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bequeathing 发音

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bequeathing 中文意思翻译



bequeathing 同义词

hand down | endow | donate | bestow | confer on |leave | give | will | hand on

bequeathing 短语词组

1、bequeathing antonyms ─── 遗赠反义词

2、bequeathing define ─── 遗赠

3、bequeathing guns ─── 遗赠枪支

4、bequeathing synonym ─── 遗赠同义词

5、bequeathing 401k ─── 遗赠401k

6、bequeathing meaning ─── 遗赠意义

7、bequeathing money ─── 遗赠

bequeathing 词性/词形变化,bequeathing变形

动词过去式: bequeathed |动词现在分词: bequeathing |动词过去分词: bequeathed |动词第三人称单数: bequeaths |名词: bequeathal |

bequeathing 反义词


bequeathing 相似词语短语

1、bequeathment ─── n.遗赠

2、bequeathed ─── vt.遗赠;把…遗赠给;把…传下去

3、bequeaths ─── vt.遗赠;把…遗赠给;把…传下去

4、bequeathal ─── adj.遗赠的;遗留的;n.遗赠;遗留;遗物

5、quething ─── 平息

6、breathing ─── n.呼吸;瞬间;微风;adj.呼吸的;逼真的;v.呼吸(breathe的现在分词)

7、bequeather ─── 遗赠人

8、beathing ─── vt.用温水洗;使(未干燥的)木材变干或加热以使其变直

9、bequeath ─── vt.遗赠;把…遗赠给;把…传下去

bequeathing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Guizhuang was a representative of bequeathing people.It is important for study bequeathing people of M-Dynasty living situation that researching Guizhuang's social circles and his thought. ─── 归庄的个案是明清之际士人的一个典型,研究归庄的交游和思想的状况对于研究明代遗民的生存状况无疑具有很大的启发意义。

2、They create hard, and experience the world attentively. Can have so many works of bequeathing to posterity. ─── 他们付出了很多,努力地创造和体验世界,才能有后人遗留给这么多的作品。

3、This disease also can be sent at somewhere else, progress is slow, final bequeath is small, pigment sex caves sexual scar, constant companion hasDiabeticSexual capillary is ill. ─── 本病也可发于别处,进展缓慢,最后遗留小的、色素性凹陷性疤痕,常伴有糖尿病性微血管病。

4、The Tang dynasty has been acclaimed the Golden Age of Chinese poetry, bequeathing the works of 2,000 poets ranging from emperors and scholars to peasants, monks, and courtesans. ─── 唐代是中国诗歌发展历史上的黄金时期,流传下来的2000首诗歌作品,分别涵盖了帝王、学者、农夫、道士和宫廷妓女。

5、One person can set up the right of inhabitation by willing, bequeathing contracting and so on. ─── 居住权可以通过遗嘱、遗赠、合同等方式设立。

6、To bequeath as an inheritance to one's heirs. ─── 留下遗产象被继承人把财产留给继承人一样传下去

7、"In common law system, it includes at least the rights to occupy, possess, use, abuse, use up, let out, lend, transfer in security, sell, exchange, gift, bequeath, and destroy. ─── 在普通法系中,所有权至少包括这样的一些权利:占据权、占有权、使用权、滥用权、用尽权、出租权、担保转让权、销售权、交易权、赠与权、遗赠权和销毁权。

8、He is bequeathing a politically fractured country, even if many of the splits turn more around personalities than policies. ─── 他正在打破哥国过去在政治上的常规,即使许多这些转变归因于人格特质而非政策。

9、He happens to slice inequality between generations - but he is describing the great widening class divide we are bequeathing to the next generation. ─── 他碰巧撕裂了两代人之间的不平等。但是他正在描写一个已经很大的而且还在不断加剧的我们将留给下一代的阶级分化。

