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09-02 投稿



grits 发音

英:[gr?ts]  美:[ɡr?ts]

英:  美:

grits 中文意思翻译



grits 网络释义

n. 粗磨粉;粗燕麦粉;(美)粗玉米粉n. (Grits)人名;(英、俄)格里茨

grits 词性/词形变化,grits变形

动词现在分词: gritting |动词过去分词: gritted |动词过去式: gritted |动词第三人称单数: grits |

grits 短语词组

1、cheesy grits ─── 奶酪沙砾

2、corn cob grits ─── [化] 玉米棒屑

3、hominy grits ( ─── 白玉米制的)玉米粗粉

4、kiss my grits ─── 巴结我

grits 相似词语短语

1、Grits ─── n.粗磨粉;粗燕麦粉;(美)粗玉米粉;n.(Grits)人名;(英、俄)格里茨

2、griths ─── 格里斯

3、crits ─── 关键

4、Brits ─── n.布里茨(男子名);英国人(Brit的复数)

5、geits ─── 同性恋

6、grifts ─── n.诈骗;诈骗来的钱财;vt.诈骗;vi.诈骗

7、gaits ─── n.步行靴(gait的复数形式)

8、griots ─── n.(Griot)(美)格里奥(人名)

9、frits ─── n.[化工]熔块(frit的复数);v.熔化(frit的三单形式);n.(Frits)人名;(荷、俄、匈、罗、丹)弗里茨

grits 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You are not apples, not red grits. ─── 不是苹果,不是朱砂;

2、When I was a boy, I was forced to have a cold shower every morning. I hated it but I just had to grit my teeth and do it. ─── 小时候,我被迫每天早上洗冷水澡,我很不情愿但仍然咬紧牙关坚持了下来。

3、Through degerminating,debraning and milling processes,the corn starch,corn sugar,germ oil,germ cake,corn chips,corn pearl grits and zein can be produced from corn. ─── 对玉米进行提胚取皮制渣处理,再进行制淀粉、糖、发酵生产,同时还可以生产玉米胚油、玉米胚饼以及玉米片类食品、玉米珍珠米,浸取玉米朊。

4、Although harder than GP steel grit, GL also loses its sharp edges during shotblasting and is particularly suited to descaling and surface preparation applications. ─── 尽管此类钢砂的硬度比GP钢砂要高一些,但在喷砂过程中仍会失去棱角,特别适合于钢材表面驱除氧化皮预处理作业。

5、And he has arguably provided the Journal with the mixture of capital and management grit that it needs to thrive. ─── 他或许也为该报一举提供了兴盛发展所需的资金和管理力度。

6、However, this one is Su Dongpo named " Dongpo jade grits soup" food, is actually his little son Su had improved out of whim. ─── 不过,这一款被苏东坡命名为“东坡玉糁羹”的佳肴,其实是他的小儿子苏过突发奇想改良出来的。

7、Otherwise, you'll just be one of the soldiers, like you have been throughout the course in tackling your assignments with grit and determination. ─── 以别的方式,你将会仅仅是军人之一,像你已经是在课程各处在用砂砾和决心抓住你的任务方面。

8、It takes a lot of grit to do something like that. ─── 做那和事是需要很大的勇气。

9、Experimental results show that this algorithm can partition the image of attached diamond grits effectively. ─── 分割实例表明,算法能有效分割相连的金刚石颗粒图像,准确性较高。

10、The skills of the George Washington University medical team, plus his amazing determination and the grit and spirit of his wife, Sarah, pulled Jim through. ─── 乔治·华盛顿大学医疗人员的医术,加上他惊人的决心,以及他太太萨拉的勇气精神,使他度过了难关。

11、The guests act glad to get the grits, but the guests agree that Gretchen's garlic grits are gross. ─── 客人们很高兴的接受了粉末,但是客人们都认为格雷奇恩的蒜末太油腻了。

12、The roundness of grit's projection was assessed by minimum circumcircle method. ─── 以最小外接圆法评定了金刚石颗粒投影的圆度。

13、The effect of temperature, stirring velocity and grit size on the dissolution of gold and silver also was investigated. ─── 也试验了温度、拌速度和粒度对溶解金和银的影响。

14、As a conventional surface process,grit blasting can be used to clean and roughen metal surface. ─── 喷砂是常用的金属表面处理方法,可起毛化和清洁作用,如作为热喷涂涂层的预处理工艺。

15、And since he did not smoke or drink or gamble and had no family, all he needed was to grit his teeth and everything was sure to work out. ─── 他不吃烟,不喝酒,不赌钱,没有任何嗜好,没有家庭的累赘,只要他自己肯咬牙,事儿就没有个不成。

16、Lightly scuff sand flywheel face with 180 grit emery clotThen clean surface with a wax and grease remover. ─── 以180号金刚砂布轻轻打磨飞轮表面。然后以除去蜡与黄油的去污剂清洗表面。

