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09-02 投稿



guava 发音

英:[?ɡwɑ?v?]  美:[?ɡwɑ?v?]

英:  美:

guava 中文意思翻译



guava 短语词组

1、purple strawberry guava ─── [网络] 紫色草莓番石榴

2、true guava ─── [网络] 真正的番石榴

3、yellow cattley guava ─── [网络] 黄色的牛??皮番石榴

4、guava eventbus ─── 番石榴事件巴士

5、cattley guava ─── [网络] 牛皮番石榴

6、guava cache ─── 不错的缓存

7、guava bush ─── [网络] 番石榴布什

8、pineapple guava calories ─── 菠萝番石榴热量

9、strawberry guava ─── [植物]草莓番石榴(Psidium littorale)

10、pineapple guava ─── [网络] 凤梨芭乐;凤梨番石榴;菠萝番石榴

11、guava juice ─── 番石榴汁

12、Brazilian guava ─── [网络] 巴西番石榴

guava 词性/词形变化,guava变形


guava 相似词语短语

1、Sava ─── n.萨瓦河(位于南斯拉夫北部的河流)

2、Java ─── n.爪哇岛(位于印尼);Sun公司推出的一种应用程序开发语言;n.(Java)(美、印)杰娃(人名)

3、Suva ─── n.苏瓦(斐济首都)

4、guanay ─── n.冠鸬鹚

5、Drava ─── 德拉瓦。

6、guavas ─── n.[园艺]番石榴(guava的复数)

7、brava ─── int.(向女性喝彩的)好啊;n.(Brava)(美、俄、罗马尼亚)布拉瓦(人名)

8、ava ─── abbr.自动话频警报器(automaticvoicealarm);视听教具(audiovisualaids);n.麻醉椒(根及根茎);n.(Ava)人名;(英)阿娃;(俄、加蓬、伊朗)阿瓦

9、guaiac ─── n.愈创木脂;通卡豆胶

guava 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Guava,mulberry and grapevine still in the gardon, told their past flourish in midsummer,now have been like the Rome accient ruins,curling up with cold rain and with their glories in memory. ─── 园子里绿翳翳的石榴、桑树、葡萄藤,都不过代表着过去盛夏的繁荣,现在已成了古罗马建筑的遗迹一样,在萧萧的雨声中瑟缩不宁,回忆着光荣的过去。

2、5.Refrigerationcould extend the storing period of guava fruit affectively. ─── 冷藏可有效延长珍珠番石榴的贮藏期。

3、Some fruits also cannot ascend as they too originated in the Pleiades including guava, peaches, and nectarines. ─── 一些水果同样不能提升,因为它们也来自昂宿星,这包括:番石榴、桃子和油桃。

4、Fig. 6. Inoculum density in relation to disease index of Pestalotia rot of guava fruit. ─── 图六、接种源浓度与番石榴疮痂病发病的关系。

5、Palate: Heraceous、guava、light body 、crispness、fresh clean and balanced. ─── 口感:青草、番石榴为主,酒体轻盈,清脆干净,平衡性好。

6、Murthy S V K.Kotur S C Fertilizer use efficiency in citrus, grape,banana, mango and guava as influenced by time of application and placement method 1998(4 ─── 李继承.李先信.彭俊彩.张国强五种矿质元素对脐橙树体营养状况的影响[期刊论文]-植物营养与肥料学报1999(1

7、Species identification and host range testing of a root-knot nematode infecting guava in Hainan Province ─── 海南省番石榴根结线虫病病原的种类鉴定及其寄主范围的测试

8、Application of HACCP in the Production of Guava Fruit Juice ─── HACCP质量控制体系在芒果原浆生产中的建立和应用

9、In tropical fruit trees, there are Venus fruit, egg yolk fruit, Shepi fruit, small fruit, is about fruit, seedless guava, all kinds of Annona; ─── 在热带果树中,还有金星果、蛋黄果、蛇皮果、文丁果、费约果、无籽番石榴、各种番荔枝;

10、Some fruits also cannot ascend as they too originated in the Pleiades including guava, peaches, and nectarines . ─── 一些水果同样不能提升,因为它们也来自昂宿星,这包括:番石榴、桃子和油桃。

11、But some of his favorites, like purslane, guava and goji berries, aren’t always available at regular grocery stores. ─── 但有些他的最爱,比如马齿苋、番石榴和枸杞并不是常常能在杂货店买到。

12、[Ingredients] pumpkin root, mulberry leaf, jade bamboo, Guava leaf, balsam pear, reed root, honeysuckle, tieguanyin tea etc. ─── 南瓜根、桑叶、玉竹、番石榴叶、苦瓜、芦根、金银花、铁观音等。