10、He bequeath his share to his daughter. ─── 他将他的股票遗赠给他的女儿。

11、Modern universities occupy an important strategic position and play special roles in bequeathing and developing advanced culture. ─── 现代大学在传承、弘扬、发展先进文化中具有着重要的战略地位,发挥着其独特作用。

12、Bequeathing of Plebeian Complex--An analysis of plebeian literature by SuQing and ChiLi ─── 市民情怀的传承--浅析苏青和池莉的市民文学

13、The last Count of Spada, moreover, made me his heir, bequeathing to me this symbolic breviary, he bequeathed to me all it contained ─── 再说,最后一代的斯帕达伯爵又指定我为他的继承人,把这本有象征意义的祈祷书遗赠给了我,他把这本书里所有的一切都遗赠了给我。

14、Bush is bequeathing his successor a world of troubles in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan. ─── 布什给他的继任者留下一个充满麻烦的阿富汗、伊拉克和巴基斯坦。

15、Understanding forefathers is from what why begin to solve a problem, their sequela is the problem that how solves elder place bequeath, inspire me thereby.. ─── 了解前人是从何着手解决问题的,他们的后继者又是如何解决前辈所遗留的问题的,从而启发我...

16、What can can enter homes, schools and military camps and can be bequeathing future generations? ─── 什么能可以进入家庭、学校和军营并可以留传后世?

17、It will be better to bequeath it to him after my death, in my will. ─── 我不如写在遗嘱里,等我死了留赠给他。

18、This article asserts bequeath and cohabitation acts are two separate acts, the court mixes together then do a moral judgment, clearly inappropriate. ─── 本文认为遗赠与同居行为是两个独立的行为,而法院对遗赠行为效力的判断与遗赠人与原告的同居行为性质的判断掺杂在一起进行道德判断,显然不妥。

19、bequeath a legacy ─── 留下遗产

20、deviant and bequeath ─── [法] 遗赠动产和不动产

21、He's bequeathing to his successor a viable naval modernization program. ─── 他给他的接班人们遗赠了一份切实可行的海军现代化计划。

22、In the meantime, want problem of bequeath of pair of among them disorders, history, difference to adjust lowermost level. ─── 同时,要对其中的混乱、历史遗留问题、差异调整到最低水平。

23、For those who want to bequeath their view of economics to the next generation, textbooks are the most efficient medium. ─── 如果想把自己对经济学的见解世代相传,教科书是最有效的途径。

24、From the perspective of contemporary ideology, ancient literature research, the value of which lies in the accumulating and bequeathing cultures, has direct practical value. ─── 从当代意识看,古代文学研究有直接的实用的价值。但古代文学研究的价值更主要在文化的积累和传承。

25、"We bequeath it to you. ─── 乔治说,“我们把它赠送给你。

26、Monogamy arose from the concentration of considerable wealth in the hands of a single individuals man-and from the need to bequeath this wealth to the children of that man and of no other. ─── 一夫一妻制的产生是由于,大量财富集中于一人之手,也就是男子之手,而且这种财富必须传给这一男子的子女,而不是传给其它人的子女。

27、which treasure I bequeath and leave en...tire to him as my sole heir. ─── 此项宝藏吾全部遗赠与吾之惟一继承人。

28、Although he may not bequeath any debt to his children, his family is visibly worse off than unbonded villagers in the same region. ─── 他也许不会留给孩子任何债务,但比起其他不受债务束缚的人,他的家庭看来就过得差多了。

29、Mr Jack's real interests are time and memory: how a country's past, or a person's, gets cut off from the present;how history comes to feel “outside and apart”, bequeathing “a sense of baffling loss”. ─── 杰克的真正兴趣是时间和记忆:如果那些国家的过去、个人的过去与现在完全隔断,将会呈现出什么样子;

30、Everyone has the right to own, use, dispose of and bequeath his or her lawfully acquired possessions. ─── 人人均享有拥有、使用、处分与遗赠其合法取得财产之权利。