17、In the second half we showed grit and determination when we went down to ten men and it can only bode well for the future. ─── 下半场,十人应战,全队坚守阵地,这预示着我们将会赢得比赛。

18、A new researched drill of machining super hard and brittle materials, which can combines ultrasonic vibrating with grinding of diamond grits, is introduced. ─── 介绍了新研制的一种钻削超硬脆材料的钻头,阐明了该钻头的钻削机理,给出了该钻头的设计及制作过程。

19、The guests act glad to get the grits, but the guests agree that Gregory's garlic grits are gross. ─── 客人们很高兴接受了蒜末,尽管客人们都认为,格雷奇恩的蒜末太粗劣了。

20、Grits is the story of a group of disenfranchised loners who meet in a small coastal village in West Wales at the end of the 1990s. ─── 《砂砾》讲述了一群被社会遗弃、离群索居的人的故事。20世纪90年代末,他们在西威尔士的一个海滨小镇上相遇了。

21、Wet sand them with 3600 sandpaper and smooth out the paint with even higher grit (or toothpaste!). ─── 弄湿他们,用3600号砂纸打磨,并消除涂料上的突出的沙砾(或牙膏!)

22、Andy strolls along, whistling softly, hands in both pockets. TILT DOWN to his pantleg. Concrete grit trickles out. ─── 安迪在散步,吹着口哨,两手插兜。镜头斜下到他的裤腿处,混凝土碎末从裤管处滑出。

23、GP ARRIS STEEL GRIT A ngular when new, this grit rapidly rounds off in use and is particularly suited to descaling applications. ─── GP棱角钢砂此种磨料新制成时,是尖棱状的,使用过程中棱角很快就被磨圆,特别适合于去除氧化皮作业。

24、On the base of referencing the technical date of home and abroad,and according to the function of aluminium,a kind of new grit dose is developed. ─── 在前人研究的基础上,根据铝的性质,从碱液浓度、温度、络合、整平等方面进行试验,发展了砂面剂。

25、I've had a front-row seat to his candidacy, and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit. ─── 我对他很了解,我亲眼看到了他的力量和决心,他的优雅和勇气。希拉里的结束词堪称经典。

26、You need to grit your teeth and get on with work at your own pace. ─── 你需要咬紧牙关继续坚守你自己的脚步。

27、Potato Starch, Corn Starch, Potato Flakes, Potato Flakes Milled, Potato Granules, Potato Dices , Potato Grits, Snacks, Pellets, Vegetables. ─── 采购产品马铃薯淀粉,玉黍蜀淀粉,马铃薯薄片,马铃薯薄片米尔,马铃薯小粒,马铃薯骰子,马铃薯砂砾,点心,圆球,蔬菜。

28、There was no particular clash between us. I played my game, putting all the grit I had into a match against great champions,” insisted Siviglia. ─── 我们之间没有过多的纠缠.我打好我的比赛,把我所有的能量投入到一场伟大的比赛中去"西维利亚坚持道.

29、A new special diamond drill which combines ultrasonic vibrating with grinding of diamond grits is introduced. ─── 介绍一种新研制的能把超声振动和金刚石磨粒磨削结合在一起的特种金刚石钻头。

30、An uncompromising, often bleak novel, Grits is certainly a difficult book, but the dedication of any reader will be rewarded. ─── 作为一部主旨明确、色彩阴郁的小说,《砂砾》必定很难读懂,但是只要你细心品读,一定会获益无穷。

31、The paper introduces the application technology of geotexile to treating soft foundation in grit subgrade of Xihu highway. ─── 介绍了西(安)户(县)高速公路土工格栅在砂砾路基中处理软基工程的应用技术。

32、A fundamental principle rule in design is deduced that distance between adjacent diamond grits must be less than the maximal space length. ─── 同时,推导出了锯片金刚石参数设计中必须遵循的相邻两颗金刚石之间的最大间距原则。

33、Considering the convex of diamond grit's projection, partition points (concave points) were detected along the contour. ─── 基于金刚石投影的凸性,沿轮廓逐点搜索出分割点(凹点)。

34、"Harry - we've just got to grit our teeth and do it," said Ron on Friday morning, in a tone that suggested they were planning the storming of an impregnable fortress. ─── “哈利,我们得咬紧牙关试一试了。”罗恩星期五上午用一种他们似乎要进攻一座固若金汤的城堡的语气说。

35、Even that lumbering grit couldn't translate into production, though, as Doug Mientkiewicz grounded out to end the inning. ─── 当长名字先生敲出滚地球出局结束这局,这技安笨重的咬牙切齿上到三垒无法有所贡献。

36、Covers the disposition in the trailing wheel to have the sound absorption effect material, reduces the grit, Shui Pojian the noise. ─── 在后轮罩配置具有吸音效果的材料,以降低沙石、水泼溅的噪音。

