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09-02 投稿



frugality 发音

英:[fru?'g?l?t?]  美:[fr?'g?l?ti]

英:  美:

frugality 中文意思翻译



frugality 词性/词形变化,frugality变形

副词: frugally |名词: frugality |

frugality 反义词


frugality 短语词组

1、frugality defined ─── 节俭定义

2、frugality rules ─── 节俭规则

3、extreme frugality ─── 极度节俭

4、frugality 2019 ─── 节俭2019

5、frugality paradox ─── 节俭悖论

6、frugality in the bible ─── 圣经中的节俭

7、frugality pa ─── 节俭

8、disjointed exquisite frugality ─── 脱节精致节俭

9、frugality aws ─── 节俭

10、frugality define ─── 节俭定义

11、frugality inc ─── 节俭公司

12、frugality definition ─── 节俭定义

frugality 同义词

stinting | penny-pinching | sparing | careful | saving | scotch | stingy | economical | prudent |thrifty | meagre | penny-wise | tight | parsimonious | meager

frugality 相似词语短语

1、regality ─── n.王国;王位;王权

2、frugally ─── adv.节约地;节省地

3、frugalist ─── 节俭的

4、brutality ─── n.无情;残忍;暴行(需用复数形式)

5、feudality ─── n.封地;封建领地;封建制度

6、frugalists ─── 节俭者

7、frugalistas ─── 节俭的

8、frugalista ─── 节俭的

9、rurality ─── n.田园风光;田园风味;田园生活

frugality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So it is with some sadness that I note that America's age of indulgence seems to be giving way to an era of frugality. ─── 因此我略带遗憾地意识到,美国的放纵时代似乎正让位给节俭时代。

2、The family sat down to table, and a frugal meal of cold viands was deposited before them. ─── 一家老少,都围着桌子坐下.几样简单的冷食,摆在他们面前。

3、Flaunt and frugality are a pair of inconsistent but concomitant consumptive tendency, which consists in the majority of consumers currently. ─── 夸耀和节俭是一对互相矛盾又共生共存的消费倾向,在当前多数消费者身上都有所体现。

4、Because my diligence, frugality, perseverance, and I will establish a credit knowledge and Ken. ─── 因为我勤奋、节俭、有毅力,我肯求知及肯建立一个信誉。

5、Without frugality none can be rich, and with it very few will be poor. ─── 不俭难致富,节约不会穷。

6、On one hand, he fell heir to Confucian traditional thoughts such as piousness and fraternity, determination, education, frugality. ─── 他的家庭教育思想继承了儒家传统家庭教育中的孝悌、立志、重教、勤俭等许多精华思想,但也存在浓厚的封建宗法意识。

7、Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself: i.e. W.. ─── 决心:下定决心做你应该做的。把要解决的问题成功解决掉。

8、She is always industrious and frugal, thrifty even in days of abundance. ─── 她总是克勤克俭,富日子当穷日子过。

9、Although he's become rich, he's kept his frugal habits. ─── 他虽然发了财,却还保持从前俭朴的习惯。

10、Instead, focus on being a good example of frugality and when the benefits are clear, point them out. ─── 代替的做法是,努力使自己变成一个节俭的好榜样,当好处显现时,把他们指出来。

11、For economists, however, frugality is not about national character but rationality. ─── 但对经济学家来说,节俭与民族性无关,而是一种理性的表现。

12、Industry is forture's right hand, and frugality her left. ─── 勤奋是幸运的右手,而节俭是他的右手。

13、By and large, they live a frugal and simple life and are not given to extravagance. ─── 一般上生活都十分俭朴,粗茶淡饭过日子,奢侈浪费不是他们的长处。

14、The Chinese people are industrious, frugal, intelligent and quick to learn. ─── 中国人民勤俭机智,善于学习。

15、The family sat down to table , and a frugal meal of cold viands was deposited beforethem. ─── 一家老少,都围着桌子坐下.几样简单的冷食,摆在他们面前。

16、Induspy is fortune's right hand,and frugality her left. ─── 勤勉是幸运的右手,世俭是幸运的左手。

17、He is extremely frugal, not to say stingy. ─── 不能说他吝啬,至少他也是极其节俭的。

18、Do you sigh for the frugality of the wandering Tartar, or regret being born amidst the luxury and dissimulation of the polite? ─── 你会感叹四处漂泊的鞑靼人的节俭,还是后悔生于文明人士的奢侈矫饰中?