31、Henry Dashwood, the legal inheritor of the Norland estate, and the person to whom he intended to bequeath it. ─── 亨利.达什伍德先生是诺兰田庄的法定继承人,老达什伍德打算把家业传给他。

32、Mitterrand's intent to bequeath an architectural legacy of his presidency for later generations was already apparent before his ascension to the presidency. ─── 密特朗以都市建筑流芳百世的企图心,在他入主总统府之前即已显露出来。

33、But look more closely and he risks bequeathing a disappointingly ambivalent legacy. ─── 但如果仔细研究,(会发现)他可能会留下令人失望、好坏掺半的(政治)遗产。

34、Those who have agreement of bequeath bring up, deal with according to the agreement. ─── 有遗赠扶养协议的,按照协议办理。

35、Because such not only can control give attention to two or morethings, and still go up in certain level fill the corner space below sofa periphery bequeath. ─── 因为这样不但可以左右兼顾,而且还在一定程度上填补了沙发周边遗留下的拐角空间。

36、And yours of Helena to me bequeath, Whom I do love and will do till my death. ─── 但你也得把海丽娜的爱情让给我,因为我爱她,并且将要爱她到死。

37、Absent, deceased, or unknown dads become huge question marks, bequeathing to their children a lifetime of wondering and imagining. ─── 离开、已故或未知的”父亲“成为了巨大的问号,让孩子一生去好奇、想象。

38、I bequeath to her the two candlesticks which stand on the chimney-piece. ─── 我把壁炉上这对烛台留给她。

39、Those of you who die and leave widows should bequeath for their widows a year's maintenance and residence; ─── 你们中弃世而遗留妻子的人,当为妻室而遗嘱,当供给她们一年的衣食,不可将她们驱逐出去。

40、The best belongings you could bequeath to your children are to allow them independently grope for their self life road. ─── 2 你能留给孩子的最好财产莫过于允许他完全独立自主地自主地摸索自己的道路。

41、Yet the country that Fidel Castro is bequeathing to his successors is discontented and all but bankrupt. ─── 然而,老卡斯特罗遗留给接任者的古巴国却是令人不满的,而且几乎处于经济崩溃的边缘。

42、To Bequeath to after ages ─── 传于后世

43、Xian Qin's bequeath documents ─── 先秦传世文献

44、University Culture and the Bequeathing of National Culture ─── 大学文化与民族文化的传承

45、But to bury the hatchet with environmentalists, he suggested it would not be a bad idea to bequeath one's body as food for a forest. ─── 但想与环境保护论者和解共生,他表示,把遗体留给森林当养分倒是不错的主意。

46、And equally without a doubt the husband possessed the right, according to this passage, to bequeath to his wife by will the right to marry outside the gens after his death. ─── 同样无疑的是,丈夫也有权用遗嘱的方式允许妻子在他死后有权在氏族以外结婚。

47、Hand down To bequeath as an inheritance to one's heirs. ─── 留下遗产:象被继承人把财产留给继承人一样传下去。

48、Today, we bequeath America's future into your able hands. ─── 今天,我们把美国的未来交付到你们的手中。

49、There is nothing of value I have to bequeath except my love and my faith. ─── 我没有什麽值钱的东西可以留给他人,除了我的爱和信赖。

50、As a result of the deposit of historical bequeath problem, branch does not leave to meet for years, connect an action that uploads make known to lower levels to also do not rise! ─── 由于历史遗留问题的沉积,支部多年开不成会, 连个上传下达的作用也起不了!

