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09-02 投稿



dejects 发音


英:  美:

dejects 中文意思翻译




dejects 词性/词形变化,dejects变形

动词过去式: dejected |动词现在分词: dejecting |动词过去分词: dejected |动词第三人称单数: dejects |

dejects 同义词

dismay | dishearten | demoralise | dispirit | get down | oppress |demoralize | cast down | discourage | depress | darken

dejects 反义词


dejects 相似词语短语

1、defects ─── n.缺点;瑕疵;不合格品(defect的复数);v.叛变(defect的三单形式)

2、dejected ─── adj.沮丧的,灰心的

3、dejecta ─── n.排泄物,粪便

4、ejects ─── vt.喷射;驱逐,逐出

5、detects ─── 发现

6、deflects ─── vt.使转向;使偏斜;使弯曲;vi.转向;偏斜

7、disjects ─── vt.使散开;撕开

8、deject ─── v.使沮丧,使灰心;adj.沮丧的,情绪低落的

9、rejects ─── n.不良品;[环境]选矿废渣;尾矿(reject的复数);v.拒绝;抛弃(reject的第三人称单数形式)

dejects 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Conclusion: Reduce Blood Fat and Deject Capsule has pretty good clinical therapeutic effect on hyperlipemia of Yin deficiency and blood stasis. ─── 结论:降脂通便胶囊治疗阴虚血淤型高脂血症有较好的临床疗效。

2、Quality dejects ─── 质量问题

3、1. To lower in spirits; deject. ─── 使沮丧,使灰心:沮丧,情绪低落;使气馁

4、Alv. deject. ─── [医] 便通

5、first degree cleaning and second cleaning and disposal work of rubbish, deject in the county; ─── 县城内垃圾、粪便一级清运、二级清运及处理工作;

6、The news dejects me. ─── 这个消息使我沮丧。

7、Thou shalt never feel deject in spirits. ─── 汝永远也不要精神沮丧。

8、alv. deject ─── (=alvi dejectiones) (拉)通便

9、The resuits show that metallurgical deject is the main reason leading to early formation of fatigue crack under normal working stress. ─── 认为,该曲轴材料的冶金缺陷是导致疲劳裂纹在正常工作应力下过早形成的原因。

10、The news dejects me. ─── 这个消息使我沮丧。

11、to deject someone's spirits ─── 令某人情绪低落

12、Such news dejects me. ─── 这种消息令我沮丧。

13、Nasal deject ─── 鼻缺损

14、Keywords hyperlipemia;Yin deficiency and blood stasis;Reduce Blood Fat and Deject Capsule;theerapeutic effect observation; ─── 高脂血症;阴虚血淤型;降脂通便胶囊;疗效观察;

15、4) supervision over and inspection of the disposal of garbage, waste water, human deject and ballast water. ─── 4)监督和检查垃圾、废物、污水、粪便、压舱水的处理。

16、To lower in spirits; deject. ─── 使沮丧,使灰心沮丧,情绪低落;使气馁

17、The bad news dejects me . ─── 这个坏消息使我沮丧。

18、Such news dejects me. ─── 这种消息使我灰心。

19、gelatinous curd deject ─── 凝乳结块不良

20、Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect on hyperlipemia of Yin deficiency and blood stasis treated with Reduce Blood Fat and Deject Capsule. ─── 目的:观察降脂通便胶囊治疗阴虚血淤型高脂血症的临床疗效。

21、The results indicated that the dejects was caused by pitting corrosion of impurity element iron in silver coin by environmental chloride compound. ─── 结果表明,在银币缺陷部位的腐蚀坑内存在以铁元素为主的物质,基材中的铁元素与外界的氯引起银币的腐蚀,造成了表面缺陷。

22、Alv deject ─── 便通

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