13、Fruits with a red hue, such as tomatoes, guava, and papaya, contain lycopene, a reddish pigment and nutrients. ─── 像西红柿、番石榴、木瓜等红色的水果,含有番茄红素,一种红色的色素及营养素。

14、Comparison of leaf photosynthetic characteristics in winter season between two guava cultivars ─── 冬季红宝石与新世纪番石榴叶片光合特性比较

15、Lngredients: made with fresh Guava fruit cut into cubes and roasted with high heat, No preservatives or artificial colorings are added. ─── 本产品主要成份是纯新鲜番石榴果,经机械切粒后烘干,加上高温烘焙及科学处理制成,不含任何防腐及任何素。

16、Introduction Park cooperation with the pharmaceutical factory in Xiamen create passion fruit juice, with pineapple, banana, guava and other fruit flavor integrated, is a senior beverage. ─── 引种园与厦门制药厂合作制造西番莲果汁,具有菠萝、香蕉、番石榴等多种水果综合味道,是一种高级饮料。

17、[2]LIN L F,ZHANG H R.Study of introduction and plant experimentally on different guava verities[J].Journal of Zhangzhou Technical Institute,2006,8(3):51-54. ─── (in Chinese)林良方,张汉荣.不同品种番石榴引种试种研究[J].漳州职业技术学院学报,2006,8(3):51-54.

18、Currently, 1,477 acres (598 hectares) are devoted to growing acerola cherries, passion fruit, coconuts, guava and an assortment of vegetables. ─── 现时有1,477英亩(598公顷)农地种植了针叶樱桃、热情果、椰子、番石榴及各类蔬菜。

19、A whole-year census of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), in a guava orchard was conducted to determine its annual population dynamics and diel activity pattern. ─── 本试验在农业试验所一处番石榴园内调查东方果实蝇全年及单日之族群变动,并依据东方果实蝇在园内之族群变动推论此果实蝇迁移于果园内外的情形。

20、The results showed that the near infrared spectrum of guava sugar content was best measured with quadratic differential spectrometer. ─── 实验结果显示有关番石榴糖度之近红外线光谱以二次微分光谱分析结果较佳。

21、But some of his favorites, like purslane, guava and goji berries, aren't always available at regular grocery stores. ─── 而他的部分推荐,如马齿苋,番石榴和枸杞,并不总是能在商场里购买得到。

22、A full, crisp and powerful wine with intense flavours of passion fruit and guava, along with underlying gooseberry and herbal tones. ─── 品质尤其出众,而万宝龙产区又是全新西兰最好的白沙威浓产区。

23、Our “Lipai” brand natural coconut milk and guava fruit are extracted from superior natural coco and guava with scientific methods. ─── “力牌”天然椰子汁更是经过长时间的市场实践证明,已在市场上得到了广大消费者的认同。

24、The vintage opens with aromas of pineapple, grapefruit, and toasty oak.Bright citrus flavors of lemon grass and guava lead to a finish with lingering crisp, citrus acidity. ─── 扑鼻的凤梨、葡萄柚及烤橡木桶香气,清爽的柑橘果香伴随著柠檬香茅及番石榴的风味,尾韵清脆悠长饶富柑橘酸度。

25、Fontana Exotic Juice (8 fruits) contains apple, pineapple, orange, kiwi, peach, banana, mango and guava juice, rich in Vitamin A, C, E. No preservatives and No artificial colours., excellent taste. ─── 异国风情什果汁含8种果汁:苹果、菠萝、橙、奇异果、桃、香蕉、杧果及石榴,含丰富维他命A、C、E,不含防腐剂及人造色素清甜有益。

26、South American tree having fruit similar to the true guava. ─── 南美树种,果实类似于番石榴。

27、Growth and changes of nutrient elements of 'pearl' guava fruits ─── 珍珠番石榴果实发育及其矿质元素含量变化

28、Some of his favorites, like purslane, guava and goji berries, aren't always available at regular grocery stores. ─── 他最喜欢的一些水果,如马齿苋,番石榴和枸杞,并不总是能在寻常商场里购买得到。

29、We want to buy Fresh Fruits, (Longan, Thai Pomelo, Rose Apple, Guava, Naval Orange, Sweet Pomelo, Tamarind, and Fruit and Vegetables(Fresh, Processed and Dry ─── 我们要采购新鲜水果,泰国柚子,萝丝苹果,番石榴,海军的橘色,甜蜜柚子,罗望子和水果和蔬菜(新鲜的,处理和干的