51、AI's practical side continues to thrive, but its theoretical side has languished after bequeathing a mixture of brilliant and awful ideas to philosophy and cognitive psychology. ─── 人工智能的实际方面不断得到迅速发展,但是其理论面在给哲学和感知心理学馈赠了一些绝妙的了不起的想法后便停滞。

52、I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love, If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles. ─── 即使一开始你无法触及我,你要有信念,此处找不到,继续搜寻另一地点,我肯定停驻在某处,等待着你。

53、In any event, we bequeath this manual on what not to do to the folks out there thinking of starting their own business. ─── 无论如何,我们把这份“不要做什么”的清单留给那些有意创业的伙计们。

54、What can can enter homes, schools and military camps and can be bequeathing future generations? ─── 什么能可以进入家庭、学校和军营并可以留传后世?

55、When that promise is kept I will then bequeath this palace and warehouse to you tor I will then be ready to rejoin Lisha. ─── 等那麽诺言实现了,我会把这座府邸和仓库都留给你,因为到时候我就准备去和丽莎相传了。”

56、If he now makes another turn and a half, he may bequeath whoever succeeds him something unexpected: the beginnings of a decent American policy for this troubled region. ─── 如果他现在作出另一个一周半回转,他可能给继任者留下一些意想不到的东西:美国对那片动荡区域的温和政策。

57、in these caves; the treasure is in the furthest a...which treasure I bequeath and leave en...as my sole heir. ─── 宝藏系在第二洞口最吾全部遗与吾之惟一继承人。

58、The cultural bequeath of Youchao is Ling-jia-tan site. ─── 有巢氏阶段的文化遗存为凌家滩遗址。

59、Modernism can be summarized as bequeathing five possibilities for the future: Responsive Plan, Sense of Place, Social Place and Participation, as... ─── 概括了现代主义能够传给后代的五种前景:规划互动、场所意识,参与社会、融入自然、适应气候。

60、Article 16 A joint owner of building property may give or bequeath his or its own portion of the building property to another person without the consent of the other joint owners. ─── 第十六条 房产共有人之一将属于自己份额的房产赠与或遗赠他人,可以不经其他共有人同意。

61、It was to Warsaw that, at the end of his life, he would bequeath his heart. ─── 他临终时要求将自己的心脏送回华沙。

62、Though she roamed the world and settled in Paris, she left her heart in San Francisco, bequeathing (left) money to the city to beautify it with a memorial. ─── 尽管她周游世界并且定居巴黎,但她却把她的心留在了旧金山,把她的遗产留给了这个城市,把美化这个城市留作了一种纪念。

63、6.A citizen may, by making a will, donate his personal property to the state or a collective, or bequeath it to persons other than the statutory successors. ─── 公民可以立遗嘱将个人财产赠给国家、集体或者法定继承人以外的人。

64、I bequeath all my worldly goods to my wife. ─── 我将我所有的财产赠与我的妻子。

65、You pass on this information in four days to bequeath for the others after you this information the 4 day which the others start, you are lucky then can arrive. ─── 在四天内,你传这个信息给别人,由你把这个信息传给别人开始的4天后,你的幸运便会降临。

66、Like what retire, emeritus, disable, still worker involuntary discharge of urine is belonged to, the personnel such as historical bequeath problem, deal with in need appropriate cavalcade. ─── 如离休的、退休的、伤残的,还有职工遗属、历史遗留问题等人员,都在需要妥善处置行列。

67、Notochord is organized after mucous retreat change, it is the main source of pith nucleus to the bequeath when be born; ─── 以后脊索组织粘液退变,至出生时遗留为髓核的主要来源;

68、I bequeath him this property to have and to hold. ─── 我将此项财产遗赠给他,归他永久享有。

69、And every day ,the rose wilted unable to bequeath its gift to anyone. ─── 玫瑰每晚凋谢,无法把这份大礼送给任何人。

70、Bequeath to children and grandchildren ─── 传子传孙

71、But Beijing's attitude is that we should bequeath to the next generation of the house, or they dare not reveal the rich listing mentality constraining these transactions is less than the supply. ─── 但是北京老百姓的心态是,要把这个房子传给下一代,或者怕露富不敢上市,这些心态制约了交易,显得供应不足了。

72、To what shall I point my children as memorials of that independence which I bequeath to them, when those battlefields shall have passed from my possession? ─── 如果我将失去这些战场,那麽我能传给儿孙哪些独立之丰碑呢?”

