless, Gil finally caught up. ─── 吉尔气喘吁吁,终于追上韦德。

77、Some of the breathless praise about how this former student of the Depression saved the world from a repeat is overdone. ─── 一些关于他如何从大萧条中吸取经验拯救世界的褒奖令人窒息。

78、Analyze the following situation, then select the correct response: A woman running breathlessly down the road is being hotly pursued by an equally breathless man who is gaining on her at every step. ─── 先分析下列的情况,再选出一个正确的答案:有位女子在街上上气不接下气的跑著,有个男人也是上气不接下气的尾随著她,眼看著就要追上她了,你想,这个男子是:一、罪犯;

79、She was stout, pink-cheeked and silver-haired and always a little breathless from too tightly laced stays. ─── 她身体结实,两颊红喷喷的,头发银光闪闪,只是胸衣箍得太紧而常常有点喘不过起来。

80、They pressed around her, in breathless stillness. ─── 大家围上前来屏住呼吸,鸦雀无声。

81、Peppino remained breathless. ─── “赦庇皮诺,即罗卡·庇奥立。”

82、the breathless heat of a summer afternoon ─── 夏日午后的闷热

83、You just want to feel comfortable in your own skin. You want to be able to run for the bus, or walk up stairs without getting breathless. ─── 只是想让自己觉得舒服就好,可以追的上公交车,上楼梯没有累的大口喘气。

84、From the first day on, you life studying abroad will became trifling and bustling.Both expenses of brainwork and manual works make you breathless. ─── 从打工的第一天起,你的留学生活将变得琐碎忙乱,脑力的付出与体力的消耗使你苦不堪言。

85、Why, the good God sends him back again.' Caderousse sank pale and breathless into his chair. ─── 卡德鲁斯脸色煞白,吓得都喘不过气来了,一下子跌回到了他的椅子里。

86、She was only extemporizing, but a stirring warmth flowed from her, as if her heart was trying to come out to you concealed in one of those breathless, thrilling words. ─── 她不过是随嘴乱说一气,但是却洋溢着一种动人的激情,仿佛她的心就藏在那些气喘吁吁的、激动人心的话语里,想向你倾诉一番。

87、"I've got her," Charlie said, a little breathless. ─── “我能行。”查理说,小点喘不过气。

88、She, too, is breathless, as is the police man with her. ─── 她也跑得气喘吁吁,像那个和她一同赶来的警察一样。

89、His arms became stiff, his legs lost their flexibility, and he was almost breathless. ─── 他的手臂渐渐地僵硬了,两条腿也难以动弹,他几乎喘不过气来了。

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