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09-02 投稿


bigot 发音

英:['b?g?t]  美:['b?ɡ?t]

英:  美:

bigot 中文意思翻译



bigot 网络释义

n. 偏执的人;顽固者;盲信者n. (Bigot)人名;(法)比戈

bigot 短语词组

1、frere bigot luxoner priere minuit ─── 哥 ─── 哥午夜祈祷

2、prejudice vs bigot ─── 偏见与 ─── 偏执

3、bigot meaning dictionary ─── 偏执词义词典

4、bigot luxoner 2 novembre 11 ─── 月2日

5、frere bigot luxoner live ─── 偏执兄弟Luxoner Live

6、bigot definition ─── 偏执的定义

7、fere bigot luxoner seigneur pakitem tomber ─── 帕基坦主倒下

8、bigot definition changed ─── 偏执定义已更改

9、bigot definition dictionary ─── 偏执定义词典

10、bigot defined ─── 偏执的定义

bigot 词性/词形变化,bigot变形

名词复数形式:bigots 第三人称单数:bigots

bigot 相似词语短语

1、bigots ─── n.偏执的人;顽固者;盲信者;n.(Bigot)人名;(法)比戈

2、bigotry ─── n.偏执;顽固;盲从

3、gigot ─── n.羊腿(或鹿腿);羊腿型袖子;n.(Gigot)人名;(英)吉戈特;(法)吉戈

4、big on ─── 酷爱;对...热情的;...的权威

5、bight ─── n.海湾,绳圈;曲线

6、bigoted ─── adj.顽固的;心地狭窄的;盲从的

7、bigfoot ─── n.大脚;传说中生存于北美洲西北部太平洋沿岸森林中的野人(等于Sasquatch)

8、begot ─── v.引起;招致(beget的过去式)

9、bigos ─── 胡子

bigot 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a knee-jerk bigot ─── 可预知的抱偏见的人

2、Mankiewicz's "No Way Out" as a bigot who instigates a race riot. ─── 同个性演员Chill Wills一起, 韦德马克算是电影中最好的了。

3、Effects observation of urokinase with long period and small dosage combining low molecular heparin on bigot angina ─── 长疗程小剂量尿激酶溶栓联合低分子量肝素抗凝治疗顽固性心绞痛的疗效观察

4、Be like relatively bigot, feasible tubercle is local and refrigerant. ─── 如较顽固者,可行结节局部冷冻。

5、Pretty soon everyone in his dorm labels him as an intolerant bigot. ─── 很快他就被宿舍其他人打上“偏执的盲目信仰者”的标签。

6、A 36 bigot is a stone-deaf 37 orator. ─── 一个执迷不悟的人是个全聋的演说家。

7、Henry was more than a bigot . He was also a hypocrite . ─── 亨利不只是一个顽固执拗的人,他还是个伪君子。

8、Did he saw ALL paki's are disrpectful? NO he said "THOSE" get somethicker skin. If someone refers to a persons race it isn;t alwaysbecause they are being a bigot. ─── 那个人说的是所有巴基斯坦人都这样喜欢打搅别人么?不,他说的是“那些人”有着厚脸皮。如果有人说某个种族的几个人有毛病,并不总是因为他是一个有偏见的人。

9、Protest at her shows. Bring the wrath of hell on her. We are children of satan according to her, so lets being the hell fire on this bigot! ─── 反对她的演出。把愤怒发泄在她身上吧。对她来说我们是撒旦的孩子,那就让地狱之火在这个老顽固身上熊熊燃烧吧!

10、Le Clos Bigot - Descrizione dei servizi agrituristici con fotografie e itinerari suggeriti nella zona. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

11、Carole, could it be that Dog is more of a brute than a bigot? ─── 卡洛尔,会不会是狗更多地是一种简单粗暴的比比戈?