30、Guavamens (guava month) guava blossoms. ─── 榴月:

31、The Cultivating Techniques for Good Quality and High Yielding Production of Pearl Guava ─── 珍珠番石榴高产优质的栽培技术

32、Description: Assorted seasonal fresh, Melon, Japanese Fuji apple, strawberry, guava, grape, mangosteen, prune, peach, star fruit, dragon fruit, mango and exotic seasonal fruits in gift box ─── 别致礼盒(皱皮密,日本富士苹果,芒果,士多啤梨,桃,布林,提子,番荔以及其他逢时名贵水果

33、Introduction Observation and Cultivation Techniques of Pearl Guava in Sunlight Greenhouse ─── 珍珠番石榴日光温室引种观察及栽培技术

34、Polysorbate, carbomer, certified organic extracts of guava, ─── 有机蕃石榴萃取物

35、The fruit seller ask one of the teenage to chase over the jerk who has stole his guava. ─── 果贩让一个青年帮忙抓住那个偷了他的番石榴的败类。

36、Produces wines with flavors of honey and guava ─── 可酿制具有蜂蜜,番石榴的香味并有轻微的花香的葡萄酒

37、Palate: Fruity palate with fresh acidity and subtle sweetness. Peach and guava flavors notable. ─── 口感:果香味浓,清爽的酸和淡淡的甜味。可以尝到桃子和番石榴味。

38、Other natural products chewed around the world for breath freshening include guava peels (Thailand), anise seeds (Far East), parsley (Italy), clove (Iraq) and cinnamon (Brazil). ─── 世界各地为了维持口气芳香而咀嚼的其他天然产物,还包括番石榴皮(泰国)、洋茴香籽(远东地区)、荷兰水芹(义大利)、丁香(伊拉克)和肉桂(巴西)。

39、Taiwan China: pineapple、banana、coconut、sweetsop、papaya、Carambola、mango、guava、wax apple、betelnut、mandarin、grapefruit、plum、loquat、persimmon、peach、date、prune、lemon、orange、dragon fruit、cantaloup; ─── 中国台湾的凤梨、香蕉、椰子、番荔枝、木瓜、杨桃、芒果、番石榴、莲雾、槟榔、桔、柚、李、枇杷、柿子、桃、枣、梅、柠檬、橙、火龙果、哈密瓜;

40、The study describes the scope of clonal propagation of guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) by stem cutting collected from mature stockplants. ─── 摘要本文利用母株上的茎段进行番石榴的无性繁殖。

41、6 For fruit juice, I prefer either guava or grapefruit because they are not too sweet. ─── 果汁方面,我不是选番石榴,就是选葡萄柚,因为它们不太甜。

42、Five drugs, levamisoli (LMS), leaf of guava (LG), jiaogulan(JGL), weimeisu (WMS) and hulusu (HLS), were tested for the blocking effectson AFB_1 -induced hepatocarcinogenesis by using the short term in vivoexperimental model in rats. ─── 本文报告用动物体内短期实验模型,研究左旅咪唑、番石榴叶、绞股兰、维酶素及葫芦素等5种药物影响黄曲霉毒素B_1(AFB_1)致大鼠肝癌的作用。

43、Demonstration and extension of technical regulation for producing non- polluted guava ─── 无公害番石榴生产技术规程与示范推广

44、These include citrus zest, apricot and tangerine with hints of pawpaw, guava and tobacco. ─── 会让人感觉到嘴里充满柑橘,杏仁,番木瓜,番石榴还有烟草的气息。

45、Keywords GC-MS;guava leaves;chemical components; ─── MS分析;番石榴叶;化学成分;

46、Guava is an obscure tropical fruit that's subtly acidic, with sweetness that intensifies as you eat your way to the center. ─── 它是一种鲜为人知热带水果,吃起来酸中带甜,促使你吃到果实的中间部分。

47、Keywords flavonoid;extract;determine;spectrophotometry;gingkgo tear;fig leaf;guava leaf; ─── 关键词黄酮;提取;测定;分光光度法;无花果叶;番石榴叶;银杏叶;

48、Moreover, two field experiments on the effect of time of pruning and severity of pruning on growth and fruiting of guava were done. ─── 为了更瞭解修剪技术对番石榴生产及产量的关系,本论文回顾了台湾番石榴生产之情形。

49、Lifted stonefruit and guava aromas combine with butterscotch of malolactic. ─── 核果和番石榴的芳香,与奶油糖果的果酸交织融合。

50、Determination of Ginkgo Biloba Flavonoids in Gingkgo Tear, Fig Leaf, Guava Leaf ─── 无花果叶、番石榴叶中黄酮类化合物的提取与测定