37、High pressure and high grit velocities occur during blasting. The following health and safety procedure must be followed. ─── 在冲砂过程中,会产生高压和磨粒的高速飞射。以下的安全程序必须遵从。

38、An uncompromising, often bleak novel, Grits is certainly a difficult book, but the dedication of any reader will be rewarded. ─── 作为一部主旨明确、色彩阴郁的小说,《砂砾》必定很难读懂,但是只要你细心品读,一定会获益无穷。

39、I want grits with my eggs instead of hash browns. ─── 我想要粗玉米粉加鸡蛋而不是土豆煎饼。

40、"However, be patient, grit your teeth a little longer. ─── “总之,要有耐心,再咬咬牙,一定会绝处逢生。

41、Also, if the burr is very elastic, and tends to just flop side to side rather than getting harder to feel as you use lighter strokes or finer grits, that is a bad sign. ─── 同样地,当你使用细目砂轮(带)打磨时如果卷边很有弹性地在刀锋两边移来移去就是个坏信号。

42、I have had a front row seat to his candidacy, and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit. ─── 对他的候选人资格我有最直观的感受,我见到他的力量与决心,他的优雅风度与勇气。

43、I have grit, spinners, ribbon and any my shining things. ─── 我有粗纱,纺纱,带子还有华丽的东西。

44、Women.Who was shovelling up the piles of dirt and grit left in the melted snow by the side of the road?Women. ─── 女性驾驶员有着非常优秀的安全行驶记录,结果现在只要她们允诺不会有任何男性碰她们的车,保险公司就可以让她们少交保险费。

45、Grit is spread on roads to make them less slippery in icy weather. ─── 在结冰的天气,在路上撒上砂砾心免路面太滑。

46、A little care taken to keep the strings waxed-up and grit free will lead to a much longer string life. ─── 上蜂蜡和保持球线干净可以有效地增加球线的寿命。

47、"We showed alittle bit of grit. ─── “我们应该有点毅力。

48、There was stage smoke and glitter grit on the runway. ─── 在展示台上有舞台烟幕和闪光的沙砾。

49、They were spreading grit and salt on the icy roads. ─── 他们在结冰的路上撒沙子和盐。

50、The soldiers showed that they had plenty of grit. ─── 士兵们表现得很有勇气。

51、The area which might be affected by dust grit or debris from the work should be delineated by a suitably durable barrier. ─── 应采用恰当耐用的障碍物将可能受喷砂清洗作业产生的粉尘、粗砂或碎片影响的区域围起来。

52、He grits his teeth, but she only watches him expectantly. "Fine," he says, angrily. "I'll stay away. ─── 他磨着牙,但她却只是期待的看这饿他。“好吧,“他说,很是恼火。“我会走开的。

53、A cushion meeting with setbacks is placed in doorway place, avoid grit the injury of other perhaps small block to the floor. ─── 在门口处放置一块蹭蹬垫子,避免砂砾或者其他小石块对地板的损伤。

54、Strike after strike, Wang continued to grit through the effort, ignoring the small red spots that began to collect below his workspace. ─── 三振接著三振,王建民持续努力投球,不理会手指上小块的红色斑点,也开始慢慢聚集在他投球使用的地方。

55、Michael grits his teeth. "What's between you and him, is between you and him, " Michael says as he walks out of the showers. ─── Michael咬咬牙,“你和他的事,你们自己解决,”说着他离开了沐浴间。

56、All you can do here is survive, grit your teeth and just st[...... ─── 您浏览了太多的页面,所以您无法看到该页的内容...

57、Because all the gears are enclosed within the hub, road grit can't get inside to abrade the metal parts. ─── 因为所有的齿轮都套在轮毂内,路面上的砂石不会跑进齿轮之间磨损金属部件。

58、Carry out international grit blasting, bottom plate repairing and repainting work for aboveground oil tank no. 8 in Chevron Tsing Yi Terminal in 2006. ─── 2006年于雪佛龙青衣油库进行8号油缸缸内打沙、修补缸式底及喷油工作。

59、When grit cloth or sandpaper cannot be used, increasing the blank size in a particular area on the blank also can help. ─── 当粗布或砂纸不能使用时,在板料特定处增加尺寸也有帮助。

60、Working floors must be kept clear of obstructions and loose grit. ─── 作业地面必须随时清除障碍物和松散的粗砂。

61、The property about some material of grit dose is also introduced. ─── 介绍了砂面剂成分中部分物质的作用。

62、CBN(cubic boron nitride) grits surface were processed with sensitizing solution and activating solutions. ─── 将立方氮化硼(CBN)磨料依次浸泡于敏化液和活化液中,进行表面活化处理。

63、Containing, covered with, or resembling grit. ─── 含砂的,砂覆的,类砂的含有或类似砂的,被砂覆盖的

64、Mountaineering in a blizzard needs a lot of grit. ─── 在暴风雪中登山需要极大的勇气和毅力。

65、There are times when a real man must grit his teeth, but even then he may spit blood! ─── 好汉到时候非咬牙不可,但咬上牙也会吐了血!

