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09-02 投稿


fallacious 发音

英:[f?'le???s]  美:[f?'le??s]

英:  美:

fallacious 中文意思翻译



fallacious 网络释义

adj. 谬误的;骗人的;靠不住的;不合理的

fallacious 短语词组

1、fallacious xinhua ─── 谬误新华社

2、fallacious derivation ─── [计] 廖误推导

3、fallacious inference ─── [计] 廖误推导

4、fallacious definition ─── 错误的定义

5、fallacious reasoning ─── 谬论

6、fallacious synonym ─── 谬误同义词

7、fallacious appeals ─── 谬误的上诉

8、fallacious lore ─── 谬论

9、fallacious define ─── 谬误的定义

10、fallacious appeals to emotion ─── 谬误的情感诉求

11、fallacious appeal to emotion ─── 对情感的错误诉求

12、fallacious in a sentence ─── 谬误的句子

13、fallacious argument ─── 谬论

14、fallacious defined ─── 谬误定义

fallacious 词性/词形变化,fallacious变形

副词: falla-ciously |

fallacious 相似词语短语

1、audacious ─── adj.无畏的;鲁莽的

2、fallaciously ─── adv.令人失望地;谬误地;骗人地

3、palladious ─── 苍白的

4、fallacies ─── n.错误,谬论(fallacy的复数形式)

5、capacious ─── adj.宽敞的;广阔的;容积大的

6、salacious ─── adj.好色的;猥亵的;淫荡的

7、fallaciousness ─── 谬误

8、marlacious ─── 大理石色的

9、hellacious ─── adj.可怕的;不能容忍的;极其困难的(等于hellaceous)

fallacious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A fallacious or illogical argument or conclusion. ─── 不合逻辑的推论,谬论错误的或不合逻辑的观点或结论

2、Carefully weighing in the mind , we easily find how fallacious they ate . ─── 仔细考虑之后,我们极易发现他们是不合理的。

3、I persuade myself that nothing has ever existed of all that my fallacious memory represents to me. ─── 我使自己相信我那靠不住的记忆所呈现的东西都是不存在的。

4、fallacious derivatio ─── 谬误推理

5、Many people have the fallacious belief that touching someone with AIDS will infect them. ─── 许多人误以为和艾滋病患者接触就会被传染。

6、But Oriana Fallaci, Italy's fiercest and most famous journalist, had no doubt at all. ─── 但是OrianaFallaci,这位意大利最尖锐凶猛,最有名气的记者坚信事实的确如此。

7、There is no doubt that Fallaci Oriana," the first journalist in the world",is the most remarkable person to many newsmen. ─── 在众多的新闻从业人员中 ,当代的“世界第一女记者”奥丽亚娜·法拉奇无疑是最为引人注目的。

8、BLTHOUGH it is usual to speak of money as a measure of value and prices, the notion is entirely fallacious. ─── 我们泛泛说起钱,把它看作是价值和价格的一种尺度;不过,这种不雅念却是完全错误的。

9、Can appear otherwise " governmental beautiful money buries sheet for enterprise become divided " double and fallacious . ─── 否则就会出现“政府花钱为企业分化埋单”的双重谬误。

10、The article is used with division this same case, be in " division this logistic " on the foundation, proved division this the existence in theorem " division this trap " this one fallacious. ─── 本文使用与科斯相同的案例,在“科斯逻辑”的基础上,论证了科斯定理中存在“科斯陷阱”这一谬误。

11、While new forms appear constantly , the fallacious structure of the commercial form is gradually obvious. ─── 我国新兴业态不断出现的同时,商业业态结构不合理的状况也日渐明显,因而商业业态结构的调整势在必行。

12、Vigorously denounce each of your opponent’s arguments as fallacious but just select one or two that you can defeat to prove the point.Then assume that you have won. ─── 起劲地指责对手的每一个观点,把每一个观点都说成是荒谬的,但是仅仅选择一两个你能够驳倒的观点进行攻击,然后假定你赢了。

13、Her reasoning was fallacious in that she tried to base a general rule on just two or three instances. ─── 她的推理是荒谬的,由于她试著把通则只放在二或三个实例上。

14、More recently, the Congressional Budget Office has done a nice job explaining why the idea of international competitiveness as a reason for health care reform is fallacious. ─── 最近,国会预算办公室出色地解释了把国际竞争力作为医改原因的观点是谬误的。

15、and the good abb, seeing in a dream these glittering walls, has indulged in fallacious hopes." ─── 那位善良的神甫在梦中见到了这些闪闪发光的墙壁,就异想天开地妄想起来。”

16、fallacious evidence ─── 假的论证

17、Nothing is so fallacious as facts, except figures. ─── 没有什么比事实更易误导人,除了数字。

18、fallacious deferred charge ─── 虚递延借项

19、fallacious view ─── 谬误的观点

20、Equally fallacious, for the same reason, is the argument that population size is limited via reduced birth rates "for the good of the species". ─── 同一原理,为了物种自身益处而限制物种的群体数量这也是靠不住的。

21、A fallacious or illogicalargument or conclusion. ─── 不合逻辑的推论,谬论错误的或不合逻辑的观点或结论。

22、Can appear otherwise " governmental beautiful money buries sheet for enterprise become divided " double and fallacious. ─── 否则就会出现“政府花钱为企业分化埋单”的双重谬误。

23、fallacious argument ─── 谬论

24、The argument is fallacious, for it is based on a set of factual flaws. ─── 这段论述是谬误的,因为它的基础与事实不符。

25、fallacious adj. ─── 谬误的;

26、Wallace: You told Fallaci "until 1985"; what will you tell me? ─── 迈:您当时告诉法拉奇准备一九八五年退休,您准备对华莱士作什么表示呢?