19、He became totally obsessed with the frugal lifestyle of the Cynics, taking the disowning of materialism to new heights. ─── 他成为了被讽世者的节约生活方式完全占据心思, 采取否认唯物主义对新高度。

20、English: Industry is fortune's right, and frugality her left. ─── 中文:勤奋是幸运的右手,节俭是幸运的左手。

21、She is a frugal housekeeper. ─── 她勤俭持家。

22、Take a frugal lunch box at noon. ─── 中午吃最廉价的便当。

23、But she continues to live a plain and frugal life. ─── 但是她的生活依然非常俭朴。

24、Toyota Motor has always been fanatical about frugality, and for many years that was good for both the company and its customers. ─── 丰田汽车一直以来都执着于朴素节俭的风格,这也使得公司本身以及顾客都受益良多。

25、By frugality, she managed to get along on her small salary. ─── 通过节俭,她设法以自己微薄的薪水生活。

26、Industry, Perseverance, &Frugality, make Fortune yield. ─── 勤劳,坚毅和节俭能生财。

27、Of course for some people part of the joy of travel is being able to let go the reins of frugality and spend freely. ─── 其中一些人的旅游乐趣的一部分当然是能够放开节约的缰绳,尽挥霍。

28、Industry if fortune's right hand, and frugality her left. ─── 中文:勤勉是幸福的右手,节俭是幸福的左手。

29、They lived with a sparing hand, and usually had a frugal supper of bread and cheese. ─── 他们生活简朴,通常晚餐只吃少量的面包和奶酪。

30、Although he's become rich, he's still very frugal with his money. ─── 他虽然已变得富有,但仍用钱非常俭省。

31、Usually,frugality is good for individuals and for the economy. ─── 一般而言,节俭对个人和经济都是好事情。

32、This article from Philip, some tips from the Frugal Duchess, and a former article for frugality on the fly. ─── 其中一些资源来自简朴的公爵夫人,之前有篇文章来之节俭进行时。

33、Unbundled legal services could be the frugal solution. ─── 事实上,律师们使用不同的记账方式精确的降低法律服务的花费。

34、It is not: the frugal depend on the profligate. ─── 但事实并非如此:节俭者要依靠挥霍者。

35、An allowance of $200 a week for lunches and fares isn't much, but you can get by on it if you are frugal. ─── 一周午餐交通费的津贴为200美元,并不多,但是对于节俭的人来说却可以大有名堂。

36、The principle of diligence and frugality applies to all undertakings. ─── 勤俭节约的原则适用于一切事业。

37、Frugal Sims love to clip coupons to save money, relish a good deal and hate being wasteful. ─── 勤俭的市民喜欢省钱的折价卷,爱好划算的交易,厌恶浪费。

38、Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself: i.e. Waste nothing. ─── 俭朴:只花对他人或自己有益处的钱,就是说不要浪费任何东西。

39、A good manager is frugal in the use of his funds. ─── 一个好的经营者节约使用资金。

40、Industry is fortune"s right hand, and frugality her left . ─── 勤奋是幸运的右手,节俭是幸运的左手。

41、Nothing could be more frugal than this repast. ─── 再没有比那种晚餐更简单的了。

42、Industry is fortune s right hand, and frugality her left. ─── 勤勉是幸运的右手,节约是幸运的左手.

43、He has always been hard-working and frugal. ─── 他一向勤俭。

44、Loosening the purse strings did not mean abandoning the frugality that was the clearest consumer trend during the recession. ─── 解囊购物并不意味着抛弃节约这一经济衰退时期最明智的消费趋向。

45、He is a frugal man; the furnishings of his home are truly Spartan. ─── 他非常俭朴,家中的陈设也像斯巴达人那样。

46、He is frugal to the extreme. ─── 他节约到极点。

47、Other examples to prove we can save come from some cultures which have more frugality(austerity,prudence,thrift). ─── 其他能够证明我们能够储蓄的例子来自其他有着更为节俭行为的文化。

48、The Chinese people are industrious; frugal, intelligent and quick to learn. ─── 中国人民勤俭机智,善于学习。

49、He ate a frugal supper of bread and milk. ─── 他吃了一顿只有面包和牛奶的俭省晚餐。

50、Frugality is the mint for the poor while prodigality is the trap for the rich. ─── 2节约是穷人的造币厂,浪费是富人的陷阱.

51、In my militant life, so far, I have lived a life of frugality but luxury, never! ─── 在这长期的奋斗中,我一向是过着朴素的生活,从没有奢侈过。

52、We must practise the strictest frugality and economy. ─── 我们必须奉行最严格意义上的俭朴和节约。

53、They lived a very frugal existence,avoiding all luxuries. ─── 他们生活非常俭朴,力避奢华.

54、English: Frugality is an estate alone. ─── 中文:节俭本身就是一宗财产。

55、His wife is a frugal [thrifty] housekeeper. ─── 她的妻子是个节俭的好管家。

56、Chinese are still more frugal to life, how many difficult days endure the samely too. ─── 中国人对于生活还是比较节俭的,多少艰难的日子也一样地熬过来.