12、1048 He who will not reason,is a bigot;he who cannot is a fool;and he who dares not is a slave. ─── 不愿说理是偏执者;不会说理是愚人;不敢说理是奴隶。

13、Police Bigot: you beat them unconscious with the parachute. ─── 条子:用这个降落伞把他们打成猪头。

14、That insufferable bigot riled me, made me want to get to him. ─── “我原本想三思而后行,不想被他那些难听的话惹着了,当时我只想损他一顿。

15、A bigot is a stone-leaf orator. ─── 偏执狂是极聋的演说家。

16、He is not a bigot; hatred of any kind goes against his faith. ─── 他不是一位有偏见的人;任何一种仇恨,都违背了他的信念。

17、A bigot is a stone-leaf orator. ─── 偏执狂是极聋的演说家。

18、If someone refers to a persons race it isn;t alwaysbecause they are being a bigot. ─── 假如有人说某个种族的几个人有毛病,并不总是因为他是一个有偏见的人。

19、"Whether the bigot is in our local pub or a thousand miles away, we should all stand up and speak out for these basic human rights. ─── 约翰在杂志中写道,“像威廉那样的人们要比我勇敢的多。当顽固偏见者们唧歪乱叫,他们则毫不犹豫的予以还击。”

20、"Whether the bigot is in our local pub or a thousand miles away, we should all stand up and speak out for these basic human rights." ─── “无论偏见者们在我们身边,还是在别处,我们都应该站起来,积极争取我们的基本人权。”

21、The attitude, state of mind, or behavior characteristic of a bigot; intolerance. ─── 偏见抱偏见的人的态度、思想状况或行为特点;偏执

22、He who will not reason, is a bigot; ─── British engineer 不理智的人,是执拗的人;

23、Bigotry ( n.): the behavior, attitude, or beliefs of a bigot: intolerance; prejudice ─── 偏执的行为(或态度、信念等);偏执;顽固;偏见

24、Title: An Analysis on the Three Categories of Images “Hooligan”, “Secular” and “Bigot” ─── 关键词:流氓;俗人;顽主;生活模式;人类文化主体性;动物性

25、a narrow-minded bigot ─── 狭隘偏执的人.

26、Still I have a lot to perish, to dream, not exclusivly on GPAs etc.So just sink the bigot mind, coming to the realization of the truth value of life. ─── 再着,就是杀蛙了,一切照步骤,后来值得一说的就是不要将腹壁上的肌肉剪得过度了,上面有比较热情的动脉,出血很严重,以后的视野也就从此血糊琳琳了。

27、bigot: person who holds strong(esp religious or political)beliefs and opinions,and is intolerant of anyone who disagrees ─── 偏执的人(尤指在宗教信仰或政治方面)

28、If someone refers to a persons race it isn;t always because they are being a bigot. ─── 如果有人说某个种族的几个人有毛病,并不总是因为他是一个有偏见的人。

29、the attitude,state of mind,or behavior characteristic of a bigot; intolerance ─── 抱偏见的人的态度、思想状况或行为特点;偏执

30、a religious/racial bigot ─── 宗教/种族的偏执者

31、A bigot is a stone-deaf orator. ─── 一个执迷不悟的人是个全聋的演说家。

32、I believe you that you're not so much a bigot as. ─── 我相信你,你不是极端偏见的人,像是。

33、The attitude,state of mind,or behavior characteristic of a bigot;intolerance. ─── 偏见抱偏见的人的态度、思想状况或行为特点;偏执

34、Here's a mouth-frother, here's a bigot, here's a stiff-necked buffoon who, in one ranting article, shows all that is wrong, footling and absurd about modern China. ─── 这个满嘴废话的家伙,这个偏执狂。这个傲慢的小丑,在一篇咆哮的文章里,表现了关于现代中国的一切缪误,愚蠢和荒谬。

35、He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool ;and he who dares not is a slave.--William Drummond. British engineer ─── 不愿说理的人是顽固分子;不会说理的人是傻瓜;不敢说理的人是奴隶。英国工程师德拉蒙德

36、He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.-W. Drummond ─── 不愿说理是偏执者;不会说理是愚人;不敢说理是奴隶。--德拉蒙德

37、He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool ;and he who dares not is a slave. ─── 不愿说理的人是顽固分子;不会说理的人是傻瓜;不敢说理的人是奴隶。