73、Discrepancy courtyard patient answers to be examined carefully, paramedic makes bequeath must not taste danger be inside ward when the operation. ─── 出入院病人应仔细查看,护理人员进行操作时不得将危险品遗留在病房内。

74、Have testamentary, accede according to the will or bequeath is dealt with; ─── 有遗嘱的,按照遗嘱继续或者遗赠办理;

75、(1) consciousness obstacle: Sex of the glare below bequeath of few number patient narcosis. ─── (1)意识障碍:极少数患者遗留下瞪眼性昏迷状态。

76、We collate uncle's belongings and found his suicide note written by its last, that it would build housing and bequeath to my wife. ─── 我们在整理表叔的遗物时,发现了其去年所写的遗书,写明将其所建房屋遗赠给我和妻子。

77、But he had often heard of fathers bequeathing their offspring with "pet names" of some kind or another, and he could think of no endearment better suited to this infant. ─── 但是他以前常常听说做爸爸的会给孩子一个“昵称”或者其他什么的,而且他觉得除了“小战士”,没什么称号更适合这个小宝贝了。

78、Because bright generation is fine,wooden furniture uses material is solid and fast hardwood, so bequeath the curiosa today, amount to is not little. ─── 由于明代细木家具用材都是坚固耐久的硬木,所以遗留于今天的珍品,为数不少。

79、bequeath (inherit) a legacy ─── 留下(继承)遗产

80、Insensible the 1 Zhou Yi person that go up, die at complication or bequeath sequela more. ─── 昏迷1周以上者,多死于并发症或遗留后遗症。

81、To him I bequeath my collar and leash and my overcoat and raincoat. ─── 我把我的颈圈、皮带、外套和雨衣遗留给牠。

82、He talked of his father, a great reporter, bequeathing him his first newspaper ─── 他谈到他的父亲,一位伟大的记者,当把他的第一份报纸赠送给他时

83、And every day, the rose wilted unable to bequeath its gift to anyone, forgotten and lost at the top of that cold, dark moutain, forever alone, until the end of time. ─── 每天,玫瑰都继续着盛开与枯萎,无法将它的礼物赐予任何人,被淡忘和遗弃在那个又冷又黑的山顶,永远地孤单,直到时间的尽头。

84、5.Forum bequeath P bridal trousseau broken Chen importance elder brother persimmon classes offered in a 48-hour retreat, we see, found that the issue of timely settlement ; ─── 5?痹诒P奁谀谌粲兄柿课侍猓?我们48小时到位查看,发现问题保证及时解决;

85、entrust to; bequeath to ─── 以..交托

86、Right eye is facial be equivalent to trigeminal mandible raising distributinging area and on the right side of cervical those who bleb bequeath falls is scabby. ─── 右眼面部相当于三叉神经下颌支分布区域和右侧颈部有疱疹遗留下的结痂。

87、As a bequeathing question of history, it breaks the stock market into two: one can be exchanged freely, but the other can not, so the shareholders are also divided into two types. ─── 本文通过对股权分置改革的研究,分析股权分置产生的历史原因、历史上的优越性及局限性,得出股改的必要性。

88、Because seasonable, effective treatment cannot receive after acute gambrel injury, the side outside constant bequeath gambrel (basically be before outside side) not stable. ─── 由于急性踝关节损伤后不能得到及时、有效的治疗 ,常遗留踝关节外侧 (主要是前外侧 )的不稳定。

89、From criminal commit the crime the shoe of method and spot bequeath imprints, dactylogram comparing makes clear to the circumstance, afore-mentioned two cases are criminal place is same name. ─── 从案犯的作案手段及现场遗留的鞋印、指纹比对情况表明,上述两案是同一名案犯所为。

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