57、Even the most frugal among us may have our resolve weakened by the glassy eyes and pouting lips of our children. ─── 即使是我们中最俭朴的人,就算是下了再大的决心也经不起孩子明净的眼神和撅嘴的模样。

58、Up until now I ve tried to be frugal in my use of XML-related terms. ─── 到现在为止,我尝试尽量少用XML相关的术语。

59、Industry is fortune's right hand, and frugality is her left. ─── 勤劳是财富的右手,节俭是她的左手。

60、Diligence makes a family wealthy. Laziness makes a family decline. Frugality makes a family prosper. Extravagance makes a family poor. ─── 勤则家兴懒则家倾俭则家富奢则家贫。

61、She is frugal to the extreme. ─── 她节俭到极点。

62、Hundreds Inland Lines, Tens International Line and Special Line, Luxury or Frugal, Received From One Person Up. ─── 几百条国内路线,数十条境外路线和特色路线,丰俭随意,一人起定。

63、Similarly, I want to choose a frugal, gentle, learned, faithful and industrious girl for my wife. ─── 同样,我想选择一位生活节俭、性情温柔、富有学问、忠实可靠、勤勤恳恳的姑娘做我的妻子。

64、They lived a very frugal existence, avoiding all luxuries . ─── 他们生活非常俭朴,力避奢侈。

65、While we see that there's value in coupons and exclusive deals, it's a little strange to see someone call frugality "the new cool" . ─── 优惠券和特价交易固然有好处,但是把节约说成“新潮流”听起来还是有些离奇。

66、Frugality ensures that my resources are not exhausted. ─── 奉行节俭,就不会用尽资源。

67、He was a VIP, but he had a frugal life. ─── 他是位要人,但生活俭朴。

68、He abounds in several frugal maxims, among which the greatest favorite is, "A penny saved is a penny got. ─── 他肚子里装了许许多多关于节俭的格言,最爱说的一句是:"省一便士等于赚一便士。

69、By frugality she managed to get along on her small salary. ─── 凭着节俭,她设法以自己微薄的薪水生活。

70、Frugality isn’t about being the cheapest.It involves maximizing the use of your money and being less wasteful. ─── 但是,节俭并不意味着要最便宜的,它还涉及到最大限度地利用金钱和减少资源的浪费。

71、Even though he might have led an outwardly frugal life, Dennis was generous to everyone he came in contact with. ─── 即使丹尼斯看起来生活节俭,但是他对认识的人都很慷慨。

72、Industry and frugality are the inherent qualities of the Chinese nation. ─── 勤劳俭朴是中华民族的本色。

73、Some people are never fully going to grasp frugality. ─── 一些人从来没有完完全全地节俭过。

74、So frugality and conservation is a challenge that China offers to us in the West. ─── 中国将挑战摆在了我们面前,我们应该更节俭,我们应该树立榜样。

75、Most of these ideas have one thing in common: they strive to show the benefits of frugality without the preaching. ─── 上面所有的建议都有一个共同点:他们在努力显示节俭好处的同时,避免使用说教的手段。

76、Just as extravagance makes one arro-gant, frugality makes one humble. I'd rather to be humble than to be arrogant. ─── 一个人奢侈豪华,就会显得傲慢,艰苦朴素就会显得寒酸。对我来说,与其傲慢,宁可寒酸。

77、But now, "don't eat meat, ride a bike and be a frugal shopper". ─── 但是现在,不吃肉骑脚踏车,和当个节俭的消费者,是你可以帮忙抑制全球暖化的方法。

78、Break Down Your Goals. Use habits to get your goals. Break down your goal to be wealthy into habits of investing, frugality and entrepreneurship. ─── 冲刺目标。培养好习惯来冲刺你的人生目标。

79、We will keep frugality in mind in the development of the venues. ─── 坚持勤俭节约,力戒奢华浪费。

80、She's always frugal of her money. ─── 她一直节省用钱。

81、He directed us practise frugality in running the school. ─── 他指示我们勤俭办学。

82、Yorkshire residents are the most frugal, with half claiming their pay lasts until the end of the month. ─── 住在约克郡的人是最节俭的,那里一半的人表示他们的薪水可以用到最后一天。

83、Believing in simplicity and frugality regarding food, they may offer their guest the same type of meal they usually eat. ─── 在吃的方面他们信仰简单与节俭,通常会用自己平常吃的食物来招待客人。

84、Industry is fortune‘s right hand, and frugality her left. ─── 勤勉是幸运旳右手,节约是幸运旳左手。

85、So, it is urgent to strengthen frugality and set up the consciousness of manage finances in students. ─── “增强大学生节俭意识,树立大学生理财观念”已是当务之急。

86、Kamprad, an 80-year-old Swede fabled for his frugality and vintage Volvo, lives near Lausanne. ─── 80岁的瑞典人坎普拉以他的节俭和富豪老爷车闻名,住在洛桑附近。

87、So there you have it, a few ways in which we have brought frugality into our lives. ─── 就是这么多了,一些方法让我们把节俭带入了我们的生活。

88、Frugal, maybe -- self-controlled, for sure -- but not frivolous. ─── 可能会节俭,自制是一定的,但决不会轻浮。

89、English: Frugality when all is spent comes too late. ─── 中文:花光才节俭,为时已太晚。

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