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09-02 投稿



edematous 发音


英:  美:

edematous 中文意思翻译



edematous 短语词组

1、edematous gout ─── [医] 水肿性痛风

2、edematous infiltration ─── [医] 水肿性浸润

3、erythematous-edematous reaction ─── [医] 红斑水肿性反应, 福谢氏反应

4、edematous gingivitis ─── [医] 水肿性龈炎

5、edematous laryngitis ─── [医] 水肿性喉炎

6、edematous swelling ─── [医] 水肿性肿胀

7、edematous skin ─── [医] 皮肤水肿

edematous 词性/词形变化,edematous变形

形容词: edematous |

edematous 相似词语短语

1、myxoedematous ─── 粘液水肿

2、myxedematous ─── adj.粘液水肿的

3、oedematous ─── adj.[病理]水肿的

4、stemmatous ─── 茎

5、oedematose ─── 水肿

6、empyematous ─── 脓杆菌属

7、eczematous ─── adj.湿疹的

8、edematose ─── 水肿

9、adenomatous ─── adj.腺瘤的;腺瘤状的

edematous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There were no hypotony and macular edema with OCT. ─── OCT检查无黄斑水肿发生。

2、His extremities do not exhibit any clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. ─── 四肢无杵状指,发绀或水肿。

3、There was no appreciable perilesional edema on STIR images (Figure 1D ). ─── STIR显像上没看到周围水肿(图1D)。

4、When the oral surface is affected, the process is to be recognized by the red edematous and nodular appearance of the mucous membrane. ─── 当口腔面受到影响,这一进程是得到承认的红色水肿,结节外观粘膜的。

5、The acutely edematous infarcted tissue may produce a mass effect. ─── 急性水肿性梗死组织可形成团块效应。

6、It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, antipyretics and relieves edema. ─── 它具有强力的抗发炎效果且能减轻水肿。

7、Mesenchyma of myocardium was edematous. ─── 光镜、电镜观察心肌病理性变化。

8、Because she always ate less and worked as hard as usual, not for long time, both of her legs were edematous like elephant's legs. ─── 由于她总是吃得少,干活又和往常一样多。不久,她的双腿就浮肿起来,像象腿一样粗。

9、A group 36 eyes with PDR and severe NPDR except diabetic macular edema,underwent Panretinal photocoagulation(PRP). ─── A组为无黄斑水肿的 PDR及严重 NPDR,行全视网膜光凝术 (panretinal photocoagulation PRP)。

10、The ileocecal valve is edematous and irregular, whereas the terminal ileum is spared. ─── 回盲瓣水肿、不规则,尽管终末结肠空余的。)

11、If edema is excessive, the cast will be bivalved. ─── 如果肿得厉害,就将管型切成两瓣。

12、Nitrogen dioxide and ozone may cause pulmonary edema. ─── 二氧化炭和臭氧可以引起肺水肿。

13、I drew up a chair and held what I could of her hand, which was cold and bony and edematous with fluid. ─── 我提请了一个椅子,我所能举行的她的手,这是冷战和骨和水肿液体。

14、The perifocal white matter edema and the mass effect were mild to moderate in most cases. ─── 占位效应以及瘤周水肿程度大多数为轻到中度。

15、We believe that this patient's airway obstruction was likely secondary to laryngospasm rather than laryngeal edema. ─── 我们认为,该例患者的气道阻塞很可能是继发性喉痉挛,而不是喉头水肿。

16、It could prevent cancers and good for body immunity, also it has impact to hepatocirrhosis, diabetes, edema, etc. ─── 具有防癌、抗癌及提高人体免疫功能的作用,对肝硬化、糖尿病、水肿、脚气病、小便不利等症有显著疗效。

17、There was no calf tenderness or edema. ─── 也没有小腿压痛或水肿。

18、It is a rare, but rather benign pulmonary edema. ─── 它虽然罕见,却是个预后不错的疾病。

19、Examination of the right hip showed no acetabular tenderness or edema and revealed a normal range of motion. ─── 右髋检查表明,没有髋臼压痛或水肿,并显示关节活动范围正常。

