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09-02 投稿



yearning 发音

英:[?j??rn??]  美:[?j??n??]

英:  美:

yearning 中文意思翻译




yearning 网络释义

adj. 向往的;渴望的;怀念的n. 渴望;怀念;同情v. 渴望;向往;想念(yearn的ing形式)

yearning 同义词

continuous |constant | perennial | year-around | continual

yearning 词性/词形变化,yearning变形

复数--yearnings;比较级--more yearning;最高级--most yearning。

yearning 短语词组

1、yearning for the peace ─── 渴望和平

2、yearning for the sea ─── 向往大海

3、yearning definition ─── 渴望的定义

4、yearning for the fut ─── 向往未来

5、yearning for life ─── 向往生活

6、yearning synonym ─── 渴望同义词

7、yearning meaning ─── 向往的意义

8、yearning for the oth ─── 渴望oth

9、yearning for freedom ─── 渴望自由

10、yearning to grasp the joy of sorrow ─── 渴望抓住悲伤的喜悦

11、yearning for ─── 渴望

12、yearning for perfection ─── 渴望完美

13、long yearning ─── 长久的渴望

14、yearning for the god ─── 渴望上帝

15、yearning for the li ─── 怀念李

16、the hill of yearning ─── 渴望之山

yearning 反义词


yearning 常用词组

yearn for ─── 渴望

yearn towards ─── 向往…;想念

yearning 相似词语短语

1、dearning ─── 脱铝

2、yearding ─── 年鉴

3、yearnings ─── v.渴望;充满同情(yearn的现在分词);n.渴望,向往

4、yearling ─── n.一岁崽(尤指绵羊、小牛等);一周岁的赛马;adj.满一岁的;一岁动物的;(地方当局发行的)一年期债券的;n.(Yearling)(美)叶玲(人名)

5、yarning ─── n.纱线;奇谈,故事;vt.用纱线缠;vi.讲故事

6、yeaning ─── v.(绵羊,山羊)产小羊;n.(Yean)(美、马、新)延(人名)

7、yearningly ─── adv.思念地;渴望地;同情地

8、earning ─── n.收入;所赚的钱;v.赚得(earn的现在分词);挣钱;生(利);获(利)

9、learning ─── n.学习;学问;v.学习(learn的现在分词)

yearning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But inside her heart,she really yearn for love frequently. ─── 但内心深处,还是经常渴望爱情的拥抱和爱抚。

2、Dou you hear my song of yearning? it is flying with the sun to the far_flung frontier, lingering over your heart. ─── 你可听见,思念的歌,正随着灿烂的阳光飞翔;飞到那遥远的边疆,萦绕在你的身旁。

3、The yearning for home was overpowering. ─── 回家的渴望无可抵御。

4、Enrique dreamed of becoming a singer, but he kept that yearning a secret, even from his parents. ─── 伊格莱希亚斯梦想着成为一名歌手,但却将这一长久渴望深埋在心中,甚至都没有告诉他的双亲。

5、There is one hope for those consumers who yearn for lower copper prices. ─── 对于那些热切地期待着能买到价格便宜的铜的消费者而言,只有一个希望。

6、She gazed into his faded blue eyes as if yearning to be understood. ─── 她直视着他暗淡的蓝眼睛。仿佛渴望得到他的理解。

7、At last they are beginning to make money, and they hope in a few yearn to pay off all their loans. ─── 他们终于开始挣钱了,他们希望几年之内,能还清债务。

8、She felt a yearning for her hometown. ─── 她感到对她的故乡有种企盼。

9、One who I am worrying You have been long gone, leaving behind drizzling melancholy and thickening yearning in me. ─── 你远去了,留下的是密密细雨般的惆怅,还有那浓浓的思念。

10、If the arms are outstretched in the yearning position, the person tends to be more suspicious. ─── 如果双臂伸出,呈渴望状,这种人往往比较多疑。

11、She wangled dispensation from Rome, and arrived back in London yearning to be a woman. ─── 她获得罗马的特许,回到伦敦,渴望做回女人。

12、Have you ever noticed a puppy yearning at a shut portal? ─── 你有没有注意过一只小狗在一扇关闭的门前渴望不已?

13、She said she was his serf, his slave, and she opened her yearning heart and took him in. ─── 她说,她嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗,然后她就敞开自己那扇思念的心扉,放他进去了。

14、It showed man's yearning for happiness and love. ─── 它表现了人类对爱情幸福的渴望与追求。

15、They are yearning their own dreamland. ─── 他们憧憬属于自己的梦幻家园。

16、Pride in the children's achievements is overtaken by the yearning to be with them. ─── 他们对天伦之乐的渴望已被对子女成就的自豪感取而代之。

17、Like a thoroughbred horse touched by the whip, be strenuous, be filled with spiritual yearning. ─── 如良马受到鞭策,人们应精进及对生死轮回感到悚惧。

18、Perhaps their yearning for Microsoft was the best affirmation to us and Microsoft. ─── 也许,他们的向往,就是对我们,对微软最好的肯定吧。