51、The book introduced 17 diseases, 119 insect pests, 20 weeds, 7 nutrition deficiencies, 7 non-biotic damages, and 25 pesticide damanges on Guava tree in central Taiwan. ─── 本书记载病害17种,虫害及有害动物119种,番石榴园杂草20种,营养缺乏症7种,非生物性因子伤害7种,药害25种,详细说明中部地区番石榴病虫及各种害物发生情形。

52、Ingredients:1pc Guava(small), 2 tbsps Pink guava paste(available in superstores), 2 cups Yogurt(Vanilla favor), some Ice cubes. ─── 材料:石榴1小个、粉红石榴酱2汤匙(于大型超市有售)、云呢拿味乳酪2杯、冰块(适量)。

53、Study on the photosynthetic characteristic of different guava cultivars ─── 不同品种番石榴光合特性的研究

54、Abstract: Several Taiwanese Fruits, such as papaya、guava、carambola、wax apple、pitaya were introduced in hot-dry valley area of Jinsha river in Yuanmou, Yunnan Province. ─── 摘 要:在云南元谋干热河谷区引种数种台湾水果(番木瓜、番石榴、阳桃、莲雾、火龙果)进行适应性栽培试验。

55、purchase guava juice,please feel free to contact us. ─── 求购石榴汁,请相关厂家及时与我司联系。

56、[3]QI Q L.Study on the photosynthetic characteristic of different guava cultivars[J].Journal of Fujian College of Forestry,2005,25(2):138-141. ─── (in Chinese)齐清琳.不同品种番石榴光合特性的研究[J].福建林学院学报,2005,25(2):138-141.

57、World juice production is given priority to with orange juice and cider, except, still juice of lemon juice, grape, pear juice, mango juice, guava juice, passionflower juice, pineapple juice waits. ─── 世界果汁生产以桔汁和苹果汁为主,除外,还有柠檬汁、葡萄汁、梨汁、芒果汁、番石榴汁、西番莲汁、菠萝汁等。

58、Guava is an obscure tropical fruit that's subtly acidic, with the sweetness that intensifies as you eat your way to the center. ─── 番石榴是一种不太出名的热带水果,它有一种微妙的酸性,在你吃到中间的时候甜味会增强。

59、It was observed that in Taiwan, commercial guava farmers have adopted differing strategies for crop regulation to adapt production to the periods of high demand. ─── 此外,另进行二项田间试验以研究修剪时间及强度对番石榴生长及开花的影响。

60、-Organic Fruits : Can be Mango, can be Guava, can be Papaya, can be Fig. ─── -有机水果 : 可能系芒果、可能系番石榴、可能系木瓜、可能系无花果。

61、Keywords guava;polysaccharides;hypoglycemic effect;antioxidant activity; ─── 番石榴;多糖;降血糖作用;抗氧化;

62、Next up, we tried the New Zealand Mount Riley Sauvignon Blanc 2008, it has ripe, tropical flavours of guava and passionfruit, a wine that is a treat to enjoy on a hot summer day! ─── 我们也尝了纽西兰的MountRileySauvignonBlanc2008,她很成熟,带著热带果如番石榴和热情果的味道,十分适合在炎热的夏天大口大口地喝!

63、HPLC Determination of Oleanolic Acid and Ursolic Acid in Psidium Guava Leaves Using Microwave-assisted Extraction for Sample Pretreatment ─── 微波萃取、高效液相色谱法测定番石榴叶中的齐墩果酸和熊果酸

64、In this research, the cooling process of carrot, radish, potato, Indian jujube, night-blooming gereus, guava, and wax-apple was studied. ─── 本研究以红萝卜、白萝卜、马铃薯、印度枣、红龙果、番石榴及莲雾为实验材料,进行蔬果冷却程序之研究。

65、White pepper and black cherry nose, medium bodied guava, melon like fruit sweetness with strong chalky tannins and a long gamey finish. ─── 带白胡椒和黑莓的设拉子香气,蕴含中等浓度的番石榴以及香瓜味道。果味浓郁,单宁甜美,余味绵长。

66、guava (Psidium guajava L.) ─── 番石榴

67、Fig. 2. Effect of temperature on fruit rot development of guava inoculated with Botryodiplodia theobromae after 7 days of incubation. ─── 图三、温度对四种病原所引起的番石榴果腐病病势进展之影响。

68、I had a chicken burger, a cup of sugar-free coffee, and a guava. ─── 中译)我吃了一个鸡肉汉堡、一杯无糖的咖啡和一个芭乐。