20、Content of water, ATP, ADP, AMP and lactate in perihemotoma region weredetermined, and the metabolite concentrations in edematous brain regionswere corrected for dilution. ─── 分离血肿周围组织,干湿重法测定脑水含量,高效液相法测定能量代谢产物三磷酸腺苷(ATP)、二磷酸腺苷(ADP)及单磷酸腺苷(AMP)并计算能量负荷值(EC)。

21、The stromawas thicken and collagen fibers were edema and hyperplasia. ─── 基质增宽,胶原纤维增生、水肿。

22、The bad response such as allergic shock, laryngeal edema and dyspnoea were severe, which mainly caused by allergy. ─── 多数患者经停药、抗过敏、对症等治疗迅速好转。但仍有少数病例不同程度地延长了住院时间,甚至死亡。

23、If edema is excessive, the cast will be halved. ─── 如果肿得厉害,就将石膏管切成两瓣。

24、Anaphylaxis was considered as a possible cause of edema disease by some investigators. ─── 一些研究者曾认为,过敏反应是水肿病的一个可能原因。

25、The lungs should be examined for possible pulmonary edema. ─── 应检查肺部,视其是否有肺水肿。

26、Comparison of Manifold Animal Model on Experimental Pulmonary Edema in Rabbits. ─── 几种家兔实验性肺水肿动物模型的比较。

27、You need a traction to relieve muscle spasms and reduse edema. ─── 医:您需要做牵引,解除肌肉痉挛和减轻水肿。

28、The P2Y receptor agonist may be administered with therapeutic and adjuvant agents commonly used to treat edematous retinal disorders. ─── 上述P2Y受体拮抗剂可以和通常用于治疗水肿性视网膜疾病的治疗剂和佐剂一起施用。

29、You have hypertension, edema in your urine. ─── 您患有高血压、水肿。

30、The most common symptom was shank edema(235 limbs,79 9%)in DDVI and superficial varicose vein(276 limbs,87 1%)in DVI. ─── DDVI最常见的表现是小腿部水肿 ,占 79 9% (2 35条腿 ) ,DVI组最常见表现是浅静脉曲张 ,占 87 1% (2 76条腿 )。

31、There was slight pitting edema over both legs. ─── 两下肢轻度凹陷性水肿。

32、Position child with head of bed slightly elevated to decrease cerebral edema; monitor administration of fluids. ─── 卧床时,床头略微抬高,减少脑水肿,监视补液情况。

33、Extremities: Cyanosis, clubbing, edema. ─── 四肢:发疳,杵状指,水肿。

34、Surrounding the core of the hemorrhage is very high signal consistent with the long T2 of water in edematous tissue. ─── 出血中心的周围是一圈高信号区,与水肿组织中的水在长T2中的影像是一致的。

35、Inhalation of pure oxygen at atmospheric pressure or less can cause pulmonary irritation and edema after 24 hours. ─── 在大气压或更低气压下吸入纯氧,24小时后会导致肺刺激和水肿。

36、AV pump can preclude edema effectively. ─── AV泵可有效促进下肢长管状骨术后水肿消除。

37、A condition of hypertension occurring in pregnancy,typically accompanied by edema and proteinuria. ─── 先兆子痫怀孕期间出现的高血压状态,通常伴有水肿和蛋白尿病

38、The presence of the lymphocytic infiltrates in this edematous islet suggests an autoimmune mechanism for this process. ─── 水肿的胰岛内出现淋巴细胞浸润暗示自身免疫作用。

39、Use chronically to reduce temperature and fever, edema, and relief of pain. ─── 慢性使用能减少发烧,高温,水肿及减轻疼痛。

40、In the control group, except for mild edema, the pancreatic structures were completely normal. ─── 在对照组,除了轻微的水肿外,腺体结构完全正常。

41、I drew up a chair and held what I could of her hand, which was cold and bony and edematous with fluid. ─── 我提请了一个椅子,我所能举行的她的手,这是冷战和骨和水肿液体。

42、For many years Harold was afflicted with edematous laryngitis. ─── 哈德罗患水肿性喉炎多年了。

43、The most frequent findings of the facial nerve were nerve swelling, edema and intraneural hematoma (29 cases). ─── 吾等认为定位检查之结果,仅能提供参考,不可以之作为选择治疗方式或手术方法的依据。