19、The latter's yearning to expiate a guilt that was in retrospect vastly exaggerated or nonexistent prolonged the war. ─── 后面这种人急于赎罪的心情把战争拖长了。但回过头来看,这种罪名或者是完全会夸大了,或者根本就不存在。

20、When the sun rises from horizon, we yearn for a new day to begin. ─── 丙:(译:)当鲜红的太阳跃上地平线,我们又迎来了新的一天;

21、That book of limitless yearning was like an eager bird through the clouds. ─── 书中那无限的愁思,恰似一只云层中穿行的归心似箭的鸟儿。

22、To have a strong desire or inclination; yearn. ─── 上瘾,渴望有强烈的欲望或倾向;渴望。

23、He addresses ideals that arouse yearning transiently. ─── 他将理想定位于唤起瞬间的怀念。

24、She is yearning to meet this writer in person. ─── 她渴望和这位作家见见面。

25、Middle age . . . when a man is at the peak of his yearning power. ─── 中年...正是一个人正处于渴望权力的高峰。

26、People understandably yearn to return to the good old days of the late 1990s. ─── 人们希望回到上个世纪90年代末的好时光,这是可以理解的。

27、How I yearn those happy days together with you! ─── 好怀念和你在一起那段开心的日子。

28、The yearning of man's heart is homesickness for God. ─── 人们心灵的思念是对上帝的思乡之情。

29、Yearning suddenly for society, she sent out invitations for some function. ─── 她突然极想参加社交,于是她邀请客人,举办了一个大宴会。

30、He knew that Buddy was yearning to be with him, aching to share his confidence. ─── 他知道布迪渴望着跟他在一起,迫切地想当他的心腹。

31、The public's yearning for judicial resolution of every crisis risks dragging judges close to the realm of politics. ─── 公众希望所有危机以法律解决,有让法官过分接近政治领域的风险。

32、If there is one thing one can always yearn for and sometimes attain, it is human love. ─── 如果有一件东西可以永远渴望,而且有时能够得到的东西,那就是人类的爱。

33、Having turned over a new leaf, she did not yearn for the past in the least. ─── 她一经改过自新,便对过去的生活毫不留恋。

34、Causing those who yearn for family to act out in anger. ─── 它令渴望家庭的人愤怒行事。

35、It was this yearning and suffering that quickened his maturity and added a new dimension to his poetry. ─── 一连串挫折与内心压抑的情感促使他走向成熟,并使他未来的创作更加丰满。

36、To have a strong desire or inclination;yearn. ─── 上瘾,渴望有强烈的欲望或倾向;渴望

37、Do you hear my song of yearning? It is flying with the sun to the far-flung frontier, lingering over your heart. ─── 你可听见,思念的歌,正随着灿烂的阳光飞翔;飞到那遥远的边疆,萦绕在你的身旁。但愿我们在同一片星空下编织同一份思念。

38、In her heart surged the yearning for children. ─── 她心中涌起封孩子的渴。

39、Before long the cat was seized by another fit of yearning. ─── 不久,那只猫又涌上一阵渴望。

40、Most of younger yearn for beyond they parents control . ─── 大部分的年轻人都渴望脱离父母的控制。

41、We feel within our hearts a great yearning to make your acquaintance, as we want you to know just how much we care for you. ─── 我们感觉在我们的内心有一个巨大的渴望想要认识你们,因为我们想让你们知道的就是我们是多么地在乎你们。

42、Sensibility, as far as concerned the yearning for food, had been exhausted. ─── 他已经丧失了想吃食物的感觉。

43、The universal human yearning for something permanent, enduring, without shadow of change. ─── 全人类渴望没有变化、永恒且持久的东西。

44、Perhaps only one can read my mind. Perhaps only one can ease my pain. Yearning of last life ends in this life. ─── 也许只有一个人才能读懂我的心,也许只有一个人才能抚平我的痛,前世的思念直到今生今世来了结。

45、Do not wait until they forever gone, only endless regret and yearning. ─── 不要等到他们永远的走了,才开始无尽的悔恨与思念。

46、There was a yearning look in his eyes. ─── 他两眼流露出思慕的神情。

47、With economic strength and quality of life of both raised, yearning for Villa life in a growing number of buyers in the beginning to show. ─── 随着经济实力和生活质量都提高,渴望别墅生活在越来越多的买家开始显示。

48、Do not have the good, we have been desperately yearning and pursuit. ─── 对没有拥有的美好,我们一直在苦苦地向往与追求。

49、Don't yearn to turn your tears into sweat. ─── 不要渴望泪水变成汗水。

50、An immense yearning for security welled up through the land. ─── 全国各地都涌现出一种要求安全的强烈愿望。

51、Peddle sometimes pleasant , stop and yearn after solicitting many people. ─── 叫卖声时而入耳,招揽了不少人驻足留恋。

52、They flutter their wings in yearning and sing,"come closer, my love! ─── 它们在思慕中拍着翅膀鸣唱:“靠近一些吧,我的爱人!