69、nose with passion fruit, guava and pear aromas. Gooseberry capsicum and tropical on a full, rich palate with a long sweet - fruited finish. ─── 酒体呈现黄绿色。浓郁的水果香气和绿草的清新味道,番石榴,梨子的味道完美融合在一起。余味带有浓郁的醋栗种子和热带水果的香气。

70、Warshall promised with a hearty laugh to plant a defense border of guava trees, which don't grow any taller, but grow much faster, staking out the niche early. ─── 沃肖尔开怀大笑,发誓说他一定会在边缘地带种上一圈番石榴树作为防御墙,这种树倒是不比松树高,可是它长得快,而且要快得多,可以提前占领这片小生境。

71、The hawthorn was the strongest in antioxidant capacity among all fruits and followed by winter date, guava, kiwifruit, purple mulberry, strawberry and agate pomegranate. The honeydew melon, watermelon and persimmon were the weakest. ─── 3 0种水果中 ,抗氧化活性以山楂最强 ,冬枣、番石榴、猕猴桃、桑葚、草莓、玛瑙石榴等次之 ,白兰瓜、京欣一号西瓜和柿子最弱 ;

72、Keywords guava(Psidium guajava L.);polyphenol oxidase;purification;characterization; ─── 番石榴;多酚氧化酶;纯化;特性;

73、Guava, Fuji apple mango, strawberry, mangosteen and exotic seasonal fruits in linen container (7.5''H x 10.5''D ─── 名贵麻纱设计水果礼盒(番石榴,富士苹果,芒果,士多啤梨,山竹,桃驳梨,火龙果,提子及精选水果

74、I just saw a person there who was picking guavas at somewhere or around a guava tree. ─── 我刚刚看到那个采芭乐的人在那边或是在芭乐树那边。

75、The difference between a draw plan and the guava teed salary plus commission, on plan is that the draw is really an advance against future commissions and must be repaid. ─── 之间的差别制定计划和番石榴开球薪加委员会,对计划的制定确实是一个对未来推进委员会和必须偿还。

76、Other identifications were made according to the ionization mechanism.The major components in the ethanol extract of guava leaves included triterpenic acids, carbohyd... ─── 归一化定量分析结果显示三萜酸、糖和多酚是番石榴叶乙醇提取物中的主要成分。

77、Aroma of hay , peach and guava . Citrus fruit flavors with a crisp finish. Pair with fresh seafood. ─── 干草,桃子及番石榴的香味。柑橘果的鲜味。最配海鲜类食物。

78、Tell me which one you prefer, guava juice or grapefruit juice. ─── 告诉我,你比较喜欢芭叶汁或是葡萄柚汁。

79、Contains tropical fruit concentrate derived from acerola cherry, passion fruit, guava and cashew nut, providing seven B vitamins together with vitamin C. ─── 提炼自针叶樱桃、热情果、番石榴、菠萝及腰果的热带水果浓缩素,提供7种维他命B及维他命C。

80、I brough her a basket of pineapple guava, ─── 我送她一篮凤梨芭乐

81、It also is present in tomatoes, red and pink grapefruit and guava. ─── 它还存在于西红柿、红色或粉红色的葡萄柚以及生长于热带的番石榴中。

82、ananas guava ─── 凤梨番石榴

83、Fig. 1. Two symptom types of Pestalotia rot found on bagged Thai guava fruits. Single lesion(A), and belt lesion(B). ─── 图一、泰国种番石榴套袋果实疮痂病之二型病徵。(A).单斑型,(B).环斑型。

84、Like in the days to come we often stop where people sell exotic vegetables and fruits (Buddhist Head, melons, bananas, Guava, Fon-Lon cactus fruit, sweet potatoes, taro...) which we eat on the spot. ─── 如同接下来的几天一样,我们经常会在路边贩卖异国情调的蔬菜、水果,如释迦、西瓜、香蕉、芭乐、火龙果、地瓜、芋头等摊子上停下来,直接在那享受美食。

85、Determination on Trace Element Contents in Guava by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry ─── 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定番石榴中的微量元素

86、Extracting Total DNA from Guava(Psidium guajava L.) Leaves by Improved CTAB Method ─── 改良CTAB法提取番石榴叶片总DNA

87、Can you swallow guava seeds or not? ─── 到底这芭乐籽该不该吞进肚子?

88、Pearl guava ─── 珍珠番石榴

89、we are professional export drink, fo example guava juice drink, lemon tea, coconut drink, and juice machine. ─── 我司经营各种饮料贸易,如番石榴汁,柠檬茶,椰子汁,以及果汁机等。

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