44、He had pulmonary edema and shock in the hospitalization course. ─── 他的住院过程合并有肺水肿及休克。

45、Increased GM of focal area , widened cerebral cortex and decreased edematous area were shown in patients with larger infarction area. ─── 较大动脉梗塞患者电针时病灶区葡萄糖代谢增高,皮质增宽,水肿区明显缩小。

46、Funduscopy of the right eye revealed an edematous optic disc and macular star.Detailed diagnostic investigations failed to demonstrate a cause. ─── 发病后一周,再检查病人眼底,发现右眼眼底视神经乳头仍水肿外,此时合并出现了星状黄斑,左眼则仍是正常。

47、Cerebral infarct, intracranial hematoma and edema are deadly diseases, which can cause high deformity and death rate. ─── 但是,目前还缺乏一种无创的辅助诊断技术与设备,用于对颅内血肿水肿进行早期、实时的监测。

48、DNFB can induce DTH (delayed type hypersensitivity), the effect of CMSTl in vivo was assayed by ear edema weights. ─── 应用二硝基氟苯诱发小鼠的迟发型超敏反应(DTH),观察CMST1体内作用后对DTH的抑制作用。

49、When pulmonary capillary pressure is markedly elevated, pulmonary edema ensues. ─── 当肺毛细血管压力明显升高时,就出现肺水肿。

50、Study of compression therapy of post mastectomy upper extremity lymph edema in breast cancer. ─── 乳腺癌术后上肢淋巴水肿的压力泵治疗研究

51、There are corneal edema, iritis and soon. posterior capsular opacification is themajor cause of eyesight reduction. ─── 后囊浑浊是造成视力下降的主要因素。

52、Lesions occur mostly in the bursa of Fabricius,which becomes swollen and edematous 3-4days post-infection, then quickly regresses to a small size. ─── 器官损伤主要发生在法氏囊组织,感染后的3-4天,法氏囊肿大水肿,之后很快的萎缩到小的体积。

53、There is cerebral edema seen at the right which obscures the structures. ─── 右侧可见脑水肿,使脑结构模糊不清。

54、Any of various diseases of animals characterized by edema of the head and neck. ─── 动物的头部浮肿的各种疾

55、Coma and convulsions during or immediately after pregnancy,characterized by edema,hypertension,and proteinuria. ─── 惊厥怀孕时出现或之后随即出现的昏迷和痉挛,症状是水肿、高血压和尿蛋白。

56、The interstitium was loose in texture, the endothelium of blood vessels was damaged and fibroblasts were edematous. ─── 间质结构松弛,血管上皮缺损及成纤维细胞水肿。

57、Maybe pulmonary edema was not in the cards for me after all. ─── 也许我根本就不会得肺气肿。

58、Long term cystoid macular edema was the most common cause of poor visual acuity in non-ischemic type. ─── 合并症产生于静脉阻塞后半年是危险期,虹膜及网膜新生血管各约佔1/3,1/6发生新生血管性青光眼。

59、Fig1 CT: It showed a ovoid shape low-attenuation with well-demarcated and peripheral enhancement, but without edematous zone in the left parasella. ─── CT扫描示左鞍旁卵圆形低密度影,边界光滑,增强后环形强化,周围无水肿。

60、D: You need a traction to relieve muscle spasms and reduse edema. ─── 医:您需要做牵引,解除肌肉痉挛和减轻水肿.

61、We prospectively tested the utility of BNP for discriminating ARDS vs cardiogenic pulmonary edema (CPE). ─── 我们的研究是用脑钠素来区分这种急性呼吸衰竭是ARDS引起的,还是心源性肺水肿引起的。

62、Increases circulation. Promotes faster healing and edema reduction. ─── 增加血液循环,加快痊愈及减少水肿。

63、After the cast has been applied, elevate the extremity to reduce local edema. ─── 在上石膏后,应抬高肢体以减少局部水肿。

64、Phosgene poisoning, people feel strongly stimulate the first, and then a pulmonary edema and died of suffocation. ─── 光气中毒时,人首先感到强烈刺激,然后产生肺水肿窒息而死。

65、Do you know the reason why eyes are easy to get edema? If not, have a guess then. ─── 你知道眼睛容易浮肿的原因吗?如果不知道,猜猜看。

