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09-02 投稿


depauperate 发音

英:[[d?'p?:p?re?t]]  美:[[d?'p?:p??re?t]]

英:  美:

depauperate 中文意思翻译



depauperate 词性/词形变化,depauperate变形

名词: depauperation |

depauperate 短语词组

1、depauperate biota ─── 退化生物群

2、depauperate definition ─── 失效定义

3、depauperate def ─── 停用def

4、depauperate defined ─── 解除定义

5、depauperate define ─── 取消操作定义

6、depauperate meaning ─── 失活意义

7、depauperate colony ─── 衰落群体(蚁)

depauperate 相似词语短语

1、depauperize ─── vt.使免于贫穷;消灭贫穷

2、depauperise ─── 脱盐

3、depauperises ─── 脱产

4、to depauperate ─── 使退化

5、depauperated ─── adj.发育不全的;萎缩的;v.使……贫穷;使……枯竭;妨碍……的生长

6、depauperates ─── adj.发育不全的;萎缩的;v.使……贫穷;使……枯竭;妨碍……的生长

7、depauperised ─── 脱盐

8、depauperating ─── adj.发育不全的;萎缩的;v.使……贫穷;使……枯竭;妨碍……的生长

9、depauperized ─── vt.使免于贫穷;消灭贫穷

depauperate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The breed of male Tong Sheng of above of half the number implement depauperate, the adult has apparent sexual function not complete. ─── 半数以上的男童生殖器发育不全,成人则有明显的性功能不全。

2、Main show is in: Consciousness of devoid market economy and market system are depauperate. ─── 主要表现在:缺乏市场经济意识和市场体系发育不全。

3、leaf blade depauperate, 8--15 mm, apex obtuse. ─── 发育不全的叶片,8-15毫米,先端钝。

4、The composition showed that the flora were relatively depauperate. ─── 科的地理分布区类型、优势科和表征科表明本区具有热带和温带过渡性。

5、depauperate colony ─── 衰落群体

6、Depauperate:arrested in growth or development; stunted. ─── 遏制的:阻止成长或发展的;遏制的

7、Some youth body that part is depauperate, a bit self-abased. ─── 某年轻人身体那部份发育不全,有点自卑。

8、2, sexual chromosome is like normally pure and ovarian depauperate. ─── 2、性染色体正常 如单纯卵巢发育不全。

9、Fertile stamens 3, in a few flowers only anterior 2 fertile, posterior 1 depauperate or absent, often anterior 2 also depauperate; ─── 能育雄蕊3,在数花内只前面的2枚能育,后面1发育不全或无,通常前面2也发育不全;

10、Understorey woody plants were similarly depauperate. ─── 林下的木本植物同样亦发育不全。

11、Some youth body that part is depauperate, a bit self - abased. ─── 某年轻人身体那部份发育不全,有点自卑。

12、This model happen namely after be born more, send fertility disease to suffer from for heredity more, see at facial nerve nucleus growth of bone of depauperate, cliff misshapes etc. ─── 此型多在生后即发生,多为遗传发育性疾患,见于面神经核发育不全、岩骨发育畸形等。

13、, Bot. 7: 36. 1936), described from Hebei, is based on a very depauperate specimen with a panicle of only 1 or 2 spikelets. ─── 7:36.1936),发表自河北,基于一件非常发育不全的样品具一种只1或2小穗的圆锥花序。

14、sexual chromosome is like normally pure and ovarian depauperate . ─── 性染色体正常如单纯卵巢发育不全。

15、depauperate family ─── 寡种科

16、Development deformation is enamel commonly depauperate, spot glair tooth and too small tooth. ─── 发育畸形常见的为釉质发育不全,斑釉牙及过小牙等。

17、"But there were no pleasures in Australia. How could my friend admire so paleontologically depauperate a place?" (Jake Page) ─── “但在澳大利亚并没有欢乐。我的朋友怎么会崇拜这样一个象旧石器时代般穷困潦倒的地方?”(杰克·佩奇)

18、(The behavior problem with 5) depauperate spirit. ─── (5)精神发育不全的行为问题。

19、Extinction and colonization account for the depauperate flora and fauna of islands when compared to the adjacent mainland. ─── 当与邻近大陆对照的时候,灭绝和移殖过程说明了岛屿植物区系和动物区系的衰亡。

20、The genera mainly contained regional one-seeded genus and depauperate genus which covered 93. 71% of total genera. ─── 属的组成以区域性单种属和寡种属占主体,占植物总属数的93.71%;

21、Extinction and colonization account for the depauperate flora and fauna of islands when compared to the adjacent mainland. ─── 当与邻近大陆对照的时候,灭绝和移殖过程说明了岛屿植物区系和动物区系的衰亡。

22、Development deformation is enamel commonly depauperate, spot glair tooth and too small tooth. ─── 发育畸形常见的为釉质发育不全,斑釉牙及过小牙等。

23、The genera mainly contained regional one-seeded genus and depauperate genus which covered 93.71% of total genera. ─── 属的组成以区域性单种属和寡种属占主体,占植物总属数的93.71%;

24、Depauperate:arrested in growth or development;stunted. ─── 遏制的:阻止成长或发展的;

25、The cause that uric road affects, constant because of hidebound cause depauperate, make urethral muscle faint easily outspread and produce retention of urine and infection. ─── 尿路感染的原因,常因营养不良造成发育不全,使尿道肌肉无力易于扩张而发生尿潴留及感染。


deregulated 形容词 反常的 deregulate 是及物动词 意为:撤销对…的管制和限制 To free from regulation, especially to remove government


Digital Economy Partnership Agreement,DEPA

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