27、Already Miss Fallaci had heard the wailing of imams in the hills of Tuscany, and had seen Somali urine staining the Baptistery in Florence. ─── Fallaci在意大利Tuscany听到过毛拉[注释:穆斯林长老]讼唱古兰经,在佛罗伦萨目睹过索马里人在洗礼池中小便。

28、As you know, I told the Italian correspondent Oriana Fallaci that my plan was to work until 1985. It's already a year beyond that date. ─── 你也知道,我同意大利记者法拉奇谈话时说,我干到一九八五年就行了,现在超过一年了。

29、delusive, fallacious, misdirecting, misleading, misleadingly ─── 易误解的。令人迷惑的。误导的。

30、"All these predictions of one medium supplanting another are fallacious. ─── 奥美广告制作了上述由塞恩菲尔德先生出演的广告。

31、illusionary, phantasmic, fallacious, fallaciously, deceptive, deceitful, misleading ─── 骗人的。迷惑人的。虚假的。虚妄的。错觉的。幻影的。

32、Numerous examples might be cited to support fallacious claims , but they most often lack a relevance to the issue under discussion . ─── 可能有很多例子支持错误的主张,但它们经常缺少和正在讨论的问题的相关性。

33、fallacious reasoning; an unsound argument. ─── 谬误的推理;一个谬误的立论。

34、From this it was clear that Democritus 2, 400 years before, had given a fallacious inaccurate name to the atom. ─── 由此看来,显然,2400年以前德谟克利特给原子起的名字既不可靠,也不准确。

35、fallacious testimony. ─── 产生误导的证词

36、fallacious testimony; ─── 骗人的证词;

37、The argument is fallacious, forit is based on a set of factual flaws. ─── 这段论述是谬误的,因为它的基础与事实不符。

38、an argument that appears good at first view but is really fallacious. ─── 初看有效实际谬误的论证。

39、This inference is fallacious without reasonable evidence to support it. ─── 这个推断是谬误的没有合理的证据支持它。

40、Nor is it to fall back on the comfortable but wholly fallacious assumption that since no one has all the answers, everyone's opinion is equally valid. ─── 也不是要人求助那种使人感到安慰但却是虚妄的假定:既然没人可以提供全部答案,那么每个人的意见同样有效。

41、A link of fallacious discussions ─── 谬论连篇

42、This male concept of female is a self-righteous imagination of "Virgin Mary" , and a fallacious female narrative. ─── 这种女性观念是男性对女性自以为是的“圣母”想象,是女性叙事的谬误。


44、fallacious conclusion ─── 荒谬的结论

45、A close scrutiny of these arguments would reveal how fallacious it is . ─── 对这些争论的详细的研究结实出它是多么的荒谬。

46、Rudyard Kipling, a sagacious British writer, once commented: "Nothing is more fallacious than to judge the East by the yardsticks of the West." ─── 具有深邃洞察力的英国作家吉卜林曾说过:“没有比用西方的准则来评定东方更荒谬的事了。”

47、all the appearances of the contrary, such as new buildings and the rise of rents, being to his certain knowledge fallacious; ─── 因为事实上它们都是使我们破产的种种因素之一。

48、Don't be misled by the fallacious reasoning of the advertisement ─── 不要被错误的广告所误导

49、Numerous examples might be cited to support fallacious claims ,they most often lack a relevance to the issue under discussion . ─── 可能有例子支持错误的主张,但经常缺少和正在讨论的问题的相关性。

50、A scrutiny of these arguments would reveal how fallacious they are. ─── 详细审查这些论点可以解开它们的不足。

51、From this it was clear that Democritus 2, 400 years before, had given a fallacious inaccurate name to the atom ─── 由此看来,显然,2400年以前德谟克利特给原子起的名字既不可靠,也不准确。

52、a fallacious conclusion ─── 谬误的结论

53、They drew a fallacious conclusion at last. ─── 最后, 他们下了个荒谬的结论。

54、Each of the three links in this equation is fallacious, of course. ─── 这个等式中的三种联系中的每一种联系都是荒谬的。

55、This male concept of female is a self-righteous imagination of "Virgin Mary", and a fallacious female narrative. ─── 这种女性观念是男性对女性自以为是的“圣母”想象,是女性叙事的谬误。

56、The article tries to find fallacious place, finish from " fictitious and balanced " the model arrives " true and balanced " the compose of the model is built. ─── 本文试图找到谬误之所在,并完成从“虚拟均衡”模型到“真实均衡”模型的构建。