66、Nor was there any evidence that he was going into acute pulmonary edema. ─── 他也没有即将发生急性肺水肿的任何征象。

67、There is edema and partial effacement of the fourth ventricle, dorsal pons, and mid brain on the left. ─── 可见水肿和第四脑室的变窄,呗侧脑桥、中脑向左侧移位。

68、Beside, main implications were corneal edema and posterior capsula opacity PCO. ─── 并发症主要有角膜水肿、后囊混浊。

69、Pulmonary edema supervened, so IABP was inserted again. ─── 同时出现肺水肿,因此再度置入主动脉弓内球囊反搏。

70、The acutely edematous infarcted tissue may produce a mass effect. ─── 急性水肿性梗死组织可形成团块效应。

71、Coma and convulsions during or immediately after pregnancy, characterized by edema, hypertension, and proteinuria. ─── 惊厥怀孕时出现或之后随即出现的昏迷和痉挛,症状是水肿、高血压和尿蛋白

72、Both of the two cases suffered acute edematous pancreatitis. They all recovered through conservative treatment. ─── 2例患者均为急性水肿性胰腺炎,均经保守治疗治愈。

73、D: You need a traction to relieve muscle spasms and reduse edema. ─── 45医:您需要做牵引,解除肌肉痉挛和减轻水肿.

74、Ophthalmic fundus examination showed bard exudate, retinal hemorrhage, and macular edema in both her eyes. ─── 两眼眼底检查皆有硬性渗出物、视网膜出血、黄斑部水肿。

75、And do you know what to do if you have feet edema again? ─── 中译)还有你知道如果你再次感到脚浮肿时该怎麽办?

76、Fig 1 CT:It showed a ovoid shape low-attenuation with well-demarcated and peripheral enhancement, but without edematous zone in the left parasella. ─── 1 CT扫描示左鞍旁卵圆形低密度影,边界光滑,增强后环形强化,周围无水肿。

77、Physical examination showed right eyelid edema, without skin lesion. ─── 体检显示右眼睑水肿,无皮肤损害。

78、D: The mucous membrane of your nose appears markedly pale and edematous. ─── 您鼻粘膜显得特别苍白并且还有些水肿。

79、The imaging findings are bilateral symmetry cortical and subcortical edema in the posterior areas of the brain. ─── 影像学特点为双侧、对称性后部脑白质较大范围的病变。

80、By 1944 he was a year behind in appointments and suffering from over-exertion and edema of the lungs. ─── 到1944年时,他的预约已排到一年之后,他过度疲劳,患上了肺气肿。

81、The tissue affected by edema will usually pit. ─── 受浮肿影响的组织常在按后起凹陷。

82、At the same time, model of acute rat paw edema can be made by MSU to explore influence of anti-inflammatory. ─── 同时采用MSU诱导的大鼠急性足肿胀模型考察该药对炎性反应的影响。

83、GO may result in eyelid retraction, proptosis, chemosis, periorbital edema, and altered ocular motility. ─── GO会导致眼睑挛缩、眼球突出、球结膜水肿、眶周水肿以及眼球活动障碍。

84、Corneal edema and signs of liver disease, such as jaundice, vomiting, and hepatic encephalopathy, may also occur. ─── 亦可能出现角膜水肿和肝脏疾病症状,例如黄疸、呕吐和肝性脑病等。

85、HF inhaled in high concentrations may cause glottitis (obstruction of the airway) and acute pulmonary edema. ─── 吸入高浓度HF会导致喉道阻塞和急性肺水肿。

86、The cervical, mediastinal, and mesenteric lymph nodes were extremely enlarged, edematous and rarely congested. ─── 颈部淋巴结,纵隔淋巴结和肠余膜淋巴结极度增大,水肿,罕见性充血。

87、You have hypertension, edema and albumin in your urine. ─── 你患有高血压、水肿、蛋白尿。

88、It can remove edema and firm droopy eye skin. ─── 天然成分可消除水肿、浮肿,改善肌肤松弛的现象。

89、Patients with neck, chest or head burns should be watched for delayed pulmonary edema. ─── 应该观察颈部、胸部或头部烧伤的病人是否有延迟的肺水肿。

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