38、Anyone who opposes them is branded a racist, a bigot, or a homophobe. ─── 任何反对他们的人都被冠以种族主义者,偏执狂或同性恋憎恨者的污名。

39、And when you try to impose them on others, you make yourself into a bully, a boring nag, or a self-righteous bigot. ─── 当你试图把这些向他人推行时,你让你自身变成了暴君,一只聒噪的蝉,一个伪善的老顽固。

40、No person is born a bigot or a racist. ─── 任何人是出生心地狭窄或种族主义者。

41、though to accuse someone of having unfashionable hair is less of a cuss than, say, accusing them of being a bigot. ─── 不过,与指责某人(比方说)偏执相比,说某人的发型过时其实算不上坏话。

42、At the Restoration she had turned bigot , and that with so much energy that the priests had forgiven her her monk. ─── 到复辟时代,她变得很虔诚,由于她信仰上帝的心非常热烈,神甫们也就不再追究她那修士而原谅了她。

43、His words stamped him to be a bigot. ─── 他讲的话表明他是个偏执的人。

44、He who will not reason, is a bigot;he who cannot is a fool ; ─── and he who dares not is a slave 不讲理的人,是执拗的;

45、Manager: So I give the new white kid a break.Does that make me a bigot?The bottom line is, have I treated them any different from how I treat you? ─── 经理:所以我让你改做白班,并不是我有偏见,你有没有发现,我对待他们跟对待你不一样?

46、Intolerance is the mark of a Bigot ─── 不宽容是顽固者的标志

47、Now here's another lunatic. Here's a mouth-frother, here's a bigot, here's a stiff-necked buffoon who, in one ranting article, shows all that is wrong, footling and absurd about modern China. ─── 这儿又来了一个疯子。这个满嘴废话的家伙,这个偏执狂。这个傲慢的小丑,在一篇咆哮的文章里,表现了关于现代中国的一切缪误,愚蠢和荒谬。

48、Maradona has incurred the wrath of no less a bigot than the Pope, because every time His Holiness makes a speech about helping the poor, Maradona demands that the Vatican should give them its own vast wealth. ─── 马拉多纳曾经引起教皇对他的愤怒,因为教皇陛下每次发表关于扶贫的演说时,马拉多纳就主张罗马教廷应将自己巨额的财富分给穷人。

49、To include such a homophobe and bigot in a children's book takes courage. ─── 将这样一个心胸狭隘并且畏惧同性恋的角色写进儿童书籍,需要十足的勇气。

50、He who will not reason, is a bigot;he who cannot is a fool ;and he who dares not is a slave.William Drummond. ─── British engineer 不愿说理的人是顽固者,不会说理的人是愚人,不敢说理的人是奴隶。

51、At first, Mr. Sanchez called Mr. Stewart a "bigot, " but later took the word back, calling the comedian "prejudicial" instead. ─── 起初桑切斯称斯图尔特是“心眼儿小”,但是后来他又收回这个词儿,而用“有偏见的”来称呼这位喜剧演员。

52、"Everything I've heard about this guy tells me he's a bigot and the right place for him is to stay at home. ─── “所有我所知道的关于此人的情况,都告诉我,此人是一个极端分子。最适合于他呆的地方,莫过于他自己家了。”

53、to relatively bigot is added with immune depressor, all can get better curative effect. ─── 对于较顽固者加用免疫抑制剂,均可收到较好疗效。

54、An Analysis on the Three Categories of Images “Hooligan”, “Secular” and “Bigot” ─── 探寻者的历程--王朔作品中的"流氓”、"俗人”、"顽主”形象分析

55、the intolerance and prejudice of a bigot. ─── 偏执的人的偏见或盲目随从。

56、He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool ;and he who dares not is a slave.??William Drummond. British engineer ─── 不愿说理的人是顽固分子;不会说理的人是傻瓜;不敢说理的人是奴隶。??英国工程师德拉蒙德.W.

57、In the history of world music, some commentators called Brahms bigot of conformism, even disbelieved and negated his art value. ─── 在世界音乐的历史上,勃拉姆斯因为崇尚古典而被一些评论家称为因循守旧的顽固派,甚至对他的艺术价值产生怀疑和否定。

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