66、Even if we grit our teeth and glue our lives together, they would still be shattered again. ─── 就连我们咬着牙把它粘起来以后,还要再被打碎呢。

67、He wanted grit, determination and unkindness. ─── 德尚呼唤勇气和坚定,拒绝心慈手软。

68、SG/GP STEEL GRIT: Angular when new,this grit rapidly rounds off in use and is particularly suited to removing sand of casting and scaling oxide. ─── GP钢砂:此种磨料新制成时,是尖棱状的,使用过程中棱角很快就被磨圆,特别适合于落砂及去除氧化皮作业。

69、The smaller diamond grits of the grinding plate, the better are the effects of surfactants. ─── 研磨盘的粒度越细,表面活性剂的作用效果越明显。

70、The action of grinding media applied to abrasive grits was effectively displayed when proper rotational speeds of Planetary Ball Mill were carried out. ─── 合理的球磨转速使磨介对干凝胶颗粒的作用得到充分的发挥;

71、Spacewalking astronauts inspected the joint several times before and even collected samples of the steel grit for analysis back on Earth. ─── 太空行走的宇航员以前对接头曾进行过几次检查,甚至收集了钢屑样品回地球分析。

72、The soldiers are hard grit. ─── 士兵们全都是刚强勇敢的。

73、"We cannot always be sharp and at times you have to grit your teeth and bear it," added Ancelotti. ─── "我们不能一直都保持锋利的牙齿,有时候必须要咬紧牙关坚持."安切洛蒂之后补充到.

74、He grits his teeth. ─── 他咬牙切齿。

75、He grits his teeth and turns away. "No one can ever answer my bloody questions," he mutters. ─── 他磨了磨牙,转过身去。“就没一个人能回答我那些该死的问题,“他嘟囔着。

76、So all Buddhas as many as uncountable sand grits in the Ganges will arrive even when the previous Buddhas range hasn't left. ─── 如是一切诸佛如来无数恒沙。前聚未去后群重来须臾推迁回转更赴。

77、Scree and grit was under my feet, and made some sounds. ─── 卵石和砂砾在我脚下咯咯作响。

78、It indicates the strong retention of brazing alloy to diamond grits and the longer service life of the wheel. ─── 这表明钎料合金对磨粒的高强度把持和砂轮的高耐用度。

79、During play on clay, and even hard courts, dirt and grit lodged between the strings can increase friction. ─── 当在粘土地打球时,或者硬地球场,脏的细沙粒会留在拍子上增加球线间的摩擦。

80、Risotto, like polenta and grits, is one of those dishes to which the maxim "patience is a virtue" is frequently applied. ─── 意式调味饭,像大麦粥以及玉米粥一样,熬制时极需耐心。

81、Earning points in the clubhouse for his grit, Damon avoided the disabled list, working through a broken sesamoid bone in his right foot that caused lower back and leg problems. ─── 大门以他的胆识在球队赢得地位,纵使他的右脚软骨破裂,造成下背部和腿都有问题,他仍然没有进到伤兵名单。

82、Their 15-minute contests were showcases of sporting grit and passion. ─── 15分钟的比赛展示了他们对于竞技的韧劲同热情。

83、Then go "pare-fare", "kill" a decoration company Henbuneng emesis of blood, and finally only grit one's teeth orders. ─── 于是便拼命“杀价”,“杀”得装修公司恨不能吐血,最后只能咬牙接单。

84、You have to grit your teeth and work hard. ─── 你一定要咬紧牙关,努力工作。

85、Lincoln moves forward and grits his teeth, "it was dad..." Michael says that it's not possible. ─── Lincoln咬紧牙关,向前倾身,“是父亲…”Michael说那是不可能的。

86、Our heart is like these small, only by constantly, grit through the narrow tighten oneself can be converted to crack, and no longer lonely? ─── 我们的心,是不是也像这些小小的沙砾一样,只有不断缩紧自己穿越狭窄的缝隙,才能得到皈依,不再孤独?

87、You need to show some grit if you want to succeed in the rough world of business. ─── 如果想在艰难的商界胜出,你需要拿出勇气来。

88、You will give them less experience than they'd want, but you will provide a lot of fire-in-the-belly tenacity, grit, and hard work. ─── “舍”的是,你没有他们所需要的那么多经验,“取”的是,你动力十足、不屈不挠、勇气可嘉、工作勤勉。

89、He grits his teeth and turns away. ─── 他磨了磨牙,转过身去。

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