53、She keeps on pouring out her love and lovesickness in her beautiful but fruitless pursuit of her yearning. ─── 她不断地吐露相思和爱慕,为她的向往作了徒劳而绮丽的追寻。

54、One can sense the people yearning for peace. ─── 可以感觉到人民盼望和平。

55、Yearn toward routine and passional life. ─── 向往简单平淡而激情的生活。

56、He always had a yearning to be a schoolteacher. ─── 他一直渴望当一名教师。

57、As a man in/on the street, he seems only to yearn for car. ─── 作为一名普通百姓,他似乎只渴望有辆汽车。

58、The unending yearning, like a boat with broken oars, rows across the sea of my sad heart. ─── 不尽的思念,如一只断桨的小船划过我忧伤的心海。

59、To yearn or pine as if infatuated. ─── 出神渴望或向往,仿佛迷恋或醉心于其中

60、Yearn day and night but that you bring him to your mind now and again. ─── 不是朝思暮想,而是一天总想起他几次

61、All that they do is cry to God with yearning hearts. ─── 他们所做的只是用渴望的心来对神大喊。

62、The haulting ballad expressed all the fears of a soldier far from home, yearning to be in his love's arms. ─── 那缠绵婉转的曲调诉说着每一个远离家乡士兵对战争的恐惧和对爱人怀抱的深深的眷恋。

63、The universal human are yearning for a permanent peace. ─── 全人类都在渴望实现一种永恒的和平。

64、He looked at her with yearning. ─── 他渴慕地看着她。

65、A consuming desire; a yearning. ─── 占有欲;渴望

66、The remotest corners of the earth have their limits, but my yearning for you has no ending. ─── 天涯海角有穷时,只是相思无尽。

67、It seems that people are more yearning for steady life. ─── 人们似乎更加渴望稳定的生活。

68、At the moment of on train, I could no longer constrain a string of yearning tears from sliding down. ─── 上火车的一刹那,一串思念的泪水止不住地滑落。

69、In our eyes, sea is forever mysterious and make human yearn . ─── 在我们的眼里,大海永远那么神秘,另人向往。

70、Need, crave, desire, and yearn for you maybe, but never miss. ─── 也许我对你怀有一种需求、渴望、向往和期盼,但不会是思念。

71、Robinson continued to pursue the kind of life, the yearning of all communication from his tremendous love for life advocating the spirit. ─── 鲁滨逊那种对生活不断追求,对交往的向往都源于他那对生活无比热爱崇尚的精神。

72、Do not yearn in desire toward it, but wait till it reaches you. ─── 你不能欲望中烧,按捺不住,只能静候它的到来。

73、She had no great yearning to go back. ─── 她并不十分想回去。

74、His teachers could not satisfy his yearning to know the truth. ─── 他的老师们无法满足他认识真理的企盼。

75、She sighs deeply for no conspicuous reason, yearn, suffer and looks in the air extremely sadly. This is soul. ─── 他没有明显的理由而却深深叹息、渴望、烦闷、极端悲伤地望着天空。这就是灵魂。

76、He felt a great yearning after his old job. ─── 他对过去的工作有一种强烈的渴想。

77、Perheps we'd better of not looking at all.Not delving, not yearning. ─── 也许我们最好全然不要考虑、不要钻研、不要向往。

78、I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more. ─── 低 头 思 故 乡 。

79、Since then, I began to yearn for the plastic bag. ─── 从此...我开始怀念那只面包塑料袋。

80、You have been long gone, leaving behind drizzling melancholy and thickening yearning in me. ─── 你远去了,留下的是密密细雨般的惆怅,还有那浓浓的思念。

81、As a man in/ on the street, he seems only to yearn for a car. ─── 作为一名普通百姓,他好像只是渴望得到一辆汽车。

82、In spring I yearn for the country again. ─── 在春天,我渴重游乡间。

83、Husbands, too, can yearn for greater closeness and romance. ─── 丈夫也渴望更亲密和浪漫的关系。

84、The unending yearning, like a boat with broken quants, rows across the sea of my sad heart. ─── 不尽的思念,如一只断桨的小船,在我心中划过我忧伤的心海.

85、Discarding this, we will discard, also, the eternal yearning of the unsatisfied right armpit. ─── 丢弃这个,我们也将丢弃得不到满足的右腋窝的无休止的渴望。”

86、What the city they yearn towards like? ─── 他们,眺望的又是怎样的城市?

87、Yearn to understand first and to be understood second. ─── 先求了解,再求被了解。

88、What a heavy yearning it was--so heavy. ─── 多么强烈的愿望啊--太强烈了。

89、It is a new and shining symbol of man's yearning to be free. ─── 它是人类渴望自由的一个新而耀眼的象征。


成语心向往之发音xīn xiàng wǎng zhī解释对某个人或事物心里很向往。出处《史记·孔子世家》:“虽不能至,然心向往之。”

示例闻曹州牡丹甲齐、鲁,~。 清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·葛中》

用法作谓语、定语、分句;表示对人或事的向往近义词:心驰神往、梦寐以求、求之不得反义词:心如死灰英文翻译:yearning for somebody or something

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