57、A fallacious proof was accepted as correct for a decade. ─── 一个虚假的论证曾被认为正确,为时达十年之久。

58、As you know, I told the Italian correspondent Oriana Fallaci that my plan was to work until 1985. ─── 你也知道,我同意大利记者法拉奇谈话时说,我干到一九八五年就行了

59、A lot of people are equal waists-coat at the vest now, it is fallacious actually, waists-coat agitation is a branch that the color wears outside underwear. ─── 经常在电影里看到,欧洲明媛们将马甲上的丝带拉紧再拉紧,就为背部和腰部看上去更加纤细。

60、Contradict confidently.Vigorously denounce each of your opponent’s arguments as fallacious but just select one or two that you can defeat to prove the point.Then assume that you have won. ─── 6. 心安理得地驳斥对手.气势汹汹地指责对手,把他的每一条意见都说成谬误不堪,但只挑其中一两条你能驳倒的下手批驳,然后堂而皇之地让对手缴枪.

61、Fallacious assumption and method are piled upon each other like Pelion on Ossa. ─── 谬误的假设和方法就像佩利翁山叠到奥萨山上那样层出不穷。

62、5.The argument is fallacious, for it is based on a set of factual flaws. ─── (这段论述是谬误的,因为它的基础与事实不符。)

63、Numerous examples might be cited to support fallacious claims, but they most often lack a relevance to the issue under discussion. ─── 可能有很多例子支持错误的主张,但它们经常缺少和正在讨论的问题的相关性。

64、a fallacious argument ─── 谬误的论据

65、2. Nothing is so fallacious as fact, except figures. ─── 除了数字外,没有一样东西是像事实那样靠不住的。

66、This article deals with the clinical features of hypertension of the old people and analyses some of fallacious treatment methods. ─── 阐述老年性高血压的临床特点,并提出药物和非药物的治疗对策,最后分析了老年性高血压治疗中的六大误区.

67、We have turned our attention to that experiment, on the suggestion of my family, and we find it fallacious. ─── 我们在那一方面也尝试过,那是我娘家的人启发我们的,但是我们发现,那番尝试完全是望风捕影。

68、nbsp;Numerous examples might be cited to support fallacious claims , but they most often lack a relevance to the issue under discussion . ─── 可能有很多例子支持错误的主张,但它们经常缺少和正在讨论的问题的相关性。

69、In earlier pages I undertook to show that some common arguments in favor of certai:n ontologies are fallacious. ─── 在前面我试图证明,为某些本体论所作的一些普通的论证是谬误的。

70、85. A close scrutiny of these arguments would reveal how fallacious they are... ─── 对这些争论的详细的研究揭示出它们是多么的荒唐。

71、A model of fallacy is a pattern of fallacious argument, not the pure formal structure in strict syntax. ─── 谬误模式是谬误论证的型式,并不是严格的语法学意义上的纯形式结构。

72、Nothing can be more fallacious than this kind of argument. ─── 没有什么比这个论调更荒谬绝顶的了。

73、fallacious deferred charges ─── 虚伪的递延费用

74、A fallacious assumption. ─── 错误的假定

75、fallacious derivation ─── 谬误推导

76、an argument that appears good at first view but is really fallacious ─── 初看有效实际谬误的论证

77、fallacious reasoning ─── 错误的推理

78、I persuade myself that nothing has ever existed of all that my fallacious memory represents to me. ─── 我使自己相信我那靠不住的记忆所呈现的东西都是不存在的。

79、Their main argument is fallacious. ─── 他们的主要论点是荒谬的。

80、Don't fall prey to these fallacious messages. ─── 不要成为那些恶意信息的牺牲品。

81、What we learn from a narrow focus may be internally logically coherent but may be irrelevant or fallacious within the framework of a broader perspective. ─── 我们所学的某个具体范围的知识从逻辑上是与整体框架相联系的,但有可能实际上与整体框架是不相关和靠不住的。

82、Gauss showed him that the proof was fallacious. ─── 高斯向他指出证明是错误的。

83、This is a fairly fallacious argument. ─── 这是一个相当靠不住的论调。

84、Over the past two years, many of Wall Street's big ideas have been exposed as woefully ill-conceived at best, utterly fallacious at worst. ─── 过去两年,华尔街的许多大创意都落得可悲的下场,好一点的算是构思拙劣,差一点的则是彻底谬误。

85、The idea that it is better to keep their identity a secret is fallacious. ─── 那种认为最好把孩子的身份掩盖起来的观念是不对的。

86、Probing the cause on Wang Qingren's idea of "Fallacious theory, effective prescription" of Wang Qingren ─── 王清任"方效论错"原因初探

87、A close scrutiny of these arguments would reveal how fallacious they are. ─── 这些争论的详细研究揭示出它们是多么的荒谬.

88、“there is nothing,” said canning, “so fallacious as facts, except figures. ─── 康宁说:“除了数字,没有什么东西像事实如此不可靠。”

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